905 resultados para 860[82]-2.09
Os sistemas de telecomunicações emitem radiofreqüência, uma radiação eletromagnética invisível. Telefones celulares transmitem microondas (450900 MHz no sistema analógico e 1,82,2 GHz no sistema digital), muito próximo à orelha do usuário. Esta energia é absorvida pela pele, orelha interna, nervo vestibulococlear e superfície do lobo temporal. OBJETIVO: Revisar a literatura sobre influência dos telefones celulares na audição e equilíbrio. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Revisão sistemática. METODOLOGIA: Foram pesquisados artigos nas bases Lilacs e Medline sobre a influência dos telefones celulares nos sistemas auditivo e vestibular, publicados de 2000 a 2005, e também materiais veiculados na Internet. RESULTADOS: Os estudos sobre radiação do telefone celular e risco de neurinoma do acústico apresentam resultados contraditórios. Alguns autores não encontram maior probabilidade de aparecimento do tumor nos usuários de celulares, enquanto outros relatam que a utilização de telefones analógicos por 10 anos ou mais aumenta o risco para o tumor. A exposição aguda às microondas emitidas pelo celular não influencia a atividade das células ciliadas externas da cóclea, in vivo e in vitro, a condução elétrica no nervo coclear, nem a fisiologia do sistema vestibular em humanos. As próteses auditivas analógicas são mais suscetíveis à interferência eletromagnética dos telefones celulares digitais. CONCLUSÃO: Não há comprovação de lesão cocleovestibular pelos telefones celulares.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
INTRODUÇÃO: Comprometimentos na marcha de pacientes com paralisia supranuclear progressiva (PSP) podem aumentar o risco de quedas durante o andar, especialmente em ambientes complexos. OBJETIVO: Descrever o comportamento locomotor de uma paciente com PSP, nas condições de marcha livre e marcha adaptativa. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo de caso de uma paciente com PSP (71 anos). Para análise cinemática, nas condições de marcha livre, com obstáculo baixo e alto, uma câmera digital registrou uma passada completa da paciente. RESULTADOS: Com o aumento da complexidade do ambiente (marcha livre, obstáculo baixo e alto, respectivamente), foi observada diminuição do comprimento do passo (0,37 ± 0,07; 0,30 ± 0,07; 0,26 ± 0,06 m), do comprimento da passada (0,71 ± 0,11; 0,58 ± 0,15; 0,47 ± 0,07 m) e da velocidade da passada (0,55 ± 0,14; 0,43 ± 0,11; 0,36 ± 0,11 m/s). Aumento progressivo ocorreu na duração do duplo suporte da passada livre (29,47%) para a passada antes do obstáculo alto (41,11%). Observou-se, ainda, ligeira diminuição na distância vertical pé/obstáculo alto (membro/abordagem: 7,18 ± 1,88; e membro/suporte: 8,84 ± 2,57 cm) em relação ao obstáculo baixo (membro de abordagem: 8,86 ± 1,88; e membro de suporte: 11,67 ± 2,09 cm). CONCLUSÃO: A PSP afetou de forma evidente a marcha da paciente. Inflexibilidade para a adaptação da marcha às demandas do ambiente foi observada durante a aproximação e a transposição dos obstáculos, o que pode aumentar o risco de tropeços e quedas.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a utilização da velocidade de 30 minutos (VT-30), freqüência de braçada (fB), comprimento de braçada (CB) e índice de braçada (IB), obtidos no teste T-30, como métodos não-invasivos para determinação da performance aeróbia e técnica de nadadores treinados. Catorze nadadores submeteram-se a três esforços de 400m (85, 90 e 100% do esforço máximo) para determinação da velocidade de limiar anaeróbio (VLan) correspondente à concentração fixa de 3,5mM de lactato e um esforço máximo de 30 minutos (VT-30). fB, CB e IB foram calculados nos 10m centrais da piscina (nado limpo) para o teste T-30 (fBT-30, CBT-30 e IBT-30) e progressivo. Através da relação entre VLan e parâmetros de braçada no teste progressivo, determinaram-se freqüência de braçada de limiar (fBLan), comprimento de braçada de limiar (CBLan) e índice de braçada de limiar (IBLan). O tempo para realizar 400m em máximo esforço foi considerado como parâmetro de performance (P400). Não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre VLan (1,29 ± 0,07m.s-1) e VT-30 (1,29 ± 0,08m.s-1), que ainda apresentaram alta correlação (r = 0,90). Os valores de fBLan (33,6 ± 4,14 ciclos/min) e fBT-30 (34,9 ± 3,53 ciclos/min) e de CBLan (2,09 ± 0,20m/ciclo) e CBT-30 (2,09 ± 0,20m/ciclo) também não foram significativamente diferentes. Correlações significativas (p < 0,05) também foram encontradas entre VT-30 e P400 (r = 0,95); fBLan e fBT-30 (r = 0,73); CBLan e CBT-30 (r = 0,89) e IBLan e IBT-30 (r = 0,94). Conclui-se que a VT30 se mostrou confiável para o monitoramento do treinamento, predição da performance e determinação de parâmetros relacionados à técnica de nadadores.
O objetivo deste estudo foi mostrar a contribuição da monitorização vídeo-EEG prolongada (MVEP) no diagnóstico de crises não epilépticas (CNE) e estimar sua prevalência em um centro terciário de atendimento à Epilepsia (EP). Foram observados 47 pacientes com diagnóstico de CNE com crises espontâneas ou provocadas. Foram instituídos protocolos direcionados à história clínica e à semiologia das crises. A análise estatística baseou-se no teste de Fisher e na análise de cluster. Os resultados evidenciaram prevalência de 10% de CNE. Houve predominância do sexo feminino (63,8%); em 57% dos pacientes as crises foram espontâneas. A média de idade foi 32,5 ± 11anos. O sinal semiológico mais freqüente foi o sono aparente (87,2%). em 9% dos pacientes observaram-se tanto EP como CNE. Três agrupamentos resultaram da análise de cluster: CNE hipermotora das extremidades com alteração de tônus; CNE com automatismos e CNE axial com movimentos oculares. em conclusão, o estudo da semiologia clínica das CNE durante a MVEP contribui para o diagnóstico desta entidade nosológica e para o diagnóstico diferencial com EP; o teste provocativo auxilia na obtenção das crises.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Cobb male broiler chicks (1,000) on new litter were used to evaluate effects of dietary electrolyte balance [DEB; Na+K-Cl, milliequivalents (mEq) per kilogram] under tropical summer conditions. Corn-soybean meal-based mash diets had salt (NaCl) alone or in combination with one or more supplements: sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), ammonium chloride (NH4Cl), or potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3). A completely randomized design, with five starter and grower feed treatments (control: 145, then 130 mEq/kg; or 0, 120, 240, or 360 mEq/kg throughout) and four replicate pens (1.5 x 3.2 m) per treatment (50 chicks per pen), was used. Diets were analyzed for Na, K, and Cl for confirmation. There were no significant (P < 0.05) effects of treatments on mortality or processing parameters. Water intake increased linearly with increasing DEB, giving higher litter moistures and lower rectal temperatures. Blood HCO3 and pH increased with the highest DEB (360 mEq/kg) causing respiratory alkalosis. The DEB of 240 mEg/kg gave best weight gain and feed conversion ratio, and ideal DEB predicted by regression analyses were 186 and 197 mEq/kg from 0 to 21 d of age and 236 and 207 mEq/kg of feed from 0 to 42 d, respectively. These DEB corresponded to estimated (interpolated) values in predicted optimal 186 to 197 mEq/kg starter of Na 0.38 to 0.40% and Cl 0.405 to 0.39% (K = 0.52%), in 207 to 236 mEq/kg starter, Na 0.409 to 0.445% and Cl 0.326 to 0.372% Cl (K = 0.52%), and in grower Na 0.41 to 0.445%, Cl 0.315 to 0.267% (K = 0.47%).
This is the first study performed with an interocclusal splint with a vibrating device on patients with sleep bruxism. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the splint with vibrating device on patients who suffer from sleep bruxism through computerized electromyography (EMG) of the anterior temporal muscles. Eight male and female patients, ranging in age from 18 to 28 years, with evident signs and symptoms of bruxism were selected. The splint were made for the upper arch. The patients was treated with the interocclusal splint with a vibrating device, and submitted to EMG evaluations of the anterior temporal muscles on both sides. The evaluations were performed at the beginning of treatment and after 21 days of splint use. Electromyography was performed in an isometric contractions measuring of the temporal muscles. The following results obtained revealed that: when closing the mandible (isometric contraction), the anterior temporal muscles had an expressive reduction in electromyographic activity (p. < 0.10), so this splints were considered effective for patients who suffer from sleep bruxism. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.
Aim: To evaluate the influence of implant positioning into extraction sockets on bone formation at buccal alveolar dehiscence defects. Material and Methods: In six Labrador dogs the pulp tissue of the mesial roots of 4P4 was removed and the root canals were filled. Flaps were elevated bilaterally, the premolars hemi-sectioned and the distal roots removed. The implants were placed in contact with either the buccal (test site) or with the lingual (control site) bony wall of the extraction sockets. Healing abutments were affixed and triangular buccal bony dehiscence defects, about 2.7 mm deep and 3.5 mm wide, were then prepared. No regenerative procedures were done and a non-submerged healing was allowed. After 4 months of healing, block sections of the implant sites were obtained for histological processing and peri-implant tissue assessment. Results: After 4 months of healing, the bony crest and the coronal border of osseointegration at the test sites were located 1.71 ± 1.20 and 2.50 ± 1.21 mm apically to the implant shoulder, respectively. At the control sites, the corresponding values were 0.68 ± 0.63 and 1.69 ± 0.99 mm, respectively. The differences between test and control reached statistical significance (P < 0.05). Residual marginal bone defects were found both at the test and control sites. A statistically significant difference between test and control sites was only found at the lingual aspects (depth 2.09 ± 1.01 and 1.01 ± 0.48 mm, respectively). Similar heights of the buccal biological width were observed at both sites (about 5.1 mm). Conclusions: The placement of implants in a lingual position of the extraction sockets allowed a higher degree of bone formation at buccal alveolar dehiscence defects compared with a buccal positioning. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
The preparation and electrochemical characterization of hausmannite-type manganese oxide to use as a sensing material for sodium ion is described. This paper reports a new via synthetic to obtain of the hausmannite-type manganese oxide and its application in the construction of modified electrode as a voltammetric sensor. The electrochemical activity of hausmannite-type manganese oxide is controlled by intercalation/deintercalation of the sodium ions within the oxide lattice. The detection is based on the measurement of anodic current generated by oxidation of MnIII-MnIV at electrode surface. The best electrochemical response was obtained for a sensor composition of 20% (w/w) hausmannite oxide in the paste, a TRIS buffer solution of pH 6.0-7.0 and a scan rate of 50 mV s-1. A sensitive linear voltammetric response for sodium ions was obtained in the concentration range of 2.01 × 10 -5-2.09 × 10-4 mol L-1 with a slope of 355 μA L mmol-1 and a detection limit of 7.50 × 10 -6 mol L-1 using cyclic voltammetry. The use of hausmannite has significantly improved the selectivity of the sensor compared to the birnessite-type manganese oxide modified electrode. Under the working conditions, the proposed method was successfully applied to determination of sodium ions in urine samples. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Anderson-Fabry disease is an X-linked defect of glycosphingolipid metabolism. Progressive renal insufficiency is a major source of morbidity, additional complications result from cardio- and cerebro-vascular involvement. Survival is reduced among affected males and symptomatic female carriers. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of enzyme replacement therapy compared to other interventions, placebo or no interventions, for treating Anderson-Fabry disease. We searched 'Clinical Trials' on The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS and the Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group's Inborn Errors of Metabolism Trials Register (date of the most recent search: 11 September 2012). The original search was performed in September 2008.Date of the most recent search of the Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group's Inborn Errors of Metabolism Trials Register: 11 September 2012. Randomized controlled trials of agalsidase alfa or beta in participants diagnosed with Anderson-Fabry disease. Two authors selected relevant trials, assessed methodological quality and extracted data. Six trials comparing either agalsidase alfa or beta in 223 participants fulfilled the selection criteria.Both trials comparing agalsidase alfa to placebo reported on globotriaosylceramide concentration in plasma and tissue; aggregate results were non-significant. One trial reported pain scores, there was a statistically significant improvement for participants receiving treatment at up to three months, mean difference -2.10 (95% confidence interval (CI) -3.79 to -0.41); at up to five months, mean difference -1.90 (95% CI -3.65 to -0.15); and at up to six months, mean difference -2.00 (95% CI -3.66 to -0.34). There was a significant difference in pain-related quality of life at over five months and up to six months, mean difference -2.10 (95% CI -3.92 to -0.28) but not at other time-points. Neither trial reported deaths.One of the three trials comparing agalsidase beta to placebo reported on globotriaosylceramide concentration in plasma and tissue and showed significant improvement: kidney, mean difference -1.70 (95% CI -2.09 to -1.31); heart, mean difference -0.90 (95% CI -1.18 to -0.62); and composite results (renal, cardiac, and cerebrovascular complications and death), mean difference -4.80 (95% CI -5.45 to -4.15). There was no significant difference between groups for death; no trials reported on pain.Only one trial compared agalsidase alfa to agalsidase beta. There was no significant difference between the groups for any adverse events, risk ratio 0.36 (95% CI 0.08 to 1.59), or any serious adverse events; risk ratio 0.30; 95% CI 0.03 to 2.57). Six small, poor quality randomised controlled trials provide no robust evidence for use of either agalsidase alfa and beta to treat Anderson-Fabry disease.
The present study presents a taxonomic review of Palaeolimnadiopsis suarezi Mezzalira described in Bauru Group. The geographic and stratigraphic distribution of the genus Palaeolimnadiopsis is widespread, including occurrences in several countries as Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, USA, Congo, China, Australia, Tasmania, Russia, Germany, Scottland, France and Belgium, in rocks from the Devonian to the Cretaceous. This taxon was probably eurytopic, with a high dispersal potential and very conservative in evolution. One specimen identified as Palaeolimnadiopsis sp. is much larger than the average (~3.5 cm long), presenting relatively wide and few growth bands. The gigantism of this specie may be related to conditions that excluded potential predators and competitors from the environment, as is indicated by the presence of more saline and/or alkaline water conditions than in normal fresh water suggested a relatively high proportion of carbonates in that region and stratigraphic interval. © 2013 by the Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia.
Study design: cross-sectional study. Objective: To assess the association between the presence of cardiovascular risk factor (CRP) and functional capacity of the oldest old. Methods: The sample 9onsisted of 91 elderly aged 80 and 90 years (83.0 ± 2.5 years) with 60 women (82.2 ± 2.1 years) and 31 men (83.2 ± 2,6 years) residing in the city of Presidente Prudente - SP. The FRC were analyzed: arterial hypertension (AH) and excess body fat (total and trunk). The presence of hypertension was verified by means of self-reported questionnaire based on the Standard Health Questionnaire (SHQ). Assessment of body was made by absorpiometria dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and functional capacity was assessed by the functional tests (static balance, normal walking speed and force of the lower limbs). For statistical analysis we carried out the chi-square test, the software used was SPSS (13.0) and the significance level was set at 5%. Results. In males, with hypertension and the presence of excess %BF had lower performance in the lower limbs (83.3% lower and 16.7% higher), p = 0.011 compared to those with only a VCF. The elderly women with hypertension and the presence of excess GTron% also had lower performance on the same test (80.6% lower and 19.4% higher), p = 0.018 and the test of walking speed (80.6% lower and 19.4% higher), p = 0.034. Conclusion: Arterial hypertension and excess body fat (total and trunk) aggregated are FRC, which are associated with reduced functional capacity of the oldest old.
A suit able decision-making on managing a contaminated site characterization program is strongly dependent of the diagnosis process. A detailed diagnosis can be done based on a Conceptual Site Model (CSM) elaboration using high resolution site characterization tools. The piezocone (CPTu) test is a high resolution tool which allows attaching several specific sensors, like the resistivity probe. This hybrid device is called the resistivity piezocone (RCPTu). A simulated geo-environmental site characterization program was performed on an erosion site using different tools (direct push tools soil samplers, hollow stem auger (HSA) drilling and RCPTu tests) to develop the CSM for a site similar to the Brazilian conditions. It was observed a good agreement between the site profiles interpreted by the different methods. The resistivity sensor attached to the piezocone improved the interpretation and the decision-making process on site was significantly better for the CSM elaboration. The RCPTu test data also allowed identifying the hydrogeological heterogeneities. The present study shows that the RCPTu test is also a useful and powerful tool to development an accurate CSM in a Brazilian condition, especially in an approach that prioritizes high resolution geo-environmental investigation. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.
Contiene los antecedentes del Grupo Especial de Trabajo sobre Planificacion del Transporte y el mandato, acordado por los Ministros en la Quinta Sesion del CDCC, sobre el desarrollo de un programa en el sector transporte, en especial transporte maritimo, en base a recomendaciones hechas en estudios anteriores.