958 resultados para 690200 Water Transport


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Ionic conductivities of twelve protic ionic liquids (PILs) and their mixtures with water over the whole composition range are reported at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure. The selected PILs are the pyrrolidinium-based PILs containing nitrate, acetate or formate anions; the formate-based PILs containing diisopropylethylammonium, amilaminium, quinolinium, lutidinium or collidinium cations; and the pyrrolidinium alkylcarboxylates, [Pyrr][CnH2n+1COO] with n = 5–8. This study was performed in order to investigate the influence of molecular structures of the ions on the ionic conductivities in aqueous solutions. The ionic conductivities of the aqueous solutions are 2–30 times higher than the conductivities of pure PILs. The maximum in conductivity varies from ww=0.41???to???0.74 and is related to the nature of cations and anions. The molar conductance and the molar conductance at infinite dilution for (PIL + water) solutions are then determined. Self-diffusion coefficients of the twelve protic ionic liquids in water at infinite dilution and at 298.15 K are calculated by using the Nernst–Haskell, the original and the modified Wilke–Chang equations. These calculations show that similar values are obtained using the modified Wilke–Chang and the Nernst–Haskell equations. Finally, the effective hydrodynamic (or Stokes) radius of the PILs was determined by using the Stokes–Einstein equation. A linear relationship was established in order to predict this radius as a function of the anion alkyl chain length in the case of the pyrrolidinium alkylcarboxylates PILs.


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To assess the efficiency of different agro-environmental strategies used to reduce groundwater pollution by nitrates, transport modelling in soils and groundwater has been carried out on two withdrawal areas in an alluvial plain. In a first time, the agro-environmental model AgriFlux allowed the simulation of water and nitrates fluxes flowing to groundwater. This model was calibrated for each agro-pedological unit of the studied territory. In a second time, the application of the hydrogeological model MODFLOW-MT3D allowed the simulation of nitrate transport in groundwater for the 1980-2004 period. This soil-groundwater coupled modelling has shown that soil nature is the first factor that conditions the vulnerability to nitrates. Thus, nitrate leaching occurs preferentially under sandy soils. Efficiency of different agro-environmental operations for groundwater quality recovery was quantified. The best results are obtained by combination of (1) grassland re-installation on sandy agricultural lots located in near well protection perimeter and (2) fertilization reduction on sandy agricultural lots located in the well alimentation area upstream the near protection perimeter. On other soils, the effect of grassland on groundwater quality improvement is more limited. Nevertheless, the control of nitrate fertilisation remains essential and is justified in both near and far well protection perimeters. Modelling thus allows optimising and priorizing agro-environmental actions in alluvial agricultural zones. [Comte J.-C., Banton O., Kockmann F., Villard A., Creuzot G. (2006), Assessment of groundwater quality recovery strategies using nitrate transport modelling. Application to the Saône alluvial formations (Tournus, Saône-et-Loire), Ingénieries Eau-Agriculture-Territoires, 45, 15-28]


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We present a study on the transport properties through conductivity (s), viscosity (?), and self-diffusion coefficient (D) measurements of two pure protic ionic liquids—pyrrolidinium hydrogen sulfate, [Pyrr][HSO4], and pyrrolidinium trifluoroacetate, [Pyrr][CF3COO]—and their mixtures with water over the whole composition range at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure. Based on these experimental results, transport mobilities of ions have been then investigated in each case through the Stokes–Einstein equation. From this, the proton conduction in these PILs follows a combination of Grotthuss and vehicle-type mechanisms, which depends also on the water composition in solution. In each case, the displacement of the NMR peak attributed to the labile proton on the pyrrolidinium cation with the PILs concentration in aqueous solution indicates that this proton is located between the cation and the anion for a water weight fraction lower than 8%. In other words, for such compositions, it appears that this labile proton is not solvated by water molecules. However, for higher water content, the labile protons are in solution as H3O+. This water weight fraction appears to be the solvation limit of the H+ ions by water molecules in these two PILs solutions. However, [Pyrr][HSO4] and [Pyrr][CF3COO] PILs present opposed comportment in aqueous solution. In the case of [Pyrr][CF3COO], ?, s, D, and the attractive potential, Epot, between ions indicate clearly that the diffusion of each ion is similar. In other words, these ions are tightly bound together as ion pairs, reflecting in fact the importance of the hydrophobicity of the trifluoroacetate anion, whereas, in the case of the [Pyrr][HSO4], the strong H-bond between the HSO4– anion and water promotes a drastic change in the viscosity of the aqueous solution, as well as on the conductivity which is up to 187 mS·cm–1 for water weight fraction close to 60% at 298 K.


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Density, rheological properties, and conductivity of a homologous series of ammonium-based ionic liquids N-alkyl-triethylammonium bis{(trifluoromethyl) sulfonyl}imide were studied at atmospheric pressure as a function of alkyl chain length on the cation, as well as of the temperature from (293.15 to 363.15) K. From these investigations, the effect of the cation structure was quantified on each studied properties, which demonstrated, as expected, a decrease of the density and conductivity, a contrario of an increase of the viscosity with the alkyl chain length on the ammonium cation. Furthermore, rheological properties were measured for both pure and water-saturated ionic liquids. The studied ionic liquids were found to be Newtonian and non-Arrhenius. Additionally, the effect of water content in the studied ionic liquids on their viscosity was investigated by adding water until they were saturated at 293.15 K. By comparing the viscosity of pure ionic liquids with the data measured in water-saturated samples, it appears that the presence of water decreases dramatically the viscosity of ionic liquids by up to three times. An analysis of involved transport properties leads us to a classification of the studied ionic liquids in terms of their ionicity using the Walden plot, from which it is evident that they can be classified as "good" ionic liquids. Finally, from measured density data, different volumetric properties, that is, molar volumes and thermal expansion coefficients were determined as a function of temperature and of cationic structure. Based on these volumetric properties, an extension of Jacquemin's group contribution model has been then established and tested for alkylammonium-based ionic liquids within a relatively good uncertainty close to 0.1 %. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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In-situ passive gradient comparative artificial tracer testing, undertaken using solutes (Uranine and Iodide), Bacteria (E.coli and P.putida) and bacteriophage (H40/1), permitted comparison of the mobility of different sized microorganisms relative to solutes in the sand and gravel aquifer underlying Dornach, Germany.
Tracer breakthrough curves reveal that even though uranine initially arrived at observation wells at the same time as microbiological tracers, maximum relative concentrations were sometimes less than those of microbiological tracers, while solute breakthrough curves proved more disperse.
Monitoring uranine breakthrough with depth suggested tracers arrived in observation wells in discrete 0.5m-1m thick intervals, over the aquifer’s 12m saturated thickness. Nearby exposures of aquifer material suggested that the aquifer consisted of sandy gravels enveloping sequences of open framework (OW) gravel up to 1m thick. Detailed examination of OW units revealed that they contained lenses of silty sand up to 1m long x 30cm thick., while granulometric data suggested that the gravel was two to three orders of magnitude more permeable than the enveloping sandy gravel.
Solute and microorganism tracer responses could not be simulated using conventional advective-dispersive equation solutions employing the same velocity and dispersion terms. By contrast solute tracer responses, modelled using a dual porosity approach for fractured media (DP-1D) corresponded well to observed field data. Simulating microorganism responses using the same transport terms, but no dual porosity term, generated good model fits and explained the higher relative concentration of the bacteria, compared to the non-reactive solute, even with first order removal to account for lower RR. Geologically, model results indicate that the silty units within open framework gravels are accessible to solute tracers, but not to microorganisms.
Results highlight the benefits of geological observations developing appropriate conceptual models of solute and micro organism transport and in developing suitable numerical approaches to quantifying microorganism mobility at scales appropriate for the development of groundwater supply (wellhead) protection zones.


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Variability in nitrogen fate and transport in different catchments types is often not considered. This research considers the importance of such nitrogen processes within groundwater pathways in two agricultural catchments in Ireland; a well drained catchment, underlain by karstified Carboniferous limestone, and a poorly drained catchment, underlain by Silurian greywacke.
Depth specific low-flow groundwater sampling was used to evaluate the hydrochemical stratification in groundwater. Groundwater samples, as well as surface water samples, along river courses were analysed for nitrogen species (NO3, NH4 and NO2) and nitrate isotopes (d15N and d18O) as well as field parameters and major ions
The dominant nitrate (NO3) groundwater pathway in the poorly drained greywacke catchment is through the shallow weathered bedrock, as indicated by transmissivity values and the ionic and isotopic signatures, and a clear reduction in NO3 concentration is observed with depth. A similar chloride trend would suggest dilution is a major factor, however d15N and d18O isotopic values producing an enrichment ratio of 1.8 indicate that denitrification is also an important process involved in the fate of the NO3 within the groundwater flow system. This consistent trend with depth is in contrast to the stratification pattern observed in the karstified catchment. NO3 was not detected in the shallow groundwater pathway; the dominant groundwater pathway is in the deeper groundwater where there is little change in the nitrate isotope values with depth (d15N values range between 4.1 and 4.6 ‰). This deeper groundwater contributes the dominant proportion of the river flow through a number of springs. As a result, the deeper groundwater, springs and river have a similar ionic signature and NO3 concentration range (23 ± 3 mg/l). Despite this pattern, the NO3 isotopes show a distinct difference in isotopic values between the deeper groundwater in the diffuse karst and the springs indicating some denitrification is occurring during groundwater discharge into the river. Furthermore the isotopes give an indication of the variability of the spatial extent of the springs and the complexities of the fissures through which they are fed. The results of this study clearly show the importance of the geology in the fate and transport of NO3 in agricultural catchments.


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Nutrient loss from agricultural land following organic fertilizer spreading can lead to eutrophication and poor water quality. The risk of pollution is partly related to the soil water status during and after spreading. In response to these issues, a decision support system (DSS) for nutrient management has been developed to predict when soil and weather conditions are suitable for slurry spreading. At the core of the DSS, the Hybrid Soil Moisture Deficit (HSMD) model estimates soil water status relative to field capacity (FC) for three soil classes (well, moderately and poorly drained) and has potential to predict the occurrence of a transport vector when the soil is wetter than FC. Three years of field observation of volumetric water content was used to validate HSMD model predictions of water status and to ensure correct use and interpretation of the drainage classes. Point HSMD model predictions were validated with respect to the temporal and spatial variations in volumetric water content and soil strength properties. It was found that the HSMD model predictions were well related to topsoil water content through time, but a new class intermediate between poor and moderate, perhaps ‘imperfectly drained’, was needed. With correct allocations of a field into a drainage class, the HSMD model predictions reflect field scale trends in water status and therefore the model is suitable for use at the core of a DSS.


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Arsenic accumulation in rice grain has been identified as a major problem in some regions of Asia. A study was conducted to investigate the effect of increased organic matter in the soil on the release of arsenic into soil pore water and accumulation of arsenic species within rice grain. It was observed that high concentrations of soil arsenic and organic matter caused a reduction in plant growth and delayed flowering time. Total grain arsenic accumulation was higher in the plants grown in high soil arsenic in combination with high organic matter, with an increase in the percentage of organic arsenic species observed. The results indicate that the application of organic matter should be done with caution in paddy soils which have high soil arsenic, as this may lead to an increase in accumulation of arsenic within rice grains. Results also confirm that flooding conditions substantially increase grain arsenic. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bias dependent mechanisms of irreversible cathodic and anodic processes on a pure CeO2 film are studied using modified atomic force microscopy (AFM). For a moderate positive bias applied to the AFM tip an irreversible electrochemical reduction reaction is found, associated with significant local volume expansion. By changing the experimental conditions we are able to deduce the possible role of water in this process. Simultaneous detection of tip height and current allows the onset of conductivity and the electrochemical charge transfer process to be separated, further elucidating the reaction mechanism. The standard anodic/cathodic behavior is recovered in the high bias regime, where a sizable transport current flows between the tip and the film. These studies give insight into the mechanisms of the tip-induced electrochemical reactions as mediated by electronic currents, and into the role of water in these processes, as well as providing a different approach for electrochemical nano-writing.


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A former silver mine in Tynagh, Co. Galway, Ireland is one of the most contaminated mine sites in Europe with maximum concentrations of Zn, As, Pb, Mn, Ni, Cu, and Cd far exceeding guideline values for water and sediment. The aims of this research were to 1) further assess the contamination, particularly metals, in surface water and sediment around the site, and 2) determine if the contamination has increased 10 years after the Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (EPAI) identified off-site contamination. Site pH is alkaline to neutral because CaCO3-rich sediment and rock material buffer the exposed acid generating sulphide-rich ore. When this study was compared to the previous EPAI study conducted 10 years earlier, it appeared that further weathering of exposed surface sediment had increased concentrations of As and other potentially toxic elements. Water samples from the tailings ponds and adjacent Barnacullia Stream had concentrations of Al, Cd, Mn, Zn and Pb above guideline values. Lead and Zn concentrations from the tailings pond sediment were 16 and 5 times higher, respectively, than concentrations reported 10 years earlier. Pb and Zn levels in most sediment samples exceeded the Expert Group (EGS) guidelines of 1000 and 5000 mg/kg, respectively. Arsenic concentrations were as high as 6238 mg/kg in the tailings ponds sediment, which is 62 and 862 times greater than the EGS and Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines (CSQG), respectively. Cadmium, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn concentrations in water and sediment were above guideline values downstream of the site. Additionally, Fe, Mn and organic matter (OM) were strongly correlated and correlated to Zn, Pb, As, Cd, Cu and Ni in stream sediment. Therefore, the nearby Barnacullia Stream is also a significant pathway for contaminant transport to downstream areas. Further rehabilitation of the site may decrease the contamination around the area.


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The use of geothermal energy as a source for electricity and district heating has increased over recent decades. Dissolved As can be an important constituent of the geothermal fluids brought to the Earth's surface. Here the field application of laboratory measured adsorption coefficients of aqueous As species on basaltic glass surfaces is discussed. The mobility of As species in the basaltic aquifer in the Nesjavellir geothermal system, Iceland was modelled by the one-dimensional (1D) reactive transport model PHREEQC ver. 2, constrained by a long time series of field measurements with the chemical composition of geothermal effluent fluids, pH, Eh and, occasionally, Fe- and As-dissolved species measurements. Di-, tri- and tetrathioarsenic species (As(OH)S22-, AsS3H2-, AsS33- and As(SH)4-) were the dominant form of dissolved As in geothermal waters exiting the power plant (2.556μM total As) but converted to some extent to arsenite (H3AsO3) and arsenate HAsO42- oxyanions coinciding with rapid oxidation of S2- to S2O32- and finally to SO42- during surface runoff before feeding into a basaltic lava field with a total As concentration of 0.882μM following dilution with other surface waters. A continuous 25-a data set monitoring groundwater chemistry along a cross section of warm springs on the Lake Thingvallavatn shoreline allowed calibration of the 1D model. Furthermore, a series of ground water wells located in the basaltic lava field, provided access along the line of flow of the geothermal effluent waters towards the lake. The conservative ion Cl- moved through the basaltic lava field (4100m) in less than10a but As was retarded considerably due to surface reactions and has entered a groundwater well 850m down the flow path as arsenate in accordance to the prediction of the 1D model. The 1D model predicted a complete breakthrough of arsenate in the year 2100. In a reduced system arsenite should be retained for about 1ka. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Ria deAveiro is a very complex shallow water coastal lagoon located on the northwest of Portugal. Important issues would be left unanswered without a good understanding of hydrodynamic and transport processes occurring in the lagoon. Calibration and validation of hydrodynamic, salt and heat transport models for Ria de Aveiro lagoon are presented. The calibration of the hydrodynamic model was performed adjusting the bottom friction coefficient, through the comparison between measured and predicted time series of sea surface elevation for 22 stations. Harmonic analysis was performed in order to evaluate the model's accuracy. To validate the hydrodynamic model measured and predicted SSE values were compared for 11 stations, as well as main flow direction velocities for 10 stations. The salt and heat transport models were calibrated comparing measured and predicted time series of salinity and water temperature for 7 stations, and the RMS of the difference between the series was determined. These models were validated comparing the model results with an independent field data set. The hydrodynamic and the salt and heat transport models for Ria de Aveiro were successfully calibrated and validated. They reproduce accurately the barotropic flows and can therefore adequately represent the salt and heat transport and the heat transfer processes occurring in Ria deAveiro.


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The challenge on implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) fosters the development of new monitoring methods and approaches. It is now commonly accepted that the use of classical monitoring campaigns in discrete point is not sufficient to fully assess and describe a water body. Due to this the WFD promote the use of modelling techniques in surface waters to assist all phases of the process, from characterisation and establishment of reference conditions to identification of pressures and assessment of impact. The work presented in this communication is based on these principles. A classical monitoring of the water status of the main transitional water bodies of Algarve (south of Portugal) is combined with advanced in situ water profiling and hydrodynamic, water quality and ecological modelling of the systems to build a complete description of its state. This approach extends spatially and temporally the resolution of the classical point sampling. The methodology was applied during a 12 month program in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, the Guadiana estuary and the Arade estuary. The synoptic profiling uses an YSI 6600 EDS multi-parameter system attached to a boat and a GPS receiver to produce monthly synoptic maps of the systems. This data extends the discrete point sampling with laboratory analysis performed monthly in several points of each water body. The point sampling is used to calibrate the profiling system and to include variables, such as nutrients, not measured by the sensors. A total of 1427 samplings were performed for physical and chemical parameters, chlorophyll and microbiologic contamination in the water column. This data is used to drive the hydrodynamic, transport and ecological modules of the MOHID water modelling system (www.mohid.com), enabling an integrate description of the water column.


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The physiological response of plants to water deficits are known to vary according to the conditions of application of drought stress and the rate of development of leaf water deficits. At the whole plant level the effect of the water shess is usually perceived as a decrease in photosynthesis and growth, and is associated with alterations in C and N metabolism (McDonald and Davies, 1996). The decrease in water potential affects transpiration and hence xylem transport of nitrate or reduced N into growing regions. The response of the photo-synthetic apparatus either to water stress or rehydration seems to be dependent "on leaf age (O'Neill, 1983; Wolfe et al., 1988). Degradation of both thylakoid and stromal N-containing compounds can occur in response to water stress, recovery from which may pequire more than a week (Chaves, 1991).