340 resultados para 1267
From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 24, no. 1267.
MTSD 60.
Colophon title.
A proposta do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do laser de baixa intensidade na regeneração óssea no procedimento de expansão rápida da maxila. Utilizou-se 27 indivíduos com média de idade de 10,2 anos, divididos em dois grupos: grupo laser (n=14), no qual se realizou a expansão rápida da maxila, associada ao laser e grupo sem laser (n=13), que realizou somente a expansão rápida da maxila. O protocolo de ativação do parafuso expansor foi de 1 volta completa no primeiro dia e ½ volta diária até a sobrecorreção. O laser utilizado foi o de diodo (TWIN Laser MMOptics®, São Carlos), seguindo o protocolo de aplicação: comprimento de onda de 780nm, potência de 40mW, densidade de 10J/cm2, em 10 pontos localizados ao redor da sutura palatina mediana. Os estágios de aplicação foram: L1 (do primeiro ao quinto dia de aplicação), L2 (travamento do parafuso e 3 dias seguidos), L3, L4 e L5 (após 7, 14 e 21 dias do L2, respectivamente). Radiografias oclusais da maxila foram realizadas com auxílio de uma escala de alumínio, para referencial densitométrico, em diferentes tempos: T1 (inicial), T2 (dia de travamento do parafuso), T3 (3 a 5 dias do T2), T4 (30 dias do T3), T5 (60 dias do T4). As radiografias foram digitalizadas e submetidas a um programa de imagem (Image Tool - UTHSCSA, Texas, USA), para mensuração da densidade óptica das áreas previamente selecionadas. Para realização do teste estatístico, utilizou-se a Análise de Covariância usando como covariável o tempo para a fase avaliada. Em todos os testes foi adotado nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05).Para o Grupo Laser, os dados mostram que houve uma queda significante de densidade durante a abertura do parafuso (T2-T1), um aumento significante da mesma no período final de avaliação (T5-T4), e um aumento também da densidade no período de regeneração propriamente dito (T5-T2), ou seja, a partir do momento em que finalizou a fase de abertura do parafuso expansor. Enquanto que no Grupo Sem Laser, a densidade não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significantemente em nenhum período analisado. Os resultados mostraram que o laser propiciou consideravelmente uma melhor abertura da sutura palatina mediana, além de influenciar no processo de regeneração óssea da sutura, acelerando seus processos de reparo.(AU)
The relevance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases is widely documented. Immunochemical detection of ROS DNA adducts has been developed, however, recognition of glyoxal-DNA adducts has not previously been described. We have generated a polyclonal antibody that has shown increased antibody binding to ROS-modified DNA in comparison to native DNA. In addition, dose-dependent antibody binding to DNA modified with ascorbate alone was shown, with significant inhibition by desferrioxamine, catalase, and ethanol. Minimal inhibition was observed with uric acid, 1,10-phenanthroline and DMSO. However, antibody binding in the presence of EDTA increased 3500-fold. The involvement of hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical in ascorbate-mediated DNA damage is consistent with ascorbate acting as a reducing agent for DNA-bound metal ions. Glyoxal is known to be formed during oxidation of ascorbate. Glyoxylated DNA, that previously had been proposed as a marker of oxidative damage, was recognised in a dose dependent manner using the antibody. We describe the potential use of our anti-ROS DNA antibody, that detects predominantly Fenton-type mediated damage to DNA and report on its specificity for the recognition of glyoxal-DNA adducts.
The efficacy of a specially constructed Gallager-type error-correcting code to communication in a Gaussian channel is examined. The construction is based on the introduction of complex matrices, used in both encoding and decoding, which comprise sub-matrices of cascading connection values. The finite-size effects are estimated for comparing the results with the bounds set by Shannon. The critical noise level achieved for certain code rates and infinitely large systems nearly saturates the bounds set by Shannon even when the connectivity used is low.
Drying is a major and challenging step in the pre-treatment of biomass for production of second generation synfuels for transport. The biomass feedstocks are mostly wet and need to be dried from 30 to 60 wt% moisture content to about 10-15 wt%. The present survey aims to define and evaluate a few of the most promising optimised concepts for biomass pre-treatment scheme in the production of second generation synfuels for transport. The most promising commercially available drying processes were reviewed, focusing on the applications, operational factors and emissions of dryers. The most common dryers applied now for biomass in bio-energy plants are direct rotary dryers, but the use of steam drying techniques is increasing. Steam drying systems enable the integration of the dryer to existing energy sources. In addition to integration, emissions and fire or explosion risks have to be considered when selecting a dryer for the plant. In steam drying there will be no gaseous emissions, but the aqueous effluents need often treatment. Concepts for biomass pre-treatment were defined for two different cases including a large-scale wood-based gasification synfuel production and a small-scale pyrolysis process based on wood chips and miscanthus bundles. For the first case a pneumatic conveying steam dryer was suggested. In the second case the flue gas will be used as drying medium in a direct or indirect rotary dryer.
Special issue editorial: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to outline the articles presented in the Special Issue on the topic of “Marketing and flexibility”, and to discuss key issues associated with major debates relating to flexibility in order to position the articles within a wider context and highlight some key issues for further research. Design/methodology/approach – Themes in prior research relating to “Marketing and flexibility” are documented and the growth of research interest into strategic flexibility is tabulated. The contributions of each article are briefly discussed. Findings – There has been a steady growth of research interest into flexibility. To provide an example of this growth, the increase in the number of articles published on the topic of strategic flexibility in scholarly journals is highlighted over a 20-year period. Key issues in prior research such as alternative definitions and the different postulated relationships between market orientation and strategic flexibility are revealed, as are issues for future research. Originality/value – Key issues relating to research into flexibility for marketing scholars are revealed.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 33C45
2004-ben Magyarország kilenc közép-kelet-európai országgal együtt csatlakozott az Európai Unióhoz, ami számos változást idézett elő az agrárkereskedelem terén. A cikk célja, hogy a legfrissebb adatok és a szakirodalmi fejlemények tükrében bemutassa, hogyan alakult Magyarországon a mezőgazdasági alapanyagok és a feldolgozott termékek kereskedelme az Európai Unióval. A megnyilvánuló komparatív előnyök módszerét alkalmazva a cikk számos következtetésre jutott. Először is világossá vált, hogy a csatlakozás növelte az agrárkereskedelem intenzitását, ám negatív hatással volt a kereskedelem egyenlegére. Kimutatható továbbá, hogy Magyarország az alacsony hozzáadott értékű alapanyagexportra és a magas hozzáadott értékű feldolgozott termékek importjára koncentrált a csatlakozás után, noha ezek komparatív előnyei nagymértékben megváltoztak egy hatékony alkalmazkodási folyamat következtében. A változások tényét támasztják alá a különböző rövid és hosszú távú stabilitásvizsgálatok is, amelyek az agrártermékek megnövekedett versenyére utalnak az EU-15 piacán. Agrárpolitikai szempontból az elemzések alátámasztják a strukturális reformok szükségességét. / === / Numerous changes in agricultural trading from the EU accession of Hungary and nine other Central-East European countries in 2004. The article sets out to present, in the light of the latest figures and written contributions, how Hungary’s EU trade in agricultural raw and semi-processed products developed thereafter. It uses the method of manifest comparative advantages to reach its conclusions. First, it became clear that accession increased the intensity of agricultural trading, although it had a detrimental effect on the trade balance. It also appeared that post-accession Hungary was concentrating on exports of basic materials of low added value and imports of processed articles with high added value, although these comparative advantages were much altered by an effective process of adaptation. The fact of the changes is supported by various short and long-term stability examinations, which point to increased competition for agricultural products on EU15 markets. From the policy point of view, the analyses support the need for structural reforms.
In this paper, a program for a research is outlined. Firstly, the concept of responsive information systems is defined and then the notion of the capacity planning and software performance engineering is clarified. Secondly, the purpose of the proposed methodology of capacity planning, the interface to information systems analysis and development methodologies (SSADM), the advantage of knowledge-based approach is discussed. The interfaces to CASE tools more precisely to data dictionaries or repositories (IRDS) are examined in the context of a certain systems analysis and design methodology (e.g. SSADM).
This is a mixed methods study conducted in Guerrero, Mexico, at the end of the academic year 2005-2006. The purpose of this study was to capture the perceptions held by high school students, of both indigenous and non-indigenous background, regarding the intercultural university, as well as their conceptualization of multiculturalism.
In this article the authors explore the performance-related employee behaviors that are the most troublesome in food service. Four subsegments of food service were surveyed and differences in profit and not-for-profit operations analyzed. Significant differences were found between the two groups, with for-profit operations indicating more severe problems in all but one behavior category.