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A number of magnesium alloys show promise as engine block materials. However, a critical issue for the automotive industry is corrosion of the engine block by the coolant and this could limit the use of magnesium engine blocks. This work assesses the corrosion performance of conventional magnesium alloy AZ91D and a recently developed engine block magnesium alloy AM-SC1 in several commercial coolants. Immersion testing, hydrogen evolution measurement, galvanic current monitoring and the standard ASTM D1384 test were employed to reveal the corrosion performance of the magnesium alloys subjected to the coolants. The results show that the tested commercial coolants are corrosive to the magnesium alloys in terms of general and galvanic corrosion. The two magnesium alloys exhibited slightly different corrosion resistance to the coolants with AZ91D being more corrosion resistant than AM-SC1. The corrosivity varied from coolant to coolant. Generally speaking. an oraganic-acid based long life coolant was less corrosive to the magnesium alloys than a traditional coolant. Among the studied commercial coolants. Toyota long, life coolant appeared to be the most promising one. In addition. it was found that potassium fluoride effectively inhibited corrosion of the magnesium alloys in the studied commercial coolants. Both general and galvanic corrosion rates were significantly decreased by addition of KF, and there were no evident side effects on the other engine block materials, such as copper, solder. brass. steel and aluminium alloys, in terms of their corrosion performance. The ASTM D 1384 test further confirmed these results and suggested that Toyota long life coolant with 1%wt KF addition is a promising coolant for magnesium engine blocks.
A complexidade crescente no ambiente de trabalho tem exigido capacidade de adaptação dos empregados, com papéis exigindo maior flexibilidade e criatividade para superar os desafios que se apresentam. Ciclos de vida de produtos cada vez menores num mercado muito agressivo têm acarretado enormes pressões nos empregados, com efeitos colaterais na saúde, como estresse e doenças psicossomáticas. O tratamento de doenças, embora relevante para minimizar o sofrimento humano, não tem sido suficiente para dar respostas desejadas neste ambiente de trabalho numa concepção de saúde que abranja o bem-estar e que permita aos empregados enfrentar melhor os desafios que se apresentam. O campo da psicologia positiva, voltada ao estudo dos fatores que propiciam o florescimento das pessoas, permite às organizações, gestores e empregados ampliar o leque de alternativas possíveis para melhorar a saúde das pessoas, com reflexos positivos para as organizações. O objetivo deste estudo visou a confirmar se os valores organizacionais, percepção de suporte organizacional e percepções de justiça (distributiva e de procedimentos) são antecedentes de bem-estar no trabalho, um construto composto das variáveis de satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho, e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. A amostra envolveu 404 trabalhadores atuando em empresas na região da Grande São Paulo, sendo 209 do sexo masculino e 193 do sexo feminino. Dividiu-se a amostra a partir de dois agrupamentos de empresas, o setor financeiro (compreendendo uma empresa com 243 respondentes) e o setor não financeiro (compreendendo 13 empresas com um total de 161 respondentes). Como instrumento para coleta de dados utilizou-se de um questionário composto de sete escalas, abrangendo as três variáveis de bem-estar no trabalho e as quatro variáveis independentes estudadas como seus antecedentes. Os resultados deste estudo, nos dois setores estudados, confirmaram que a percepção de suporte organizacional e a percepção de justiça distributiva acarretam maior satisfação no trabalho. A justiça de procedimentos também mostrou capacidade preditiva de satisfação no trabalho para o setor financeiro. O valor organizacional autonomia confirmou-se como antecedente de envolvimento com o trabalho nos dois setores. O valor organizacional realização e a percepção de justiça de procedimentos posicionaram-se como antecedentes de comprometimento organizacional afetivo para os setores não financeiro e financeiro, respectivamente. O valor organizacional preocupação com a coletividade e a percepção de suporte organizacional mostraram capacidade preditiva de comprometimento organizacional afetivo para os setores financeiro e não financeiro, respectivamente. Os resultados revelam que se promove o bem-estar no trabalho quando, nas organizações, se adotam políticas e práticas que dêem suporte e tratamento digno aos empregados, reforçando valores organizacionais que promovam um ambiente propício à inovação e à criatividade, com maior autonomia, onde os gestores valorizam a competência e o sucesso dos trabalhadores, e onde se predomina a honestidade e a sinceridade nas relações entre as pessoas e a organização. Os empregados tenderão a desenvolver transações típicas das trocas sociais, investindo seus esforços para a organização, com base na confiança e na lealdade.
Resource allocation in sparsely connected networks, a representative problem of systems with real variables, is studied using the replica and Bethe approximation methods. An efficient distributed algorithm is devised on the basis of insights gained from the analysis and is examined using numerical simulations,showing excellent performance and full agreement with the theoretical results. The physical properties of the resource allocation model are discussed.
Site selection is a key activity for quarry expansion to support cement production, and is governed by factors such as resource availability, logistics, costs, and socio-economic-environmental factors. Adequate consideration of all the factors facilitates both industrial productivity and sustainable economic growth. This study illustrates the site selection process that was undertaken for the expansion of limestone quarry operations to support cement production in Barbados. First, alternate sites with adequate resources to support a 25-year development horizon were identified. Second, technical and socio-economic-environmental factors were then identified. Third, a database was developed for each site with respect to each factor. Fourth, a hierarchical model in analytic hierarchy process (AHP) framework was then developed. Fifth, the relative ranking of the alternate sites was then derived through pair wise comparison in all the levels and through subsequent synthesizing of the results across the hierarchy through computer software (Expert Choice). The study reveals that an integrated framework using the AHP can help select a site for the quarry expansion project in Barbados.
Доклад по покана, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2010 г.
Az innovatív, induló vállalkozások kiemelt jelentőségűek a gazdasági növekedés szempontjából, de jelentős finanszírozási nehézségekkel küzdenek. A kockázati tőkések tekinthetők a fiatal, magas kockázatú vállalatok finanszírozóinak, a kockázatitőkebefektetések kínálata azonban visszaesett a 2008-as gazdasági válság hatására. Magyarországon a kockázati tőkekínálat visszaesése és a mikro-, kis- és középvállalatok rendelkezésére álló, szűkös hitelforrások olyan helyzetet teremtettek, ahol az állami szerepvállalás kerülhetett előtérbe. Tanulmányunkban áttekintjük az induló, innovatív vállalkozások finanszírozási sajátosságait, valamint a kockázatitőke-befektetések főbb jellemzőit és aktuális európai trendjeit. Ezek után az állami beavatkozással foglalkozunk: mivel indokolható az állami szerepvállalás, és az állam milyen eszközökkel segítheti az innovációk megvalósítását? Végül ennek egy megvalósulását, a Magyarországon is elindult Jeremie-programot mutatjuk be, és az eddigi kihelyezések befektetési portfólióját elemezzük a hazai gyakorlat alapján.
A hospitality recuriter profile survey is replicated 18 years after the initial study and nine years from the last study to determine if recruiers and their opinions have significantly changed and what impact these changes may have on college students and the interviewing process.
Vol. 22, Issue 52, 12 pages
Hydrogeologic variables controlling groundwater exchange with inflow and flow-through lakes were simulated using a three-dimensional numerical model (MODFLOW) to investigate and quantify spatial patterns of lake bed seepage and hydraulic head distributions in the porous medium surrounding the lakes. Also, the total annual inflow and outflow were calculated as a percentage of lake volume for flow-through lake simulations. The general exponential decline of seepage rates with distance offshore was best demonstrated at lower anisotropy ratio (i.e., Kh/Kv = 1, 10), with increasing deviation from the exponential pattern as anisotropy was increased to 100 and 1000. 2-D vertical section models constructed for comparison with 3-D models showed that groundwater heads and seepages were higher in 3-D simulations. Addition of low conductivity lake sediments decreased seepage rates nearshore and increased seepage rates offshore in inflow lakes, and increased the area of groundwater inseepage on the beds of flow-through lakes. Introduction of heterogeneity into the medium decreased the water table and seepage ratesnearshore, and increased seepage rates offshore in inflow lakes. A laterally restricted aquifer located at the downgradient side of the flow-through lake increased the area of outseepage. Recharge rate, lake depth and lake bed slope had relatively little effect on the spatial patterns of seepage rates and groundwater exchange with lakes.
The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.