912 resultados para 3d-digitizing


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The goal of this study was to investigate the performance of 3D synchrotron differential phase contrast (DPC) imaging for the visualization of both macroscopic and microscopic aspects of atherosclerosis in the mouse vasculature ex vivo. The hearts and aortas of 2 atherosclerotic and 2 wild-type control mice were scanned with DPC imaging with an isotropic resolution of 15 μm. The coronary artery vessel walls were segmented in the DPC datasets to assess their thickness, and histological staining was performed at the level of atherosclerotic plaques. The DPC imaging allowed for the visualization of complex structures such as the coronary arteries and their branches, the thin fibrous cap of atherosclerotic plaques as well as the chordae tendineae. The coronary vessel wall thickness ranged from 37.4 ± 5.6 μm in proximal coronary arteries to 13.6 ± 3.3 μm in distal branches. No consistent differences in coronary vessel wall thickness were detected between the wild-type and atherosclerotic hearts in this proof-of-concept study, although the standard deviation in the atherosclerotic mice was higher in most segments, consistent with the observation of occasional focal vessel wall thickening. Overall, DPC imaging of the cardiovascular system of the mice allowed for a simultaneous detailed 3D morphological assessment of both large structures and microscopic details.


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Las navidades pasadas se presentó en las salas de cine El Cascanueces en 3D. Se trata de una adaptación libre del cuento de hadas de Navidad El Cascanueces y el rey de los ratones,2 creado por un escritor, músico, pintor, dramaturgo y jurista alemán llamado Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann3 (1776-1822). Hoffmann, gran admirador de Mozart, cambió su tercer nombre por el del músico austriaco y durante muchos años se ganó la vida como crítico musical,compositor y director de orquesta


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BACKGROUND: For free-breathing cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), the self-navigation technique recently emerged, which is expected to deliver high-quality data with a high success rate. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that self-navigated 3D-CMR enables the reliable assessment of cardiovascular anatomy in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) and to define factors that affect image quality. METHODS: CHD patients ≥2 years-old and referred for CMR for initial assessment or for a follow-up study were included to undergo a free-breathing self-navigated 3D CMR at 1.5T. Performance criteria were: correct description of cardiac segmental anatomy, overall image quality, coronary artery visibility, and reproducibility of great vessels diameter measurements. Factors associated with insufficient image quality were identified using multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: Self-navigated CMR was performed in 105 patients (55% male, 23 ± 12y). Correct segmental description was achieved in 93% and 96% for observer 1 and 2, respectively. Diagnostic quality was obtained in 90% of examinations, and it increased to 94% if contrast-enhanced. Left anterior descending, circumflex, and right coronary arteries were visualized in 93%, 87% and 98%, respectively. Younger age, higher heart rate, lower ejection fraction, and lack of contrast medium were independently associated with reduced image quality. However, a similar rate of diagnostic image quality was obtained in children and adults. CONCLUSION: In patients with CHD, self-navigated free-breathing CMR provides high-resolution 3D visualization of the heart and great vessels with excellent robustness.


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Se presenta el mapa gravimétrico de la Cubeta Alavesa, donde se pueden localizar de forma clara los diapiros salinos aflorantes en la misma, y también otras estructuras también diapíricas situadas a mayor profundidad. Se ha modelizado en 3D, mediante dos técnicas gravimétricas diferentes, el diapiro de Salinas de Añana. El cual presenta una gran extensión en superficie pero que en cambio no se proyecta de la misma manera en profundidad, habiéndose detectado la presencia de una extensión lateral u overghang hacia el SW.


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Tämä diplomityö on selvitystyö mittakuvien ja kolmiulotteisten CAD-mallien tuottamisesta. Mittakuvat ja 3D-CAD-mallit halutaan Neles-tuotemerkin omaaville tuotteille. Olennaisena osana työssä on tuotetiedonhallintajärjestelmä AtonPDM, koska mittakuvia ja malleja toivottaisiin hallittavan AtonPDM-järjestelmällä. Työ tehdään Metso Automationin (MA) Flow Control (FC) –liiketoimintalinjalle. Nykyiset mittakuvat aiheuttavat ongelmia sekä MA:ssa että asiakkaille. MA:ssa mittakuvien tekeminen kestää kauemmin kuin asiakas toivoisi. Nykyisen mittakuvaohjelmiston riittämättömät ominaisuudet aiheuttavat lisätyötä mittakuvien valmistuksessa. Asiakkaille mittakuvien viivästyminen on suunnittelua hidastava tekijä. Mittakuvissa olevat virheet ja puutteet vaikeuttavat asiakkaan suunnittelutyötä ja saattavat päästä läpi tarkatuksien myös loppusuunnitelmiin, jolloin seurauksena voi olla rahallisia menetyksiä. Tämän päivän putkistosuunnittelu hoidetaan suurimmaksi osaksi 3D-CADohjelmistoilla. Suunnittelua helpotetaan ja nopeutetaan valmiilla komponenttien 3Dmalleilla, joihin on liitetty tuotetietoa. Työssä on haastateltu MA:n henkilökuntaa, CAD-järjestelmien toimittajia ja asiakkaita. Haastattelut ovat työn tärkein tiedonlähde. Teoriatietoa on selvitetty kirjoista, lehdistä ja internetistä. Teoriaosiossa käydään läpi tuotetiedonhallinta (Product Data Management, PDM), tietokanta ja parametrinen mallintaminen. Työn lopputuloksena on pyritty saamaan kuvaus siitä miten tuotetaan 3D-CAD-mallit ja mittakuvat Neles-tuotteista käyttäen tiedonlähteenä AtonPDM:ää ja millaisia 3Dmallien ja mittakuvien tulee olla. Malleja ja mittakuvia tuottavaan järjestelmään on etsitty ratkaisuja CAD-ohjelmistoista. Ratkaisuja on verrattu keskenään ominaisuuksien, joustavuuden ja AtonPDM yhteensopivuuden perusteella.


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OBJETIVO: Reportar resultados de tratamentos do câncer de próstata com radioterapia conformada 3D realizados em uma única instituição. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: De julho de 1997 a janeiro de 2002, 285 pacientes consecutivos com câncer de próstata foram submetidos a radioterapia conformada 3D com dose mediana de 7.920 cGy na próstata e analisados retrospectivamente. A distribuição segundo o grupo de risco foi a seguinte: baixo risco - 95 (33,7%); risco intermediário - 66 (23,4%); alto risco - 121 (42,9%) pacientes. RESULTADOS: Em seguimento mediano de 53,6 meses (3,6-95,3 meses), sobrevidas atuariais global, causa específica, livre de metástases a distância e livre de recidiva bioquímica em cinco anos foram de 85,1%, 97,0%, 94,2% e 75,8%, respectivamente. Sobrevidas atuariais livre de toxicidade retal e urinária tardias em cinco anos foram de 96,4% e 91,1%, respectivamente. Ressecção transuretral pré-radioterapia conformada 3D e doses > 70 Gy em 30% do volume da bexiga implicaram maior toxicidade urinária tardia grau 2-3 em cinco anos (p = 0,0002 e p = 0,0264, respectivamente). CONCLUSÃO: A primeira experiência relatada de radioterapia conformada 3D no Brasil permitiu altas doses de radiação, com toxicidades retal e urinária aceitáveis. A existência de ressecção transuretral de próstata pré-radioterapia conformada 3D pode sinalizar maior risco de toxicidade urinária tardia grau 2-3 após irradiação. Restrição da dose < 70 Gy em 30% do volume da bexiga à tomografia de planejamento pode reduzir complicações urinárias tardias.


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A set of GPR profiles have been recorded in order to determine the 3D geometry of a prograding delta-front sandbody (Roda sandstone formation, Eocene, Graus-Tremp basin). Common Mid Points (CMP) also have been recorded to obtain the velocity of the electromagnetic wave in ground. In order to build the topsurface of a 3D prism a set of topographic points have been acquired. Most of the GPR profiles are oriented parallel to the progradation direction (NNE-SSW) and show the expected geometries. The 3D prism has been built from the individual profiles, which shows the three dimensional geometry of the sandy lithosome.


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The availability of stem cells is of great promise to study early developmental stages and to generate adequate cells for cell transfer therapies. Although many researchers using stem cells were successful in dissecting intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms and in generating specific cell phenotypes, few of the stem cells or the differentiated cells show the capacity to repair a tissue. Advances in cell and stem cell cultivation during the last years made tremendous progress in the generation of bona fide differentiated cells able to integrate into a tissue after transplantation, opening new perspectives for developmental biology studies and for regenerative medicine. In this review, we focus on the main works attempting to create in vitro conditions mimicking the natural environment of CNS structures such as the neural tube and its development in different brain region areas including the optic cup. The use of protocols growing cells in 3D organoids is a key strategy to produce cells resembling endogenous ones. An emphasis on the generation of retina tissue and photoreceptor cells is provided to highlight the promising developments in this field. Other examples are presented and discussed, such as the formation of cortical tissue, the epithelial gut or the kidney organoids. The generation of differentiated tissues and well-defined cell phenotypes from embryonic stem (ES) cells or induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs) opens several new strategies in the field of biology and regenerative medicine. A 3D organ/tissue development in vitro derived from human cells brings a unique tool to study human cell biology and pathophysiology of an organ or a specific cell population. The perspective of tissue repair is discussed as well as the necessity of cell banking to accelerate the progress of this promising field.