957 resultados para 280303 Programming Languages


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Neste documento foi feita a apresentação do conceito de Programação Visual, estudados alguns exemplos de Linguagens de Programação Visual e investigado vantagens e desvantagens sobre o seu uso comparativamente à programação tradicional (por texto) e, adicionalmente, foram estudados três jogos para aprender a programar com fortes características visuais. A partir desta investigação, foi criada uma nova Linguagem de Programação Visual(LPV) sendo a base de um prototipo de um jogo para aprender a programar. Este jogo é representado pela deslocação e execução de tarefas feitas por um robô dentro de uma casa, sendo o objetivo do programador colocar objetos nesta casa que manipulam a deslocação do robô dentro desta de forma a resolver um problema; Abstract: A game to learn programming Aplication of concepts of visual programming to create a game to learn how to program In this document we will explain the concept of Visual Programming, study some examples of Visual Programming Languages, analyze some arguments in favor and against its use in comparison to traditional programming (by text) and, additionally, study three games to learn programming with strong visual features. Using this research, a new Visual Programming Language(VPL) was created, being the basis of a prototype of a game to learn programming. This game is represented by the movement and execution of tasks done by a robot inside a house, being the goal of the programmer to place objects in this house that manipulate the movement of the robot inside of it in order to solve a problem.


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Three paradigms for distributed-memory parallel computation that free the application programmer from the details of message passing are compared for an archetypal structured scientific computation -- a nonlinear, structured-grid partial differential equation boundary value problem -- using the same algorithm on the same hardware. All of the paradigms -- parallel languages represented by the Portland Group's HPF, (semi-)automated serial-to-parallel source-to-source translation represented by CAP-Tools from the University of Greenwich, and parallel libraries represented by Argonne's PETSc -- are found to be easy to use for this problem class, and all are reasonably effective in exploiting concurrency after a short learning curve. The level of involvement required by the application programmer under any paradigm includes specification of the data partitioning, corresponding to a geometrically simple decomposition of the domain of the PDE. Programming in SPMD style for the PETSc library requires writing only the routines that discretize the PDE and its Jacobian, managing subdomain-to-processor mappings (affine global-to-local index mappings), and interfacing to library solver routines. Programming for HPF requires a complete sequential implementation of the same algorithm as a starting point, introduction of concurrency through subdomain blocking (a task similar to the index mapping), and modest experimentation with rewriting loops to elucidate to the compiler the latent concurrency. Programming with CAPTools involves feeding the same sequential implementation to the CAPTools interactive parallelization system, and guiding the source-to-source code transformation by responding to various queries about quantities knowable only at runtime. Results representative of "the state of the practice" for a scaled sequence of structured grid problems are given on three of the most important contemporary high-performance platforms: the IBM SP, the SGI Origin 2000, and the CRAYY T3E.


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Annotation of programs using embedded Domain-Specific Languages (embedded DSLs), such as the program annotation facility for the Java programming language, is a well-known practice in computer science. In this paper we argue for and propose a specialized approach for the usage of embedded Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (embedded DSMLs) in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) processes that in particular supports automated many-step model transformation chains. It can happen that information defined at some point, using an embedded DSML, is not required in the next immediate transformation step, but in a later one. We propose a new approach of model annotation enabling flexible many-step transformation chains. The approach utilizes a combination of embedded DSMLs, trace models and a megamodel. We demonstrate our approach based on an example MDE process and an industrial case study.


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Data flow techniques have been around since the early '70s when they were used in compilers for sequential languages. Shortly after their introduction they were also consideredas a possible model for parallel computing, although the impact here was limited. Recently, however, data flow has been identified as a candidate for efficient implementation of various programming models on multi-core architectures. In most cases, however, the burden of determining data flow "macro" instructions is left to the programmer, while the compiler/run time system manages only the efficient scheduling of these instructions. We discuss a structured parallel programming approach supporting automatic compilation of programs to macro data flow and we show experimental results demonstrating the feasibility of the approach and the efficiency of the resulting "object" code on different classes of state-of-the-art multi-core architectures. The experimental results use different base mechanisms to implement the macro data flow run time support, from plain pthreads with condition variables to more modern and effective lock- and fence-free parallel frameworks. Experimental results comparing efficiency of the proposed approach with those achieved using other, more classical, parallel frameworks are also presented. © 2012 IEEE.


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Genetic Programming (GP) is a widely used methodology for solving various computational problems. GP's problem solving ability is usually hindered by its long execution times. In this thesis, GP is applied toward real-time computer vision. In particular, object classification and tracking using a parallel GP system is discussed. First, a study of suitable GP languages for object classification is presented. Two main GP approaches for visual pattern classification, namely the block-classifiers and the pixel-classifiers, were studied. Results showed that the pixel-classifiers generally performed better. Using these results, a suitable language was selected for the real-time implementation. Synthetic video data was used in the experiments. The goal of the experiments was to evolve a unique classifier for each texture pattern that existed in the video. The experiments revealed that the system was capable of correctly tracking the textures in the video. The performance of the system was on-par with real-time requirements.


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The process of developing software that takes advantage of multiple processors is commonly referred to as parallel programming. For various reasons, this process is much harder than the sequential case. For decades, parallel programming has been a problem for a small niche only: engineers working on parallelizing mostly numerical applications in High Performance Computing. This has changed with the advent of multi-core processors in mainstream computer architectures. Parallel programming in our days becomes a problem for a much larger group of developers. The main objective of this thesis was to find ways to make parallel programming easier for them. Different aims were identified in order to reach the objective: research the state of the art of parallel programming today, improve the education of software developers about the topic, and provide programmers with powerful abstractions to make their work easier. To reach these aims, several key steps were taken. To start with, a survey was conducted among parallel programmers to find out about the state of the art. More than 250 people participated, yielding results about the parallel programming systems and languages in use, as well as about common problems with these systems. Furthermore, a study was conducted in university classes on parallel programming. It resulted in a list of frequently made mistakes that were analyzed and used to create a programmers' checklist to avoid them in the future. For programmers' education, an online resource was setup to collect experiences and knowledge in the field of parallel programming - called the Parawiki. Another key step in this direction was the creation of the Thinking Parallel weblog, where more than 50.000 readers to date have read essays on the topic. For the third aim (powerful abstractions), it was decided to concentrate on one parallel programming system: OpenMP. Its ease of use and high level of abstraction were the most important reasons for this decision. Two different research directions were pursued. The first one resulted in a parallel library called AthenaMP. It contains so-called generic components, derived from design patterns for parallel programming. These include functionality to enhance the locks provided by OpenMP, to perform operations on large amounts of data (data-parallel programming), and to enable the implementation of irregular algorithms using task pools. AthenaMP itself serves a triple role: the components are well-documented and can be used directly in programs, it enables developers to study the source code and learn from it, and it is possible for compiler writers to use it as a testing ground for their OpenMP compilers. The second research direction was targeted at changing the OpenMP specification to make the system more powerful. The main contributions here were a proposal to enable thread-cancellation and a proposal to avoid busy waiting. Both were implemented in a research compiler, shown to be useful in example applications, and proposed to the OpenMP Language Committee.


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Computational models are arising is which programs are constructed by specifying large networks of very simple computational devices. Although such models can potentially make use of a massive amount of concurrency, their usefulness as a programming model for the design of complex systems will ultimately be decided by the ease in which such networks can be programmed (constructed). This thesis outlines a language for specifying computational networks. The language (AFL-1) consists of a set of primitives, ad a mechanism to group these elements into higher level structures. An implementation of this language runs on the Thinking Machines Corporation, Connection machine. Two significant examples were programmed in the language, an expert system (CIS), and a planning system (AFPLAN). These systems are explained and analyzed in terms of how they compare with similar systems written in conventional languages.


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An overview of programming and software development.


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The EP2025 EDS project develops a highly parallel information server that supports established high-value interfaces. We describe the motivation for the project, the architecture of the system, and the design and application of its database and language subsystems. The Elipsys logic programming language, its advanced applications, EDS Lisp, and the Metal machine translation system are examined.


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Service Oriented Computing is a new programming paradigm for addressing distributed system design issues. Services are autonomous computational entities which can be dynamically discovered and composed in order to form more complex systems able to achieve different kinds of task. E-government, e-business and e-science are some examples of the IT areas where Service Oriented Computing will be exploited in the next years. At present, the most credited Service Oriented Computing technology is that of Web Services, whose specifications are enriched day by day by industrial consortia without following a precise and rigorous approach. This PhD thesis aims, on the one hand, at modelling Service Oriented Computing in a formal way in order to precisely define the main concepts it is based upon and, on the other hand, at defining a new approach, called bipolar approach, for addressing system design issues by synergically exploiting choreography and orchestration languages related by means of a mathematical relation called conformance. Choreography allows us to describe systems of services from a global view point whereas orchestration supplies a means for addressing such an issue from a local perspective. In this work we present SOCK, a process algebra based language inspired by the Web Service orchestration language WS-BPEL which catches the essentials of Service Oriented Computing. From the definition of SOCK we will able to define a general model for dealing with Service Oriented Computing where services and systems of services are related to the design of finite state automata and process algebra concurrent systems, respectively. Furthermore, we introduce a formal language for dealing with choreography. Such a language is equipped with a formal semantics and it forms, together with a subset of the SOCK calculus, the bipolar framework. Finally, we present JOLIE which is a Java implentation of a subset of the SOCK calculus and it is part of the bipolar framework we intend to promote.


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Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are increasingly used as embedded languages within general-purpose host languages. DSLs provide a compact, dedicated syntax for specifying parts of an application related to specialized domains. Unfortunately, such language extensions typically do not integrate well with the development tools of the host language. Editors, compilers and debuggers are either unaware of the extensions, or must be adapted at a non-trivial cost. We present a novel approach to embed DSLs into an existing host language by leveraging the underlying representation of the host language used by these tools. Helvetia is an extensible system that intercepts the compilation pipeline of the Smalltalk host language to seamlessly integrate language extensions. We validate our approach by case studies that demonstrate three fundamentally different ways to extend or adapt the host language syntax and semantics.


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Dynamically typed languages lack information about the types of variables in the source code. Developers care about this information as it supports program comprehension. Ba- sic type inference techniques are helpful, but may yield many false positives or negatives. We propose to mine information from the software ecosys- tem on how frequently given types are inferred unambigu- ously to improve the quality of type inference for a single system. This paper presents an approach to augment existing type inference techniques by supplementing the informa- tion available in the source code of a project with data from other projects written in the same language. For all available projects, we track how often messages are sent to instance variables throughout the source code. Predictions for the type of a variable are made based on the messages sent to it. The evaluation of a proof-of-concept prototype shows that this approach works well for types that are sufficiently popular, like those from the standard librarie, and tends to create false positives for unpopular or domain specific types. The false positives are, in most cases, fairly easily identifiable. Also, the evaluation data shows a substantial increase in the number of correctly inferred types when compared to the non-augmented type inference.