923 resultados para 2nd year of elementary school
The role of the principal in school settings and the principal's perceived effect on student achievement have frequently been considered vital factors in school reform. The relationships between emotional intelligence, leadership style and school culture have been widely studied. The literature reveals agreement among scholars regarding the principal's vital role in developing and fostering a positive school culture. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between elementary school principals' emotional intelligence, leadership style and school culture. ^ The researcher implemented a non-experimental ex post facto research design to investigate four specific research hypotheses. Utilizing the Qualtrics Survey Software, 57 elementary school principals within a large urban school district in southeast Florida completed the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i), and 850 of their faculty members completed the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ Form 5X). Faculty responses to the school district's School Climate Survey retrieved from the district's web site were used as the measure of school culture. ^ Linear regression analyses revealed significant positive associations between emotional intelligence and the following leadership measures: Idealized Influence-Attributes (β = .23, p = < .05), Idealized Influence-Behaviors (β = .34, p = < .01), Inspirational Motivation (β = .39, p = < .01) and Contingent Reward (β = .33, p = < .01). Hierarchical regression analyses revealed positive associations between school culture and both transformational and transactional leadership measures, and negative associations between school culture and passive-avoidant leadership measures. Significant positive associations were found between school culture and the principals' emotional intelligence over and above leadership style. Hierarchical linear regressions to test the statistical hypothesis developed to account for alternative explanations revealed significant associations between leadership style and school culture over and above school grade. ^ These results suggest that emotional intelligence merits consideration in the development of leadership theory. Practical implications include suggestions that principals employ both transformational and transactional leadership strategies, and focus on developing their level of emotional intelligence. The associations between emotional intelligence, transformational leadership, Contingent Reward and school culture found in this study validate the role of the principal as the leader of school reform.^
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
Much research has focused on students’ transition from secondary school to university. Less is known about the transition from first to second year of a university degree programme. Given the difficulties that many students face at this stage of their education, research into the relevant factors is required. Through questionnaires and focus groups, views of second- and third-year aerospace and mechanical engineering students in our university have been gathered. A large majority believed that both the volume and difficulty of work increased in second year. Many stated that first year was slightly too trivial and could have been made more challenging to prepare them better for second year. Different teaching and assessment styles in second year were considered to affect attendance and performance. The survey revealed that students were generally very well settled into university life by the end of first year and were happy with their choice of course and only 23% reported that financial responsibilities have had a negative effect on their academic performance. Differences were observed between male and female students. Male students believed that transition was helped by having regular assessments and by worked examples in lectures. Females found the teaching staff were the most helpful factor for a successful transition. The results indicate that males require more structure and guidance whereas females are more independent and settle in better.
Background: The NECaSP intervention aspires to increase sport and physical activity (PA) participation amongst young people in the UK. The aims of this paper are to report on a summative process evaluation of the NECaSP and make recommendations for future interventions. Methods: Seventeen schools provided data by students aged 11-13 (n=1,226), parents (n=192) and teachers (n= 14) via direct observation and questionnaires. Means, standard deviations and percentages were calculated for socio-demographic data. Qualitative data was analysed via directed content analysis and main themes identified. Results: Findings indicate further administrative, educational and financial support will help facilitate the success of the programme in improving PA outcomes for young people, and of other similar intervention programmes globally. Data highlighted the need to engage parents to increase likelihood of intervention success. Conclusions: One main strength of this study is the mixed-methods nature of the process evaluation. It is recommended that future school based interventions that bridge sports clubs and formal curriculum provision, should consider a more broad approach to the delivery of programmes throughout the academic year, school week and school day. Finally, changes in the school curriculum can be successful once all parties are involved (community, school, families).
Every year, the EAPCI Board invites presidents and representatives of the interventional working groups affiliated to EAPCI to discuss issues and strategies surrounding the goals of education and advanced healthcare practices in interventional cardiology. In 2013, the 2nd EAPCI Summit, organised by the EAPCI Board in collaboration with the NIFYI committee, was entirely dedicated to discussing the unmet needs of the young generation of interventional cardiologists. In this article, we highlight a selection of the key points and proposed actions highlighted during the summit.
Abstract Considerable research has been carried out on entrepreneurship in efforts to understand its incidence in order to influence and maximize its benefits. Essentially, researchers and policy makers have sought to understand the link between individuals and business creation: Why some people start businesses while others do not. The research indicates that personality traits, individual background factors and association of entrepreneurship with career choice and small business enterprises, cannot sufficiently explain entrepreneurship. It is recognized that entrepreneurship is an intentional process and based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior, the most defining characteristic of entrepreneurship is the intention to start a business. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to examine factors that influence entrepreneurial intention in high school students in Kenya. Specifically, the study aimed at determining if there were relationships between the perceptions of desirability, and feasibility of entrepreneurship with entrepreneurial intention of the students, identifying any difference in these perceptions with students of different backgrounds, and developing a model to predict entrepreneurship in the students. The study, therefore, tested how well Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior applied in the Kenyan situation. A questionnaire was developed and administered to 969 final year high school students at a critical important point in their career decision making. Participants were selected using a combined convenience and random sampling technique, considering gender, rural/urban location, cost, and accessibility. Survey was the major method of data collection. Data analysis methods included descriptive statistics, correlation, ANOVA, factor analysis, effect size, and regression analysis. iii The findings of this study corroborate results from past studies. Attitudes are found to influence intention, and the attitudes to be moderated by individual background factors. Perceived personal desirability of entrepreneurship was found to have the greatest influence on entrepreneurial intention and perceived feasibility the lowest. The study findings also showed that perceived social desirability and feasibility of entrepreneurship contributed to perception of personal desirability, and that the background factors, including gender and prior experience, influenced entrepreneurial intention both directly and indirectly. In addition, based on the literature reviewed, the study finds that entrepreneurship promotion requires reduction of the high small business mortality rate and creation of both entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial opportunities (Kruger, 2000; Shane & Venkataraman, 2000). These findings have theoretical and practical implications for researchers, policy makers, teachers, and other entrepreneurship practitioners in Kenya.
This study analyzes differences in metacognitive skills and executive functioning between two groups of students (10-12 years) with different levels of metacognitive knowledge (high n = 50, low n = 64). Groups were established based on students' score on a test of knowledge of strategy use. Metacognitive skills were assessed by means of self-report. Students reported the frequency with which they applied these strategies during the phases of planning, execution, and evaluation of learning. Information about student executive functioning was provided by families and teachers, who completed two parallel forms of a behavior rating scale. The results indicated that: a) the group with high levels of metacognitive knowledge reported using their metacognitive skills more frequently than their peers in the other group. These differences were statistically significant in the phases of planning and execution; b) both family and teachers informed of better levels of executive functioning in the students with high metacognitive knowledge. Statistically significant differences were found in planning, functional memory, focus, and sustained attention. These results show the existence of an association between different levels of metacognitive knowledge, and differences in metacognitive skills and executive functions, and suggest the need to emphasize this set of variables in order to encourage students to acquire increasing levels of control over their learning process.
It is a fact, and far from being a new one, that students have been entering Higher Education courses with many different backgrounds in terms of secondary school programs they attended. The impact of these basic skills is a general and worldwide challenge, fundamentally when facing some specific “constructive” subjects like foreign languages and Mathematics. Working with students with an extensive variety of Math qualifications is an outrageous challenge when they enter an advanced Math course, leading to an almost generalized expectations’ failure - from students enrolled in course and from their teachers, who feel powerless in trying to monitor knowledge construction from completely different “starting points”. If teachers’ "haste" is average, more than half of the students do not “go along” and give up, even before experiencing any kind of evaluation procedure. On the contrary, if the “speed” is too low, others are discouraged (feeling not progressing at all) and the teacher runs the risk of not meeting the minimum objectives (general and specific) of its course, which may have a negative impact on students’ future training development. Failure in Mathematics, despite being a recurrent and global issue, does not have any “magical solution”, however, in general, teachers in this area seem untiring, searching, investigating, trying and implementing new and old “recipes” to tackle and demystify this subject. In this article we describe a project developed in a Math course, with the first year students from an Accounting and Management bachelor degree, and its outcomes since it was brought to practice, revealing its impact in students’ success, from approval to dropout rates, in this course. We will shortly describe students’ differentiated Math backgrounds, their results in a pre-assessment analysis and how we try to deal with these differences and level them up, having in mind the same “finish line”. One should never forget that all these students where officially accepted in higher education institutions, so they are ones’ reality, the reality of institutions whose name one should value and strive to defend.
This year the School of Library, Documentation and Information is twenty years from its beginning as Unit Library.
Existe abundante evidencia de que los niños pequeños son capaces de desarrollar un conocimiento matemático y que las destrezas aritméticas de estos niños son predictores de su desempeño académico futuro. También existe un acuerdo común de que la calidad de la educación matemática inicial tiene una importante influencia en el aprendizaje posterior de los niños. En Ecuador hay escasos estudios sobre las competencias matemáticas tempranas de los niños y sobre su enseñanza. Por ello, se inició un estudio para (1) evaluar las competencias numéricas de los niños de pre-escolar y kindergarten (primero de básica) que asisten a una escuela pública de Cuenca, con el objetivo de analizar críticamente su pensamiento y razonamiento numérico; y (2) examinar las prácticas y creencias de los profesores con relación a la enseñanza de la matemática y a las competencias matemáticas de los niños. La aplicación del Test de Conocimiento Numérico (Griffin, 2005) demostró que la mayoría de los niños participantes no habían desarrollado habilidades numéricas básicas. Adicionalmente, los profesores expresaron una fuerte creencia de que los niños pequeños no son capaces de tener un pensamiento matemático. Como consecuencia, las actividades matemáticas que realizan los niños y profesores son desarrolladas de manera insuficiente. Las implicaciones científicas y prácticas de estos resultados son discutidas.
A presente investigação tem como objectivo o estudo das concepções dos alunos sobre a avaliação das aprendizagens na disciplina de Matemática em anos terminais dos 1º e 2° ciclos do Ensino Básico. Em particular, procurou-se estudar e comparar as concepções que alunos desses anos tinham sobre a avaliação e as práticas avaliativas dos seus professores, e compreender se existiam algumas relações de dependência entre essas concepções e a perspectiva face à Matemática e o desempenho escolar desses alunos. O enquadramento teórico está organizado em dois capítulos. O primeiro relacionado com a avaliação e o segundo referente às concepções. Este estudo segue uma metodologia de natureza interpretativa. A recolha de dados foi feita através da aplicação de um questionário a quatro turmas, uma do 4o e outra do 6° ano de escolaridade de dois agrupamentos distintos, um de Elvas e outro de Portalegre, e de entrevista semi-estruturada a dois alunos por turma. A análise de dados foi organizada em tomo de duas categorias: (i) perspectivas face à Matemática e (ii) perspectiva face à avaliação das aprendizagens. Os resultados do estudo indicam que as concepções sobre a avaliação das aprendizagens em Matemática dos alunos participantes incidem, preferencialmente, sobre sentimentos, consequências, funções e instrumentos de avaliação. Verifica-se uma tendência para a existência de relações de dependência entre a imagem negativa da Matemática escolar e a concepção de avaliação associada aos sentimentos. Alunos com classificações negativas a Matemática associa, igualmente, a avaliação a sentimentos. Já os alunos que têm uma imagem positiva da Matemática, assim com os que têm classificações mais elevadas, tendem a associar a avaliação às suas consequências. No que diz respeito às práticas avaliativas que lhes têm sido proporcionadas, os alunos do 1º e do 2°ciclos apresentam concepções quase semelhantes, reconhecendo as fichas de avaliação como os instrumentos com mais peso para o professor na atribuição de notas no final do período. Os alunos do 1º ciclo são os que mais revelam concordar que o professor está atento às suas dificuldades. Porém, quer os alunos do 1 o e do 2°ciclos não reconhecem poder combinar com o professor a forma como são avaliados. ABSTRACT; The main purpose of the present work is to study the students' beliefs on assessment learning related to the Mathematics subject in ending years of 1st and 2nd key stage of elementary school. ln particular, the research was aimed to study and compare the students’ beliefs that pupils of those particular years had on assessment and the assessment practices of their teachers and also if there were any kind of dependence relationships between those beliefs and the perspective towards Mathematics and those students' school performance. The theoretical framework is organized in two chapters. The first related with the assessment and the second regarding the beliefs. This study follows a methodology of interpretative nature. The data gathering was done through the application of a questionnaire to four classes, one of the 4th and another of the 6th year of two different school groups, one belonging to Elva’s and another one to Portalegre and also through a semi-structured interview done to two students per group. The data analysis was organized around two categories: (i) perspectives towards Mathematics and (ii) perspective towards assessment learning. The results of the study show that the beliefs of those students on assessment learning on Mathematics are preferably based on feelings, consequences, functions and assessment instruments. ln general terms, there seems to be dependence relationships between the Mathematics negative image and the assessment conception associated to feelings. Students with negative marks at Mathematics also associate assessment to feelings. Those who have a positive Mathematics image, as well as those with higher marks at the subject, seem to associate assessment to its consequences. Concerning the assessment practices that have been provided to students from 1 51 and 2nd key stage of elementary school, these same pupils show very similar beliefs, pointing the summative tests as having higher importance when the assessment term comes. The students of the 1st key stage of elementary school are those who most agree that the teacher is attentive to their difficulties. Even so, both groups of students say that they cannot negotiate with their teacher the way they are supposed to be assessed.
The role of the principal in school settings and the principal’s perceived effect on student achievement have frequently been considered vital factors in school reform. The relationships between emotional intelligence, leadership style and school culture have been widely studied. The literature reveals agreement among scholars regarding the principal’s vital role in developing and fostering a positive school culture. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between elementary school principals’ emotional intelligence, leadership style and school culture. The researcher implemented a non-experimental ex post facto research design to investigate four specific research hypotheses. Utilizing the Qualtrics Survey Software, 57 elementary school principals within a large urban school district in southeast Florida completed the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i), and 850 of their faculty members completed the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ Form 5X). Faculty responses to the school district’s School Climate Survey retrieved from the district’s web site were used as the measure of school culture. Linear regression analyses revealed significant positive associations between emotional intelligence and the following leadership measures: Idealized Influence-Attributes (β = .23, p = < .05), Idealized Influence-Behaviors (β = .34, p = < .01), Inspirational Motivation (β = .39, p = < .01) and Contingent Reward (β = .33, p = < .01). Hierarchical regression analyses revealed positive associations between school culture and both transformational and transactional leadership measures, and negative associations between school culture and passive-avoidant leadership measures. Significant positive associations were found between school culture and the principals’ emotional intelligence over and above leadership style. Hierarchical linear regressions to test the statistical hypothesis developed to account for alternative explanations revealed significant associations between leadership style and school culture over and above school grade. These results suggest that emotional intelligence merits consideration in the development of leadership theory. Practical implications include suggestions that principals employ both transformational and transactional leadership strategies, and focus on developing their level of emotional intelligence. The associations between emotional intelligence, transformational leadership, Contingent Reward and school culture found in this study validate the role of the principal as the leader of school reform.
Using a desorption/ionization technique, easy ambient sonic-spray ionization coupled to mass spectrometry (EASI-MS), documents related to the 2nd generation of Brazilian Real currency (R$) were screened in the positive ion mode for authenticity based on chemical profiles obtained directly from the banknote surface. Characteristic profiles were observed for authentic, seized suspect counterfeit and counterfeited homemade banknotes from inkjet and laserjet printers. The chemicals in the authentic banknotes' surface were detected via a few minor sets of ions, namely from the plasticizers bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and dibutyl phthalate (DBP), most likely related to the official offset printing process, and other common quaternary ammonium cations, presenting a similar chemical profile to 1st-generation R$. The seized suspect counterfeit banknotes, however, displayed abundant diagnostic ions in the m/z 400-800 range due to the presence of oligomers. High-accuracy FT-ICR MS analysis enabled molecular formula assignment for each ion. The ions were separated by 44 m/z, which enabled their characterization as Surfynol® 4XX (S4XX, XX=40, 65, and 85), wherein increasing XX values indicate increasing amounts of ethoxylation on a backbone of 2,4,7,9-tetramethyl-5-decyne-4,7-diol (Surfynol® 104). Sodiated triethylene glycol monobutyl ether (TBG) of m/z 229 (C10H22O4Na) was also identified in the seized counterfeit banknotes via EASI(+) FT-ICR MS. Surfynol® and TBG are constituents of inks used for inkjet printing.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Background: We evaluated growth and nutritional status of preschool children between 2 and 6 years old from low income families from 14 daycare centers. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 1544 children from daycare centers of Santo Andre, Brazil. Body weight (W), height (H) and body mass index (BMI) were classified according to the 2000 National Center for Health Statistics (CDC/NCHS). Cutoff points for nutritional disorders: -2 z scores and 2.5 and 10 percentiles for malnutrition risk, 85 to 95 percentile for overweight and above BMI 95 percentile for obesity. Stepwise Forward Regression method was used including age, gender, birth weight, breastfeeding duration, age of mother at birth and period of time they attended the daycare center. Results: Children presented mean z scores of H, W and BMI above the median of the CDC/NCHS reference. Girls were taller and heavier than boys, while we observed similar BMI between both genders. The z scores tended to rise with age. A Pearson Coefficient of Correlation of 0.89 for W, 0.93 for H and 0.95 for BMI was documented indicating positive association of age with weight, height and BMI. The frequency of children below -2 z scores was lower than expected: 1.5% for W, 1.75% for H and 0% for BMI, which suggests that there were no malnourished children. The other extremity of the distribution evidenced prevalence of overweight and obesity of 16.8% and 10.8%, respectively. Conclusion: Low income preschool children are in an advanced stage of nutritional transition with a high prevalence of overweight.