734 resultados para 854


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O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a viabilidade celular, a capacidade de fagocitose e espraiamento pelos fagócitos mononucleares, e a liberação de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) por leucócitos oriundos de glândulas mamárias bovinas sadias e infectadas. Deste modo, 94 amostras foram divididas de acordo com os resultados da cultura bacteriológica e da contagem de células somáticas (CCS). O presente estudo não encontrou diferenças na viabilidade celular, e nos índices de fagocitose e espraiamento entre os diferentes grupos. No entanto, a liberação de H2O2 oriundos dos quartos mamários infectados, infectados por Streptococcus spp. ou Corynebacterium spp. foi menor do que nas amostras de leite provenientes dos quartos mamários sadios. Ao estimar a concentração de H2O2 mL-1 leite observou-se que as amostras de quartos mamários positivos no exame bacteriológico, infectados por Staphylococcus spp. e negativos no exame bacteriológico com alta celularidade foram maiores que aquelas provenientes de quartos mamários sadios. Observou-se também correlação positiva entre a CCS e a viabilidade celular e os índices de fagocitose e espraiamento; e correlação negativa entre a liberação de H2O2 e a CCS e a viabilidade celular. Conclui-se que a CCS, assim como a sua viabilidade e função, são conceitos intimamente relacionados com a saúde da glândula mamária.


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Seaweeds are photosynthetic organisms important to their ecosystem and constitute a source of compounds with several different applications in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and biotechnology industries, such as triacylglycerols, which can be converted to fatty acid methyl esters that make up biodiesel, an alternative source of fuel applied in economic important areas. This study evaluates the fatty acid profiles and concentrations of three Brazilian seaweed species, Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) J.V. Lamouroux (Rhodophya), Sargassum cymosum C. Agardh (Heterokontophyta), and Ulva lactuca L. (Chlorophyta), comparing three extraction methods (Bligh & Dyer - B&D; AOAC Official Methods - AOM; and extraction with methanol and ultrasound - EMU) and two transesterification methods (7% BF3 in methanol - BF3; and 5% HCl in methanol - HCl). The fatty acid contents of the three species of seaweeds were significantly different when extracted and transesterified by the different methods. Moreover, the best method for one species was not the same for the other species. The best extraction and transesterification methods for H. musciformis, S. cymosum and U. lactuca were, respectively, AOM-HCl, B&D-BF3 and B&D-BF3/B&D-HCl. These results point to a matrix effect and the method used for the analysis of the fatty acid content of different organisms should be selected carefully.


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[ES] Evaluamos 854 animales para determinar la utilidad de nuevas pruebas hormonales para el diagnóstico de las enfermedades tiroideas más comunes en los animales de compañía: hipotiroidismo canino e hipertiroidismo felino.


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[EN] First description of the complete embryo and larval development of the Canarian abalone (Haliotis tuberculata coccinea Reeve.) was conducted along 39 stages from fertilization to the appearance of the third tubule on the cephalic tentacles and illustrated in a microphotographic sequence. Eggs obtained by induced spawning with hydrogen peroxide from the GIA captive broodstock were stocked at a density of 10 eggs/mL and kept at 23 0.5 BC for 62 h until the formation of the third tubule. Live eggs and larvae were continuously observed on a 24 h basis at a 3400 magnification under transmitted light. At each stages, specific morphological features, illustrated by microscopic photographs, were described, as well as the time required for their apparition. Fertilized eggs diameter was 205 8 mm (mean SD), whereas length and width of larvae ready to undergo metamorphosis were 216.6 5.3 mmand 172 8.8 mm, respectively. Knowledge on the larval morphological development acquired through this study will contribute to the improvement of larval rearing techniques for this abalone species.


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Testo da sottoporre, in aula o come studio privato ("tesina") ad analisi prevalentemente linguistica


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In the present study we are using multi variate analysis techniques to discriminate signal from background in the fully hadronic decay channel of ttbar events. We give a brief introduction to the role of the Top quark in the standard model and a general description of the CMS Experiment at LHC. We have used the CMS experiment computing and software infrastructure to generate and prepare the data samples used in this analysis. We tested the performance of three different classifiers applied to our data samples and used the selection obtained with the Multi Layer Perceptron classifier to give an estimation of the statistical and systematical uncertainty on the cross section measurement.


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The research activity carried out during the PhD course in Electrical Engineering belongs to the branch of electric and electronic measurements. The main subject of the present thesis is a distributed measurement system to be installed in Medium Voltage power networks, as well as the method developed to analyze data acquired by the measurement system itself and to monitor power quality. In chapter 2 the increasing interest towards power quality in electrical systems is illustrated, by reporting the international research activity inherent to the problem and the relevant standards and guidelines emitted. The aspect of the quality of voltage provided by utilities and influenced by customers in the various points of a network came out only in recent years, in particular as a consequence of the energy market liberalization. Usually, the concept of quality of the delivered energy has been associated mostly to its continuity. Hence the reliability was the main characteristic to be ensured for power systems. Nowadays, the number and duration of interruptions are the “quality indicators” commonly perceived by most customers; for this reason, a short section is dedicated also to network reliability and its regulation. In this contest it should be noted that although the measurement system developed during the research activity belongs to the field of power quality evaluation systems, the information registered in real time by its remote stations can be used to improve the system reliability too. Given the vast scenario of power quality degrading phenomena that usually can occur in distribution networks, the study has been focused on electromagnetic transients affecting line voltages. The outcome of such a study has been the design and realization of a distributed measurement system which continuously monitor the phase signals in different points of a network, detect the occurrence of transients superposed to the fundamental steady state component and register the time of occurrence of such events. The data set is finally used to locate the source of the transient disturbance propagating along the network lines. Most of the oscillatory transients affecting line voltages are due to faults occurring in any point of the distribution system and have to be seen before protection equipment intervention. An important conclusion is that the method can improve the monitored network reliability, since the knowledge of the location of a fault allows the energy manager to reduce as much as possible both the area of the network to be disconnected for protection purposes and the time spent by technical staff to recover the abnormal condition and/or the damage. The part of the thesis presenting the results of such a study and activity is structured as follows: chapter 3 deals with the propagation of electromagnetic transients in power systems by defining characteristics and causes of the phenomena and briefly reporting the theory and approaches used to study transients propagation. Then the state of the art concerning methods to detect and locate faults in distribution networks is presented. Finally the attention is paid on the particular technique adopted for the same purpose during the thesis, and the methods developed on the basis of such approach. Chapter 4 reports the configuration of the distribution networks on which the fault location method has been applied by means of simulations as well as the results obtained case by case. In this way the performance featured by the location procedure firstly in ideal then in realistic operating conditions are tested. In chapter 5 the measurement system designed to implement the transients detection and fault location method is presented. The hardware belonging to the measurement chain of every acquisition channel in remote stations is described. Then, the global measurement system is characterized by considering the non ideal aspects of each device that can concur to the final combined uncertainty on the estimated position of the fault in the network under test. Finally, such parameter is computed according to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurements, by means of a numeric procedure. In the last chapter a device is described that has been designed and realized during the PhD activity aiming at substituting the commercial capacitive voltage divider belonging to the conditioning block of the measurement chain. Such a study has been carried out aiming at providing an alternative to the used transducer that could feature equivalent performance and lower cost. In this way, the economical impact of the investment associated to the whole measurement system would be significantly reduced, making the method application much more feasible.


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Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, an in 4-Position substituierten N-Galactosyl-dehydropiperidinonen die übrigen Positionen des Heterocycluses selektiv zu funktionalisieren und die erarbeiteten Methoden im Rahmen von Total- und Partialsynthesen biologisch aktiver Verbindungen anzuwenden. Ausgehend von N-Galactosyl-2-pyridon, welches sich in drei Stufen aus D-Galactose im Gramm-Maßstab erhalten lässt, konnten die in Position 4-substituierten Dehydropiperidinone in regio- und diastereoselektiv verlaufenden Additionen von Grignard-Reagenzien und Organocupraten synthetisiert werden. Es gelang die Einführung sowohl unverzweigter als auch sekundärer, tertiärer und cyclischer Alkylreste. Ebenfalls gute Ausbeuten und exzellente Diastereoselektivitäten wurden bei der konjugierten Addition verschieden substituierter Aryl- und Benzyl-Grignard-Reagenzien erhalten. Das Kohlenhydratauxiliar kontrolliert dabei nicht nur die faciale Selektivität, sondern es bestimmt gleichzeitig die Regioselektivität. Die absolute Konfiguration der 4-substituierten 2-Pyridone konnte durch Röntgenstrukturanalysen zweier Produkte zweifelsfrei geklärt werden. Dass die so dargestellten Heterocyclen wertvolle Synthone zur asymmetrischen Synthese mehrfach substituierter Piperidinverbindungen sind, konnte gezeigt werden durch die Ausarbeitung verschiedener Methoden zur weitergehenden Funktionalisierung an den Positionen C-2, C-3, C-5 und C-6 sowie durch die Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Freisetzung der stereoselektiv synthetisierten Heterocyclen. Diese systematisch untersuchten Synthesewege konnten in Partial- und Totalsynthesen von pharmakologisch relevanten Verbindungen erfolgreich beschritten werden. So gelang die Synthese des biologisch aktiven (3S)-Piperidinols, sowie die des 3-Hydroxy-4-(4-fluorphenyl)-piperidin-Derivates. Weiterhin gelang die formale Totalsynthese von (+)-Paroxetin, welches einen pharmakologisch interessanten Wirkstoff mit der Struktur eines 3,4-trans-disubstituierten Piperidins darstellt. Ein weiterer Themenschwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war die regio- und stereoselektive Synthese von Benzomorphan-Derivaten. Diese gelang durch intramolekulare Amino-Alkylierung der 4-Benzyl-substituierten Dehydropiperidinone. Durch Anwendung dieser Methodik konnte eine Reihe verschieden substituierter 7,8-Benzomorphan-Derivate synthetisiert werden, die interessante Zwischenstufen in der asymmetrischen Benzomorphansynthese darstellen. In einer exemplarischen Synthese wurde so das 7,8-Benzomorphan hergestellt.


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La città medievale di Leopoli-Cencelle (fondata da Papa Leone IV nell‘854 d.C. non lontano da Civitavecchia) è stata oggetto di studio e di periodiche campagne di scavo a partire dal 1994. Le stratigrafie investigate con metodi tradizionali, hanno portato alla luce le numerose trasformazioni che la città ha subìto nel corso della sua esistenza in vita. Case, torri, botteghe e strati di vissuto, sono stati interpretati sin dall’inizio dello scavo basandosi sulla documentazione tradizionale e bi-dimensionale, legata al dato cartaceo e al disegno. Il presente lavoro intende re-interpretare i dati di scavo con l’ausilio delle tecnologie digitali. Per il progetto sono stati utilizzati un laser scanner, tecniche di Computer Vision e modellazione 3D. I tre metodi sono stati combinati in modo da poter visualizzare tridimensionalmente gli edifici abitativi scavati, con la possibilità di sovrapporre semplici modelli 3D che permettano di formulare ipotesi differenti sulla forma e sull’uso degli spazi. Modellare spazio e tempo offrendo varie possibilità di scelta, permette di combinare i dati reali tridimensionali, acquisiti con un laser scanner, con semplici modelli filologici in 3D e offre l’opportunità di valutare diverse possibili interpretazioni delle caratteristiche dell’edificio in base agli spazi, ai materiali, alle tecniche costruttive. Lo scopo del progetto è andare oltre la Realtà Virtuale, con la possibilità di analizzare i resti e di re-interpretare la funzione di un edificio, sia in fase di scavo che a scavo concluso. Dal punto di vista della ricerca, la possibilità di visualizzare le ipotesi sul campo favorisce una comprensione più profonda del contesto archeologico. Un secondo obiettivo è la comunicazione a un pubblico di “non-archeologi”. Si vuole offrire a normali visitatori la possibilità di comprendere e sperimentare il processo interpretativo, fornendo loro qualcosa in più rispetto a una sola ipotesi definitiva.


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Objective: In South Africa, many HIV-infected patients experience delays in accessing antiretroviral therapy (ART). We examined pretreatment mortality and access to treatment in patients waiting for ART. Design: Cohort of HIV-infected patients assessed for ART eligibility at 36 facilities participating in the Comprehensive HIV and AIDS Management (CHAM) program in the Free State Province. Methods: Proportion of patients initiating ART, pre-ART mortality and risk factors associated with these outcomes were estimated using competing risks survival analysis. Results: Forty-four thousand, eight hundred and forty-four patients enrolled in CHAM between May 2004 and December 2007, of whom 22 083 (49.2%) were eligible for ART; pre-ART mortality was 53.2 per 100 person-years [95% confidence interval (CI) 51.8–54.7]. Median CD4 cell count at eligibility increased from 87 cells/ml in 2004 to 101 cells/ml in 2007. Two years after eligibility an estimated 67.7% (67.1–68.4%) of patients had started ART, and 26.2% (25.6–26.9%) died before starting ART. Among patients with CD4 cell counts below 25 cells/ml at eligibility, 48% died before ART and 51% initiated ART. Men were less likely to start treatment and more likely to die than women. Patients in rural clinics or clinics with low staffing levels had lower rates of starting treatment and higher mortality compared with patients in urban/peri-urban clinics, or better staffed clinics. Conclusions: Mortality is high in eligible patients waiting for ART in the Free State Province. The most immunocompromised patients had the lowest probability of starting ART and the highest risk of pre-ART death. Prioritization of these patients should reduce waiting times and pre-ART mortality.


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Swiss clinical practice guidelines for skin cancer in organ transplant recipients Transplant patients have increased over the last decades. As a consequence of long-term immunosuppression, skin cancer, in particular squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), has become an important problem. Screening and education of potential organ transplant recipients (OTRs) regarding prevention of sun damage and early recognition of skin cancer are important before transplantation. Once transplanted, OTRs should be seen yearly by a dermatologist to ensure compliance with sun avoidance as well as for treatment of precancerosis and SCC. Early removal is the best treatment for SCC. Reduction of immunosuppression, switch to mTOR inhibitors and chemoprevention with acitretin may reduce the incidence of SCC. The dermatological follow-up of OTRs should be integrated into a comprehensive post-transplant management strategy.


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Advanced electronic alerts (eAlerts) and computerised physician order entry (CPOE) increase adequate thromboprophylaxis orders among hospitalised medical patients. It remains unclear whether eAlerts maintain their efficacy over time, after withdrawal of continuing medical education (CME) on eAlerts and on thromboprophylaxis indications from the study staff. We analysed 5,317 hospital cases from the University Hospital Zurich during 2006-2009: 1,854 cases from a medical ward with eAlerts (interventiongroup) and 3,463 cases from a surgical ward without eAlerts (controlgroup). In the intervention group, an eAlert with hospital-specific venous thromboembolism (VTE) prevention guidelines was issued in the electronic patient chart 6 hours after admission if no pharmacological or mechanical thromboprophylaxis had been ordered. Data were analysed for three phases: pre-implementation (phase 1), eAlert implementation with CME (phase 2), and post-implementation without CME (phase3). The rates of thromboprophylaxis in the intervention group were 43.4% in phase 1 and 66.7% in phase 2 (p<0.001), and increased further to 73.6% in phase3 (p=0.011). Early thromboprophylaxis orders within 12 hours after admission were more often placed in phase 2 and 3 as compared to phase 1 (67.1% vs. 52.1%, p<0.001). In the surgical control group, the thromboprophylaxis rates in the three phases were 88.6%, 90.7%, 90.6% (p=0.16). Advanced eAlerts may provide sustained efficacy over time, with stable rates of thromboprophylaxis orders among hospitalised medical patients.


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Two new HgCl2 complexes of tridentate nitrogen ligands were characterized by X-ray crystallography, proton NMR spectroscopy and ESI-MS. The five-coordinate complex [Hg(BMPA)Cl-2] (1) (BMPA = bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amine) crystallized from acetonitrile/m-xylene by slow evaporation in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with a = 8.3896(8) , b = 12.8020(13) , c = 13.3526(13) , alpha = 90A degrees, beta A = 90.480(2)A degrees, gamma A = 90A degrees and z = 4. The square pyramidal structure (tau = 0.009) has approximate C (s) symmetry. Despite comparable Hg-N bond lengths in 1, inversion of the central nitrogen was rapid on the chemical shift time scale in dilute solution except at very low temperatures. The related complex [Hg(BEPA)Cl-2] (2) (BEPA = bis(2-{pyrid-2-yl}ethyl)amine) crystallized from acetonitrile/ethyl acetate/hexanes by slow diffusion in the orthorhombic space group Pnma with a = 13.424(3) , b = 14.854(3) , c = 8.118(2) , alpha = 90A degrees, beta A = 90A degrees, gamma A = 90A degrees and z = 4. The mixed geometry structure (tau = 0.56) also has crystallographic mirror symmetry as well as C (s) point group symmetry. In dilute acetonitrile solution, 1 was stable while 2 slowly converted to a more thermodynamically stable complex.