952 resultados para All-optical networks


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The evolution of the Next Generation Networks, especially the wireless broadband access technologies such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), have increased the number of "all-IP" networks across the world. The enhanced capabilities of these access networks has spearheaded the cloud computing paradigm, where the end-users aim at having the services accessible anytime and anywhere. The services availability is also related with the end-user device, where one of the major constraints is the battery lifetime. Therefore, it is necessary to assess and minimize the energy consumed by the end-user devices, given its significance for the user perceived quality of the cloud computing services. In this paper, an empirical methodology to measure network interfaces energy consumption is proposed. By employing this methodology, an experimental evaluation of energy consumption in three different cloud computing access scenarios (including WiMAX) were performed. The empirical results obtained show the impact of accurate network interface states management and application network level design in the energy consumption. Additionally, the achieved outcomes can be used in further software-based models to optimized energy consumption, and increase the Quality of Experience (QoE) perceived by the end-users.


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Originally developed in the context of quantum field theory, the concept of supersymmetry can be used to systematically design a new class of optical structures. In this work, we demonstrate how key features arising from optical supersymmetry can be exploited to control the flow of light for mode division multiplexing applications. Superpartner configurations are experimentally realized in coupled optical networks, and the corresponding light dynamics in such systems are directly observed. We show that supersymmetry can be judiciously utilized to remove the fundamental mode of a multimode optical structure, while establishing global phase matching conditions for the remaining set of modes. Along these lines, supersymmetry may serve as a promising platform for versatile optical components with desirable properties and functionalities.


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The objective of this report is to study distributed (decentralized) three phase optimal power flow (OPF) problem in unbalanced power distribution networks. A full three phase representation of the distribution networks is considered to account for the highly unbalance state of the distribution networks. All distribution network’s series/shunt components, and load types/combinations had been modeled on commercial version of General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS), the high-level modeling system for mathematical programming and optimization. The OPF problem has been successfully implemented and solved in a centralized approach and distributed approach, where the objective is to minimize the active power losses in the entire system. The study was implemented on the IEEE-37 Node Test Feeder. A detailed discussion of all problem sides and aspects starting from the basics has been provided in this study. Full simulation results have been provided at the end of the report.


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All optical systems that operate in or through the atmosphere suffer from turbulence induced image blur. Both military and civilian surveillance, gun-sighting, and target identification systems are interested in terrestrial imaging over very long horizontal paths, but atmospheric turbulence can blur the resulting images beyond usefulness. My dissertation explores the performance of a multi-frame-blind-deconvolution technique applied under anisoplanatic conditions for both Gaussian and Poisson noise model assumptions. The technique is evaluated for use in reconstructing images of scenes corrupted by turbulence in long horizontal-path imaging scenarios and compared to other speckle imaging techniques. Performance is evaluated via the reconstruction of a common object from three sets of simulated turbulence degraded imagery representing low, moderate and severe turbulence conditions. Each set consisted of 1000 simulated, turbulence degraded images. The MSE performance of the estimator is evaluated as a function of the number of images, and the number of Zernike polynomial terms used to characterize the point spread function. I will compare the mean-square-error (MSE) performance of speckle imaging methods and a maximum-likelihood, multi-frame blind deconvolution (MFBD) method applied to long-path horizontal imaging scenarios. Both methods are used to reconstruct a scene from simulated imagery featuring anisoplanatic turbulence induced aberrations. This comparison is performed over three sets of 1000 simulated images each for low, moderate and severe turbulence-induced image degradation. The comparison shows that speckle-imaging techniques reduce the MSE 46 percent, 42 percent and 47 percent on average for low, moderate, and severe cases, respectively using 15 input frames under daytime conditions and moderate frame rates. Similarly, the MFBD method provides, 40 percent, 29 percent, and 36 percent improvements in MSE on average under the same conditions. The comparison is repeated under low light conditions (less than 100 photons per pixel) where improvements of 39 percent, 29 percent and 27 percent are available using speckle imaging methods and 25 input frames and 38 percent, 34 percent and 33 percent respectively for the MFBD method and 150 input frames. The MFBD estimator is applied to three sets of field data and the results presented. Finally, a combined Bispectrum-MFBD Hybrid estimator is proposed and investigated. This technique consistently provides a lower MSE and smaller variance in the estimate under all three simulated turbulence conditions.


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Recent studies of Schwinger pair production have demonstrated that the asymptotic particle spectrum is extremely sensitive to the applied field profile. We extend the idea of the dynamically assisted Schwinger effect from single pulse profiles to more realistic field configurations to be generated in an all-optical experiment searching for pair creation. We use the quantum kinetic approach to study the particle production and employ a multi-start method, combined with optimal control theory, to determine a set of parameters for which the particle yield in the forward direction in momentum space is maximized. We argue that this strategy can be used to enhance the signal of pair production on a given detector in an experimental setup.


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The emerging use of real-time 3D-based multimedia applications imposes strict quality of service (QoS) requirements on both access and core networks. These requirements and their impact to provide end-to-end 3D videoconferencing services have been studied within the Spanish-funded VISION project, where different scenarios were implemented showing an agile stereoscopic video call that might be offered to the general public in the near future. In view of the requirements, we designed an integrated access and core converged network architecture which provides the requested QoS to end-to-end IP sessions. Novel functional blocks are proposed to control core optical networks, the functionality of the standard ones is redefined, and the signaling improved to better meet the requirements of future multimedia services. An experimental test-bed to assess the feasibility of the solution was also deployed. In such test-bed, set-up and release of end-to-end sessions meeting specific QoS requirements are shown and the impact of QoS degradation in terms of the user perceived quality degradation is quantified. In addition, scalability results show that the proposed signaling architecture is able to cope with large number of requests introducing almost negligible delay.


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Fundamento de la tesis: Al comienzo del siglo XX, el interés por el turismo unido a la necesidad de restaurar un abundante patrimonio histórico, posibilitó en España que los poderes públicos se embarcaran en una singular experiencia: la creación de una infraestructura hotelera a partir de la rehabilitación de edificios históricos. La preservación, mantenimiento e incluso rentabilidad de una gran parte del patrimonio español se haría efectiva a través de la innovadora fórmula patrimonio‐turismo, cuya máxima expresión se materializó en la Red de Paradores desde su fundación en la segunda década del siglo pasado hasta nuestros días. Sorprendentemente, este tema no ha sido todavía investigado en su vertiente arquitectónica pese a que España ha sido pionera y modelo en la cuestión de la hotelería pública. Este trabajo aborda el estudio del caso más significativo de todos los edificios de la red, en tanto que el patrimonio que ha servido de base a los fines hoteleros del Estado ha contado con un total de seis tipos arquitectónicos a lo largo de su historia, dentro de los cuales la arquitectura militar despunta con su mayoritaria presencia dentro del contexto de los edificios históricos de la red. El carácter arquetípico de los castillos y fortalezas, arraigado en el inconsciente colectivo, les hizo especialmente atractivos como alojamiento turístico al permitir evocar la remota época medieval, pese a ser el tipo arquitectónico más comprometido para la rehabilitación hotelera. El estudio de las intervenciones operadas en estos inmuebles se revela de forma clara como escaparate de los distintos criterios de intervención patrimonial que se han sucedido en el siglo XX, hasta enlazar con la perspectiva interdisciplinar actual. La tesis abarca en, primer lugar, diferentes aspectos generales relativos al promotor hotelero, la hotelería pública de ámbito nacional e internacional, y la caracterización de los inmuebles de la red estatal española, desde el punto de vista hotelero y arquitectónico, entendida esta última en sus tres escalas de influencia: la arquitectónica, la urbana o paisajística, y la del interiorismo. Se analiza en segundo término la arquitectura militar dentro del contexto de la Red de Paradores, desde la consideración de su transformación hotelera, para lo cual ha sido necesario realizar una clasificación propia, que abarca tanto edificios que respondieron a una estructura de cuartel, como castillos‐palacio, o fortalezas que habían servido a los fines de una orden religiosa militar, además de considerarse las intervenciones en recintos históricos de carácter militar, donde se hacía obligatorio construir de nueva planta. En tercer y último lugar, se analiza a lo largo de las distintas etapas del organismo turístico las rehabilitaciones realizadas en estas construcciones militares, a la vez que se tienen en cuenta las intervenciones en los restantes edificios históricos, para evitar la descontextualización. Este recorrido comienza con la promoción de los dos primeros paradores a cargo del Comisario Regio, el marqués de la Vega‐Inclán, que sirvieron para sentar las bases de los conceptos e ideas que habrían de desarrollarse en las siguientes décadas. Posteriormente, se desarrolló y tomó forma la red con el Patronato Nacional del Turismo, en la que las primeras intervenciones en tipos militares se tradujeron en reformas interiores de locales. La etapa clave de la red, y en particular de la arquitectura militar, tuvo lugar con el Ministerio de Información y Turismo, marcada por la “repristinación” de monumentos, tras un período preparatorio con la Dirección General del Turismo en el que lo militar había quedado de telón de fondo de otros tipos arquitectónicos. Tras el auge del Ministerio llegó el período de decadencia en el que los castillos y fortalezas desaparecieron de los intereses de las Secretarias de Turismo, hasta llegar a las inauguraciones de los novedosos establecimientos del siglo XXI y el resurgimiento del tipo militar con el parador de Lorca. Metodología empleada: Este trabajo de investigación se ha servido fundamentalmente de documentación inédita, procedente de diversos archivos, además de una muy extensa toma de datos in situ. Dentro del patrimonio analizado, los inmuebles que responden al tipo arquitectónico militar se han dividido en tres grandes grupos: inmuebles rehabilitados que entraron en funcionamiento en la red, inmuebles en proceso de transformación hotelera, e inmuebles que fueron adquiridos con fines hoteleros pero que no llegaron a rehabilitarse. Para cada uno de ellos ha sido necesario determinar en qué estado llegaron a manos de la Administración Turística, cuál fue el mecanismo a través del cual se adquirieron, en qué consistió su primera rehabilitación hotelera, y cuáles fueron las ampliaciones o reformas más significativas que se realizaron posteriormente. Estos datos se han sintetizado en fichas y se han extraído conclusiones al comparar cada unidad con el conjunto. Simultáneamente se introdujeron dos factores externos: la historia del turismo que permitió hacer una ordenación cronológica de los inmuebles según etapas, y la historia de la teoría y práctica de la intervención patrimonial en España que permitió comparar los criterios patrimoniales de la Administración competente respecto de las intervenciones de la Administración Turística, cuyo contacto se haría obligatorio a partir del Decreto, de 22 de abril de 1949, que dejaba bajo la tutela del Estado a todos los castillos y fortalezas. Aportación de la tesis: Con carácter general, la tesis centra una ordenación y sistematización completa del patrimonio inmobiliario de la red, desde el punto de vista de los tipos hoteleros y arquitectónicos, además de poner por primera vez en conexión distintos modelos de hotelería pública, para constituirse en el sustrato de futuras investigaciones. El estudio realizado se ha hecho extensivo a las distintas escalas que inciden de forma interconectada en la implantación de un parador: la arquitectónica, la urbana y la del interiorismo, hasta ahora referenciado desde la exclusiva visión arquitectónica. Se han definido las etapas de la historia de la red, no ya sólo a partir del hilo conductor de la cadena sucesiva de organismos turísticos, sino que por primera vez se hace en razón de la evolución que sufren las intervenciones patrimoniales a lo largo del tiempo, a la vez que se entra en conexión con la teoría y praxis de la restauración monumental. Con carácter particular, la arquitectura militar dentro del contexto de los paradores se destaca en el período del Ministerio, en el que se experimentaron todas las posibilidades que presentaba su rehabilitación. En este sentido se ha puesto de manifiesto en este trabajo un tipo híbrido de parador, a caballo entre la rehabilitación y la edificación de nueva planta, las dos formas básicas de establecimiento creadas en la Comisaría Regia, al que se ha denominado edificación de nueva planta en recinto histórico militar. Esta nueva caracterización se ha valorado como la forma más eficiente de implantar paradores, cuyas pautas arquitectónicas abarcaron un abanico de posibilidades: imitación de modelos arquitectónicos históricos con utilización de elementos patrimoniales prestados que dieran el valor de la historia, utilización de un lenguaje moderno, o la inspiración en la arquitectura vernácula. La amalgama de elementos, estilos e intervenciones sucesivas de ampliación fue la característica común tanto para la implantación de un parador en un edificio como en un recinto amurallado. La arquitectura militar transformada en establecimiento hotelero evidencia la vocación escenográfica de las intervenciones patrimoniales, secundada por el interiorismo, además de su aportación a la arquitectura hotelera en lo referente al confort, organización y funcionamiento de sus instalaciones. La tesis ahonda en los diversos aspectos de la rehabilitación hotelera apuntados de forma parcial por algunos autores, y pone de manifiesto la “ambientación medieval” operada en la arquitectura militar, que llegó a tener su máxima expresión con el criterio de la “unidad de estilo” del Ministerio de Información y Turismo. La rehabilitación hotelera dentro del contexto de la Red de Paradores, queda caracterizada en la tesis en relación a intervenciones en construcciones militares, cuya sistematización puede ser extrapolable a otros tipos arquitectónicos o cadenas hoteleras de titularidad pública, a partir del estudio que se ha avanzado en este trabajo. Thesis basis: At the beginning of the 20th century the interest in tourism added to the plentiful heritage in Spain enabled the authorities to embark on a singular experience: the creation of a hotel infrastructure from the restoration of historic buildings. Preservation, maintenance, and even profitability of a large part of the Spanish heritage would be effective through the innovative formula heritage-tourism. Its greatest expression materialized in the Paradores Network since its foundation in last century’s second decade to the present day. Surprisingly, this subject has not yet been investigated in its architectural aspect, even though Spain has been a pioneer and a model in the matter of public hotel business. This project tackles the study of the most significative case of all the network’s buildings, since the heritage which has served throughout history as a base for the State hotel purposes has altogether six architectural types, among which military architecture stands out with its majority presence in the context of the historical buildings of the network. The archetypal character of castles and fortresses, ingrained in the collective subconscious, made them specially attractive for tourist accommodation, as it allowed the evocation of far medieval times, despite being the most awkward architectural type for hotel restoration. The study of the interventions in these buildings clearly reveals itself as a showcase of the different criteria of heritage intervention along the 20th century, connecting to the present interdisciplinary perspective. Firstly, the thesis covers different general aspects regarding the hotel developer, the domestic and international public hotel business, and the description of the Spanish state network buildings from a hotel business and an architectural point of view, the latter from its three influence scales: architectural, urban or landscape, and interior design. Secondly, the transformation of the military architecture in the Paradores Network into hotels is analyzed. For that purpose it was necessary to create a specific classification, which included barrack-structured buildings, castle-palaces, or fortresses which served the purposes of military-religious orders. The interventions in those military historical places where new building became compulsory were also taken into consideration. Thirdly and lastly, the thesis analyses the restorations in these military constructions through the different stages of the tourist organization. In order to avoid decontextualization, interventions in other historical buildings were also considered. This route begins with the promotion of the two first Paradores by the Royal Commissioner, the marquis of Vega-Inclán, which paved the way for the concepts and ideas that were developed in the following decades. Subsequently, the network was developed and took shape with the National Tourism Board. The first interventions on military types were inside refurbishments. The Network’s key period, and in particular of its military architecture, took place with the Ministry of Information and Tourism, a time marked by the “restoration to its original state” of monuments. This stage arrived after a preparatory period with the State Tourist Office, when the military type was left as a backdrop for other architectural types. After the Ministry’s boom arrived a decline, in which castles and fortresses disappeared from the Tourist Department’s interests up to the opening of the 21st century new establishments and the resurgence of the military type with Lorca’s Parador. Methodology: The present research project has mainly used unpublished documentation from several archives and has done an extensive in situ data-gathering. Within the heritage analyzed, military buildings have been divided into three main groups: restored buildings that began to operate in the network, those in process of hotel transformation, and those acquired for hotel purposes, but which did not become restored. In each case, it has been necessary to determine the condition in which they arrived to the Tourist Administration, the procedure by which they were acquired, what their first hotel restoration consisted of, and which their subsequent most significative enlargements and alterations were. These facts have been synthesized in cards, and conclusions were drawn by comparing each unit with the whole. Simultaneously, two external factors were introduced: the history of tourism, that allowed establishing a chronological order according to different periods, and the history of Spanish heritage intervention’s theory and practice, that permitted to compare the heritage criteria from the competent Administration with those of the Tourist Administration’s interventions. Both Administrations came compulsorily into contact after the Decree of 22nd April 1949, by which all castles and fortresses became under the protection of the State. Thesis contribution: In general, the thesis focuses on a complete order and systematization of the network’s heritage buildings from the hotel and architectural types points of view, besides connecting for the first time different public hotel business models, becoming the substratum for future investigations. The study has included the different scales that impact interconnected on the establishment of a Parador: architectural, urban and interior design, only referenced to date from an architectural point of view. The Network’s history stages have been defined according to not only a consecutive series of tourist organizations, but also, and for the first time, to the evolution of heritage interventions over time, thus connecting with the theory and praxis of monumental restoration. In particular, within the Paradores, military architecture stands out in the Ministry’s period, in which all kind of restoration possibilities were explored. In this sense, the present project puts forth a hybrid type of Parador between restoration and new building, the two basic ways of establishment created in the Royal Commission, termed new building in military historic enclosure. This new characterization has been evaluated as the most efficient for establishing Paradores, whose architectonic guidelines include a wide range of possibilities: the imitation of historical architectonic models with use of borrowed heritage components that provide historical value, the use of modern language, or the inspiration in vernacular architecture. The amalgam of elements, styles and consecutive enlargement interventions was the common feature of the establishment of a Parador, both in a building or in a walled enclosure. The military architecture transformed into a hotel establishment gives proof of the scenographic vocation of heritage interventions, supported by interior design, as well as of its contribution to hotel architecture, related to its comfort, organization and the functioning of its facilities. The thesis delves into the diverse aspects of hotel restoration, partially pointed out by several authors, and puts forth the creation of a “medieval atmosphere” in military architecture, which came to its highest expression with the “unitary style” criteria of the Ministry of Information and Tourism. Hotel restoration within the context of the Paradores’ Network is defined in this thesis in relation to interventions in military constructions, whose systemization can be extrapolative to other architectural types or public hotel chains, based on the study which has been put forward in this project.


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En este proyecto se aborda la transducción óptico-sonora utilizando métodos de tratamiento digital de imagen. Para llevar a cabo el proyecto se consideran únicamente métodos de bajo presupuesto, por lo que para realizar todo el proceso de conversión óptico-sonora se utilizan un ordenador y un escáner doméstico. Como el principal objetivo del proyecto es comprobar si es viable utilizar el tratamiento digital de imagen como conversor no se ha contemplado la utilización de equipamiento profesional. La utilidad de este proyecto está en la restauración del sonido de material fílmico con importantes degradaciones, tales que no sea posible su reproducción en un proyector. Con el prototipo que se propone, realizado con el software de programación Matlab, se consigue digitalizar el audio analógico de las películas en malas condiciones ya que la captura de audio se efectúa de manera óptica sobre las bandas sonoras. Lo conseguido en este proyecto cobra especial importancia si se tiene en cuenta la cantidad de material cinematográfico que hay en películas de celulosa. La conservación de dicho material requiere unas condiciones de almacenamiento muy específicas para que el soporte no se vea afectado, pero con el paso del tiempo es habitual que las bobinas de película presenten deformaciones o incluso ruptura. Aplicando métodos de tratamiento digital de imagen es posible restaurar el audio de fragmentos de película que no puedan ser expuestos a la tensión producida por los rodillos de los proyectores, incluso es posible recuperar el audio de fotogramas concretos ya que la digitalización del audio se realiza capturando la imagen de la forma de onda. Por ello, el procedimiento seguido para digitalizar la película debe ser poco intrusivo para garantizar la conservación del soporte fílmico. Cabe destacar que en este proyecto se ha realizado la conversión óptico-sonora sobre las bandas de sonido analógicas de área variable presentes en la película, pero el procedimiento es aplicable también a las bandas de área variable realizando modificaciones en el prototipo. Esto último queda fuera del objetivo de este proyecto, pero puede ser un trabajo futuro. ABSTRACT This project addresses optical to sound conversion using digital image processing methods. To carry out the project are considered only low-budget methods , so for all optical to sound conversion process using a computer and a home scanner . As the main application of this project is to test the feasibility of using the digital image processing as a converter does not contemplate the use of professional equipment. The main objective of this project is the restoration of sound film material with significant impairments , such is not possible playback on a projector. With the proposed prototype , made with Matlab programming software , you get digitize analog audio bad movies because the audio capture is performed optically on the soundtracks. The achievements in this project is especially important if you consider the amount of film material is in cellulose films . The preservation of such material requires a very specific storage conditions to which the support is not affected , but over time it is common for film reels presenting deformations or even rupture. Applying methods of digital image processing is possible to restore the audio from movie clips that can not be exposed to the tension produced by the rollers of the projectors , it is even possible to retrieve specific frames audio and audio that digitization is done by capturing the image of the waveform. Therefore, the procedure used to digitize the film should be bit intrusive to ensure the conservation of the film medium. Note that in this project was carried out optical to sound conversion on analog variable area soundtracks present in the film, but the procedure is applicable to variable-area bands making changes to the prototype. The latter is beyond the scope of this project, but can be a future work.


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The study of the Vertical-Cavity Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (VCSOAs) for optical signal processing applications is increasing his interest. Due to their particular structure, the VCSOAs present some advantages when compared to their edge-emitting counterparts including low manufacturing costs, high coupling efficiency to optical fibers and the ease to fabricate 2-D arrays of this kind of devices. As a consequence, all-optical logic gates based on VCSOAs may be very promising devices for their use in optical computing and optical switching in communications. Moreover, since all the boolean logic functions can be implemented by combining NAND logic gates, the development of a Vertical-Cavity NAND gate would be of particular interest. In this paper, the characteristics of the dispersive optical bistability appearing on a VCSOA operated in reflection are studied. A progressive increment of the number of layers compounding the top Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) of the VCSOA results on a change on the shape of the appearing bistability from an S-shape to a clockwise bistable loop. This resulting clockwise bistability has high on-off contrast ratio and input power requirements one order of magnitude lower than those needed for edge-emitting devices. Based on these results, an all-optical vertical-cavity NAND gate with high on-off contrast ratio and an input power for operation of only 10|i\V will be reported in this paper.


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Backbone networks are responsible for long-haul data transport serving many clients with a large volume of data. Since long-haul data transport service must rely on a robust high capacity network the current technology broadly adopted by the industry is Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). WDM networks enable one single ber to operate with multiple high capacity channels, drastically increasing the ber capacity. In WDM networks each channel is associated with an individual wavelength. Therefore a whole wavelength capacity is assigned to a connection, causing waste of bandwidth in case the connection bandwidth requirement is less than the channel total capacity. In the last half decade, Elastic Optical Networks (EON) have been proposed and developed based on the fexible use of the optical spectrum known as the exigrid. EONs are adaptable to clients requirements and may enhance optical networks performance. For these reasons, research community and data transport providers have been demonstrating increasingly high interest in EONs which are likely to replace WDM as the universally adopted technology in backbone networks in the near future. EONs have two characteristics that may limit its ecient resources use. The spectrum fragmentation, inherent to the dynamic EON operation, decrease the network capacity to assign resources to connection requests increasing network blocking probability. The spectrum fragmentation also intensifides the denial of service to higher rate request inducing service unfairness. Due to the fact EONs were just recently developed and proposed, the aforementioned issues were not yet extensively studied and solutions are still being proposed. Furthermore, EONs do not yet provide specific features as differentiated service mechanisms. Differentiated service strategies are important in backbone networks to guarantee client\'s diverse requirements in case of a network failure or the natural congestion and resources contention that may occur at some periods of time in a network. Impelled by the foregoing facts, this thesis objective is three-fold. By means of developing and proposing a mechanism for routing and resources assignment in EONs, we intend to provide differentiated service while decreasing fragmentation level and increasing service fairness. The mechanism proposed and explained in this thesis was tested in a EON simulation environment and performance results indicated that it promotes beneficial performance enhancements when compared to benchmark algorithms.


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We study the optically induced coupling between spins mediated by polaritons in a planar microcavity. In the strong-coupling regime, the vacuum Rabi splitting introduces anisotropies in the spin coupling. Moreover, due to their photonlike mass, polaritons provide an extremely long spin coupling range. This suggests the realization of two-qubit all-optical quantum operations within tens of picoseconds with spins localized as far as hundreds of nanometers apart.


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It is shown that a linear superposition of two macroscopically distinguishable optical coherent states can be generated using a single photon source and simple all-optical operations. Weak squeezing on a single photon, beam mixing with an auxiliary coherent state, and photon detecting with imperfect threshold detectors are enough to generate a coherent state superposition in a free propagating optical field with a large coherent amplitude (alpha>2) and high fidelity (F>0.99). In contrast to all previous schemes to generate such a state, our scheme does not need photon number resolving measurements nor Kerr-type nonlinear interactions. Furthermore, it is robust to detection inefficiency and exhibits some resilience to photon production inefficiency.


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We describe an approach for characterizing the process performed by a quantum gate using quantum process tomography, by first modeling the gate in an extended Hilbert space, which includes nonqubit degrees of freedom. To prevent unphysical processes from being predicted, present quantum process tomography procedures incorporate mathematical constraints, which make no assumptions as to the actual physical nature of the system being described. By contrast, the procedure presented here assumes a particular class of physical processes, and enforces physicality by fitting the data to this model. This allows quantum process tomography to be performed using a smaller experimental data set, and produces parameters with a direct physical interpretation. The approach is demonstrated by example of mode matching in an all-optical controlled-NOT gate. The techniques described are general and could be applied to other optical circuits or quantum computing architectures.


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We consider return-to-zero (RZ) pulses with random phase modulation propagating in a nonlinear channel (modelled by the integrable nonlinear Schrödinger equation, NLSE). We suggest two different models for the phase fluctuations of the optical field: (i) Gaussian short-correlated fluctuations and (ii) generalized telegraph process. Using the rectangular-shaped pulse form we demonstrate that the presence of phase fluctuations of both types strongly influences the number of solitons generated in the channel. It is also shown that increasing the correlation time for the random phase fluctuations affects the coherent content of a pulse in a non-trivial way. The result obtained has potential consequences for all-optical processing and design of optical decision elements.


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The development of an all-optical communications infrastructure requires appropriate optical switching devices and supporting hardware. This thesis presents several novel fibre lasers which are useful pulse sources for high speed optical data processing and communications. They share several attributes in common: flexibility, stability and low-jitter output. They all produce short (picosecond) and are suitable as sources for soliton systems. The lasers are all-fibre systems using erbium-doped fibre for gain, and are actively-modelocked using a dual-wavelength nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) as a modulator. Control over the operating wavelength and intra-cavity dispersion is obtained using a chirped in-fibre Bragg grating.Systems operating both at 76MHz and gigahertz frequencies are presented, the latter using a semiconductor laser amplifier to enhance nonlinear action in the loop mirror. A novel dual-wavelength system in which two linear cavities share a common modulator is presented with results which show that the jitter between the two wavelengths is low enough for use in switching experiments with data rates of up to 130Gbit/s.