995 resultados para ALOHA2002-12-14
Especial XXII Congreso Español de Pediatría Social
Cet exemplaire de la Lectura d’Henri de Suso sur les Décrétales, dont il ne reste que le premier volume, présente la particularité de contenir aussi le texte des Décrétales, chacune d’elles étant suivie par le commentaire correspondant. Certaines anomalies de la copie permettent de préciser que les copistes avaient comme modèle deux manuscrits différents, un pour la Lectura et l’autre pour les Décrétales dans une édition augmentée des Novelles d'Innocent IV, qui devaient être insérées à la suite des titres correspondants, selon la prescription pontificale de 1245. Le texte même des Novelles qui n’était pas commenté dans la Lectura n’a pas été repris dans la copie, sauf l’Extravagante Quia frequenter, au f. 37v, et Sext. I, 13, 1, au f. 133. F. 1-360v. F. 1-177v. "Apparatus [HENRICI de SEGUSIO cardinalis] Ostiensis super textum Decretalium". [Prooemium:] "[A]d Dei omnipotentis gloriam et universalis ecclesie decus et decorem necnon rei publice et maxime scolasticorum utilitatem... - ...emendate"; — [In epistola dedicatoria Gregorii IX:] "Vicarius regis pacifici ad communem utilitatem et maxime studencium quinque compilationes... - ...et punit" (éd.Venise, I, 3-3v). — "Incipit liber primus Decretalium". [GREGORIUS IX papa, Epistola dedicatoria, salutatio] ; suivi de [HENRICUS DE SEGUSIO, Lectura :] "Gregorius episcopus. Omnes sunt episcopi licet vocentur archiepiscopi, primates vel patriarche... de manu apud eum"; — [GREGORIUS IX papa, Epistola dedicatoria] terminée par l'inscription rubriquée de la première Décrétale; suivi de: [HENRICUS DE SEGUSIO, Lectura in epistola dedicatoria :] "Rex. Regum et omnium potestatum. VIII di. que contra mores... - ...super verbo hac tantum"; et de [ID., Lectura in prima rubrica : ]"Quoniam omne quod non est in fine... - ...de fide catholica" (éd.Venise, I, 3v-5) (1-2v). — Extra 1, 1, 1 ; suivi de [ID., Lectura : ] "Firmiter credimus. Bene dicit nam dubius in fine... - ...Extra 1, 37, 1 ; suivi de [ID., Lectura : ] "Clerici... Et si beneficio etc. careant... de foro compe.", incomplet de la fin par lacune matérielle (éd.Venise, I, 5-182, § 10) (2v-177v). A noter: var. de plusieurs lignes à l'explicit des commentaires sur Extra 1, 1, 2 et 1, 3, 11. A noter les anomalies suivantes :L’inscription de chaque Décrétale, à quelques exceptions près, a été inscrite à la fin du texte de la Décrétale précédente. Le libellé: "Innocentius IIIIus" ou bien "Innocentius IIIIus in concil. Lugdun", qui a été inscrit à la fin des titres I, 3 (25v), 6, (85), 10 (103), 28 (132v), 29 (153), 30 (155v), 31 (164) correspond, en fait, à l'inscription des Novelles d'Innocent IV éditées dans le Sexte, livre I, en tête des titres 3, 6, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16.Au f. 37v, à la suite d'Extra 1, 6, 6, le texte de la constitution d'Innocent IV Quia frequenter a été copié, puis exponctué en marge par un correcteur avec la mention "vacat": "Quia frequenter in electione summorum pontificum colupna Dei... - ...minime computato" avec l'inscription: "Idem" écrite à la fin de la Décrétale précédente qui renvoie à Alexandre III. Sur ce texte qui n’a pas été repris dans le Sexte ; cf. H. Singer, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtesgeschichte, Kan. Abt., VI (1916), 1-140 (éd. Friedberg, 946, Sext. 1, 6, 3, note c). Autres manuscrits recensés : Londres, B.L. ms. Add. 18368, f. 8v ; Paris, BNF ms. latin 14324, f. 234 ; Paris, Bibl. Sainte-Geneviève ms. 339, f. 90 ; Prague, I-B4, f. ? (renseignement aimablement communiqué par Michèle Bégou-Davia).Au f. 133, le titre I, 28 est suivi du texte de Sext. I, 13, 1.Au f.114v, le texte d’Extra 1, 15, 1 §1-6 a été copié une première fois dans le module de la glose à la fin d'un cahier, puis exponctué en marge avec la mention "vacat" et recopié dans le gros module habituel sur un feuillet additionnel (115).Aux ff. 133v-134, les Décrétales 1, 29, 3 et 4, suivies de leurs commentaires, ont été interverties ; de même que les Décrétales 1, 29, 42 et 43, aux ff. 152v-153v. F. 178-360v. "Incipit liber secundus". Extra 2, 1, 1 ; suivi de [HENRICUS DE SEGUSIO, Lectura:] "[D]e Quovultdeo etc. Supple ita statutum est d. n. sed propter hoc plene non subvenitur constronccioni [sic].." - ... Extra 2, 30, 6 "... archid. c. fi. § fi". "Explicit liber secundus. Benedictus sit Deus." (éd.Venise, II, 2-209v). Comme dans le livre I, le libellé inscrit à la fin des titres II, 1 (187), 2 (196v), 5 (202), 13 (240), 14 (247), 15 (249), 18 (252v), 25 (312v), 27 (329v), 28 (357v) correspond à l'inscription des Novelles d'Innocent IV éditées dans le Sexte, livre II, en tête des titres 1-3, 5-7, 9, 12, 14, 15.Au f. 196v, le copiste a copié à la suite les commentaire sur Extra 2, 2, 19 et 20, omettant le texte de Extra 2, 20 qu'il a dû ajouter ensuite dans la marge. Au f. 205, le copiste a mal apprécié l’espace réservé pour Extra 6, 2, le texte commencé normalement en gros module d'écriture, se poursuit en petit module et se termine dans la marge inférieure. De même, au f. 227, les dernières lignes d’ Extra 12, 7 ont dû être écrites dans la marge, avec un signe de renvoi. F. 360v-362. Commentaire anonyme sur Extra 2, 28, 59 De appellationibus: "Ut debitus honor etc. More solito dominus Innocencius premittit causam constitutionis exprimens duas causas motivas: qualiter hec constitutio promulgatur antipophornando... - ... se scit et c. arguta". A noter, f. 1-72v, en marge. PETRUS DE SAMPSONA, Distinctiones super Decretalibus 1, 1, 1-1, 6, 44, excerpta; cf. M. Bertram, "Pierre de Sampson et Bernard de Montmirat...", dans L'Eglise et le droit dans le Midi (XIIIe-XIVe s.) (Cahiers de Fanjeaux, 29), Toulouse, 1994, 37-74 et part. 66, parmi les mss recensés. En marge de l'inscription de l'épitre de Grégoire IX: "Greg. ep. etc. Dominus papa Christi universitatis vicarius set episcopus dicitur singularis quare dominus papa dicatur servus... - ...a papa"; en marge de l'épitre dédicatoire: "Rex pacificus quarum alique propter nimiam similitudinem quedam propter contrarietatem sed numquid in hac compilacione... - ...per totum", incipit A de M. Bertram, art. cit., 64 (1) ; — en marge de la Lectura sur l'épitre dédicatoire: Rex pacificus dicitur esse pacificus et Christus pacem diligit temporalem... - ...approbatur" (1v). — Dernière glose en marge d'Extra 1, 6, 44: "Itaque interim etc. Hii etiam qui pape... - ... et similibus" (72v). A noter, au f. 55v, à la fin de la glose, la signature "P. Sampsone" et au f. 67, "P. Samp.". F. 1-69v, passim et 124v-125. Gloses marginales ajoutées par une main cursive anglaise, contemporaine de la copie. « Doctoribus. Qui faciunt universitatem... - ...dilectus. [signé] Abb(at)is" (Bernardus de Montmirat, Lectura in Decretales, ed. Venise, 1588, I, 2) (1). —En marge de la Lecture sur Extra 1, 6, 42: "B. in apostillis suis dicit quod si aliquis potestatem... - ...commento Hostiensis" (69v).
Un dels corrents polítics que ha estat sotmès a un contrast més polèmic i aspre amb l'esdevenir dels fets, ha estat el liberalisme. A diferència d'altres tendències polítiques encara contemporànies, el liberalisme gaudeix d'una esplèndida salut 300 anys després, encara que els seus inicis puguin rastrejar-se en ple Segle d'Or espanyol. Són poques les filosofies polítiques que han superat amb alts i baixos, amb canvis, amb avanços i retrocessos gairebé tres segles d'existència. Pot avui detectar-se en el liberalisme polític el pensament de filòsofs espanyols, anglesos i escocesos que van conformar amb la seva reflexió i els seus escrits un cos doctrinal que conforma i enriqueix, encara avui, la vida política de les societats plurals modernes i més avançades del planeta. Quan algunes filosofies i/o religions polítiques han pràcticament desaparegut de l'horitzó en progrés dels homes del segle XXI, el liberalisme de Locke, Juan de Mariana, Tomás de Mercado, Hume, Ferguson, Hutcheson, Smith i tants altres, mostra inequívocs signes de vitalitat. La preocupació per l'individu lliure, responsable i ètic i el seu esforç titànic per desprendre's de l'opressió i l'asfíxia governativa i burocràtica, encoratgen la resposta de major abast que ens és possible encara contemplar en les dues primeres dècades del segle XXI. Homes i dones lliures, autònoms, independents, amb capacitat creativa, amb voluntat i disposats a enfrontar problemes, dificultats i traves per defensar la seva llibertat. Aquesta és avui una herència de primer ordre del pensament humanista que arrenca al món hel•lènic i dura fins als nostres dies. La concepció de la funció de l'Estat i la seva extensió, l’acceptació major o menor de la seva grandària, el paper de la burocràcia, els mecanismes de submissió, control i opressió, són avui una assignatura encara pendent per a milions de ciutadans a tot el món que intueixen encara, a palpentes, que la llibertat és el valor més preuat de la humanitat, la seva pedra angular. Liberals, anarquistes i llibertaris discrepen en moltes qüestions i en el treball present, donem complerta compte d'algunes de les diferències més significatives, però coincideixen en l'anhel infrangible de l'home lliure. No tots els camins condueixen a la llibertat, no totes les solucions garanteixen la llibertat, però l'esperit que anima a aquests tres corrents polítics nascuts del pensament dels filòsofs, historiadors i polítics més lliures i compromesos, justifica que abordem les seves dimensions –acords i diferències- amb la seguretat que hi ha moltes coses que aprendre de la seva història i tantes altres que preservar de la seva memòria.
As guidelines de cardiologia nuclear europeia e americanas não são específicas na escolha dos melhores parâmetros de reconstrução de imagem a utilizar na Cintigrafia de Perfusão do Miocárdio (CPM). Assim, o presente estudo teve como objectivo estabelecer e comparar o efeito dos parâmetros quantitativos dos métodos de reconstrução: Retroprojecção Filtrada (FBP) e Ordered ‑Sub‑set Expectation Maximization (OSEM). Métodos: Foi utilizado um fantoma cardíaco, cujos valores do volume telediastólico (VTD), volume telesistólico (VTS) e fracção de ejecção ventricular esquerda (FEVE) eram conhecidos. O software Quantitative Gated SPECT/Quantitative Perfusion SPECT foi utilizado em modo semi‑automático, a fim de obter esses parâmetros quantitativos. O filtro Butterworth foi usado no FBP com as frequências de corte entre 0,2 e 0,8 ciclos/pixel combinadas com as ordens de 5, 10, 15 e 20. Na reconstrução OSEM, foram utilizados os subconjuntos 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 e 16, combinados com os números de iterações de 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 32 e 64. Durante a reconstrução OSEM efectuou‑se uma outra reconstrução baseada no número de iterações equivalentes - Expectation‑Maximization (EM) 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26, 28, 30 e 32. Resultados: Após a reconstrução com FBP verificou‑se que os valores de VTD e VTS aumentavam com o aumento da frequência de corte, enquanto o valor da FEVE diminui. Esse mesmo padrão é verificado na reconstrução OSEM. No entanto, com OSEM há uma estimativa mais precisa dos parâmetros quantitativos, especialmente com as combinações 2I × 10S e 12S × 2I. Conclusão: A reconstrução OSEM apresenta uma melhor estimativa dos parâmetros quantitativos e uma melhor qualidade de imagem do que a reconstrução com FBP. Este estudo recomenda o uso de 2 iterações com 10 ou 12 subconjuntos para a reconstrução OSEM e uma frequência de corte de 0,5 ciclos/pixel com as ordens 5, 10 ou 15 para a reconstrução com FBP como a melhor estimativa para a quantificação da FEVE através da CPM.
While chronic hypoglycaemia has been reported to increase unidirectional glucose transport across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and to increase GLUT1 expression at the endothelium, the effect on steady-state brain d-glucose and brain glycogen content is currently unknown. Brain glucose and glycogen concentrations were directly measured in vivo using localized 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) following 12-14 days of hypoglycaemia. Brain glucose content was significantly increased by 48%, which is consistent with an increase in the maximal glucose transport rate, Tmax, by 58% compared with the sham-treated animals. The localized 13C NMR measurements of brain glucose were directly validated by comparison with biochemically determined brain glucose content after rapid focused microwave fixation (1.4 s at 4 kW). Both in vivo MRS and biochemical measurements implied that brain glycogen content was not affected by chronic hypoglycaemia, consistent with brain glucose being a major factor controlling brain glycogen content. We conclude that the increased glucose transporter expression in chronic hypoglycaemia leads to increased brain glucose content at a given level of glycaemia. Such increased brain glucose concentrations can result in a lowered glycaemic threshold of counter-regulation observed in chronic hypoglycaemia.
Die Fachstelle Suchtprävention Mittelschulen und Berufsbildung des Kantons Zürich entwickelte in Zusammenarbeit mit Sucht Info Schweiz das Pilotprojekt «Motivierende Gruppenkurzinterventionen bei risikoreich Alkohol konsumierenden Berufs- und Mittelschülerinnen und -schülern». Die Resultate der Pilotstudie zeigen, dass die Gruppenkurzintervention mindestens vier bis sechs Monate nach der Intervention wirksam ist. [Autoren]
BACKGROUND: A rapid decrease of serum potassium concentrations during haemodialysis produces a significant increase in blood pressure parameters at the end of the session, even if effects on intra-dialysis pressure are not seen. Paradoxically, in animal models potassium is a vasodilator and decreases myocardial contractility. The purpose of this trial is to study the precise haemodynamic consequences induced by acute changes in potassium concentration during haemodialysis. METHODS: In 24 patients, 288 dialysis sessions, using a randomised single blind crossover design, we compared six dialysate sequences with different potassium profiles. The dialysis sessions were divided into 3 tertiles, casually modulating potassium concentration in the dialysate between the value normally used K and the two cut-off points K+1 and K-1 mmol/l. Haemodynamics were evaluated in a non-invasive manner using a finger beat-to-beat monitor. RESULTS: Comparing K-1 and K+1, differences were found within the tertiles regarding systolic (+5.3, +6.6, +2.3 mmHg, p < 0.05, < 0.05, ns) and mean blood pressure (+4.3, +6.4, -0.5 mmHg, p < 0.01, < 0.01, ns), as well as peripheral resistance (+212, +253, -4 dyne.sec.cm-5, p < 0.05, < 0.05, ns). The stroke volume showed a non-statistically-significant inverse trend (-3.1, -5.2, -0.2 ml). 18 hypotension episodes were recorded during the course of the study. 72% with K-1, 11% with K and 17% with K+1 (p < 0.01 for comparison K-1 vs. K and K-1 vs. K+1). CONCLUSIONS: A rapid decrease in the concentration of serum potassium during the initial stage of the dialysis-obtained by reducing the concentration of potassium in the dialysate-translated into a decrease of systolic and mean blood pressure mediated by a decrease in peripheral resistance. The risk of intra-dialysis hypotension inversely correlates to the potassium concentration in the dialysate. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT01224314.
In this study, the influence of paternal involvement in caregiving on infant sociability was assessed using a strange situation paradigm adapted from the work of Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters, and Wall (1978). Thirty-seven families participated with their firstborn child (aged 12-14 months). According to the questionnaire, 20 nontraditional fathers were very involved in caretaking, and 17 fathers were less or not at all involved. Infant sociability was assessed using three of Ainsworth et al.'s rating scales: proximity or contact-seeking, avoidance, and distance interaction. Results indicated that infants of nontraditional fathers were globally more sociable with all their partners (father, mother, and stranger) than infants of traditional fathers. Furthermore, results suggested that it was not only the father-infant relationship or infant development which were affected by the amount of paternal involvement in daily caretaking but the family system as a whole. Indeed, infants from nontraditional families appeared to interact equally with their fathers and mothers in direct interaction. In addition, these infants interacted at a distance with a stranger as much in the presence of their fathers as in the presence of their mothers, thereby suggesting that both parents represented an equally secure base.
Pursuant to the Code section 307.12(14)the DOT is providing the summary of contracts let from July 1, 2005 to June 20, 2006.
Repeated antimalarial treatment for febrile episodes and self-treatment are common in malaria-endemic areas. The intake of antimalarials prior to participating in an in vivo study may alter treatment outcome and affect the interpretation of both efficacy and safety outcomes. We report the findings from baseline plasma sampling of malaria patients prior to inclusion into an in vivo study in Tanzania and discuss the implications of residual concentrations of antimalarials in this setting. In an in vivo study conducted in a rural area of Tanzania in 2008, baseline plasma samples from patients reporting no antimalarial intake within the last 28 days were screened for the presence of 14 antimalarials (parent drugs or metabolites) using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Among the 148 patients enrolled, 110 (74.3%) had at least one antimalarial in their plasma: 80 (54.1%) had lumefantrine above the lower limit of calibration (LLC = 4 ng/mL), 7 (4.7%) desbutyl-lumefantrine (4 ng/mL), 77 (52.0%) sulfadoxine (0.5 ng/mL), 15 (10.1%) pyrimethamine (0.5 ng/mL), 16 (10.8%) quinine (2.5 ng/mL) and none chloroquine (2.5 ng/mL). The proportion of patients with detectable antimalarial drug levels prior to enrollment into the study is worrying. Indeed artemether-lumefantrine was supposed to be available only at government health facilities. Although sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine is only recommended for intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp), it was still widely used in public and private health facilities and sold in drug shops. Self-reporting of previous drug intake is unreliable and thus screening for the presence of antimalarial drug levels should be considered in future in vivo studies to allow for accurate assessment of treatment outcome. Furthermore, persisting sub-therapeutic drug levels of antimalarials in a population could promote the spread of drug resistance. The knowledge on drug pressure in a given population is important to monitor standard treatment policy implementation.
The Navachab gold mine in the Damara belt of central Namibia is characterized by a polymetallic Au-Bi-As-Cu-Ag ore assemblage, including pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite, bismuth, gold, bismuthinite, and bismuth tellurides. Gold is hosted by quartz sulfide veins and semimassive sulfide lenses that are developed in a near-vertical sequence of shelf-type metasedimentary rocks, including marble, calcsilicate rock, and biotite schist. The sequence has been intruded by abundant syntectonic lamprophyre, aplite, and pegmatite dikes, documenting widespread igneous activity coeval with mineralization. The majority of quartz from the veins has delta(18)O values of 14 to 15 per mil (V-SMOW). The total variations in delta(18)O values of the biotite schist and calcsilicate rock are relatively small (12-14 parts per thousand), whereas the marble records steep gradients in delta(18)O values (17-21 parts per thousand), the lowest values being recorded at the vein margins. Despite this, there is no correlation between delta(18)O and delta(13)C values and the carbonate content of the rocks, indicating that fluid-rock interaction alone cannot explain the isotopic gradients. In addition, the marble records increased delta(13)C values at the contact to the veins, possibly related to a change in the physicochemical conditions during fluid-rock interaction. Gold is interpreted to have precipitated in equilibrium with metamorphic find (delta(18)O 12-14 parts per thousand; delta D = -40 to -60 parts per thousand) at peak metamorphic conditions of ca. 550 degrees C and 2 kbars, consistent with isotopic fractionations between coexisting calcite, garnet, and clinopyroxene in the alteration halos. The most likely source of the mineralizing fluid was a midcrustal fluid in equilibrium with the Damaran metapelites that underwent prograde metamorphism at amphibolite- to granulite-facies grades. Although there is no isotopic evidence for the contribution of magmatic fluids, they may have been important in contributing to the overall hydraulic regime and high apparent geothermal gradients (ca. 80 degrees C/km(-1)) in the mine area.