993 resultados para Amazon River Region


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Os Planos de Segurança da Água surgem com a necessidade de aumentar a segurança da água de abastecimento, superando a monitorização de conformidade de “fim de linha”, permitindo aumentar a confiança do consumidor na qualidade da água que lhe é fornecida. Esta nova abordagem recorre a uma metodologia de gestão baseada na identificação e no controlo de riscos em pontos críticos de um sistema de abastecimento, em complemento do controlo realizado através da monitorização da conformidade da água entregue aos consumidores. O Plano de Segurança da Água (PSA) encontra-se implementado no Sistema Regional do Carvoeiro (SRC) desde o ano de 2009. O SRC é um sistema de abastecimento de água em alta, sendo constituído por conjunto de infraestruturas de captação, tratamento, transporte e armazenamento de água desde a sua origem, localizada no rio Vouga, em Carvoeiro, até aos municípios integrados na Associação de Municípios do Carvoeiro-Vouga. Atendendo à obra de expansão do SRC, tornou-se imperativo efetuar uma revisão ao PSA, sendo este o objetivo primordial do trabalho de estágio desenvolvido na empresa Águas do Vouga S.A, concessionária responsável pela gestão do SRC. Para a prossecução deste objetivo, o trabalho desenvolvido envolveu os seguintes passos metodológicos: identificação das operações aplicadas no SRC; identificação de perigos e eventos perigosos em todos os órgãos constituintes do sistema; avaliação de riscos; identificação de pontos críticos de controlo; identificação de pontos de monitorização e medidas preventivas; elaboração do plano de monitorização, incluindo, procedimentos de controlo operacional em condições normais de funcionamento e em caso de desvio; validação deste plano. Deste trabalho resultou a identificação de 166 eventos perigosos, 17 tipologias de perigos, 3 pontos de controlo crítico e 17 pontos de monitorização. Os pontos de controlo crítico foram identificados nos processos de tratamento da ETA do Carvoeiro. O primeiro foi localizado na etapa de filtração com areia, antracite e zeólitos correspondendo aos perigos com metais (Fe e Mn), outros compostos químicos perigosos, partículas, turvação, matéria orgânica e alumínio. O segundo ponto foi identificado na etapa de filtração com filtros de carvão ativado granular relativo ao aparecimento de sabor e cianotoxinas. O terceiro ponto de controlo crítico foi encontrado na etapa de desinfeção referente aos microrganismos patogénicos. Os pontos de monitorização foram localizados ao longo do sistema em situações onde não se dispõem de nenhuma medida de controlo para eliminar o perigo e antes e após os pontos de controlo crítico. O plano de monitorização foi desenvolvido para estes pontos, embora os limites e procedimentos definidos devam ser alvo de revisão após a conclusão da obra de expansão do sistema. A validação da revisão do plano foi iniciada, mas cingiu-se apenas na avaliação preliminar de riscos, prévia ao início de operação da ETA do Carvoeiro. Para além da revisão deste plano, foram realizadas outras tarefas, nomeadamente uma análise à qualidade da água fornecida e distribuída pelo sistema, a elaboração do plano PCQA para o ano de 2016, a configuração da plataforma de gestão operacional NAVIATM e a revisão do Manual de Gestão da Águas do Vouga relativo ao processo de qualidade na captação, tratamento e distribuição e ao processo de qualidade na gestão do PSA.


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This paper deals with the lithostratigraphic structure of the Solling sequence (Lower Triassic, Middle Buntsandstein) in the area between the Weser river region in the west and the Thuringian Eichsfeld region in the east. Lithologic profile mapping and the gamma-ray logs of several boreholes and 40 exposures have been used to define the lithostratigraphic Classification of the Solling sequence, to mark the facies zones and to find the connection between Sediments of the Thuringian basin in the east and the Weser fault trough via the crest of the Eichsfeld-Altmark Ridge. Tectonically controlled movements of synsedimentary character are the reason for the extreme convergence within the Solling sequence and the extreme Stratigraphie gap at its base (Hardegsen unconformity, Trusheim 1961) in the region of the swells. The discussion also demonstrates the importance of fault bundles active during Triassic and responsible for the thickness pattem of the Solling sequence between the Weser fault trough and the Eichsfeld-Altmark Ridge. The largest Stratigraphie gap is present at the line Brehme (Ohm Mountains) - Beuren - Treffurt where the Solling sequence covers Av/cn/a-bearing layers of the Volpriehausen sequence. In paiticular the Ridge sequences prove the existence of a further erosion unconformity within the Solling sequence (Solling unconformity, Kunz 1965) below the Thuringian Chirotheriensandstein as found by Rohling (1986) in the North German basin at the Stratigraphie level of the Karlshafen layers.


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Previous studies of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) from beef production systems in northern Australia have been based on models of ‘steady-state’ herd structures that do not take into account the considerable inter-annual variation in liveweight gain, reproduction and mortality rates that occurs due to seasonal conditions. Nor do they consider the implications of flexible stocking strategies designed to adapt these production systems to the highly variable climate. The aim of the present study was to quantify the variation in total GHGE (t CO2e) and GHGE intensity (t CO2e/t liveweight sold) for the beef industry in northern Australia when variability in these factors was considered. A combined GRASP–Enterprise modelling platform was used to simulate a breeding–finishing beef cattle property in the Burdekin River region of northern Queensland, using historical climate data from 1982–2011. GHGE was calculated using the method of Australian National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Five different stocking-rate strategies were simulated with fixed stocking strategies at moderate and high rates, and three flexible stocking strategies where the stocking rate was adjusted annually by up to 5%, 10% or 20%, according to pasture available at the end of the growing season. Variation in total annual GHGE was lowest in the ‘fixed moderate’ (~9.5 ha/adult equivalent (AE)) stocking strategy, ranging from 3799 to 4471 t CO2e, and highest in the ‘fixed high’ strategy (~5.9 ha/AE), which ranged from 3771 to 7636 t CO2e. The ‘fixed moderate’ strategy had the least variation in GHGE intensity (15.7–19.4 t CO2e/t liveweight sold), while the ‘flexible 20’ strategy (up to 20% annual change in AE) had the largest range (10.5–40.8 t CO2e/t liveweight sold). Across the five stocking strategies, the ‘fixed moderate’ stocking-rate strategy had the highest simulated perennial grass percentage and pasture growth, highest average rate of liveweight gain (121 kg/steer), highest average branding percentage (74%) and lowest average breeding-cow mortality rate (3.9%), resulting in the lowest average GHGE intensity (16.9 t CO2e/t liveweight sold). The ‘fixed high’ stocking rate strategy (~5.9 ha/AE) performed the poorest in each of these measures, while the three flexible stocking strategies were intermediate. The ‘fixed moderate’ stocking strategy also yielded the highest average gross margin per AE carried and per hectare. These results highlight the importance of considering the influence of climate variability on stocking-rate management strategies and herd performance when estimating GHGE. The results also support a body of previous work that has recommended the adoption of moderate stocking strategies to enhance the profitability and ecological stability of beef production systems in northern Australia.


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The faunal inventory of the macroinvertebrate community is important to the environmental assessment, since this biota is sensitive to human disturbance. The reservoir of Rio Verde, located on the first plateau of Paraná, is inserted into an agricultural region with several forest fragments Araucaria. The aim of this study was to evaluate the environmental integrity of the reservoir through ecological indexes of macroinvertebrate community benthic and associated with macrophytes. Five sampling points were defined in the study area, which comprise distinct microhabitats in the basin. There were four sampling campaigns, each by weather station: Spring (2014); Summer (2015); Autumn (2015) and Winter (2015). In each sample were measured abiotic various parameters in the field and be collected water samples for nutrient analysis in the laboratory. The macroinvertebrates were collected in triplicate at adapted Macan method using mesh sieve 1 mm and CPUE (catch per unit effort) for 20 minutes. In order to pellet sample was used a dredger model Petersen 2L. Still in the field, by season, samples were collected from macrophytes Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vell) Verdc. and Potamogeton montevidensis A. Benn. in triplicates in the fluvial region of the reservoir, to analyze the associated fractal dimension and macrofauna. For this we used a PVC sampler specific volume 0.025 m3. the following ecological descriptors were calculated in each case: abundance, wealth tax, wealth Margalef, Shannon-Wiener diversity, evenness evenness through the Past software. The index Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) for monitoring sampling points was also calculated. Regarding the statistical analysis, we used the analysis of PERMANOVA to compare points and seasons and canonical correspondence analysis (CCoA) for variables. Regarding M. aquaticum and P. montevidensis it was not verified difference to the average associated macroinvertebrates. However there was a difference for abundance of organisms in the fractal dimension and biomass of specimens. M. aquaticum is more complex and took more macrofauna in relation to P. montevidensis. Regarding the monitoring of the reservoir, it showed up mesotrophic with moderate nutrient concentrations and within the regulatory limits. Benthic macrofauna showed statistical differences in relation to the reservoir region, sample point and temporal variation. The BMWP index showed that the river region has the highest biotic integrity (in all samples above 70 points), and the ecological descriptors of wealth and Margalef diversity of Shannon- Wiener higher. In point 4 (dam downstream) were recorded evidence of possible impacts due to lower wealth and BMWP index which resulted in a questionable quality water. New approaches are needed to focus on the aquatic community in the best understanding of this ecosystem and also with a view to environmental preservation of the Green River Basin.