960 resultados para 2005-05-BS
The effects of inorganic amendments (fertilisers and pesticides) on soil biota that are reported in the scientific literature are, to say the least, variable. Though there is clear evidence that certain products can have significant impacts, the effects can be positive or negative. This is not surprising when you consider the number of organisms and amount of different functional groups, the number of products and various rates at which they could be applied, the methods of application and the environmental differences that occur in soil at a micro scale (within centimetres) in a paddock, let alone between paddocks, farms, catchments, regions etc. It therefore becomes extremely difficult to draw definitive conclusions from the reported results in order to summarise the impacts of these inputs. Several research trials and review papers have been published on this subject and most similarly conclude that the implications of many of the effects are still uncertain.
Fibre diameter can vary dramatically along a wool staple, especially in the Mediterranean environment of southern Australia with its dry summers and abundance of green feed in spring. Other research results have shown a very low phenotypic correlation between fibre diameter grown between seasons. Many breeders use short staples to measure fibre diameter for breeding purposes and also to promote animals for sale. The effectiveness of this practice is determined by the relative response to selection by measuring fibre traits on a full 12 months wool staple as compared to measuring them only on part of a staple. If a high genetic correlation exists between the part record and the full record, then using part records may be acceptable to identify genetically superior animals. No information is available on the effectiveness of part records. This paper investigated whether wool growth and fibre diameter traits of Merino wool grown at different times of the year in a Mediterranean environment, are genetically the same trait, respectively. The work was carried out on about 7 dyebanded wool sections/animal.year, on ewes from weaning to hogget age, in the Katanning Merino resource flocks over 6 years. Relative clean wool growth of the different sections had very low heritability estimates of less than 0.10, and they were phenotypically and genetically poorly correlated with 6 or 12 months wool growth. This indicates that part record measurement of clean wool growth of these sections will be ineffective as indirect selection criteria to improve wool growth genetically. Staple length growth as measured by the length between dyebands, would be more effective with heritability estimates of between 0.20 and 0.30. However, these measurements were shown to have a low genetic correlation with wool grown for 12 months which implies that these staple length measurements would only be half as efficient as the wool weight for 6 or 12 months to improve total clean wool weight. Heritability estimates of fibre diameter, coefficient of variation of fibre diameter and fibre curvature were relatively high and were genetically and phenotypically highly correlated across sections. High positive phenotypic and genetic correlations were also found between fibre diameter, coefficient of variation of fibre diameter and fibre curvature of the different sections and similar measurements for wool grown over 6 or 12 months. Coefficient of variation of fibre diameter of the sections also had a moderate negative phenotypic and genetic correlation with staple strength of wool staples grown over 6 months indicating that coefficient of variation of fibre diameter of any section would be as good an indirect selection criterion to improve stable strength as coefficient of variation of fibre diameter for wool grown over 6 or 12 months. The results indicate that fibre diameter, coefficient of variation of fibre diameter and fibre curvature of wool grown over short periods of time have virtually the same heritability as that of wool grown over 12 months, and that the genetic correlation between fibre diameter, coefficient of variation of fibre diameter and fibre curvature on part and on full records is very high (rg > 0.85). This indicates that fibre diameter, coefficient of variation of fibre diameter and fibre curvature on part records can be used as selection criteria to improve these traits. However, part records of greasy and clean wool growth would be much less efficient than fleece weight for wool grown over 6 or 12 months because of the low heritability of part records and the low genetic correlation between these traits on part records and on wool grown for 12 months.
Planeettainvälisessä avaruudessa havaitaan runsaasti Auringosta peräisin olevia korkeaenergiaisia hiukkasia. Havainnot voidaan jakaa karkeasti lyhyt- ja pitkäkestoisiin. Yleisin selitys jälkimmäisille on diffusiivinen shokkikiihdytys koronan massapurkausten edellään työntämissä shokkiaalloissa. Hiukkaset siroavat shokin turbulentista sähkömagneettisesta kentästä ja saavat lisää energiaa ylittäessään shokkirintaman monta kertaa. Kiihdytys alkaa koronassa ja jatkuu useiden päivien ajan massapurkauksen liikkuessa poispäin Auringosta. Havaintojen mukaan koronassa tapahtuva kiihdytys, jossa protonit voivat saavuttaa jopa 1 GeV suuruusluokkaa olevan energian, tapahtuu minuuttien aikaskaaloissa. Korkeaenergiaisten hiukkasten energiaspektri on tyypillisesti potenssilaki dN/dE ~ E^{-sigma}, missä sigma on lähellä ykköstä oleva vakio. Opinnäytteessä esitellään diffusiivisen shokkikiihdytyksen teoria ja tutkitaan kiihdytystä testihiukkassimulaatiolla. Koronan aktiivista aluetta mallinnetaan yksinkertaistetulla magneettikentällä. Simulaatiossa lasketaan tasomaisen shokin eteen injektoitujen protonien ratoja siihen asti, kun ne joko osuvat Auringon pintaan tai karkaavat planeettainväliseen avaruuteen. Lopputuloksista lasketuista statistiikoista etsitään kiihdytykseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Saatujen tuloksien perusteella koronan magneettikentän geometrialla on suuri merkitys saavutettavaan energiaan. Tehokkainta kiihdytys on geometrioissa, joissa shokki on lähes poikittainen. Erityisesti sironnan ei tarvitse olla voimakasta suurten energioiden saavuttamiseksi. Sen vaikutus näyttäisi olevan enneminkin jakaumafunktion isotropisointi, jolloin energiaspektristä tulee potenssilakimuotoinen.