1000 resultados para Acento secundário
Neste relatório irão ser expostos os trabalhos realizados com as turmas do 7º ano, na Escola E.B.I. André de Resende e 12º ano, na Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira. Ainda será mencionada a participação numa actividade extracurricular, no âmbito das Necessidades Educativas Especiais. Nesta área foi também realizada uma exposição com os trabalhos dos alunos da Escola E.B. I. André de Resende, juntamente com escolas pertencentes a outros agrupamentos da região. O estágio mencionado previu proporcionar uma vivência entre alunos, professores e os restantes funcionários da escola. Não obstante, também o contacto exterior e a ligação interdisciplinar. Seguindo as orientações curriculares do Ministério da Educação, em cada caso especifico foram planificadas aulas adequadas ao ensinamento dos conteúdos determinados. ABSTRACT: ln this report will be exposed the works performed together with the 7th grade classes of Escola E.B.I. André de Resende and with the 12th grade of Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira. Also, it will be mentioned the participation in an extracurricular activity in the scope of Special Educational Needs. ln this area was also performed an exhibit of the works of the students from Escola E.B.I. André de Resende, along with schools belonging to other inter-school groupings of the region. The mentioned traineeship predicted the enabling of a relationship between students, teachers and school community, as well as contact with the exterior and an interdisciplinary connection. According to the curricular orientations of Ministério da Educação, for each specific case were planned classes adequate to teach the determined subjects.
Este relatório foi elaborado no âmbito do mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais no 3.° Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Secundário, na Universidade de Évora (UE). Reporta-se à unidade curricular Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) realizada nas Escolas EBI André de Resende e na Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira, em Évora, no ano lectivo 2009-201O. O Prof. Doutor Leonardo Charréu (UE), orientador científico, os professores orientadores cooperantes Paulo Matias e Carlos Guerra, constituíram o apoio ao núcleo de estágio das alunas Cristina Malta e Ana Sofia Henriques (autora deste relatório). O Prof. Doutor Leonardo Charréu assistiu a quatro aulas nas disciplinas de Educação Visual e Desenho A. O relatório da PES relata os objectivos de trabalho, planificações, metodologias e instrumentos de avaliação nas disciplinas de Educação Visual e Desenho A e nas actividades extracurriculares realizadas. Teve como intuito, também, elaborar uma análise reflexiva do trabalho desenvolvido na aprendizagem da PES. ABSTRACT: This report was developed during the Master in Visual Arts Teaching in the 3 rd Basic Cycle and Secondary Education at the Évora University. The Supervised Teaching Practice unit (referred under de Portuguese acronym PES) was completed at the EBI André de Resende School and at the Secondary School Gabriel Pereira, in Évora, in 2009-2010. The Professor Leonardo Charréu (UE), Scientific Supervisor and the teachers/local supervisors Paulo Matias and Carlos Guerra, supported the internship of the master students Cristina Malta and Ana Sofia Henriques. Professor Leonardo Charréu observed four lessons in Visual Education and Drawing A disciplines. The PES report describes the work objectives, planning, methodologies, and evaluation methods in the Visual Education and Drawing A subjects and the extra-curricular activities. The objective was also to develop a reflective analysis of the work made during the entire learning period of PES.
Esta investigação teve como principal objetivo estudar a relação entre os constructos Inteligência Emocional, Resiliência e Bem-estar Psicológico em jovens de ensino secundário, em vias distintas de ensino. Participaram no estudo 245 jovens, com idades entre 15 e 23 anos, – 155 inseridos no ensino regular e 90 no ensino profissional –, pertencentes ao Agrupamento de Escolas nº 4 de Évora, que responderam a um Questionário Sóciodemográfico, ao Questionário de Inteligência Emocional traço (TEIQue-SF), à Escala de Resiliência de Wagnil e Young (ER) e à Escala de Medida de Manifestação de Bem-Estar Psicológico (EMMBEP). Os principais resultados encontrados sugerem que os jovens do ensino profissional apresentam níveis mais elevados de inteligência emocional traço, resiliência e bemestar psicológico e apontam para a existência de uma relação positiva entre os três constructos; Emotional Intelligence, Resilience and Well-Being: A comparative study between regular high school and vocational route students Abstract: The primary goal of this investigation was to study the relationship between Trait Emotional Intelligence, Resilience and Psychological Well-Being in young people in distinct routes of education. The participants were 245 boys and girls, between the ages of 15 to 23, 155 of which in regular high school and the remain 90 in vocational routes, that responded to a Sociodemographic Questionnaire, to Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue-SF), to Wagnil and Young´s Resilience Scale (ER) and to the Échelle de Mesure des Manifestations de Bien-Être Psychologique. They all belonged to de school’s cluster nº4, in Évora. The main results found suggest that vocational route students present higher levels of trait emotional intelligence, resilience and psychological well-being and point out to the existence of a positive relationship between the three constructs.
O presente relatório tem como objectivo efectuar uma retrospectiva e um balanço sobre todo o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo do ano lectivo na Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES). A prestação do aluno de PES foi ao longo deste relatório analisada minuciosamente, sendo na sua análise implícita uma reflexão crítica de carácter importante. A PES desenvolveu-se na EB 2;3 de Santa Clara, EB1 de São Mamede e na Escola Secundária de Severim Faria. Concluiu-se que o planeamento é essencial para que exista uma organização e controlo sobre o processo ensino aprendizagem; que a avaliação formativa é essencial para o sucesso dos alunos; o planeamento por etapas assume-se como o mais adequado para o processo ensinoaprendizagem. Por último considera-se que leccionar uma aula é muito mais que colocar os alunos a realizar uma modalidade desportiva, sendo necessário, pensar, planear, organizar, demonstrar, acompanhar, facultar informação e adaptar-se aos alunos e ao meio escolar. ABSTRACT; The present report aims to make a retrospective overview of the work throughout the school year in Supervised Practice Teaching (SPT). The present report aims to make a retrospective overview of the work throughout the school year in Supervised Practice Teaching (SPT). The work of the student of SPT is carefully examined through this report; a critical reflexion is implicit in all chapters. The SPT was developed in three schools: EB 2, 3, Santa Clara, EB1 São Mamede and Secondary School Severim Faria. lt was concluded that planning is essential for achieving a high level of organization and control on the teaching-learning process; that the formative evaluation is fundamental for the student’s success; and that a planning model based on stages seem to be the most appropriate for the learning process. Also, it was understood that teaching a lesson is much more than getting the students practicing a sport; it requires skills like planning, organizing, demonstrating, instructing and adapting to the students and school’s characteristics.
A Prática de Ensino Supervisionada desenvolveu-se no Agrupamento de Escolas nº 4 de Évora- EB 2,3 Conde Vilalva e na Escola Secundária André de Gouveia, com as turmas do 8º ano e 12° ano respectivamente. Para elucidar o trabalho realizado ao longo do ano desenvolvi o presente relatório onde abordei a preparação cientifica, pedagógica e didáctica que permitiu um conhecimento dos alunos e do currículo; a Planificação e condução das aulas e respectiva avaliação que faz referencia ao planeamento por etapas e às vantagens do mesmo e ainda à forma como foram leccionadas as aulas; uma análise da prática de ensino; a participação na escola e as actividades desenvolvidas nas mesmas; e o desenvolvimento profissional com referências ás competências que o professor deve assumir dentro da comunidade escolar. Com os parâmetros acima referidos demonstra-se a grande importância que o estágio teve na aquisição das competências essenciais inerentes à docência. ABSTRACT: Supervised Teaching Practice was developed in School Cluster nº 4 of Évora Elementary School Conde Vilalva and in Secondary School André de Gouveia, with classes of 8th and 12th grade, respectively. To elucidate the work I done over this school year, I developed this report which discussed the scientific, educational and teaching preparation, allowing an understanding of students and the curriculum; the planning and conduct of lessons and their assessment that refers to the planning stages, and to advantage of it and, on the other hand, the way that were taught lessons; an analysis of teaching practice; participation in school and activities carried therein; and professional development with reference to the competences that the teacher should take within the school community. With the above parameters is shown the importance of this stage in the acquisition of essential skills related to teaching.
O objectivo deste relatório é efectuar uma reflexão fundamentada sobre a prática pedagógica desenvolvida ao longo do ano lectivo 2009/201O. A dimensão investigativa está presente ao longo de todo o relatório e encontra-se associada à reflexão sobre o trabalho desenvolvido nas instituições escolares em que estive inserido. No decorrer deste relatório são destacas as seguintes temáticas: modelos de planeamento; ensino das actividades físico-desportivas; destrezas do professor; promoção da saúde; avaliação; participação na escola; desenvolvimento profissional. Conclusões: O Modelo de planeamento por etapas é aquele que mais favorece a aprendizagem dos alunos. No ensino dos jogos desportivos colectivos, o modelo teaching games for understanding assume-se como uma alternativa às abordagens tradicionais centradas na técnica. Informação aumentada dirigida para um foco externo parece dar origem a uma melhor aprendizagem. As aulas de Educação Física não estão a conseguir dar o contributo necessário para a obtenção dos níveis recomendados de actividade física. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this report is to conduct a reasoned discussion about the pedagogical practice developed during the academic year 2009/201O. The investigative dimension is present throughout the report and is linked to the reflection on the work that was undertaken in schools. Throughout this report the following topics are highlighted: planning models, teaching physical and sporting activities, teacher's skills, health promotion, evaluation, participation in school, and professional development. Conclusions: The model of "planning steps" is one most conducive to student learning. ln collective sports games, the teaching games for understanding model is assumed as an alternative to traditional approaches focused on the critical components of each motor skill. The use of an externa! focus of attention appears to lead to better learning. lt seems that Physical Education classes are failing to provide the levels of physical activity recommended for young people.
Nos processos de planeamento da rede de oferta educativa não são apenas os registos dos históricos de eficácia interna e de eficácia externa que devem ser tidos em conta. Há, na verdade, uma multiplicidade de factores a considerar, desde os interesses e motivações dos alunos e famílias a elementos de natureza contextual, alguns dos quais de base económica e social, tais como as estratégias e dinâmicas de desenvolvimento regional em curso, os planos plurianuais municipais e intermunicipais de investimento, os estudos de prospecção de mercado e emprego e de sustentabilidade dos investimentos, as projecções de áreas sectoriais a expandir, quer seja de cariz mais profissionalizante quer de âmbito mais académico e prossecução de estudos decorrente da oferta escolar disponível por parte das instituições de ensino superior a nível nacional e regional.
O presente relatório surge como um complemento à minha Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, realizada no ano lectivo de 2009/201O, visando essencialmente a reflexão e documentação do trabalho por mim desenvolvido ao longo deste ano. A minha Prática de Ensino Supervisionada debruçou-se sobre a disciplina de Educação Física, e decorreu na Escola EB 2,3 Conde de Vilalva, onde leccionei a disciplina a uma turma de 8° ano, e na Escola Secundária André de Gouveia, tendo leccionado a disciplina a um 12° ano. Durante este mesmo ano lectivo, leccionei ainda entre 8 intervenções a uma turma do 1° Ciclo de Ensino Básico, 1° ano; e 9 intervenções a uma turma do 2° Ciclo de Ensino Básico, o 5° ano. ABSTRACT: This document comes as a complement to my Supervised Teaching Practice, held in the 2009/201O academic year, aiming primarily to reflection and documentation of the work developed throughout this year. My Supervised Teaching Practice was focused on the discipline of Physical Education, and held at EB 2,3 Conde de Vilalva where I taught a class in 8th grade, and in high school André de Gouveia, where I taught the discipline to a class in 12th grade. During that same academic year, I taught between 8 and 1O interventions with a class of 1st cycle of education, 1st grade, and with a class of 2nd cycle of education, a 5th grade.
Este objeto trata apenas do atendimento secundário, considerando que, supostamente, todas as etapas que antecedem esse exame já ocorreram da forma recomendada. Inicia falando da abordagem “ver-ouvir-sentir”, na avaliação secundária, que é usada para avaliar a pele. O profissional de fazer a correlação dos achados físicos, região por região, da cabeça às extremidades, detalhando cada uma das etapas: o estado da cabeça, face e pescoço. Deve procurar por contusões, abrasões, lacerações, assimetria óssea que alerta para possíveis lesões, depois apalpar o couro cabeludo ‘a procura de saliências, reentrâncias e crepitações. Na sequência, o objeto trata da análise das condições do tórax com a inspeção para identificar deformidades menores, contusões, abrasões e movimento paradoxal. Observar posição de defesa contra a dor, presença de retração intercostal, supraesternal e supraclavicular. Realizar auscultação pulmonar e cardíaca. Por último, o objeto fala sobre como fazer as verificações de abdomem, pelve, dorso e extremidades. Unidade 1 do módulo 15 que compõe o Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família.
Guia de referência que traz informações de diagnostico e cuidados de pacientes com transtorno de pânico e a ansiedade. Este é um guia de referência rápida que resume as recomendações da Superintendência de Atenção Primária (S/SUBPAV/SAP), construído a partir do conteúdo disponibilizado pelo NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, NHS – Reino Unido) e adaptado para a realidade brasileira e carioca por profissionais que trabalham diretamente na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS).
BACKGROUND: Strictureplasty is an alternative surgical procedure for Crohn?s disease, particulary in patients with previous resections or many intestinal stenosis. AIM: To analyze surgical complications and clinical follow-up in patients submitted to strictureplasty secondary to Crohn?s disease. METHODS: Twenty-eight patients (57.1% male, mean age 33.3 years, range 16-54 years) with Crohn?s disease and intestinal stenosis (small bowel, ileocecal region and ileocolic anastomosis) were submitted to strictureplasty, at one institution, between September 1991 and May 2004. Thirteen patients had previous intestinal resections. The mean follow-up was 58.1 months. A total of 116 strictureplasties were done (94 Heineke-Mikulicz - 81%, 15 Finney - 13%, seven side-to-side ileocolic strictureplasty - 6%). Three patients were submitted to strictureplasty at two different surgical procedures and two in three procedures. RESULTS: Regarding to strictureplasty, postoperative complication rate was 25% and mortality was 3.6%. Early local complication rate was 57.1%, with three suture leaks (10.7%) and late complication was present in two patients, both with incisional hernial and enterocutaneous fistulas (28.6%). Patients remained hospitalized during a medium time of 12.4 days. Clinical and surgical recurrence rates were 63% and 41%, respectively. Among the patients submitted to another surgery, two patients had two more operations and one had three. Recurrence rate at strictureplasty site was observed in 3.5%, being Finney technique the commonest one. Presently, 19 patients had been asymptomatic with the majority of them under medical therapy. CONCLUSION: Strictureplasties have low complication rates, in spite of having been done at compromised site, with long term pain relief. Considering the clinical course of Crohn?s disease, with many patients being submitted to intestinal resections, strictureplasties should be considered as an effective surgical treatment to spare long intestinal resections.
In this work the performance of a sugar cane chopped harvester was analysed when fed with two sugar cane mass flows, measuring the invisible losses, which are impossible to measure in the field, harvester sugar cane cleaning efficiency and air velocity on extractors exit. The trial was done under controlled conditions at Copersucar Technology Center in January 2000. The results showed that the flow of sugar cane through the harvester doesn't influence the magnitudes of total invisible losses and raw material cleaning efficiency. The mean air velocity on the primary extractors exit was 12.0 m s-1, and 9.2 m s-1 on the secondary extractor, with a coefficient of variation of 21%, indicating that the poor cleaning performance of the harvester could be related to air velocity difference inside the extractor. Analyzing the data collected in the trials, it was possible to conclude that invisible losses in sugar cane harvester were 10% and the cleaning efficiency was 87%.
The main purpose of this paper is to question the relationship between theory and practice or basic and applied research in the domain of Applied Linguistics and classroom discourse. In order to achieve our aim, some theoretical texts, some recorded and transcribed classes as well as some teachers and students opinions about reading and writing were analysed. Results have shown that 1) practice is not the direct application of theoretical data: the relationship between them is not as simple as some applied linguists seem to believe because of the action of the unconscious in the constitution of subjectivity; 2) the conceptualization of the theoretical issues takes place in a confused and disorderly manner mixed up with personal experiences and previous knowledge (practice). We intend to question the fact that practice comes as secondary to theory.
Purpose: A survey was carried out on one hundred patients of the Emergency Service of the Ophthalmology Department of the Hospital das Clinicas of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in order to analyze the personal characteristics and the barriers against getting resolving ophthalmologic assistance. Variables, were the following: sex, age, home town, average distance between the place of initial symptoms and first visit to the hospital, time spent between the first examination (if performed in any other service) and the examination performed at the Hospital das Clinicas of University of Campinas, diagnosis, veracity of emergency, need to refer patients previously seen in other services to our Service and possibility of assistance and treatment at a secondary level. Methods: The sample showed the following characteristics: distances between 20 and 100 kilometers covered by 50.0% of the patients to be seen at University of Campinas. 75.0% of those patients needed someone to stay with them and 67.0% came from other municipalities. The long distances covered meant additional expenses for the treatment of diseases which should be treated locally. Results: Among the patients referred to University of Campinas by ophthalmologists of other services, 87.5% could have their diseases treated at a secondary level of assistance and 66.7% of real emergencies and 60% of false emergencies took longer than 7 days to reach the emergency room of University of Campinas. This shows the poor infrastructure of secondary services regarding excellence of emergency care and education of patients. Conclusions: We recommend education of general physicians and ophthalmologists for emergency eye care and also the supply of both secondary and tertiary public services or medicare, strategically setup in the whole state of Sao Paulo.