1000 resultados para 1995_03142320 TM-1 4500102


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Structural and electronic properties of the PtnTM55-n (TM = Co, Rh, Au) nanoalloys are investigated using density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation and employing the all-electron projected augmented wave method. For TM = Co and Rh, the excess energy, which measures the relative energy stability of the nanoalloys, is negative for all Pt compositions. We found that the excess energy has similar values for a wide range of Pt compositions, i.e., n = 20-42 and n = 28-42 for Co and Rh, respectively, with the core shell icosahedron-like configuration (n = 42) being slightly more stable for both Co and Rh systems because of the larger release of the strain energy due to the smaller atomic size of the Co and Rh atoms. For TM = Au, the excess energy is positive for all compositions, except for n = 13, which is energetically favorable due to the formation of the core-shell structure (Pt in the core and Au atoms at the surface). Thus, our calculations confirm that the formation of core-shell structures plays an important role to increase the stability of nanoalloys. The center of gravity of the occupied d-states changes almost linearly as a function of the Pt composition, and hence, based on the d-band model, the magnitude of the adsorption energy of an adsorbate can be tuned by changing the Pt composition. The magnetic moments of PtnCo55-n decrease almost linearly as a function of the Pt composition; however, the same does not hold for PtRh and PtAu. We found an enhancement of the magnetic moments of PtRh by a few times by increasing Pt composition, which we explain by the compression effects induced by the large size of the Pt atoms compared with the Rh atoms.


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A doença de Dent é uma tubulopatia ligada ao X causada por mutações no gene que codifica o canal de cloro CLCN-5 e é caracterizada por proteinúria de baixo peso molecular, hipercalciúria, nefrocalcinose e insuficiência renal. Vários casos têm sido descritos, nos quais o único sintoma na apresentação foi proteinúria assintomática e glomerulosclerose global ou segmentar. A insuficiência renal nesses pacientes pode ser causada pela hipercalciúria e proteinúria persistente. Portanto, o inibidor da enzima de conversão da angiotensina e os tiazídicos poderiam ser úteis. O objetivo desta pesquisa é relatar os efeitos destas drogas em dois pacientes com doença de Dent tipo 1 com mutações novas. Neste relato não foram observadas correlações significativas entre dose de hidroclorotiazida e calciúria e entre enalapril e proteinúria. Este achado é importante, pois, sendo pacientes poliúricos, o uso destas drogas poderia prejudicar a função renal


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INTRODUÇÃO: Os estudos com stents farmacológicos têm avaliado predominantemente populações masculinas de descendência europeia. O estudo de braço único SPIRIT Women avalia o stent eluidor de everolimus XIENCE TM V em lesões de novo complexas em uma população feminina do mundo real, incluindo pacientes latino-americanas. Esta análise permite compreender como essa população responde ao implante de stent, comparativamente a pacientes não-latino-americanas. MÉTODOS: Das 1.572 pacientes matriculadas em 73 locais fora dos Estados Unidos, 138 (9%) foram recrutadas na Argentina, no Brasil e na Venezuela. RESULTADOS: As lesões-alvo tinham diâmetro de referência do vaso entre 2,25 mm e 4 mm e extensão da lesão ≤ 28 mm. As características basais foram semelhantes entre os grupos, com exceção de maior prevalência de hipertensão arterial, infarto do miocárdio (IM) de parede anterior e história familiar de doença arterial coronária na coorte latino-americana. As lesões tendiam a ser mais complexas em mulheres latino-americanas, com menor diâmetro de referência do vaso-alvo, maior extensão da lesão, maior excentricidade e angulação e mais lesões tipo B2/C. Os eventos foram adjudicados de acordo com as definições do Academic Research Consortium. Em um ano, o desfecho combinado de morte por todas as causas, IM e revascularização do vaso-alvo (RVA) foi de 12,1% na população não-latino-americana e de 10,1% na população latino-americana (P = 0,58). CONCLUSÕES: Em um ano, os baixos índices de eventos cardíacos adversos, incluindo trombose do stent, falha da lesão-alvo, morte cardíaca, IM e RVA nas mulheres latino-americanas foram comparáveis aos das mulheres não-latino-americanas, apesar da maior complexidade das lesões. Esses resultados demonstram a segurança e a eficácia do stent XIENCE TM V nessa pequena coorte de pacientes latino-americanas, à semelhança do que é observado com populações maiores e mais variadas.


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Auf einer drei Anbauperioden umfassenden Ground Truth Datenbasis wird der Informationsgehalt multitemporaler ERS-1/-2 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Daten zur Erfassung der Arteninventare und des Zustandes landwirtschaftlich genutzter Böden und Vegetation in Agrarregionen Bayerns evaluiert.Dazu wird ein für Radardaten angepaßtes, multitemporales, auf landwirtschaftlichen Schlägen beruhendes Klassifizierungsverfahren ausgearbeitet, das auf bildstatistischen Parametern der ERS-Zeitreihen beruht. Als überwachte Klassifizierungsverfahren wird vergleichend der Maximum-Likelihood-Klassifikator und ein Neuronales-Backpropagation-Netz eingesetzt. Die auf Radarbildkanälen beruhenden Gesamtgenauigkeiten variieren zwischen 75 und 85%. Darüber hinaus wird gezeigt, daß die interferometrische Kohärenz und die Kombination mit Bildkanälen optischer Sensoren (Landsat-TM, SPOT-PAN und IRS-1C-PAN) zur Verbesserung der Klassifizierung beitragen. Gleichermaßen können die Klassifizierungsergebnisse durch eine vorgeschaltete Grobsegmentierung des Untersuchungsgebietes in naturräumlich homogene Raumeinheiten verbessert werden. Über die Landnutzungsklassifizierung hinaus, werden weitere bio- und bodenphysikalische Parameter aus den SAR-Daten anhand von Regressionsmodellen abgeleitet. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Paramter oberflächennahen Bodenfeuchte vegetationsfreier/-armer Flächen sowie die Biomasse landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß mit ERS-1/-2 SAR-Daten eine Messung der Bodenfeuchte möglich ist, wenn Informationen zur Bodenrauhigkeit vorliegen. Hinsichtlich der biophysikalischen Parameter sind signifikante Zusammenhänge zwischen der Frisch- bzw. Trockenmasse des Vegetationsbestandes verschiedener Getreide und dem Radarsignal nachweisbar. Die Biomasse-Informationen können zur Korrektur von Wachstumsmodellen genutzt werden und dazu beitragen, die Genauigkeit von Ertragsschätzungen zu steigern.


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e-Manufacturing™, das ist die schnelle, flexible und kostengünstige Fertigung von Produkten, Formen/Werkzeugen oder Modellen direkt aus elektronischen Daten. e-Manufacturing™ schließt Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling oder Rapid Manufacturing ein, geht aber zugleich weit über den Gedanken der schnellen Verfügbarkeit hinaus. Zwar wird auch in Zukunft die schnelle Produktentwicklung eine immer wichtigere Rolle spielen, bei der e-Manufacturing™ für ein verkürztes Time to Market sorgt, Entwicklungskosten verringert und zur Risikominimierung beiträgt. Darüber hinaus entstehen aber auch neue Geschäftsmodelle, da Kleinserienproduktion, steigende Variantenvielfalt und eine individualisierte Produktion (Mass Customization) plötzlich möglich und wirtschaftlich sind und sich neue Logistikkonzepte wie (Spare) parts on demand entwickeln. Die neue Konstruktionsfreiheit des Laser-Sinterns ermöglicht neue Produktkonzepte. Minimale Einschränkungen durch das Fertigungsverfahren erlauben funktionelle Integration und die Fertigung des „Unmöglichen“, da kreisförmige und lineare Werkzeugbewegungen das Produktdesign nicht mehr beeinflussen bzw. limitieren. Auch die Fertigungskonzepte unterliegen einem Wandel und werden deutlich flexibler. Werkzeuglose Produktion, losgrößenangepasste Fertigung und dezentrale Fertigung on demand sind die Schlagworte der Zukunft. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt Beispiele für den erfolgreichen kommerziellen Einsatz von Laser-Sintern in allen Phasen des Produktlebenszyklus. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der direkten Herstellung von Funktionsteilen in der Serienfertigung. Die entscheidenden Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Einführung und Anwendung von e-Manufacturing™ werden diskutiert. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, wie die neuesten technologischen Innovationen im Laser-Sintern, speziell zur Produktivitätssteigerung, das Spektrum der Anwendungsfelder erweitern, in denen dieses Fertigungsverfahren kostengünstige Lösungen bietet.


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Two RNA phosphoramidites containing the bases 1,N(6)-ethenoadenine (εA) and 3,N(4)-ethenocytosine (εC) were synthesized. These building blocks were incorporated into two 12-mer oligoribonucleotides for evaluation of the base pairing properties of these base lesions by UV melting curve (Tm) and circular dichroism measurements. The Tm data of the resulting duplexes with the etheno modifications opposing all natural bases showed a substantial destabilization compared to the corresponding natural duplexes, confirming their inability to form base pairs. The coding properties of these lesions were further investigated by introducing them into 31-mer oligonucleotides and assessing their ability to serve as templates in primer extension reactions with HIV, AMV, and MMLV reverse transcriptases (RT). Primer extension reactions showed complete arrest of the incorporation process using MMLV RT and AMV RT, while HIV RT preferentially incorporates dAMP opposite εA and dAMP as well as dTMP opposite εC. The properties of these RNA lesions are discussed in the context of its putative biological role.


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The design of upconversion phosphors with higher quantum yield requires a deeper understanding of the detailed energy transfer and upconversion processes between active ions inside the material. Rate equations can model those processes by describing the populations of the energy levels of the ions as a function of time. However, this model presents some drawbacks: energy migration is assumed to be infinitely fast, it does not determine the detailed interaction mechanism (multipolar or exchange), and it only provides the macroscopic averaged parameters of interaction. Hence, a rate equation model with the same parameters cannot correctly predict the time evolution of upconverted emission and power dependence under a wide range of concentrations of active ions. We present a model that combines information about the host material lattice, the concentration of active ions, and a microscopic rate equation system. The extent of energy migration is correctly taken into account because the energy transfer processes are described on the level of the individual ions. This model predicts the decay curves, concentration, and excitation power dependences of the emission. This detailed information can be used to predict the optimal concentration that results in the maximum upconverted emission.


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Thirty-nine medium and fine grained sandstones from between 19,26 and 147,23 mbsf in the Cape Roberts-l core (CRP-1) were analysed for 10 major and 16 trace elements. Using whole-lock compositions, 9 samples were selected for analyses of mineral and glass grains by energy dispersive electron microscope. Laser-Ablation Mass-Spectrometry was used to determine rare earth elements and 14 additional trace elements in glass shards, pyroxenes and feldspars in order to examine their contribution to the bulk rock chemistry. Geochemical data reveal the major contribution played by the Granite Harbour Intrusives to the whole rock composition, even if a significant input is supplied by McMurdo volcanics and Ferrar dolerite pyroxenes McMurdo volcanics were studied in detail; they appeal to derive from a variety of litologies, and a dominant role of wind transpoitation from exposures of volcanic rocks may be inferred from the contemporary occurrence of different compositions at all depths. Only at 116.55 mbsf was a thin layer of tephra found, linked to an explosive eruption McMurdo volcanic rocks exhibit larger abundances at depths above 62 mbsf, in correspondence with the onset of volcanic activity in the McMurdo Sound area. From 62 mbsf to the bottom of the core, McMurdo volcanics are less abundant and probably issued from some centres in the McMurdo Sound region. However, available data do not allow the exclusion of wind transport from some eruptive centres active in north Victoria Land at the beginning of the Miocene Epoch.


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A series of novel long-chain 3,4-dialkylthiophenes (C36-C54) was identified in a number of sediments ranging from Pleistocene to Cretaceous. The identifications were based on mass spectral characterisation, desulphurisation and mass spectral data of synthesised model compounds. These organic sulphur compounds are probably formed by sulphur incorporation into mid-chain dimethylalkadienes with two methylenic double bonds. These putative precursor lipids are unprecedented and may be considered rather unusual. The distribution of 3,4-dialkylthiophenes in sediments varies considerably with the depositional palaeoenvironment, indicating that these compounds have a potential as molecular markers reflecting changes in palaeoenvironment.