378 resultados para ARM9 Linux
I distributori automatici sono attualmente molto diffusi perché permettono di automatizzare l'erogazione di un prodotto o servizio senza la necessità di avere una persona addetta a quello scopo. Questa tesi si pone l'obiettivo di progettare e sviluppare un’applicazione per sistemi embedded Linux che consenta agli utenti di richiedere, in modo autonomo, il pagamento tramite Bitcoin con la successiva erogazione di bevande alla spina.
In campo medico ha un ruolo fondamentale il monitoraggio dei parametri vitali, importanti indicatori dello stato di salute del paziente, essenziali nella diagnosi e nella cura dellle patologie. La frequenza cardiaca occupa un ruolo fondamentale nella clinica, primo indice dell'attività cardio circolatoria del paziente. Il trattato analizza una metodica di monitoraggio del battito cardiaco per mezzo delle videocamere digitali, la ripresa diretta in video del volto del paziente e la presenza di un'adeguata illuminazione ambientale: la pulsazione cardiaca esercita variazioni di pressione a livello periferico generando un cambiamento del colore della pelle sulle zone più esposte, quali il viso. Analizzando l'andamento temporale del segnale RGB registra, per mezzo di algoritmi di elaborazione delle immagini, è possibile stimare accuratamente il battito cardiaco dell'utente. Nell'elaborato viene affrontata la metodica degl algoritmi di image-prcessing presentando un applicativo scritto in linguaggio Python, funzionante e testato su di un sistema Linux (Ubuntu 14.04). Tale metodo si basa sui concetti della fotopletismografia applicata in remoto denotando il non-contact-mode.
Progettazione, realizzazione ed analisi prestazionale e di robustezza di un sistema di cluster ad alta affidabilità basato su MariaDB Galera Cluster. Affiancamento al cluster di un sistema di proxy MaxScale. Studio e realizzazione di una procedura di migrazione da DBMS MySQL a MariaDB Galera Cluster.
La presente tesi si pone come obiettivo quello di analizzare il protocollo LTP (in particolare in ION) e proporre dei miglioramenti utili al caso in cui siano presenti perdite elevate. Piu in dettaglio, una prima parte introduttiva motiva l'inefficacia del TCP/IP in ambito interplanetario e introduce l'architettura DTN Bundle Protocol (Cap.1). La tesi prosegue con la descrizione delle specifiche del protocollo LTP (Cap.2), in particolar modo evidenziando come un bundle venga incapsulato in un blocco LTP, come questo sia successivamente diviso in tanti segmenti LTP e come questi vengano successivamente inviati con il protocollo UDP o con un protocollo analogo. Viene quindi presentata un'approfondita analisi delle penalizzazioni dovute alle perdite dei segmenti LTP, sia di tipo dati che di segnalazione (Cap. 3). Quest'analisi permette di dimostrare la criticita degli effetti delle perdite, in particolare per quello che riguarda i segmenti LTP di segnalazione. Mentre in presenza di perdite basse tali effetti hanno in media un impatto minimo sul tempo di consegna di un blocco LTP (quindi del bundle in esso contenuto), in quanto avvengono raramente, in presenza di perdite elevate rappresentano un collo di bottiglia per il tempo di consegna di un blocco LTP. A tal proposito sono state proposte alcune modifiche che permettono di migliorare le prestazioni di LTP (Cap. 4) compatibilmente con le specifiche RFC in modo da garantire l'interoperabilita con le diverse implementazioni del protocollo. Successivamente nel Cap. 5 viene mostrato come sono state implementate le modifiche proposte in ION 3.4.1. Nel capitolo finale (Cap. 6) sono presenti i risultati numerici relativi ad alcuni test preliminari eseguiti confrontando la versione originale del protocollo con le versioni modificate contenenti i miglioramenti proposti. I test sono risultati molto positivi per elevate perdite, confermando cosi la validita dell'analisi e dei miglioramenti introdotti.
Costly on-site node repairs in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) can be required due to misconfiguration, corrupt software updates, or unavailability during updates. We propose ADAM as a novel management framework that guarantees accessibility of individual nodes in these situations. ADAM uses a decentralised distribution mechanism and self-healing mechanisms for safe configuration and software updates. In order to implement the ADAM management and self-healing mechanisms, an easy-to-learn and extendable build system for a small footprint embedded Linux distribution for WMNs has been developed. The paper presents the ADAM concept, the build system for the Linux distribution and the management architecture.
This paper describes the open source framework MARVIN for rapid application development in the field of biomedical and clinical research. MARVIN applications consist of modules that can be plugged together in order to provide the functionality required for a specific experimental scenario. Application modules work on a common patient database that is used to store and organize medical data as well as derived data. MARVIN provides a flexible input/output system with support for many file formats including DICOM, various 2D image formats and surface mesh data. Furthermore, it implements an advanced visualization system and interfaces to a wide range of 3D tracking hardware. Since it uses only highly portable libraries, MARVIN applications run on Unix/Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.
File system security is fundamental to the security of UNIX and Linux systems since in these systems almost everything is in the form of a file. To protect the system files and other sensitive user files from unauthorized accesses, certain security schemes are chosen and used by different organizations in their computer systems. A file system security model provides a formal description of a protection system. Each security model is associated with specified security policies which focus on one or more of the security principles: confidentiality, integrity and availability. The security policy is not only about “who” can access an object, but also about “how” a subject can access an object. To enforce the security policies, each access request is checked against the specified policies to decide whether it is allowed or rejected. The current protection schemes in UNIX/Linux systems focus on the access control. Besides the basic access control scheme of the system itself, which includes permission bits, setuid and seteuid mechanism and the root, there are other protection models, such as Capabilities, Domain Type Enforcement (DTE) and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), supported and used in certain organizations. These models protect the confidentiality of the data directly. The integrity of the data is protected indirectly by only allowing trusted users to operate on the objects. The access control decisions of these models depend on either the identity of the user or the attributes of the process the user can execute, and the attributes of the objects. Adoption of these sophisticated models has been slow; this is likely due to the enormous complexity of specifying controls over a large file system and the need for system administrators to learn a new paradigm for file protection. We propose a new security model: file system firewall. It is an adoption of the familiar network firewall protection model, used to control the data that flows between networked computers, toward file system protection. This model can support decisions of access control based on any system generated attributes about the access requests, e.g., time of day. The access control decisions are not on one entity, such as the account in traditional discretionary access control or the domain name in DTE. In file system firewall, the access decisions are made upon situations on multiple entities. A situation is programmable with predicates on the attributes of subject, object and the system. File system firewall specifies the appropriate actions on these situations. We implemented the prototype of file system firewall on SUSE Linux. Preliminary results of performance tests on the prototype indicate that the runtime overhead is acceptable. We compared file system firewall with TE in SELinux to show that firewall model can accommodate many other access control models. Finally, we show the ease of use of firewall model. When firewall system is restricted to specified part of the system, all the other resources are not affected. This enables a relatively smooth adoption. This fact and that it is a familiar model to system administrators will facilitate adoption and correct use. The user study we conducted on traditional UNIX access control, SELinux and file system firewall confirmed that. The beginner users found it easier to use and faster to learn then traditional UNIX access control scheme and SELinux.
„Open source and European antitrust laws: An analysis of copyleft and the prohibition of software license fees on the basis of art. 101 TFEU and the block exemptions“ Open source software and open source licenses (like the GNU GPL) are not only relevant for computer nerds or activists – they are already business. They are for example the fundament of LINUX, the only real rival of MICROSOFT’s WINDOWS-line in the field of operating systems for IBM PC compatibles. Art. 101 TFEU (like the identical predecessor art. 81 TEC) as part of the EU antitrust laws prohibits contract terms like price fixing and some forms of technology control. Are copyleft – the „viral effect“, the „cancer“ – and the interdiction of software license fees in the cross hairs of this legal rule? On the other side the European Union has since 2004 a new Technology Transfer Block Exemption with software license agreements for the first time in its scope: a safe harbour and a dry place under a umbrella for open source software? After the introduction (A) with a description of open source software the following text analyses the system of the European Unions competition law respectivley antitrust law and the requirements of the block exemptions (B). Starting point of antitrust analysis are undertakings – but who are the untertakings (C) in the field of widespread, independent developers as part of the „bazar organization“? To see how much open source has to fear from the law of the European Union, at the end the anti competitive and pro competitive effects of open source are totalized within the legal framework (D). The conclusion (E) shows: not nothing, but not much.
Research on open source software (OSS) projects often focuses on the SourceForge collaboration platform. We argue that a GNU/Linwr distribution, such as Debian, is better suited for the sampling ofprojects because it avoids biases and contains unique information only available in an integrated environment. Especially research on the reuse of components can build on dependency information inherent in the Debian GNU/Linux packaging system. This paper therefore contributes to the practice of sampling methods in OSS research and provides empirical data on reuse dependencies in Debian.
The software PanXML is a tool to create XML files needed for DOI registration at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB). PanXML is distributed as freeware for the operating systems Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X and Linux. An XML file created by PanXML is based on the XSD file article-doi_v3.2.xsd. Further schemas may be added on request.
The software Multibeam Converter is a tool to convert files or folders of files (ascii/tab-separated data files with or without metaheader), downloaded from PANGAEA via the search engine or the data warehouse to the ODV import format, e.g. for visualization or further processing. MultibeamConverter is distributed as freeware for the operating systems Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X and Linux.
LatLongConverter converts positions from geodetic system to Gauss-Krüger or UTM coordinates. This program is distributed as freeware for the operating systems Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X and Linux.
The software Pan2Applic is a tool to convert files or folders of files (ascii/tab-separated data files with or without metaheader), downloaded from PANGAEA via the search engine or the data warehouse to formats as used by applications, e.g. for visualization or further processing. It may also be used to convert files or zip-archives as downloaded from CD-ROM data collections, published in the WDC-MARE Reports series. Pan2Applic is distributed as freeware for the operating systems Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X and Linux.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivos la monitorización en tiempo real de la actividad sísmica, tanto próxima como lejana, a partir de los datos sísmicos registrados por una estación de banda ancha, y el desarrollo de un sistema de difusión interactiva de información actualizada de terremotos, destinado al público general. Ambas fuentes de información se mostrarán a través de una Unidad de Visualización denominada “Monitor Sísmico Interactivo”. El registro de los datos sísmicos se realiza utilizando el sensor de tres componentes de la estación sísmica GUD, perteneciente a la Red Digital de Banda Ancha y transmisión digital del Instituto Geográfico Nacional, instalada en la Basílica del Valle de los Caídos, en lalocalidad de Guadarrama (Madrid). En la E.T.S.I. Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía se ha instalado un ordenador con conexión a Internet, para la recepción y almacenamiento de los datos, y los programas Scream y Drumplot desarrollados por Guralp, necesarios para la monitorización de la señal sísmica en tiempo real. A partir de estos datos, mediante aplicaciones desarrolladas bajo programación Linux y haciendo uso de las herramientas que ofrece el software SAC (Seismic Analysis Code), se genera además un registro gráfico y una película animada de dicha segmentación para cada evento. Se ha configurado un servidor de correo y una cuenta para la recepción de dos tipos de mensajes de correo, enviados desde la sede central del Instituto Geográfico Nacional, con la información de los eventos registrados por GUD una vez revisados: - Mensajes enviados diariamente, con un listado de eventos ocurridos en los 30 últimos días. - Mensajes con la información en cuasi tiempo real de la última alerta sísmica. Se ha desarrollado el programa “saco” para la gestión del correo recibido que analiza la información sísmica, la almacena en ficheros y ejecuta sobre ellos las aplicaciones de dibujo. Estas aplicaciones han sido previamente desarrolladas bajo programación Linux y software GMT (Generic Mapping Tools), y a partir de ellas se generan automáticamente las distintas imágenes que se visualizan en el Monitor Sísmico: un mapa de sismicidad próxima en la Península Ibérica, un mapa de sismicidad lejana en el mundo, un mapa de detalle para localizar y representar la última alerta generada, los listados con la información de los eventos representados en los mapas, los registros gráficos y las películas animadas de dichos sismogramas. Monitor Sísmico Interactivo ha sido desarrollado para ofrecer además la posibilidad de interactuar con la Unidad de Visualización: se ha creado una base de datos para uso científico donde se almacenan todos los eventos registrados por GUD. Así el usuario puede realizar una petición, a través del envío de un mensaje de correo, que le permite visualizar de forma instantánea las imágenes que muestran la información de cualquier terremoto de su interés. ABSTRACT This study is aimed at real-time monitoring of both near and distant seismic activityfrom the seismic data recorded by a broadband seismic station, and the development of an interactive broadcast system of updated information of earthquakes, for the general public. Bothsources of information are displayed through a display unit called "Interactive Seismic Monitor". The seismic data recording is carried out by using the three-component sensor of the GUD seismic station, which belongs to the Digital Network Broadband and digital broadcast of the National Geographic Institute, housed in the Basilica of The Valley of the Fallen, in the town of Guadarrama (Madrid). A computer with Internet connection has been installed in E.T.S.I. Surveying, Geodesy and Cartography for receiving and storing data, together with Scream and Drumplot programs, developed by Guralp, which are necessary for monitoring the real time seismic signal. Based on the data collected, through programming applications developed under Linux system and using the software tools provided by the SAC (Seismic Analysis Code), a chart recorder and an animated gif image of the segmentation for each event are also generated. A mail server and a mail account have been configured for the receipt of two types of email messages, sent from the National Geographic Institute head office, with the information of the events recorded by GUD after being reviewed: - Messages sent daily, providing a list of events in the past 30 days. - Messages containing information on near real-time seismic of the last seismic alert. A program called "saco" has also been developed for handling mail received that analyzes the seismic data, which stores it in files and runs drawing applications on them. These applications have been previously developed under Linux system and software programming GMT (Generic Mapping Tools), and from them different images that are displayed on the Seismic Monitor are automatically generated: a near seismicity Iberian peninsula map, a distant seismicity world map, a detailed map to locate and represent the last seismic alert generated, the lists with the information of the events depicted in the maps,together with the charts and the animated gif image of such seismograms. Interactive Seismic Monitor has been developed to offer any user the possibility of interacting with the display unit: a database has been created for scientific use which stores all the events recorded by GUD. Thus, any user could make a request, by sending an e-mail that allows them to view instantly all the images showing the information of any earthquake of interest on the display unit.
This dissertation, whose research has been conducted at the Group of Electronic and Microelectronic Design (GDEM) within the framework of the project Power Consumption Control in Multimedia Terminals (PCCMUTE), focuses on the development of an energy estimation model for the battery-powered embedded processor board. The main objectives and contributions of the work are summarized as follows: A model is proposed to obtain the accurate energy estimation results based on the linear correlation between the performance monitoring counters (PMCs) and energy consumption. the uniqueness of the appropriate PMCs for each different system, the modeling methodology is improved to obtain stable accuracies with slight variations among multiple scenarios and to be repeatable in other systems. It includes two steps: the former, the PMC-filter, to identify the most proper set among the available PMCs of a system and the latter, the k-fold cross validation method, to avoid the bias during the model training stage. The methodology is implemented on a commercial embedded board running the 2.6.34 Linux kernel and the PAPI, a cross-platform interface to configure and access PMCs. The results show that the methodology is able to keep a good stability in different scenarios and provide robust estimation results with the average relative error being less than 5%. Este trabajo fin de máster, cuya investigación se ha desarrollado en el Grupo de Diseño Electrónico y Microelectrónico (GDEM) en el marco del proyecto PccMuTe, se centra en el desarrollo de un modelo de estimación de energía para un sistema empotrado alimentado por batería. Los objetivos principales y las contribuciones de esta tesis se resumen como sigue: Se propone un modelo para obtener estimaciones precisas del consumo de energía de un sistema empotrado. El modelo se basa en la correlación lineal entre los valores de los contadores de prestaciones y el consumo de energía. Considerando la particularidad de los contadores de prestaciones en cada sistema, la metodología de modelado se ha mejorado para obtener precisiones estables, con ligeras variaciones entre escenarios múltiples y para replicar los resultados en diferentes sistemas. La metodología incluye dos etapas: la primera, filtrado-PMC, que consiste en identificar el conjunto más apropiado de contadores de prestaciones de entre los disponibles en un sistema y la segunda, el método de validación cruzada de K iteraciones, cuyo fin es evitar los sesgos durante la fase de entrenamiento. La metodología se implementa en un sistema empotrado que ejecuta el kernel 2.6.34 de Linux y PAPI, un interfaz multiplataforma para configurar y acceder a los contadores. Los resultados muestran que esta metodología consigue una buena estabilidad en diferentes escenarios y proporciona unos resultados robustos de estimación con un error medio relativo inferior al 5%.