868 resultados para Alimentary resources
This guide is designed as a finding aid for researchers seeking materials on a particular topic and it indicates the nature and extent of resources for the study of United States history available at the Historical Society of Iowa, the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and the Iowa University Libraries.
Report on the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the year ended June 30, 2013
This document describes some of the technological aspects of a project devoted to the creation of a factory for language resources. The project’s objectives are explained, as well as the idea to create a distributed infrastructure of web services. This document focuses on two main topics of the factory: (1) the technological approaches chosen to develop the factory, i.e. software, protocols, servers, etc. (2) and Interoperability as the main challenge is to permit different NLP tools work together in the factory. This document explains why XCES and GrAF are chosen as the main formats used for the linguistic data exchange.
This paper demonstrates a novel distributed architecture to facilitate the acquisition of Language Resources. We build a factory that automates the stages involved in the acquisition, production, updating and maintenance of these resources. The factory is designed as a platform where functionalities are deployed as web services, which can be combined in complex acquisition chains using workflows. We show a case study, which acquires a Translation Memory for a given pair of languages and a domain using web services for crawling, sentence alignment and conversion to TMX.
This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Department of Natural Resources, goals and mission.
The purposes of this report are to delineate and describe aquifers in Cerro Gordo County, evaluate the availability and quality of water in the aquifers, supply data on ground-water utilization, and determine the rate of growth and the magnitude of the cone of drawdown in the Mason City area. It includes photos and fold-out maps
Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program, joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, for the year ended June 30, 2014
This document contains a multitude of resources for career education available to Iowans from many sources.
Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program (Clean Water Program) and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program (Drinking Water Program), joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, for the year ended June 30, 2005
Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program (Clean Water Program) and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program (Drinking Water Program), joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, for the year ended June 30, 2004
In Iowa, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR)is responsible for regulating water allocation and use through the issuance of water use permits, but improvements are necessary in this process to assure sustainable supplies into the future. In recent years, there have not been resources dedicated at the state level to properly track and assess water quantity issues. Resources for water use and water quantity monitoring (groundwater level and surface gauges) have continued to decline and have resulted in data becoming outdated and in a format that is difficult to analyze in order to make good decisions.