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Die 25. Sitzung des Komitees für Fische und Fischereierzeugnisse fand vom 3. bis 7. Juni 2002 in Aales und, Norwegen, statt. Die Tagung wurde von 131 Delegierten und Beobachtern aus 41 Mitgliedsstaaten und 2 internationalen Organisationen sowie FAO- und WHO-Personal (4)besucht. Die größten Delegationen stellten Frankreich (7), Thailand (7), USA (10) und Norwegen als Gastgeber (13).Die deutsche Delegation wurde von Dr. Achim Viereck(BMVEL) geleitet. Weitere Mitglieder waren Prof. Jörg Oehlenschläger (BFAFi, Sprecher), Dr. Andrea Sanwidi (BMVEL), Dr. Reinhard Schubring (BFAFi), Dr. Günter Klein (BgVV) und Dr. Jörn Scabell (Frozen Fish International als Vertreter des Bundesverbandes der deutschen Fischindustrie und des Fischgroßhandels). Die Sitzung, die von Peter Gullestad, dem norwegischen Generaldirektor für Fischerei, eröffnet wurde, leitete Dr. Bjorn Rothe Knudtsen, Regionaldirektor des norwegischen Direktorats für Fischerei und Aquakultur, Trondheim.
„Fischerei-Forschungskutter ,Solea‘ einsatzbereit“ – unter dieser Titelzeile meldete die führende deutsche Fachzeitschrift für Schiffbau und Schiffahrt „Schiff und Hafen“ in ihrer Juli-Ausgabe 1974 die Ablieferung der „Solea“ durch die Schiffswerft und Maschinenfabrik Max Siegholt, Bremerhaven, an das Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten am 29. 5. 1974. Mit dem Bau dieses Schiffes wurde eine Lücke in der deutschen Fischereiforschung geschlossen, die sich für die Arbeit der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei in zunehmendem Maße als hinderlich erwiesen hatte.
Estimates of dolphin school sizes made by observers and crew members aboard tuna seiners or by observers on ship or aerial surveys are important components of population estimates of dolphins which are involved in the yellowfin tuna fishery in the eastern Pacific. Differences in past estimates made from tuna seiners and research ships and aircraft have been noted by Brazier (1978). To compare various methods of estimating dolphin school sizes a research cruise was undertaken with the following major objectives: 1) compare estimates made by observers aboard a tuna seiner and in the ship's helicopter, from aerial photographs, and from counts made at the backdown channel, 2) compare estimates of observers who are told the count of the school size after making their estimate to the observer who is not aware of the count to determine if observers can learn to estimate more accurately, and 3) obtain movie and still photographs of dolphin schools of known size at various stages of chase, capture and release to be used for observer training. The secondary objectives of the cruise were to: 1) obtain life history specimens and data from any dolphins that were killed incidental to purse seining. These specimens and data were to be analyzed by the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service ( NMFS ) , 2) record evasion tactics of dolphin schools by observing them from the helicopter while the seiner approached the school, 3) examine alternative methods for estimating the distance and bearing of schools where they were first sighted, 4) collect the Commission's standard cetacean sighting, set log and daily activity data and expendable bathythermograph data. (PDF contains 31 pages.)
This report contains CTD profiling results from the seventh cruise to the Marine Optics Buoy (MOBY) site near the Island of Lanai. Data presented here were obtained on the University of Hawaii Research Vessel Moana Wave between 26 and 30 June 1994. Two types of data are reported: vertical profile observations of salinity, temperature beam attenuation and chlorophyll-a fluorescence, profiles; and total suspended matter and suspended organic carbon and nitrogen taken from water samplers at those stations.
This is the report on the workshop on “Small Indigenous Freshwater Fish Species: Their Role in Poverty Alleviation, Food Security and Conservation of Biodiversity”, organized by the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers(ICSF) in collaboration with the Inland Fisheries Society of India (IFSI). The workshop was a forum for exchange of views on the role of small indigenous freshwater fish species (SIFFS) in enhancing rural food supply and livelihood security, and in conserving biodiversity. The workshop also discussed the socioeconomic and cultural contexts for the culture and capture of SIFFS, and how to enhance access—especially for women—to better incomes, livelihoods and nutritional security, through appropriate policy spaces. This report provides a fresh focus on SIFFS, usually regarded as ‘trash’ fish. It urges scientists, researchers and decisionmakers to develop policy and legislative measures to ensure the conservation and promotion of SIFFS, both in capture- and culture-fisheries systems. This report will be useful for fishworker organizations, researchers, policymakers, fish farmers, members of civil society and anyone interested in fisheries and livelihoods. (PDF contains 86 pages)
The 25th annual meeting of WEFTA was held in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, in November 1995 as an "International Seafood Conference". In 12 sessions 40 oral presentations and 60 posters were presented. The topics included among others: Quality assurance, consumer demands and behaviour, processing, packaging, distribution, nutrition, storage, analytical methodology. The conference was attended by 210 participants from 33 countries.
O consumo de etanol durante a gestação é um grave problema de saúde pública. Durante o desenvolvimento, o sistema nervoso é especialmente susceptível aos efeitos tóxicos do etanol e a exposição ao etanol durante este período pode gerar um amplo espectro de distúrbios neurocomportamentais, sendo o mais frequente, a hiperatividade. Recentemente, estudos têm sugerido que distúrbios na plasticidade neuronal podem estar relacionados com a hiperatividade. Os inibidores de PDE são drogas que agem impedindo a degradação de segundos mensageiros celulares como AMPc e GMPc, mantendo a ativação de proteínas quinases e de fatores de transcrição como o CREB, levando a expressão de genes relacionados à plasticidade. Neste trabalho, avaliamos através do teste de campo aberto se a administração de Vinpocetina ou Rolipram (inibidores de PDE) seria capaz de amenizar ou reverter a hiperatividade de camundongos Suíços expostos ao etanol no período correspondente ao terceiro trimestre de gestação humana. Para tanto, foram realizadas duas etapas: na primeira etapa, durante o período neonatal, os animais receberam injeções intraperitoneais de etanol (5g/Kg em solução salina a 25%, no 2, 4, 6 e 8 dias de vida pós-natal - PN2 a PN8) ou de salina, e 4 horas antes do teste comportamental no campo aberto (10 min), em PN30, receberam Vinpocetina (10mg/Kg ou 20mg/Kg diluídas em DMSO ip) ou somente DMSO ip. Na segunda etapa, os animais foram expostos ao etanol ou à salina no período neonatal nas mesmas condições da primeira etapa e no dia do teste comportamental receberam Rolipram (0,5mg/Kg diluídas em DMSO ip ou somente DMSO ip). Posteriormente aos testes, foram coletados o córtex cerebral frontal e o hipocampo dos animais para avaliação dos níveis de AMPc. Os resultados comportamentais indicam que somente o tratamento com Vinpocetina (20mg/Kg) reverteu a hiperatividade de camundongos expostos ao etanol, resultado que não foi observado com o tratamento com Rolipram. Desta forma, a dosagem dos níveis de AMPc foi realizada apenas nos animais que receberam injeção de Vinpocetina (20mg/Kg). A exposição neonatal ao etanol reduziu significativamente os níveis de AMPc no córtex e no hipocampo. O tratamento com Vinpocetina gerou um aumento nos níveis de AMPc no córtex e restaurou estes níveis no hipocampo. Nossos resultados sugerem que a reversão da hiperatividade pelo tratamento com Vinpocetina pode estar associada ao aumento da plasticidade neural induzida por esta droga.