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To obtain cm/s precision, stellar surface magneto-convection must be disentangled from observed radial velocities (RVs). In order to understand and remove the convective signature, we create Sun-as-a-star model observations based on a 3D magnetohydrodynamic solar simulation. From these Sun-as-a-star model observations, we find several line characteristics are correlated with the induced RV shifts. The aim of this campaign is to feed directly into future high precision RV studies, such as the search for habitable, rocky worlds, with forthcoming spectrographs such as ESPRESSO.
Purpose: We reviewed the outcome of cuff downsizing with an artificial urinary sphincter for treating recurrent incontinence due to urethral atrophy.
Materials and Methods: We analyzed the records of 17 patients in a 7-year period in whom clinical, radiological and urodynamic evidence of urethral atrophy was treated with cuff downsizing. Cuff downsizing was accomplished by removing the existing cuff and replacing it with a 4 cm. cuff within the established false capsule. Incontinence and satisfaction parameters before and after the procedure were assessed by a validated questionnaire.
Results: Mean patient age was 70 years (range 62 to 79). Average time to urethral atrophy was 31 months (range 5 to 96) after primary sphincter implantation. Mean followup after downsizing was 22 months (range 1 to 64). Cuff downsizing caused a mean decrease of 3.9 to 0.5 pads daily. The number of severe leakage episodes decreased from a mean of 5.4 to 2.1 The mean SEAPI (stress leakage, emptying, anatomy, protection, inhibition) score decreased from 8.2 to 2.4. Patient satisfaction increased from 15% to 80% after cuff downsizing. In 1 patient an infected cuff required complete removal of the device.
Conclusions: Patient satisfaction and continence parameters improved after cuff downsizing. We believe that this technique is a simple and effective method of restoring continence after urethral atrophy.
The surface structure of the clean Co{1010BAR} surface and a c(2 x 2) potassium overlayer have been determined by quantitative low energy electron diffraction. The Co{1010BAR} sample has been shown to be laterally unreconstructed with the surface being uniquely terminated by an outermost closely packed double layer (dz12 = 0.68 angstrom). A damped oscillatory relaxation of the outermost three atomic layers occurs, with relaxations DELTA-dz12 = -6.5 +/- 2% and DELTA-dz23 = +1.0 +/- 2%.
The c(2 x 2) overlayer formed at a coverage of 0.5 ML was subjected to a full I-V analysis. A range of adsorption sites were tested including fourfold hollow, on-top, and both long and short bridge sites in combination with both "long" and "short" cobalt interlayer terminations. A clear preference was found for adsorption in the maximal coordination fourfold hollow site. No switching of surface termination occurs. The potassium adatoms reside in the [1210BAR] surface channels directly above second layer cobalt atoms with a potassium to outermost cobalt interlayer separation of 2.44 +/- 0.05 angstrom. Potassium-cobalt bond lengths of 3.40 +/- 0.05 and 3.12 +/- 0.05 angstrom between the four (one) outermost (second) layer nearest-neighbour substrate atoms suggests a potassium effective radius of 1.87 +/- 0.05 angstrom, somewhat smaller than the Pauling covalent radius and considerably larger than the ionic radius (1.38 angstrom). The alkali-surface bonding is thus predominantly "covalent"/"metallic".
Not Available
This chapter focuses on women’s imprisonment in the context of gendered punishment inflicted by the State. It considers the gender-specific consequences of incarceration for women prisoners and the potential of gender-responsive alternatives to custodial sentences. Following a brief historical overview, it traces the rise and consolidation of women’s incarceration in UK jurisdictions, noting the significance of devolution on the prison systems of Scotland and Northern Ireland. In examining the impact of neo-liberal policies and globalisation on women’s imprisonment, it draws comparisons with other advanced democratic states. Analysing the rationale underpinning the disproportionate rise in women’s incarceration, particularly in the UK and the USA the chapter identifies the persistent tensions between retributivism/ incapacitation and reformism/rehabilitation. Drawing on international research demonstrating the complex needs and vulnerabilities of women and girl prisoners, the chapter reveals the gendered harm experienced within penal regimes and the recent development - and limitations - of official gender-specific policies and practices. The emergence of distinct but related political discourses on ‘risk’ and ‘responsibilisation’ as applied to women in conflict with the law, and their consequent criminalisation, is critiqued in the contexts of structural disadvantage, gender discrimination and institutionalised racism. Within these oppressive dynamics often severe deprivations are inflicted on women’s acts of resistance both inside prison and in their communities post-release, further confining the potential of individual and collective agency. Finally, the chapter proposes fundamental change through establishing women-centred alternatives to prison, alongside policies committed to decarceration, while working towards securing the abolition of women’s imprisonment.
In the United Kingdom (UK) the centenary commemoration of the First World War has been driven by a combination of central government direction (and funding) with a multitude of local and community initiatives, with a particular focus on 4 August 2014; 1 July 2016 (the beginning of the Battle of the Somme) and 11 November 2018. ‘National’ ceremonies on these dates have been and will be supplemented with projects commemorating micro-stories and government-funded opportunities for schoolchildren to visit Great War battlefields, the latter clearly aimed to reinforce a contemporary sense of civic and national obligation and service. This article explores the problematic nature of this approach, together with the issues raised by the multi-national nature of the UK state itself.
The potential benefits of combining the elegance of the stress ribbon concept with the robustness and speed of construction of the FlexiArch is discussed. In combination, multi-span pedestrian/cycle bridges which are innovative, highly durable and have optimal full life cycle costs can be produced with lengths of over 100 m. As the stress ribbon system is well known, the main emphasis of this paper will be on the FlexiArch. Since 1900 few arch bridges have been built, but with the development of the innovative FlexiArch this trend can be reversed as they can be installed rapidly, are cost competitive, have all the attributes of masonry arches and are very sustainable. Thus the FlexiArch represents a very attractive alternative to heavily reinforced cast in situ arches currently used in combination with stress ribbon deck systems.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit, deren erster Teil in Heft 2 dieser Zeitschrift veröffentlicht wurde, werden die Kosten der “Schnittkäserei” am Beispiel der Herstellung von Gouda-Käse modellhaft bestimmt, wobei die vor 17 Jahren durchgeführten Modellkalkulationen für Edamerkäse hinsichtlich der Funktionsinhalte der Abteilung ausgedehnt und dem neuesten Stand der Technik sowie heutigen Schnittkäsereiproduktionsstrukturen angepaßt wurden. Zudem sind die generell für alle Modellabteilungen geltenden methodischen Weiterentwicklungen in den Kalkulationen berücksichtigt worden. In den sechs Unterabteilungen Vorstapelung, Bruchbereitung und Pressen, Salzbad, Käsebehandlung und Reifungslager, Abpackung sowie Versandkühlraum und Expedition wird ein rindengereifter Gouda-Käse (12-kg-Laib) hergestellt und hinsichtlich seiner Kostenverursachung untersucht. Zur Bestimmung der Modellkosten wurden vier Modelle gebildet, deren Kapazitäten in der Kesselmilchverarbeitung zwischen 8.000 und 48.000 l/h liegen. In Abhängigkeit vom Beschäftigungsgrad, der für Werte zwischen 21 und 100% simuliert wurde, können so die Kosten für Käsemengen zwischen rd. 5.100 und 30.8001 Käse/Jahr bestimmt werden. Gemäß den vorgegebenen Kapazitäten müssen die technischen Voraussetzungen für die Ausgestaltung der einzelnen Unterabteilungen modellspezifisch festgelegt werden, wobei eine Anpassung der technischen Auslegung an eine verringerte Auslastung bei 33%iger Beschäftigung erfolgt. Die zu tätigenden Investitionen für die Grundversion betragen 10,6 Mio. DM in Modell 1 und 40,3 Mio. DM in Modell 4. Bezogen auf die jeweilige Rohstoffeinsatzmenge ergeben sich hieraus spezifische Investitionen, die mit zunehmender Modellgröße erheblich sinken: Machen sie im Modell 1 noch 215,6 Tsd. DM/1 Mio. kg jährlicher Rohstoffeinsatzmenge aus, so verringern sie sich im Modell 4 auf 135,3 Tsd. DM/1 Mio. kg. Produktspezifische Investitionen und Faktormengenverbräuche führen zu den Einzelkosten des Produktes Gouda, die je nach Modellgröße und Beschäftigungsgrad zwischen 510,8 und 538,5 Pf/kg Käse liegen. Die Gesamtkosten der “Schnittkäserei”, die sich aus den Einzelkosten des Produktes Gouda und den Einzelkosten der Abteilung zusammensetzen, betragen 530,9 bis 654,3 Pf/kg Käse. Den größten Anteil an den Gesamtkosten haben die Rohstoffkosten (73 bis 90%). Der Anteil der Anlagekosten schwankt je nach Beschäftigung zwischen 4 und 18%, während die Personal- und sonstige Betriebskosten im Vergleich zu den beiden vorgenannten Kostenartengruppen in allen Modellen nur eine geringere Bedeutung haben. Betrachtet man die Gesamtkosten (ohne Rohstoffkosten) hinsichtlich ihrer Entstehung in den Unterabteilungen, so ist festzustellen, daß die höchsten Kosten in der Unterabteilung Bruchbereitung und Pressen anfallen: Bei einer 100%igen Beschäftigung betragen sie z.B. in Modell 3 42% der Gesamtkosten (ohne Rohstoff). Die geringsten Kosten (2%) fallen dagegen in der Unterabteilung Versandkühlraum und Expedition an. Die Kostenanalyse zeigt deutlich, daß mit zunehmender Modellgröße und steigender Produktionsmenge erhebliche Stückkostendegressionen zu erzielen sind, wobei der Einfluß des Beschäftigungsgrades auf die Kostendegression deutlich höher ist als derjenige der Modellgröße.
Introdução: A profusão de informação na área médica cria problemas de gestão, sendo necessários métodos sistematizados para armazenamento e recuperação. Quando a informação se insere no contexto do processo clínico, os métodos devem integrar terminologias biomédicas controladas e igualmente devem integrar as características desejáveis dirigidas à estrutura, conteúdo e resultados clínicos. O objectivo deste artigo é testar a aplicabilidade e capacidade de recuperação, de um sistema multidimensional desenvolvido para classificação e gestão de informação em saúde. Métodos: A partir das questões recebidas em seis anos (Serviço de Informação de Medicamentos, Serviços Farmacêuticos, Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra), seleccionaram-se 300 questões sobre informação clínica, por método aleatório informatizado. Caracterizou-se e avaliou-se a aplicabilidade pela quantidade classificada e pela necessidade de alterações ao sistema que é constituído por várias dimensões independentes e que englobam conceitos por vezes hierarquizados. A recuperação das questões foi testada pesquisando informação numa dimensão ou cruzamento de dimensões. Resultados: Todas as questões foram classificadas: 53% são casos clínicos com incidência nas doenças geniturinárias; doenças metabólicas, nutricionais e endócrinas; neoplasias; infecções e doenças do sistema nervoso. Em 81%, o objecto é o medicamento, sobretudo anti-infecciosos e anti-neoplásicos. As áreas de terapêutica e segurança foram as mais solicitadas, incidindo principalmente sobre os assuntos: utilização, reacções adversas, identificação de medicamentos e tecnologia farmacêutica. Na aplicabilidade, foi necessário adicionar alguns conceitos e modificar alguns grupos hierárquicos que não modificaram a estrutura base, nem colidiram com as características desejáveis. As limitações prenderam-se com os sistemas de classificação externos integrados. A pesquisa na dimensão assunto, do conceito administração de medicamentos, recuperou 19 questões. O cruzamento de duas dimensões: anti-infecciosos (externa) e teratogenicidade (assunto), recuperou três questões. Nos dois exemplos recupera-se informação a partir de qualquer um dos níveis da hierarquia, do mais geral ao mais específico e mesmo a partir de dimensões externas. Conclusões: A utilização do sistema nesta amostra demonstrou aplicabilidade na classificação e arquivo de informação clínica, capacidade de recuperação e flexibilidade, sofrendo alterações sem interferir com as características desejáveis. Esta ferramenta permite a recuperação da evidência que interessa orientada para o doente. Introduction: The large amount of information in the medical area creates management problems, being necessary systematic methods for filing and retrieval. With information on the context of clinical records, methods must integrate controlled biomedical terminologies and desirable characteristics oriented to the structure, content and clinical results. The objective is to test the applicability and capacity for retrieval of a multidimensional system developed for classification and management of health information. Methods: Three hundred questions were randomly selected, by computerized method, from the questions received in six years (Medicine Information Service, Pharmaceutical Department, Coimbra University Hospitals). They were characterized and applicability evaluated by classified amount and need to alter the system, which is composed of various independent dimensions, incorporating concepts sometimes hierarchical. Questions retrieval was tested searching information in a dimension or between dimensions. Results: All questions were classified: 53% are clinical cases with illnesses incidence in the genitourinary system; metabolic, nutritional and endocrine disease; cancer; infections and nervous system. In 81%, the object is a drug, mostly anti-infectious and anti-neoplastic agents. The therapeutic and safety areas had been the most requested, regarding the subjects: use, adverse reactions, drug identification and pharmaceutical technology. As to applicability, it was necessary to add some concepts and modify same hierarchical groups, that didn’t modify the basic structure, nor had collided with the desirable characteristics. The limitations were related with the incorporated external classification systems. The search in the subject dimension of the concept drug administration retrieved 19 questions. The search between two dimensions: antiinfectious (external) and teratogenicity (subject) retrieved three questions. In the two examples, it was possible to retrieve information from any one of the levels of the hierarchy, from the most general to the most specific and even from external dimensions. Conclusions: The use of the system in this sample showed its applicability in clinical information classification and filing, retrieval capacity and flexibility, supporting modifications without interfering with desirable characteristics. This tool allows retrieval of patient-oriented evidence that matters.
A responsabilidade social das empresas tem vindo a assumir uma preocupação crescente e isso reflecte-se na Contabilidade. De facto, compete à Contabilidade, como elo de ligação entre a comunidade e as empresas, identificar e medir a contribuição social da empresa, que inclui não só os gastos, os rendimentos e ganhos sociais fáceis de identificar e medir, mas também aqueles que surgem das externalidades que afectam os diferentes grupos sociais. Desta forma, o grande desafio que se coloca à Contabilidade consiste em valorizar e representar as externalidades, positivas e negativas, associadas. Nesta comunicação analisa-se a posição da Contabilidade face à responsabilidade social das empresas tendo em conta os desafios e as dificuldades no reconhecimento e na mensuração das externalidades, positivas e negativas, que afectam a empresa e a comunidade. As unidades económicas têm o dever de informar todos os utentes que com elas se relacionam, sendo a comunidade um dos principais destinatários deste dever. Assim, a informação constitui uma das medidas à priori com que se instrumenta a responsabilidade social das empresas. Adicionalmente, examina-se o papel da Contabilidade num contexto de responsabilidade social tendo em conta o novo sistema de normalização contabilística que entrou em vigor em 1 de Janeiro de 2010.
Furosemide (FD: Lasix) is a loop diuretic which strongly increases both urine flow and electrolyte urinary excretion. Healthy volunteers were administered 40 mg orally (dissolved in water) and concentrations of FD were determined in serum and urine for up to 6 h for eight subjects, who absorbed water at a rate of 400 ml/h. Quantification was performed by HPLC with fluorescence detection (excitation at 233 nm, emission at 389 nm) with a limit of detection of 5 ng/ml for a 300-microliters sample. The elution of FD was completed within 4 min using a gradient of acetonitrile concentration rising from 30 to 50% in 0.08 M phosphoric acid. The delay to the peak serum concentration ranged from 60 to 120 min. FD was still easily measurable in the sera from all subjects 6 h after administration. In urine, the excretion rates reached their maximum between 1 and 3 h. The total amount of FD excreted in the urine averaged 11.2 mg (range 7.6-14.0 mg), with a mean urine volume of 3024 ml (range 2620-3596 ml). Moreover, the urine density was lower than 1.010 (recommended as an upper limit in doping analysis to screen diuretics) only for 2 h. An additional volunteer was administered 40 mg of FD and his urine was collected over a longer period. FD was still detectable 48 h after intake. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with different types of ionization was used to confirm the occurrence of FD after permethylation of the extract. Negative-ion chemical ionization, with ammonia as reactant gas, was found to be the most sensitive method of detection.
1885/09/29 (Numéro 567).
Commencement : « Or dist li contes que li rois Melyadus demoura ou chastel... » — Fin : « ...et encore est communement son nom par toute Engleterre. — Cy fine le tiers et derrenier livre de Guiron le Courtois. »