307 resultados para ADENOVIRUS


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Los adenovirus recombinantes actualmente representan la opción más utilizada en terapia génica por su eficiencia de transducción, amplio tropismo celular y gran versatilidad en comparación con otros sistemas de transferencia de genes. De igual forma, el uso de un promotor sintético inducible por campos electromagnéticos (CEM) para la expresión del gen reportero de luciferasa ha sido utilizado como vacuna de ADN en ensayos in vitro e in vivo con resultados prometedores al momento de evaluar su respuesta ante la exposición a un campo magnético (CM). En el presente trabajo se sintetizó un fragmento poliA in silico para flanquear el promotor CEM y su gen reportero, aislándolo de la acción promotora e inhibitoria de las regiones ITR (Inverted Terminal Repeat) del genoma adenoviral. Este casete de expresión se introdujo en un plásmido acarreador que comparte regiones de recombinación homóloga con el plásmido poseedor del genoma adenoviral en el sistema comercial AdEasy. Las partículas adenovirales recombinantes AdCEM-Luc generadas fueron utilizadas para medir los niveles de luminiscencia a diferentes tiempos de transducción y de exposición al CM en células HEK 293. Los resultados obtenidos comprobaron la viabilidad del adenovector AdCEM-Luc para transducir células HEK 293, y además revelaron una correlación directa entre el tiempo de incubación y los niveles de luminiscencia. No obstante, no se encontró diferencia significativa en la luminiscencia obtenida ante la exposición o ausencia del CM, lo cual es atribuible a la permisividad en la expresión génica adenoviral de la línea celular HEK 293.


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El término “fusoquina” se utiliza para denominar a las proteínas de fusión compuestas por dos diferentes citocinas. Las citocinas son una familia de proteínas y glicoproteínas solubles que controlan la activación, proliferación e incluso la muerte celular programada de células del sistema inmune. Debido a su participación natural como inmunomoduladores se ha investigado su importancia en la regulación de microambiente tumoral. Dos de las quimiocinas que se han estudiado son IP10 y linfotactina. En nuestro equipo de trabajo se construyó previamente un vector adenoviral que expresa la fusión de estas quimiocinas. Por lo que el propósito de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto antitumoral y antiangiogénico de este adenovirus. Para esto se produjeron las partículas virales a gran escala, se purificaron y cuantificaron por el método de punto final en placa. El modelo in vivo que se utilizó fue la cepa de ratón C57BL/6 y la línea tumoral de pulmón TC-1. Para determinar si el Ad-FIL incrementa el efecto antitumoral de la vacuna de DNA CRT/E7, los ratones fueron sensibilizados con ésta vacuna y posteriormente se les administraron los tratamientos Ad-Vacío, Ad-IP10, Ad-LPTN, Ad-IP10 + Ad-LPTN o Ad-FIL. Para le evaluación del efecto antiangiogénico los ratones fueron sacrificados y se obtuvieron los tumores, estos fueron procesados por la técnica histológica y se llevó a cabo una inmunohistoquímica para el marcador de vasos CD31. Finalmente se realizó un ensayo antitumoral empleando las mismas construcciones en un contexto de vacunas de DNA, para esto se emplearon dos grupos de ratones, uno de los grupos de ratones recibieron ambas vacunas de DNA (CRT/E7 + quimiocinas) mientras que el otro grupo de ratones recibieron solamente las quimocinas. La fusoquina FIL compuesta por IP10 y Linfotactina no presentó efecto antitumoral en el modelo estudiado; sin embargo, si presentó un efecto antiangiogénico significativo. Se deberá estudiar esta fusoquina en otros modelos y condiciones para continuar evaluando su efecto biológico, así como su utilidad al administrarla en combinación con otros tratamientos.


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Propósito y Método del Estudio: Introducción. La generación de implantes para el tratamiento y regeneración de afecciones del tejido óseo representan una enorme oportunidad de desarrollo e innovación para muchos campos de la salud humana. Metodología: nosotros generamos un implante de tres componentes (I-3C) constituido por células madre mesenquimales (CMMs), transducidas ex vivo con un vector adenoviral que expresa una combinación de las proteínas morfogenéticas de hueso 2 y 7 (AdBMP2/7), embebidas en una matriz ósea desmineralizada (MOD). Este implante fue probado en un modelo ovino (Ovis aries) en una lesión sometida a carga. Resultados: los ensayos in vitro demostraron que el tratamiento seleccionado con mayor potencial osteogénico es el que contiene la combinación AdBMP2/7 comprobado por PCR en tiempo real, Western Blot y tinciones histológicas e inmunohistoquímicas para las proteínas marcadoras de inducción a hueso, osteocalcina y colágeno tipo I. El implante fue colocado en la zona de la lesión, creada por una distracción en la diáfisis media de la tibia. Se probaron tres grupos de experimentación: control 1 sin implante (S-I); control 2 implante con CMMs (I-CMMs); implante de 3 componentes CMMs modificadas genéticamente con adenovirus que expresan proteínas morfogenéticas de hueso 2 y 7 que se encuentran embebidas en una matriz de hueso desmineralizado (I-3C). Resultados: el seguimiento radiográfico por 10 semanas después de la distracción ósea demostró una reducción en el tiempo de consolidación del grupo I-3C. La tomografía computarizada demostró en ese mismo grupo, una forma y estructura del hueso postmortem muy parecida a la de una tibia sin lesión. Estos hallazgos fueron corroborados por los ensayos de compresión e histológicos, demostrando que la calidad del hueso nuevo formado fue mayor que la de los grupos sin implante y con CMMs sin modificación genética. Contribuciones y Conclusiones: se logró desarrollar un implante de tres componentes constituido por células madre mesenquimales (CMMs), transducidas ex vivo con un vector adenoviral que expresa una combinación de las proteínas morfogenéticas de hueso 2 y 7 (AdBMP2/7), que nos permitirá continuar con los estudios clínicos necesarios para evaluar principalmente defectos en huesos y enfermedades relacionadas con el sistema óseo.


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The apparent simplicity of viruses hides the complexity of their interactions with their hosts. Viruses are masters at circumventing host defenses and manipulating the cellular environment for their own benefit. The replication of the largest known family of single-stranded DNA viruses, Geminiviridae, is impaired by DNA methylation and Arabidopsis mutants affected in cytosine methylation are hypersusceptible to geminivirus infection. This implies that plants might use methylation as a defense against geminiviruses and that the viral genome is a target for plant DNA methyltransferases. We have found a novel counter-defense strategy used by geminiviruses, that reduces the expression of the plant maintenance DNA methyltransferases, MET1 and CMT3, in both, locally and systemically infected tissues. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the virus-mediated repression of these two maintenance DNA methyltransferases is widely spread among different geminivirus species. Additionally, we identified Rep as the geminiviral protein responsible for the repression of MET1 and CMT3, and another viral protein, C4, as an ancillary player in MET1 downregulation. The presence of Rep, suppresses TGS of an Arabidopsis transgene and of host loci whose expression is strongly controlled by CG methylation. Bisulfite sequencing analyses showed that the expression of Rep caused a substantial reduction in the levels of DNA methylation at CG sites. Our findings suggest that Rep, the only viral protein essential for geminiviral replication, displays TGS suppressor activity through a mechanism distinct from the one thus far described for geminiviruses.


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Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease occurring within the artery wall. A crucial step in atherogenesis is the infiltration and retention of monocytes into the subendothelial space of large arteries induced by chemokines and growth factors. Angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) regulates angiogenesis and reduces vascular permeability and has also 15 been reported to promote monocyte migration in vitro. We investigated the role of Ang-1 in atherosclerosis-prone apolipoprotein-E (Apo-E) knockout mouse. Apo-E knockout (Apo-E-/-) mice fed a western or normal chow diet received a single iv injection of adenovirus encoding Ang-1 or control vector. Adenovirus-mediated systemic expression of Ang-1 induced a significant increase in early atherosclerotic lesion size and monocyte/macrophage accumulation compared with control animals receiving empty vector. Ang-1 significantly increased plasma MCP-1 and VEGF levels as measured by ELISA. FACS analysis showed that Ang-1 selectively increased inflammatory Gr1þmonocytes in the circulation, while the cell-surface 25 expression of CD11b, which mediates monocyte emigration, was significantly reduced. Ang-1 specifically increases circulating Gr1þinflammatory monocytes and increases monocyte/macrophage retention in atherosclerotic plaques, thereby contributing to development of atherosclerosis.


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Adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors are among the most widely used gene transfer systems in basic and pre-clinical research and have been employed in more than 160 clinical trials. AAV vectors are commonly produced in producer cell lines like HEK293 by co-transfection with a so-called vector plasmid and one (in this work) or two so-called helper plasmids. The vector plasmid contains the transgene cassette of interest (TEC) flanked by AAV’s inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) which serve as packaging signals, whereas the helper plasmid provides the required AAV and helper virus functions in trans. A pivotal aspect of AAV vectorology is the manufacturing of AAV vectors free from impurities arising during the production process. These impurities include AAV vector preparations that contain capsids containing prokaryotic sequences, e.g. antibiotic resistance genes originating from the producer plasmids. In the first part of the thesis we aimed at improving the safety of AAV vectors. As we found that encapsidated prokaryotic sequences (using the ampicillin resistance gene as indicator) cannot be re-moved by standard purification methods we investigated whether the producer plasmids could be replaced by Minicircles (MCs). MCs are circular DNA constructs which contain no functional or coding prokaryotic sequences; they only consist of the TEC and a short sequence required for production and purification. MC counterparts of a vector plasmid encoding for enhanced green fluorescent (eGFP) protein and a helper plasmid encoding for AAV serotype 2 (AAV2) and helper Adenovirus (Ad) genes were designed and produced by PlasmidFactory (Bielefeld, Germany). Using all four possible combinations of plasmid and MCs, single-stranded AAV2 vectors (ssAAV) and self-complementary AAV vectors (scAAV) were produced and characterized for vector quantity, quality and functionality. The analyses showed that plasmids can be replaced by MCs without decreasing the efficiency of vector production and vector quality. MC-derived scAAV vector preparations even exceeded plasmid-derived preparations, as they displayed up to 30-fold improved transduction efficiencies. Using MCs as tools, we found that the vector plasmid is the main source of encapsidated prokaryotic sequences. Remarkably, we found that plasmid-derived scAAV vector preparations contained a much higher relative amount of prokaryotic sequences (up to 26.1 %, relative to TEC) compared to ssAAV vector preparations (up to 2.9 %). By replacing both plasmids by MCs the amount of functional prokaryotic sequences could be decreased to below the limit of quantification. Additional analyses for DNA impurities other than prokaryotic sequences showed that scAAV vectors generally contained a higher amount of non-vector DNA (e.g. adenoviral sequences) than ssAAV vectors. For both, ssAAV and scAAV vector preparations, MC-derived vectors tended to contain lower amounts of foreign DNA. None of the vectors tested could be shown to induce immunogenicity. In summary we could demonstrate that the quality of AAV vector preparations could be significantly improved by replacing producer plasmids by MCs. Upon transduction of a target tissue, AAV vector genomes predominantly remain in an episomal state, as duplex DNA circles or concatemers. These episomal forms mediate long-term transgene expression in terminally differentiated cells, but are lost in proliferating cells due to cell division. Therefore, in the second part of the thesis, in cooperation with Claudia Hagedorn and Hans J. Lipps (University Witten/Herdecke) an AAV vector genome was equipped with an autonomous replication element (Scaffold/matrix attachment region (S/MAR)). AAV-S/MAR encoding for eGFP and a blasticidin resistance gene and a control vector with the same TEC but lacking the S/MAR element (AAV-ΔS/MAR) were produced and transduced into highly proliferative HeLa cells. Antibiotic pressure was employed to select for cells stably maintaining the vector genome. AAV-S/MAR transduced cells yielded a higher number of colonies than AAV-ΔS/MAR-transduced cells. Colonies derived from each vector transduction were picked and cultured further. They remained eGFP-positive (up to 70 days, maximum cultivation period) even in the absence of antibiotic selection pressure. Interestingly, the mitotic stability of both AAV-S/MAR and control vector AAV-ΔS/MAR was found to be a result of episomal maintenance of the vector genome. This finding indicates that, under specific conditions such as the mild selection pressure we employed, “common” AAV vectors persist episomally. Thus, the S/MAR element increases the establishment frequency of stable episomes, but is not a prerequisite.


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Studies in Iowa have long documented the vulnerability of wells with less than 50 feet (15 meters) of confining materials above the source aquifer to contamination from nitrate and various pesticides. Recent studies in Wisconsin have documented the occurrence of viruses in untreated groundwater, even in wells considered to have little vulnerability to contamination from near-surface activities. In addition, sensitive methods have become available for analyses of pharmaceuticals and pesticides. This study represents the first comprehensive examination of contaminants of emerging concern in Iowa’s groundwater conducted to date, and one of the first conducted in the United States. Raw groundwater samples were collected from 66 public supply wells during the spring of 2013, when the state was recovering from drought conditions. Samples were analyzed for 206 chemical and biological parameters; including 20 general water-quality parameters and major ions, 19 metals, 5 nutrients, 10 virus groups, 3 species of pathogenic bacteria, 5 microbial indicators, 108 pharmaceuticals, 35 pesticides and pesticide degradates, and tritium. The wells chosen for this study represent a diverse range of ages, depths, confining material thicknesses, pumping rates, and land use settings. The most commonly detected contaminant group was pesticide compounds, which were present in 41% of the samples. As many as 6 pesticide compounds were found together in a sample, most of which were chloroacetanilide degradates. While none of the measured concentrations of pesticide compounds exceeded current benchmark levels, several of these compounds are listed on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Contaminant Candidate List and could be subject to drinking water standards in the future. Despite heavy use in the past decade, glyphosate was not detected, and its metabolite, aminomethylphosphonic acid, was only detected in two of 60 wells tested (3%) at the detection limit of 0.02 μg/L. Pharmaceutical compounds were detected in 35% of 63 samples. Of the 14 pharmaceuticals detected, six had reported concentrations above the method reporting limit, with the maximum reported concentration of 826 ng/L for acetaminophen. Diphenhydramine was the only pharmaceutical to have two detections above the reporting limit, at 24.5 and 145 ng/L. Eight pharmaceuticals had confirmed detections at concentrations below the method reporting limit. Caffeine was the most frequently detected pharmaceutical compound (25%), followed by the caffeine metabolite, 1,7-dimethylxanthine (16%). Microorganisms were detected in 21% of the wells using quantitative polymerase chain reaction methodologies. The most frequently detected microorganism was the pepper mild mottle virus (PMMV), a plant pathogen found in human waste. PMMV was detected in 17% of samples at concentrations ranging from 0.4 to 6.38 gene copies per liter. GII norovirus, human polyomavirus, bovine polyomavirus, and Campylobacter were also detected, while adenovirus, enterovirus, GI norovirus, swine hepatitis E, Salmonella, and enterohemmorhagic E. coli were not detected. No correlations were found between viruses or pathogenic bacteria and microbial indicators. Wells with less than 50 feet (15 meters) of confining material were shown to have greater incidence of surface-related contaminants; however, significant relationships (p<0.05) between confining layer thickness and contaminants were only found for nitrate and herbicides.