976 resultados para 63-470


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The Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF) Survey of Western Palestine (1871-1877) is highly praised for its accuracy and completeness; the first systematic analysis of its planimetric accuracy was published by Levin (2006). To study the potential of these 1:63,360 maps for a quantitative analysis of land cover changes over a period of time, Levin has compared them to 20th century topographic maps. The map registration error of the PEF maps was 74.4 m using 123 control points of trigonometrical stations and a 1st order polynomial. The median RMSE of all control and test points (n = 1104) was 153.6 m. Following the georeferencing of each of the 26 sheets of the PEF maps of the Survey of Western Palestine, a mosaicked file has been created. Care should be taken when analysing historical maps, as it cannot be assumed that their accuracy is consistent at different parts or for different features depicted on them.


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The interval of time represented by marine isotope stages 11 and 12 (~360-470 ka) contains what may be the most extreme glacial and interglacial climate conditions of the Late Pleistocene. It has been suggested that sea level rose by ~160 m at the termination of glacial stage 12. This is 30% greater than the sea level rise that followed the most recent glacial maximum. There have been few detailed studies of the unique conditions that existed during the stage 11-12 time period because of the lack of high-quality core material. This problem has been addressed by the collection of high deposition rate cores from sediment drifts in the western North Atlantic during Ocean Drilling Project Leg 172. Benthic foraminiferal d13C data from cores collected between ~4600 and 1800 m were used to reconstruct bathymetric gradients in deep and intermediate water properties for selected time slices during this glacial-interglacial cycle. During glacial stage 12, the deep western North Atlantic was filled by a water mass that was more nutrient-enriched than modern Antarctic Bottom Water. Above 2000 m, a more nutrient-depleted water mass existed during this glacial stage. Such an intermediate water mass has been described for more recent glacial periods and presumably forms in a more proximate region of the North Atlantic. Interglacial stage 11 water mass properties closely resemble those of the present-day western North Atlantic. A nutrient-depleted water mass (d13C of 0.75-1.0 per mil), similar to modern North Atlantic Deep Water existed between 3500 and 2000 m. This was underlain by a water mass with lower d13C values (<0.75 per mil) that probably was derived from a southern source. Using Leg 172 data, along with previously published results from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, we estimate a mean global d13C change of 0.95 per mil from stage 12 to stage 11. This is twice the whole ocean ?13C change reported for the transition from the last glacial maximum to the Holocene.


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Based on data from R.V. Pelagia, R.V. Sonne and R.V. Meteor multibeam sonar surveys, a high resolution bathymetry was generated for the Mozambique Ridge. The mapping area is divided into five sheets, one overview and four sub-sheets. The boundaries are (west/east/south/north): Sheet 1: 28°30' E/37°00' E/36°20' S/24°50' S; Sheet 2: 32°45' E/36°45' E/28°20' S/25°20' S; Sheet 3: 31°30' E/36°45' E/30°20' S/28°10' S; Sheet 4: 30°30' E/36°30' E/33°15' S/30°15' S; Sheet 5: 28°30' E/36°10' E/36°20' S/33°10' S. Each sheet was generated twice: one from swath sonar bathymetry only, the other one is completed with depths from ETOPO2 predicted bathymetry. Basic outcome of the investigation are Digital Terrain Models (DTM), one for each sheet with 0.05 arcmin (~91 meter) grid spacing and one for the entire area (sheet 1) with 0.1 arcmin grid spacing. The DTM's were utilized for contouring and generating maps. The grid formats are NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) and ASCII (ESRI ArcGIS exchange format). The Maps are formatted as jpg-images and as small sized PNG (Portable Network Graphics) preview images. The provided maps have a paper size of DIN A0 (1189 x 841 mm).


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The disintegration of ice shelves, reduced sea-ice and glacier extent, and shifting ecological zones observed around Antarctica (Cook et al., 2005, doi:10.1126/science.1104235; Stammerjohn et al., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.04.026) highlight the impact of recent atmospheric (Steig et al., 2009, doi:10.1038/nature07669) and oceanic warming (Gille, 2002, doi:10.1126/science.1065863) on the cryosphere. Observations (Cook et al., 2005, doi:10.1126/science.1104235; Stammerjohn et al., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.04.026) and models (Pollard and DeConto, 2009, doi:10.1038/nature07809) suggest that oceanic and atmospheric temperature variations at Antarctica's margins affect global cryosphere stability, ocean circulation, sea levels and carbon cycling. In particular, recent climate changes on the Antarctic Peninsula have been dramatic, yet the Holocene climate variability of this region is largely unknown, limiting our ability to evaluate ongoing changes within the context of historical variability and underlying forcing mechanisms. Here we show that surface ocean temperatures at the continental margin of the western Antarctic Peninsula cooled by 3-4 °C over the past 12,000?years, tracking the Holocene decline of local (65° S) spring insolation. Our results, based on TEX86 sea surface temperature (SST) proxy evidence from a marine sediment core, indicate the importance of regional summer duration as a driver of Antarctic seasonal sea-ice fluctuations (Huybers and Denton, 2008, doi:10.1038/ngeo311). On millennial timescales, abrupt SST fluctuations of 2-4 °C coincide with globally recognized climate variability (Mayewski et al., 2004, doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2004.07.001). Similarities between our SSTs, Southern Hemisphere westerly wind reconstructions (Moreno et al., 2010, doi:10.1130/G30962.1) and El Niño/Southern Oscillation variability (Conroy et al., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.02.015) indicate that present climate teleconnections between the tropical Pacific Ocean and the western Antarctic Peninsula (Yuan et al., 2004, doi:10.1017/S0954102004002238) strengthened late in the Holocene epoch. We conclude that during the Holocene, Southern Ocean temperatures at the western Antarctic Peninsula margin were tied to changes in the position of the westerlies, which have a critical role in global carbon cycling (Moreno et al., 2010, doi:10.1130/G30962.1; Anderson et al., 2009, doi:10.1126/science.1167441).


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Phycobiliproteins are a family of water-soluble pigment proteins that play an important role as accessory or antenna pigments and absorb in the green part of the light spectrum poorly used by chlorophyll a. The phycoerythrins (PEs) are one of four types of phycobiliproteins that are generally distinguished based on their absorption properties. As PEs are water soluble, they are generally not captured with conventional pigment analysis. Here we present a statistical model based on in situ measurements of three transatlantic cruises which allows us to derive relative PE concentration from standardized hyperspectral underwater radiance measurements (Lu). The model relies on Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis of Lu spectra and, subsequently, a Generalized Linear Model with measured PE concentrations as the response variable and EOF loadings as predictor variables. The method is used to predict relative PE concentrations throughout the water column and to calculate integrated PE estimates based on those profiles.