998 resultados para 373


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In current practice the strength evaluation of a bridge system is typically based on firstly using elastic analysis to determine the distribution of load effects in the elements and then checking the ultimate section capacity of those elements. Ductility of the components in most bridge structures permits local yield and subsequent redistribution of the applied loads from the most heavily loaded elements. As a result a bridge can continue to carry additional loading even after one member has yielded, which has conventionally been adopted as the "failure criterion" in bridge strength evaluation. This means that a bridge with inherent redundancy has additional reserves of strength such that the failure of one element does not result in the failure of the complete system. For these bridges warning signs will show up and measures can be undertaken before the ultimate collapse is happening. This paper proposes a rational methodology for calculating the ultimate system strength and including in bridge evaluation the warning level due to redundancy. © 2004 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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Wistar rats, treated with the GABA(A) receptor agonist muscimol, were used to investigate the role of the hippocampal-prelimbic cortical (Hip-PLC) circuit in spatial learning in the Morris water maze task, and in passive avoidance learning in the step-thr


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There are over 600,000 bridges in the US, and not all of them can be inspected and maintained within the specified time frame. This is because manually inspecting bridges is a time-consuming and costly task, and some state Departments of Transportation (DOT) cannot afford the essential costs and manpower. In this paper, a novel method that can detect large-scale bridge concrete columns is proposed for the purpose of eventually creating an automated bridge condition assessment system. The method employs image stitching techniques (feature detection and matching, image affine transformation and blending) to combine images containing different segments of one column into a single image. Following that, bridge columns are detected by locating their boundaries and classifying the material within each boundary in the stitched image. Preliminary test results of 114 concrete bridge columns stitched from 373 close-up, partial images of the columns indicate that the method can correctly detect 89.7% of these elements, and thus, the viability of the application of this research.


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对云南6个高原湖泊沿岸带底栖藻类的群落结构、现存量等进行了调查,研究期间发现底栖藻类群落主要由绿藻门的刚毛藻(Cladophora spp.)和硅藻门的一些附植种类组成,除硅藻群落在泸沽湖占优势外,其它湖泊中绿藻群落的相对比率高于硅藻。底栖藻类现存量(chl a)以星云湖最高(24μg·cm-2);底栖硅藻密度以泸沽湖的鸟岛最高,为9.3×106cells·cm-2。分析不同湖泊底栖硅藻的群落结构发现:底栖硅藻Epithemia sorex和Cocconeis klamathensis分别是泸沽湖和抚仙湖


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In this paper we report about the electrical properties of La 0.7Ca0.3MnO3 compounds substituted by copper on the manganese site and/or deliberately contaminated by SiO2 in the reactant mixture. Several phenomena have been observed and discussed. SiO2 addition leads to the formation of an apatite-like secondary phase that affects the electrical conduction through the percolation of the charge carriers. On the other hand, depending on the relative amounts of copper and silicon, the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity can be noticeably modified: our results enable us to compare the effects of crystallographic vacancies on the A and B sites of the perovskite with the influence of the copper ions substituted on the manganese site. The most original result occurs for the compounds with a small ratio Si/Cu, which display double-peaked resistivity vs. temperature curves. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fano resonances and their strong doping dependence are observed in Raman scattering of single-layer graphene (SLG). As the Fermi level is varied by a back-gate bias, the Raman G band of SLG exhibits an asymmetric line shape near the charge neutrality point as a manifestation of a Fano resonance, whereas the line shape is symmetric when the graphene sample is electron or hole doped. However, the G band of bilayer graphene (BLG) does not exhibit any Fano resonance regardless of doping. The observed Fano resonance can be interpreted as interferences between the phonon and excitonic many-body spectra in SLG. The absence of a Fano resonance in the Raman G band of BLG can be explained in the same framework since excitonic interactions are not expected in BLG. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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从南极海纽喀姆湾(南纬66°17′,东经110°32′)的南极鱼属Notothenia鱼体上得到两个海蛭标本。经鉴定为多皱海蛭Pontobdella rugosa Moore,1938和椎蛭属Notobdella的一新种。前者的环带后区环的分割明显并因许多大、小结节变得崎岖不平。在一完全体节(ⅫⅠ-ⅩⅫⅠ)里环的通常大小关系是8_2(?)a_1>b_5=b_(60)扭椎蛭新种Notobdella streptocheles sp.nov.呈S形弯曲井从稍膨大的中部向两端渐渐变细。在前吸盘上没有眼。尾吸盘与