967 resultados para 344.046


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Let D be a bounded domain in C 2 with a non-compact group of holomorphic automorphisms. Model domains for D are obtained under the hypotheses that at least one orbit accumulates at a boundary point near which the boundary is smooth, real analytic and of finite type.


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Purpose – This paper aims to explore the potential contributions of social media in supporting tacit knowledge sharing, according to the physicians’ perspectives and experiences. Design/methodology/approach – Adopting a qualitative survey design, 24 physicians were interviewed. Purposive and snowball sampling were used to select the participants. Thematic analysis approach was used for data analysis. Findings – The study revealed five major themes and over 20 sub-themes as potential contributions of social media to tacit knowledge flow among physicians. The themes included socialising, practising, networking, storytelling and encountering. In addition, with the help of the literature and the supporting data, the study proposed a conceptual model that explains the potential contribution of social media to tacit knowledge sharing. Research limitations/implications – The study had both theoretical (the difficulty of distinguishing tacit and explicit knowledge in practice) and practical limitations (small sample size). The study findings have implications for the healthcare industry whose clinical teams are not always physically co-located but must exchange their critical experiential and tacit knowledge. Originality/value – The study has opened up a new discussion of this area by demonstrating and conceptualising how social media tools may facilitate tacit knowledge sharing.


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Magnetron sputtering is a promising technique for the growth of oxide materials including ZnO, which allows deposition of films at low temperatures with good electrical properties. The current-voltage (I-P) characteristics of An Schottky contacts on magnetron sputtered ZnO, films have been measured over a temperature range of 278-358K. Both effective barrier height (phi(B,eff)) and ideality factor (n) are found to be a function of temperature, and this behavior has been interpreted on the basis of a Gaussian distribution of barrier heights due to barrier height inhomogeneities that prevail at the interface. Density of states (DOS) near the Fermi level is determined using a model based on the space charge limited current (SCLC). The dispersion in both real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant at low frequencies, with increase in temperature is attributed to the space charge effect. Complex impedance plots exhibited two semicircles, which corresponds to bulk grains and the grain boundaries. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The iodide-containing layered double hydroxides (LDHs) of Mg and Zn with AI crystallize by the inclusion of extensive positional disorder of I- ions in the interlayer region. I- ion given its poor charge to size ratio can neither screen effectively the positive charge nor participate in H-bonding with the metal hydroxide layers. Thereby the I- ions are not stabilized in sites close to the seat of positive charge of the metal hydroxide layers (6c), nor in sites that facilitate H-bonding (3b or 18h). On the other hand, OH- from water can do both and effectively displaces I- from the interlayer. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Väitöskirjassa selvitettiin ikäihmisten laitoshoitoon siirtymisen todennäköisyyttä ja sen taustoja kansainvälisesti ainutlaatuisen rekisteriaineiston avulla. Selvitettäviä asioita olivat eri sairauksien, sosioekonomisten tekijöiden, puolison olemassaolon ja leskeksi jäämisen yhteys laitoshoitoon siirtymiseen yli 65-vuotiailla suomalaisilla. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että dementia, Parkinsonin tauti, aivohalvaus, masennusoireet ja muut mielenterveysongelmat, lonkkamurtuma sekä diabetes lisäsivät ikäihmisten todennäköisyyttä siirtyä laitoshoitoon yli 50 prosentilla, kun muut sairaudet ja sosiodemografiset tekijät oli otettu huomioon. Korkeat tulot vähensivät laitoshoidon todennäköisyyttä, kun taas puutteellinen asuminen (ilman peseytymistiloja tai keskus- tai sähkölämmitystä) sekä erittäin puutteellinen asuminen (ilman lämmintä vettä, vesijohtoa, viemäriä tai vesivessaa) lisäsivät todennäkösyyttä, kun muut sosiodemografiset tekijät, sairaudet ja asuinalue oli huomioitu. Kerrostalon hissittömyys ei ollut yhteydessä laitoshoidon todennäköisyyteen. Todennäköisyys siirtyä laitoshoitoon oli jostain syystä korkeampaa niillä ikäihmisillä, jotka asuivat vuokralla ja matalampaa omakotitalossa asuvilla ja niillä, joilla oli auto. Puolison olemassaolo vähensi ja leskeksi jääminen lisäsi laitoshoidon todennäköisyyttä huomattavasti. Todennäköisyys oli erityisen suuri, yli kolminkertainen, kun puolison kuolemasta oli kulunut enintään kuukausi verrattuna niihin, joiden puoliso oli elossa. Todennäköisyys laski, kun puolison kuolemasta kului aikaa. Miesten ja naisten tulokset olivat samansuuntaisia. Korkeat tulot tai koulutus eivät suojanneet riskiltä joutua laitoshoitoon puolison kuoltua. Puolison kuolema näyttää lisäävän hoidon tarvetta, kun kotona ei ole enää puolisoa tukemassa ja huolehtimassa kodin askareista. Laitoshoidon tarve vähenee, jos ja kun lesket ajan kuluessa oppivat elämään yksin. Toisaalta tutkimustulokset saattavat viitata myös siihen, että kaikkein huonokuntoisimmat lesket, jotka eivät pärjää yksin asuessaan, siirtyvät laitoshoitoon hyvin nopeasti puolison kuoltua. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana yhteensä yli 280 000 yli 65-vuotiasta henkilöä, joiden pitkäaikaiseen laitoshoitoon siirtymistä seurattiin tammikuusta 1998 syyskuuhun 2003. Laitoshoidoksi määriteltiin terveyskeskuksissa, sairaaloissa ja vanhainkodeissa tai vastaavissa yksiköissä tapahtuva pitkäaikainen hoito, joka kesti yli 90 vuorokautta tai oli vahvistettu pitkäaikaishoidon päätöksellä. Tutkimuksessa käytetty aineisto koottiin väestörekistereistä, sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon rekistereistä ja lääkerekistereistä.


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This paper disentangles how organization members' “passion orchestra” is related to their entrepreneurial intentions in the particularly relevant context of academia. Drawing on passion literature and identity theory, we propose and test a model linking two central parts of researchers' “passion orchestra”, namely entrepreneurial and obsessive scientific passion, directly and indirectly, to spin-off and start-up intentions. While spin-off intentions refer to intentions to found a firm based upon research results, start-up intentions denote intentions to start any type of company. Using a sample of 2308 researchers from 24 European universities, our findings reveal that higher levels of entrepreneurial passion are associated with both stronger spin-off and start-up intentions. Further, obsessive scientific passion is positively associated with researchers' intentions to create a spin-off, and negatively with their propensity to establish a start-up. Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and affective organizational commitment mediate these effects. Finally, the two types of passion show characteristic interactions. Obsessive scientific passion moderates the entrepreneurial passion–intentions relationship such that it strengthens spin-off intentions. Our results highlight that recasting the individual driven by a singular passion to one with a “passion orchestra” provides a more holistic understanding of the new venture creation process. Implications for research and practice are discussed.


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Detailed molecular simulations are carried out to investigate the effect of temperature on orientational order in cubane molecular crystal. We report a transition from an orientationally ordered to an orientationally disordered plastic crystalline phase in the temperature range 425-450 K. This is similar to the experimentally reported transition at 395 K. The nature of this transition is first order and is associated with a 4.8% increase in unit Cell volume that is comparable to the experimentally reported unit cell volume change of 5.4% (Phys. Rev. Lett. 1997, 78, 4938). An orientational order parameter, eta(T), has been defined in terms of average angle of libration of a molecular 3-fold axis and the orientational melting has been characterized by using eta(T). The orientational melting is associated with an anomaly in specific heat at constant pressure (C-p) and compressibility (kappa). The enthalpy of transition and entropy of transition associated with this orientational melting are 20.8 J mol(-1) and 0.046 J mol(-1) K-1, respectively. The structure of crystalline as well as plastic crystalline phases is characterized by using various radial distribution functions and orientational distribution functions. The coefficient of thermal expansion of the plastic crystalline phase is more than twice that of the crystalline phase.


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We report a measurement of the top quark mass $M_t$ in the dilepton decay channel $t\bar{t}\to b\ell'^{+}\nu'_\ell\bar{b}\ell^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\ell}$. Events are selected with a neural network which has been directly optimized for statistical precision in top quark mass using neuroevolution, a technique modeled on biological evolution. The top quark mass is extracted from per-event probability densities that are formed by the convolution of leading order matrix elements and detector resolution functions. The joint probability is the product of the probability densities from 344 candidate events in 2.0 fb$^{-1}$ of $p\bar{p}$ collisions collected with the CDF II detector, yielding a measurement of $M_t= 171.2\pm 2.7(\textrm{stat.})\pm 2.9(\textrm{syst.})\mathrm{GeV}/c^2$.


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We report a measurement of the lifetime of the Lambda_b baryon in decays to the Lambda_C+ pi- final state in a sample corresponding to 1.1 fb^-1 collected in p-pbar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV by the CDF II detector at the Tevatron collider. Using a sample of about 3000 fully reconstructed Lambda_b events we measure tau(Lambda_b) = 1.401 +- 0.046 (stat) +- 0.035 (syst) ps (corresponding to c.tau(Lambda_b) = 420.1 +- 13.7 (stat) +- 10.6 (syst) um, where c is the speed of light). The ratio of this result and the world average B^0 lifetime yields tau(Lambda_b)/tau(B^0) = 0.918 +- 0.038 (stat and syst), in good agreement with recent theoretical predictions.


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We report a measurement of the top quark mass $M_t$ in the dilepton decay channel $t\bar{t}\to b\ell'^{+}\nu'_\ell\bar{b}\ell^{-}\bar{\nu}_{\ell}$. Events are selected with a neural network which has been directly optimized for statistical precision in top quark mass using neuroevolution, a technique modeled on biological evolution. The top quark mass is extracted from per-event probability densities that are formed by the convolution of leading order matrix elements and detector resolution functions. The joint probability is the product of the probability densities from 344 candidate events in 2.0 fb$^{-1}$ of $p\bar{p}$ collisions collected with the CDF II detector, yielding a measurement of $M_t= 171.2\pm 2.7(\textrm{stat.})\pm 2.9(\textrm{syst.})\mathrm{GeV}/c^2$.


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The effect of vibration on heat transfer from a horizontal copper cylinder, 0.344 in. in diameter and 6 in. long, was investigated. The cylinder was placed normal to an air stream and was sinusoidally vibrated in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the air stream. The flow velocity varied from 19 ft/s to 92 ft/s; the double amplitude of vibration from 0.75 cm to 3.2 cm, and the frequency of vibration from 200 to 2800 cycles/min. A transient technique was used to determine the heat transfer coefficients. The experimental data in the absence of vibration is expressed by NNu = 0.226 NRe0.6 in the range 2500 < NRe < 15 000. By imposing vibrational velocities as high as 20 per cent of the flow velocity, no appreciable change in the heat transfer coefficient was observed. An analysis using the resultant of the vibration and the flow velocity explains the observed phenomenon.


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In this letter, we propose the design and simulation study of a novel transistor, called HFinFET, which is a hybrid of an HEMT and a FinFET, to obtain excellent performance and good OFF-state control. Followed by the description of the design, 3-D device simulation has been performed to predict the characteristics of the device. The device has been benchmarked against published state of the art HEMT as well as planar and nonplanar Si n-MOSFET data of comparable gate length using standard benchmarking techniques.