878 resultados para Ammonia inhibition
Hygroscopic fertilizers tend to absorb moisture from the air and may have undesirable characteristics such as moistness, clumping and lower fluidity, hampering the application. The increasing use of urea is due to its numerous advantages, although this nitrogen (N) source is highly susceptible to volatilization losses, particularly when applied to the soil surface of management systems with conservation of crop residues. The volatilization losses can be minimized by slow or controlled-release fertilizers, with controlled water solubility of the urea-coating materials; and by stabilized fertilizers, which prolong the period during which N remains in the amide or ammonia forms by urease inhibitors. This study evaluated the hygroscopicity of and ammonia volatilization from urea coated with boric acid and copper sulfate or with sulfur. The hygroscopicity of the sources was evaluated over time after exposure to five levels of relative humidity (RH) and volatilization evaluated after application to the soil surface covered with sugarcane trash. Ammonium nitrate has a low potential for volatilization losses, but is highly hygroscopic. Although coating with boric acid and copper sulfate or elemental sulfur reduced the critical humidity level of urea, the delay in the volatilization process is a potential positive factor.
A form of increasing the efficiency of N fertilizer is by coating urea with polymers to reduce ammonia volatilization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of polymer-coated urea on the control of ammonia volatilization, yield and nutritional characteristics of maize. The experiment was carried out during one maize growing cycle in 2009/10 on a Geric Ferralsol, inUberlândia, MG, Brazil. Nitrogen fertilizers were applied as topdressing on the soil surface in the following urea treatments: polymer-coated urea at rates of 45, 67.5 and 90 kg ha-1 N and one control treatment (no N), in randomized blocks with four replications. Nitrogen application had a favorable effect on N concentrations in leaves and grains, Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) chlorophyll meter readings and on grain yield, where as coated urea had no effect on the volatilization rates, SPAD readings and N leaf and grain concentration, nor on grain yield in comparison to conventional fertilization.
Crop residues on the soil surface of no-till systems can intensify ammonia volatilization from N fertilizers applied to cereal crops. This study assessed the magnitude of N losses through ammonia volatilization from urea applied to no-till winter (wheat) and summer crops (maize) on a Typic Hapludox in the south-central region of Paraná, southern Brazil. In addition, the potential of alternative N sources (urea with urease inhibitor, liquid fertilizer, ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate) and different urea managements (fertilizer applied in the morning or afternoon) were evaluated. Two experiments with maize and wheat were carried out for two years, arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. Nitrogen volatilization losses were assessed with a semi-open static collector until 21 days after fertilization. In winter, the losses were low (<5.5 % of applied N) for all N sources, which were not distinguishable, due to the low temperatures. In the summer, volatilization rates from urea were higher than in the winter, but did not exceed 15 % of applied N. The main factor decreasing N losses in the summer was the occurrence of rainfall in the first five days after fertilization. Urea with urease inhibitor, nitrate and ammonium sulfate were efficient to decrease ammonia volatilization in maize, whereas the application time (morning or afternoon) had no influence.
The report of adulterated anhydrous ammonia did not completely prevent the manufacture of methamphetamine. The amount of the methamphetamine manufactured using the adulterated ammonia was consistently very low. Although clandestine laboratory "field-like" reaction conditions were mimicked for purposes of these tests it should be noted that no attempts were made to distill the adulterated anhydrous ammonia.
The pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β has been shown to promote angiogenesis. It can have a neurotoxic or neuroprotective effect. Here, we have studied the expression of IL-1β in vivo and the effect of the IL-1 receptor antagonist on choroidal neovascularization (CNV) and retinal degeneration (RD). IL-1β expression significantly increased after laser injury (real time PCR) in C57BL/6 mice, in the C57BL/6 Cx3cr1(-/-) model of age-related macular degeneration (enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay), and in albino Wistar rats and albino BALB Cx3cr1(+/+) and Cx3cr1(-/-) mice (enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay) after light injury. IL-1β was localized to Ly6G-positive, Iba1-negative infiltrating neutrophils in laser-induced CNV as determined by IHC. IL-1 receptor antagonist treatment significantly inhibited CNV but did not affect Iba1-positive macrophage recruitment to the injury site. IL-1β significantly increased endothelial cell outgrowth in aortic ring assay independently of vascular endothelial growth factor, suggesting a direct effect of IL-1β on choroidal endothelial cell proliferation. Inhibition of IL-1β in light- and laser-induced RD models did not alter photoreceptor degeneration in Wistar rats, C57BL/6 mice, or RD-prone Cx3cr1(-/-) mice. Our results suggest that IL-1β inhibition might represent a valuable and safe alternative to inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor in the control of CNV in the context of concomitant photoreceptor degeneration as observed in age-related macular degeneration.
PURPOSE: To investigate the ability of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 2-saporin to prevent lens regrowth in the rabbit. METHODS: Chemically conjugated and genetically fused FGF2-saporin (made in Escherichia coli) were used. Extracapsular extraction of the lens was performed on the rabbit, and the cytotoxin either was injected directly into the capsule bag or was administered by FGF2-saporin-coated, heparin surface-modified (HSM) polymethylmethacrylate intraocular lenses. The potential of the conjugate was checked by slit lamp evaluation of capsular opacification and by measuring crystallin synthesis. Toxin diffusion and sites of toxin binding were assessed by immunohistochemistry. Possible toxicity was determined by histologic analysis of ocular tissues. RESULTS: FGF2-saporin effectively inhibited lens regrowth when it was injected directly into the capsular bag. However, high concentration of the toxin induced transient corneal edema and loss of pigment in the iris. Intraocular lenses coated with FGF2-saporin reduced lens regrowth and crystallin synthesis without any detectable clinical side effect. After implantation, FGF2-saporin was shown to have bound to the capsules and, to a lesser extent, to the iris; no histologic damage was found on ocular tissues as a result of implantation of drug-loaded HSM intraocular lenses. CONCLUSIONS: Chemically conjugated (FGF2-SAP) and genetically fused FGF2-saporin (rFGF2-SAP) bound to HSM intraocular lenses can prevent lens regrowth in the rabbit.
The development of motor activation and inhibition was compared in 6-to-12 year-olds. Children had to initiate or stop the externally paced movements of one hand, while maintaining that of the other hand. The time needed to perform the switching task (RT) and the spatio-temporal variables show different agerelated evolutions depending on the coordination pattern (inor anti-phase) and the type of transition (activation, selective inhibition, non selective inhibition) required. In the anti-phase mode, activation perturbs the younger subjects' responses while temporal and spatial stabilities transiently decrease around 9 years when activating in the in-phase mode. Aged-related changes differed between inhibition and activation in the antiphase mode, suggesting either the involvement of distinct neural networks or the existence of a single network that is reorganized. In contrast, stopping or adding one hand in the in-phase mode shows similar aged-related improvement. We suggest that selectively stopping or activating one arm during symmetrical coordination rely on the two faces of a common processing in which activation could be the release of inhibition
ABSTRACT Nitrogen losses by ammonia (NH3) volatilization can be reduced by appropriate irrigation management or by alternative N sources, replacing urea. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of irrigation management and N source combinations in decreasing NH3 volatilization from an Argissolo Vermelho Distrófico típico cultivated for 28 years with black oat (Avena strigosa) and maize (Zea mays), under no-tillage in the region of Depressão Central, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with split plots with three replications, where the main plots consisted of irrigation systems: no irrigation; irrigation immediately before and irrigation immediately after fertilization. The subplots were treated with different N sources: urea, urea with urease inhibitor and slow-release fertilizer, at an N rate of 180 kg ha-1, broadcast over maize, plus a control treatment without N fertilization. Ammonia volatilization was assessed using semi-open static collectors for 1, 2, 4, 6, and 10 days after N fertilization. In general, more than 90 % of total NH3-N losses occurred until three days after N fertilization, with peaks up to 15.4 kg ha-1 d-1. The irrigation was efficient to reduce NH3 losses only when applied after N fertilization. However, reductions varied according to the N fertilizer, and were higher for urea (67 %) and slightly lower for urea with urease inhibitor (50 %) and slow-release fertilizer (40 %), compared with the mean of the treatments without irrigation and irrigation before fertilization. The use of urea with urease inhibitor instead of urea was only promising under volatilization-favorable conditions (no irrigation or irrigation before N fertilization). Compared to urea, slow-release fertilizer did not reduce ammonia volatilization in any of the rainfed or irrigated treatments.
Abstract : Neonatal stroke occurs in 1 out of 4000 live births and usually leads to serious motor and cognitive disabilities. Ischemic brain injury results from a complex of pathophysiological events that evolve over space and time making it difficult to devise successful therapy. To date, there are no effective treatments for perinatal brain damage. Most clinical trials of neuroprotectaot drugs have failed because of their side-effects. For this reason it is important to find ways to target drugs specifically into the stressed cells. In this study we plan to contribute to the development of an efficient neuroprotective strategy against excitotoxic cell death in the neonate. In order to achieve this goal, several strategies were followed. A recently described phenomenon of induced endocytosis associated with excitotoxicity was more deeply investigated. As a simplified model we used dissociated cortical neurons exposed to an excitotoxic dose of NMDA, and we showed that this phenomenon depends on clathrin and dynamin. Using a model of neonatal focal cerebral ischemia, we demonstrated that the excitotoxicity-related endocytosis targets molecules such as TAT peptides into stressed neurons. These appear to be viable, raising the possibility of using this phenomenon as a doorway for neuroprotection. One part of the project was devoted to the study of the TAT-conjugated JNK inhibitory peptide, D-JNKI1. Adose-response study showed strong neuroprotection over a wide dose-range in the case of delayed administration (either intravenous or intraperitoneal). Since D-JNKI1 is aTAT-linked peptide, we investigated the role of its own NMDA-induced endocytosis in its neuroprotective efficacy. Furthermore, we showed that this endocytosis is JNK dependent, and that D-JNKI1 regulates its own uptake. We additionally studied the different types of cell death involved in a model of neonatal focal cerebral ischemia. Necrosis occurred rapidly in the center of the lesion whereas apoptosis and autophagic cell death occurred late at the lesion border. Inhibiting apoptosis was not protective, but use of autophagy inhibitor 3methyladenine provided a strong neuroprotection. Finally, combining two neuroprotectants that target different intracellular pathways was neuroprotective in a severe model of cerebral ischemia where neither of the drugs was efficient when administered individually. Résumé : L'ischémie néonatale connaît une incidence de 1 naissance sur 4000, entraînant généralement de sérieux dysfonctionnements moteurs et cognitifs. L'ischémie cérébrale résulte d'évènements physiopathologiques complexes qui évoluent dans l'espace et le temps rendant difficile la conception de thérapies efficaces. A l'heure actuelle, aucun traitement n'existe pour lutter contre les accidents vasculaires cérébraux qui se produisent autour de la naissance. La plupart des essais cliniques concernant des molécules neuroprotectrices ont échoué du fait de leurs effets secondaires néfastes. Pour cette raison, il est important de trouver des moyens de cibler les drogues dans les cellules stressées spécifiquement. Dans cette étude nous visons à participer au développement d'une stratégie neuroprotectrice efficace contre l'ischémie cérébrale chez le nouveau-né. Dans ce but, plusieurs stratégies ont été poursuivies. Un nouveau phénomène d'endocytose induite par un stimulus excitotoxique a été récemment décrit. Une partie de cette étude va consister à mieux comprendre ce phénomène. Pour céla, nous avons utilisé comme modèle d'étude simplifié des cultures dissociées de neurones corticaux exposées à une dose excitotoxique de NMDA. Nous avons ainsi montré que cette endocytose associée à l'excitotoxicité dépend de la clathrine et de la dynamine. A l'aide d'un modèle d'ischémie cérébrale focale chez le raton de 12 jours, nous avons démontré que cette endocytose induite par l'excitotoxicité permet de cibler des molécules diverses et en particulier les peptides TAT dans les neurones stressés. Ces neurones fortement endocytiques apparaissent comme étant encore viables, ouvrant la possibilité d'utiliser cette endocytose comme moyen d'entrée pour des molécules thérapeutiques. Une partie du projet a été consacrée à l'étude d'un inhibiteur de la voie JNK, couplé au TAT, appelé D-JNKI1. Des études de dose réponse du D-JNKI1 ont été réalisées chez l'animal, testant les effets d'une administration retardée en injection intraveineuse ou intra péritonéale. Ces études démontrent qu'une large gamme de dose permet d'obCenir une réduction de la taille de la lésion. Comme D-JNK11 est couplé au peptide TAT, nous avons étudié la contribution que sa propre endocytose lors de l'excitotoxicité apporte à ses effets protecteurs. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que cette endocytose induite par l'excitotoxicité dépend de la voie de signalisation JNK et que D-JNK11 est donc capable de réguler sa propre entrée. Nous avons en parallèle étudié les différents types de mort cellulaires impliqués dans le développement de la lésion dans un modèle sévère d'ischémie cérébrale chez le raton nouveau-né. La mort cellulaire par nécrose se développe rapidement dans le centre de la lésion alors que les morts cellulaires par apoptose et autophagique vont apparaître plus tard et au bord de la lésion. Inhiber l'apoptose n'a pas permis de réduire la taille de la lésion alors que l'utilisation d'un inhibiteur d'autophagie, la 3-méthyladénine, procure une forte neuroprotection. Finalement, la combinaison de deux peptides qui ciblent différentes voies de signalisation intracellulaire permet d'obtenir une bonne protection dans le modèle d'ischémie sévère dans lequel aucun des deux peptides administré séparément n'a donné d'effets bénéfiques.
This study investigates the effects of digoxin, an inhibitor of the Na+ pump (Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase), on resting metabolic rate (RMR), respiratory quotient (RQ), and nutrient oxidation rate. Twelve healthy male subjects followed a double-blind protocol design and received either 1 mg/day digoxin or a placebo 2 days before indirect calorimetry measurements. Digoxin induced a 0.22 +/- 0.07 kJ/min or 3.8 +/- 1.5% (mean +/- SE, P = 0.01) decrease in RMR and a 0.40 +/- 0.13 kJ/min (P = 0.01) decrease in fat oxidation rate, whereas carbohydrate and protein oxidation rates did not change significantly. A dose-response relationship between serum digoxin and RQ was observed. These results suggest that digoxin reduces not only RMR but also fat oxidation rate by mechanisms that remain to be elucidated. Because a linkage and an association between genes coding the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase and the RQ have been previously observed, the present demonstration of an effect of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase inhibition on fat oxidation rate strengthens the concept that the activity of this enzyme may play a role in body weight regulation.
The renin-angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) is central to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. RAAS inhibition can reduce blood pressure, prevent target organ damage in hypertension and diabetes, and improve outcomes in patients with heart failure and/or myocardial infarction. This review presents the history of RAAS inhibition including a summary of key heart failure, myocardial infarction, hypertension and atrial fibrillation trials. Recent developments in RAAS inhibition are discussed including implementation and optimization of current drug therapies. Finally, ongoing clinical trials, opportunities for future trials and issues related to the barriers and approvability of novel RAAS inhibitors are highlighted.
Normalization of the increased vascular nitric oxide (NO) generation with low doses of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) corrects the hemodynamic abnormalities of cirrhotic rats with ascites. We have undertaken this study to investigate the effect of the normalization of vascular NO production, as estimated by aortic cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) concentration and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) protein expression in the aorta and mesenteric artery, on sodium and water excretion. Rats with carbon tetrachloride-induced cirrhosis and ascites were investigated using balance studies. The cirrhotic rats were separated into two groups, one receiving 0.5 mg/kg per day of L-NAME (CIR-NAME) during 7 d, whereas the other group (CIR) was administrated the same volume of vehicle. Two other groups of rats were used as controls, one group treated with L-NAME and another group receiving the same volume of vehicle. Sodium and water excretion was measured on days 0 and 7. On day 8, blood samples were collected for electrolyte and hormone measurements, and aorta and mesenteric arteries were harvested for cGMP determination and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunoblotting. Aortic cGMP and eNOS protein expression in the aorta and mesenteric artery were increased in CIR as compared with CIR-NAME. Both cirrhotic groups had a similar decrease in sodium excretion on day 0 (0.7 versus 0.6 mmol per day, NS) and a positive sodium balance (+0.9 versus +1.2 mmol per day, NS). On day 7, CIR-NAME rats had an increase in sodium excretion as compared with the CIR rats (sodium excretion: 2.4 versus 0.7 mmol per day, P < 0.001) and a negative sodium balance (-0.5 versus +0.8 mmol per day, P < 0.001). The excretion of a water load was also increased after L-NAME administration (from 28+/-5% to 65+/-7, P < 0.05). Plasma renin activity, aldosterone and arginine vasopressin were also significantly decreased in the CIR-NAME, as compared with the CIR rats. The results thus indicate that normalization of aortic cGMP and eNOS protein expression in vascular tissue is associated with increased sodium and water excretion in cirrhotic rats with ascites.
Using isolated, in situ, single-pass perfused rat livers, incubations of freshly isolated hepatocytes, and sinusoidal membrane-enriched vesicles, we and others have shown the saturability of transport (efflux) of hepatic glutathione (GSH). These observations have implicated a carrier mechanism. Our present studies were designed to provide further evidence in support of a carrier mechanism for hepatic GSH efflux by demonstrating competition by liver-specific ligands which are taken up by hepatocytes. Perfusing livers with different substances, we found that: (a) sulfobromophthalein-GSH (BSP-GSH) had a dose-dependent and fully reversible inhibitory effect on GSH efflux, while GSH alone did not have any effect; (b) taurocholate had no inhibitory effect; (c) all of the organic anions studied, i.e., BSP, rose bengal, indocyanine green, and unconjugated bilirubin (UCB), manifested potent, dose-dependent inhibitory effects, with absence of toxic effects and complete reversibility of inhibition in the case of UCB. The inhibitory effects of UCB could be overcome partially by raising (CoCl2-induced) hepatic GSH concentration. Because of the physiological importance of UCB, we conducted a detailed study of its inhibitory kinetics in the isolated hepatocyte model in the range of circulating concentrations of UCB. Studies with Cl- -free media, to inhibit the uptake of UCB by hepatocytes, showed that the inhibition of GSH efflux by UCB is apparently from inside the cell. This point was confirmed by showing that the inhibition is overcome only when bilirubin-loaded cells are cleared of bilirubin (incubation with 5% bovine serum albumin). Using Gunn rat hepatocytes and purified bilirubin mono- and diglucuronides, we found that both UCB and glucuronide forms of bilirubin inhibit GSH efflux in a dose-dependent manner. We conclude that the organic anions, although taken up by a mechanism independent of GSH, may competitively inhibit the carrier for GSH efflux from inside the hepatocyte.
BACKGROUND A previous study showed that the glucocorticoid dexamethasone, at doses of 100 ¿g/kg and above, inhibited leucocyte adhesion to rat mesenteric postcapillary venules activated with interleukin 1ß (IL-1ß), as assessed by videomicroscopy. AIMS To identify whether the adhesion molecule, intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), or the chemokine KC could be targeted by the steroid to mediate its antiadhesive effect. METHODS Rat mesenteries were treated with IL-1ß (20 ng intraperitoneally) and the extent of leucocyte adhesion measured at two and four hours using intravital microscopy. Rats were treated with dexamethasone, and passively immunised against ICAM-1 or KC. Endogenous expression of these two mediators was validated by immunohistochemistry, ELISA, and the injection of specific radiolabelled antibodies. RESULTS Dexamethasone greatly reduced IL-1ß induced leucocyte adhesion, endothelial expression of ICAM-1 in the postcapillary venule, and release of the mast cell derived chemokine KC. Injection of specific antibodies to the latter mediators was also extremely effective in downregulating (>80%) IL-1ß induced leucocyte adhesion. CONCLUSIONS Induction by IL-1ß of endogenous ICAM-1 and KC contributes to leucocyte adhesion to inflamed mesenteric vessels. Without excluding other possible mediators, these data clearly show that dexamethasone interferes with ICAM-1 expression and KC release from mast cells, resulting in suppression of leucocyte accumulation in the bowel wall, which is a prominent feature of several gastrointestinal pathologies.