967 resultados para ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA


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The locus RTM1 is necessary for restriction of long-distance movement of tobacco etch virus in Arabidopsis thaliana without causing a hypersensitive response or inducing systemic acquired resistance. The RTM1 gene was isolated by map-based cloning. The deduced gene product is similar to the α-chain of the Artocarpus integrifolia lectin, jacalin, and to several proteins that contain multiple repeats of a jacalin-like sequence. These proteins comprise a family with members containing modular organizations of one or more jacalin repeat units and are implicated in defense against viruses, fungi, and insects.


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In Arabidopsis thaliana, trichome cells are specialized unicellular structures with uncertain functions. Based on earlier observations that one of the genes involved in cysteine biosynthesis (Atcys-3A) is highly expressed in trichomes, we have extended our studies in trichome cells to determine their capacity for glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis. First, we have analyzed by in situ hybridization the tissue-specific expression of the genes Atcys-3A and sat5, which encode O-acetylserine(thio)lyase (OASTL) and serine acetyltransferase (SAT), respectively, as well as gsh1 and gsh2, which encode γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase and glutathione synthetase, respectively. The four genes are highly expressed in leaf trichomes of Arabidopsis, and their mRNA accumulate to high levels. Second, we have directly measured cytoplasmic GSH concentration in intact cells by laser-scanning microscopy after labeling with monochlorobimane as a GSH-specific probe. From these measurements, cytosolic GSH concentrations of 238 ± 25, 80 ± 2, and 144 ± 19 μM were estimated for trichome, basement, and epidermal cells, respectively. Taking into account the volume of the cells measured using stereological techniques, the trichomes have a total GSH content more than 300-fold higher than the basement and epidermal cells. Third, after NaCl treatment, GSH biosynthesis is markedly decreased in trichomes. Atcys-3A, sat5, gsh1, and gsh2 mRNA levels show a decrease in transcript abundance, and [GSH]cyt is reduced to 47 ± 5 μM. These results suggest the important physiological significance of trichome cells related to GSH biosynthesis and their possible role as a sink during detoxification processes.


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Host-encoded factors play an important role in virus multiplication, acting in concert with virus-encoded factors. However, information regarding the host factors involved in this process is limited. Here we report the map-based cloning of an Arabidopsis thaliana gene, TOM1, which is necessary for the efficient multiplication of tobamoviruses, positive-strand RNA viruses infecting a wide variety of plants. The TOM1 mRNA is suggested to encode a 291-aa polypeptide that is predicted to be a multipass transmembrane protein. The Sos recruitment assay supported the hypothesis that TOM1 is associated with membranes, and in addition, that TOM1 interacts with the helicase domain of tobamovirus-encoded replication proteins. Taken into account that the tobamovirus replication complex is associated with membranes, we propose that TOM1 participates in the in vivo formation of the replication complex by serving as a membrane anchor.


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The circadian clock-associated 1 (CCA1) gene encodes a Myb-related transcription factor that has been shown to be involved in the phytochrome regulation of Lhcb1*3 gene expression and in the function of the circadian oscillator in Arabidopsis thaliana. By using a yeast interaction screen to identify proteins that interact with CCA1, we have isolated a cDNA clone encoding a regulatory (β) subunit of the protein kinase CK2 and have designated it as CKB3. CKB3 is the only reported example of a third β-subunit of CK2 found in any organism. CKB3 interacts specifically with CCA1 both in a yeast two-hybrid system and in an in vitro interaction assay. Other subunits of CK2 also show an interaction with CCA1 in vitro. CK2 β-subunits stimulate binding of CCA1 to the CCA1 binding site on the Lhcb1*3 gene promoter, and recombinant CK2 is able to phosphorylate CCA1 in vitro. Furthermore, Arabidopsis plant extracts contain a CK2-like activity that affects the formation of a DNA–protein complex containing CCA1. These results suggest that CK2 can modulate CCA1 activity both by direct interaction and by phosphorylation of the CCA1 protein and that CK2 may play a role in the function of CCA1 in vivo.


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Plant disease resistance (R) genes confer race-specific resistance to pathogens and are genetically defined on the basis of intra-specific functional polymorphism. Little is known about the evolutionary mechanisms that generate this polymorphism. Most R loci examined to date contain alternate alleles and/or linked homologs even in disease-susceptible plant genotypes. In contrast, the resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pathovar maculicola (RPM1) bacterial resistance gene is completely absent (rpm1-null) in 5/5 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions that lack RPM1 function. The rpm1-null locus contains a 98-bp segment of unknown origin in place of the RPM1 gene. We undertook comparative mapping of RPM1 and flanking genes in Brassica napus to determine the ancestral state of the RPM1 locus. We cloned two B. napus RPM1 homologs encoding hypothetical proteins with ≈81% amino acid identity to Arabidopsis RPM1. Collinearity of genes flanking RPM1 is conserved between B. napus and Arabidopsis. Surprisingly, we found four additional B. napus loci in which the flanking marker synteny is maintained but RPM1 is absent. These B. napus rpm1-null loci have no detectable nucleotide similarity to the Arabidopsis rpm1-null allele. We conclude that RPM1 evolved before the divergence of the Brassicaceae and has been deleted independently in the Brassica and Arabidopsis lineages. These results suggest that functional polymorphism at R gene loci can arise from gene deletions.


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We have identified and characterized an Arabidopsis thaliana rad50 mutant plant containing a T-DNA insertion in the AtRAD50 gene and showing both meiotic and DNA repair defects. We report here that rad50/rad50 mutant cells show a progressive shortening of telomeric DNA relative to heterozygous rad50/RAD50 controls and that the mutant cell population rapidly enters a crisis, with the majority of the cells dying. Surviving rad50 mutant cells have longer telomeres than wild-type cells, indicating the existence in plants of an alternative RAD50-independent mechanism for telomere maintenance. These results report the role of a protein essential for double-strand break repair in telomere maintenance in higher eukaryotes.


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Arabidopsis thaliana, a small annual plant belonging to the mustard family, is the subject of study by an estimated 7000 researchers around the world. In addition to the large body of genetic, physiological and biochemical data gathered for this plant, it will be the first higher plant genome to be completely sequenced, with completion expected at the end of the year 2000. The sequencing effort has been coordinated by an international collaboration, the Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (AGI). The rationale for intensive investigation of Arabidopsis is that it is an excellent model for higher plants. In order to maximize use of the knowledge gained about this plant, there is a need for a comprehensive database and information retrieval and analysis system that will provide user-friendly access to Arabidopsis information. This paper describes the initial steps we have taken toward realizing these goals in a project called The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) (www.arabidopsis.org).


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We describe the isolation of an Arabidopsis gene that is closely related to the animal ZnT genes (Zn transporter). The protein encoded by the ZAT (Zn transporter of Arabidopsis thaliana) gene has 398 amino acid residues and is predicted to have six membrane-spanning domains. To obtain evidence for the postulated function of the Arabidopsis gene, transgenic plants with the ZAT coding sequence under control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter were analyzed. Plants obtained with ZAT in the sense orientation exhibited enhanced Zn resistance and strongly increased Zn content in the roots under high Zn exposure. Antisense mRNA-producing plants were viable, with a wild-type level of Zn resistance and content, like plants expressing a truncated coding sequence lacking the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the protein. The availability of ZAT can lead to a better understanding of the mechanism of Zn homeostasis and resistance in plants.


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The fate of redundant genes resulting from genome duplication is poorly understood. Previous studies indicated that ribosomal RNA genes from one parental origin are epigenetically silenced during interspecific hybridization or polyploidization. Regulatory mechanisms for protein-coding genes in polyploid genomes are unknown, partly because of difficulty in studying expression patterns of homologous genes. Here we apply amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)–cDNA display to perform a genome-wide screen for orthologous genes silenced in Arabidopsis suecica, an allotetraploid derived from Arabidopsis thaliana and Cardaminopsis arenosa. We identified ten genes that are silenced from either A. thaliana or C. arenosa origin in A. suecica and located in four of the five A. thaliana chromosomes. These genes represent a variety of RNA and predicted proteins including four transcription factors such as TCP3. The silenced genes in the vicinity of TCP3 are hypermethylated and reactivated by blocking DNA methylation, suggesting epigenetic regulation is involved in the expression of orthologous genes in polyploid genomes. Compared with classic genetic mutations, epigenetic regulation may be advantageous for selection and adaptation of polyploid species during evolution and development.


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Chloroplast glycerolipids in a number of higher-plant species, including Arabidopsis thaliana, are synthesized by two distinct pathways termed the prokaryotic and eukaryotic pathways. The molecules of galactolipids produced by the prokaryotic pathway contain substantial amounts of hexadecatrienoic acid fatty acid. Here we describe a new class of mutants, designated gly1, with reduced levels of hexadecatrienoic acid. Lipid fatty acid profiles indicated that gly1 mutants exhibited a reduced carbon flux through the prokaryotic pathway that was compensated for by an increased carbon flux through the eukaryotic pathway. Genetic and biochemical approaches revealed that the gly1 phenotype could not be explained by a deficiency in the enzymes of the prokaryotic pathway. The flux of fatty acids into the prokaryotic pathway is sensitive to changes in glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) availability, and the chloroplast G3P pool can be increased by exogenous application of glycerol to leaves. Exogenous glycerol treatment of gly1 plants allowed chemical complementation of the mutant phenotype. These results are consistent with a mutant lesion affecting the G3P supply within the chloroplast. The gly1 mutants may therefore help in determining the pathway for synthesis of chloroplast G3P.


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The Sec1p family of proteins is required for vesicle-mediated protein trafficking between various organelles of the endomembrane system. This family includes Vps45p, which is required for transport to the vacuole in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). We have isolated a cDNA encoding a VPS45 homolog from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtVPS45). The cDNA is able to complement both the temperature-sensitive growth defect and the vacuolar-targeting defect of a yeast vps45 mutant, indicating that the two proteins are functionally related. AtVPS45p is a peripheral membrane protein that associates with microsomal membranes. Sucrose-density gradient fractionation demonstrated that AtVPS45p co-fractionates with AtELP, a potential vacuolar protein sorting receptor, implying that they may reside on the same membrane populations. These results indicate that AtVPS45p is likely to function in the transport of proteins to the vacuole in plants.


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cDNA corresponding to the GA4 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana L. (Heynh.) was expressed in Escherichia coli, from which cell lysates converted [14C]gibberellin (GA)9 and [14C]GA20 to radiolabeled GA4 and GA1, respectively, thereby confirming that GA4 encodes a GA 3β-hydroxylase. GA9 was the preferred substrate, with a Michaelis value of 1 μm compared with 15 μm for GA20. Hydroxylation of these GAs was regiospecific, with no indication of 2β-hydroxylation or 2,3-desaturation. The capacity of the recombinant enzyme to hydroxylate a range of other GA substrates was investigated. In general, the preferred substrates contained a polar bridge between C-4 and C-10, and 13-deoxy GAs were preferred to their 13-hydroxylated analogs. Therefore, no activity was detected using GA12-aldehyde, GA12, GA19, GA25, GA53, or GA44 as the open lactone (20-hydroxy-GA53), whereas GA15, GA24, and GA44 were hydroxylated to GA37, GA36, and GA38, respectively. The open lactone of GA15 (20-hydroxy-GA12) was hydroxylated but less efficiently than GA15. In contrast to the free acid, GA25 19,20-anhydride was 3β-hydroxylated to give GA13. 2,3-Didehydro-GA9 and GA5 were converted by recombinant GA4 to the corresponding epoxides 2,3-oxido-GA9 and GA6.


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A mechanism that confers increased Al resistance in the Arabidopsis thaliana mutant alr-104 was investigated. A modified vibrating microelectrode system was used to measure H+ fluxes generated along the surface of small Arabidopsis roots. In the absence of Al, no differences in root H+ fluxes between wild type and alr-104 were detected. However, Al exposure induced a 2-fold increase in net H+ influx in alr-104 localized to the root tip. The increased flux raised the root surface pH of alr-104 by 0.15 unit. A root growth assay was used to assess the Al resistance of alr-104 and wild type in a strongly pH-buffered nutrient solution. Increasing the nutrient solution pH from 4.4 to 4.5 significantly increased Al resistance in wild type, which is consistent with the idea that the increased net H+ influx can account for greater Al resistance in alr-104. Differences in Al resistance between wild type and alr-104 disappeared when roots were grown in pH-buffered medium, suggesting that Al resistance in alr-104 is mediated only by pH changes in the rhizosphere. This mutant provides the first evidence, to our knowledge, for an Al-resistance mechanism based on an Al-induced increase in root surface pH.


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To evaluate the relative importance of ornithine (Orn) as a precursor in proline (Pro) synthesis, we isolated and sequenced a cDNA encoding the Orn-δ-aminotransferase (δ-OAT) from Arabidopsis thaliana. The deduced amino acid sequence showed high homology with bacterial, yeast, mammalian, and plant sequences, and the N-terminal residues exhibited several common features with a mitochondrial transit peptide. Our results show that under both salt stress and normal conditions, δ-OAT activity and mRNA in young plantlets are slightly higher than in older plants. This appears to be related to the necessity to dispose of an easy recycling product, glutamate. Analysis of the expression of the gene revealed a close association with salt stress and Pro production. In young plantlets, free Pro content, Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase mRNA, δ-OAT activity, and δ-OAT mRNA were all increased by salt-stress treatment. These results suggest that for A. thaliana, the Orn pathway, together with the glutamate pathway, plays an important role in Pro accumulation during osmotic stress. Conversely, in 4-week-old A. thaliana plants, although free Pro level also increased under salt-stress conditions, the δ-OAT activity appeared to be unchanged and δ-OAT mRNA was not detectable. Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthase mRNA was still induced at a similar level. Therefore, for the adult plants the free Pro increase seemed to be due to the activity of the enzymes of the glutamate pathway.


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Al-resistant (alr) mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana were isolated and characterized to gain a better understanding of the genetic and physiological mechanisms of Al resistance. alr mutants were identified on the basis of enhanced root growth in the presence of levels of Al that strongly inhibited root growth in wild-type seedlings. Genetic analysis of the alr mutants showed that Al resistance was semidominant, and chromosome mapping of the mutants with microsatellite and random amplified polymorphic DNA markers indicated that the mutants mapped to two sites in the Arabidopsis genome: one locus on chromosome 1 (alr-108, alr-128, alr-131, and alr-139) and another on chromosome 4 (alr-104). Al accumulation in roots of mutant seedlings was studied by staining with the fluorescent Al-indicator dye morin and quantified via inductively coupled argon plasma mass spectrometry. It was found that the alr mutants accumulated lower levels of Al in the root tips compared with wild type. The possibility that the mutants released Al-chelating organic acids was examined. The mutants that mapped together on chromosome 1 released greater amounts of citrate or malate (as well as pyruvate) compared with wild type, suggesting that Al exclusion from roots of these alr mutants results from enhanced organic acid exudation. Roots of alr-104, on the other hand, did not exhibit increased release of malate or citrate, but did alkalinize the rhizosphere to a greater extent than wild-type roots. A detailed examination of Al resistance in this mutant is described in an accompanying paper (J. Degenhardt, P.B. Larsen, S.H. Howell, L.V. Kochian [1998] Plant Physiol 117: 19–27).