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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-talk statements and social anxiety and specifically to examine the difference in this relationship between males and females and athletic status.


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To investigate sexual and anatomical outcome after Shears neovagina in patients with Mayer-von Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH).


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The available literature consistently shows increased pain sensitivity after sensory stimulation of healthy tissues in patients who have various chronic pain conditions. This indicates a state of hypersensitivity of the CNS that amplifies the nociceptive input arising from damaged tissues. Experimental data indicate that central hypersensitivity is probably induced primarily by nociceptive input arising from a diseased tissue. In patients, imbalance of descending modulatory systems connected with psychologic distress may play a role. There is experimental support in animal studies for the persistence of central hypersensitivity after complete resolution of tissue damage. This is particularly true for neuropathic pain conditions, whereby potentially irreversible plasticity changes of the CNS have been documented in animal studies. Whether such changes are present in musculoskeletal pain states is at present uncertain. Despite the likely importance of central hypersensitivity in the pathophysiology of chronic pain, this mechanism should not be used to justify the lack of understanding on the anatomic origin of the pain complaints in several pain syndromes, which is mostly due to limitations of the available diagnostic tools. Treatment strategies for central hypersensitivity in patients have been investigated mostly in neuropathic pain states. Possible therapy modalities for central hypersensitivity in chronic pain of musculoskeletal origin are largely unexplored. The limited evidence available and everyday practice show, at best, modest efficacy of the available treatment modalities for central hypersensitivity. The gap between basic knowledge and clinical benefits remains large and should stimulate further intensive research.


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Recombinant inbred lines (RILs) can serve as powerful tools for genetic mapping. Recently, members of the Complex Trait Consortium have proposed the development of a large panel of eight-way RILs in the mouse, derived from eight genetically diverse parental strains. Such a panel would be a valuable community resource. The use of such eight-way RILs will require a detailed understanding of the relationship between alleles at linked loci on an RI chromosome. We extend the work of Haldane and Waddington (1931) on twoway RILs and describe the map expansion, clustering of breakpoints, and other features of the genomes of multiple-strain RILs as a function of the level of crossover interference in meiosis. In this technical report, we present all of our results, in their gory detail. We don’t intend to include such details in the final publication, but want to present them here for those who might be interested.


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Behavioral studies suggest that women and men differ in the strategic elaboration of verbally encoded information especially in the absence of external task demand. However, measuring such covert processing requires other than behavioral data. The present study used event-related potentials to compare sexes in lower and higher order semantic processing during the passive reading of semantically related and unrelated word pairs. Women and men showed the same early context effect in the P1-N1 transition period. This finding indicates that the initial lexical-semantic access is similar in men and women. In contrast, sexes differed in higher order semantic processing. Women showed an earlier and longer lasting context effect in the N400 accompanied by larger signal strength in temporal networks similarly recruited by men and women. The results suggest that women spontaneously conduct a deeper semantic analysis. This leads to faster processing of related words in the active neural networks as reflected in a shorter stability of the N400 map in women. Taken together, the findings demonstrate that there is a selective sex difference in the controlled semantic analysis during passive word reading that is not reflected in different functional organization but in the depth of processing.


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Human subjects overestimate the change of rising intensity sounds compared with falling intensity sounds. Rising sound intensity has therefore been proposed to be an intrinsic warning cue. In order to test this hypothesis, we presented rising, falling, and constant intensity sounds to healthy humans and gathered psychophysiological and behavioral responses. Brain activity was measured using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging. We found that rising compared with falling sound intensity facilitates autonomic orienting reflex and phasic alertness to auditory targets. Rising intensity sounds produced neural activity in the amygdala, which was accompanied by activity in intraparietal sulcus, superior temporal sulcus, and temporal plane. Our results indicate that rising sound intensity is an elementary warning cue eliciting adaptive responses by recruiting attentional and physiological resources. Regions involved in cross-modal integration were activated by rising sound intensity, while the right-hemisphere phasic alertness network could not be supported by this study.


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Excitatory neurons at the level of cortical layer 4 in the rodent somatosensory barrel field often display a strong eccentricity in comparison with layer 4 neurons in other cortical regions. In rat, dendritic symmetry of the 2 main excitatory neuronal classes, spiny stellate and star pyramid neurons (SSNs and SPNs), was quantified by an asymmetry index, the dendrite-free angle. We carefully measured shrinkage and analyzed its influence on morphological parameters. SSNs had mostly eccentric morphology, whereas SPNs were nearly radially symmetric. Most asymmetric neurons were located near the barrel border. The axonal projections, analyzed at the level of layer 4, were mostly restricted to a single barrel except for those of 3 interbarrel projection neurons. Comparing voxel representations of dendrites and axon collaterals of the same neuron revealed a close overlap of dendritic and axonal fields, more pronounced in SSNs versus SPNs and considerably stronger in spiny L4 neurons versus extragranular pyramidal cells. These observations suggest that within a barrel dendrites and axons of individual excitatory cells are organized in subcolumns that may confer receptive field properties such as directional selectivity to higher layers, whereas the interbarrel projections challenge our view of barrels as completely independent processors of thalamic input.


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Mitochondrial F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase is a molecular motor that couples the energy generated by oxidative metabolism to the synthesis of ATP. Direct visualization of the rotary action of the bacterial ATP synthase has been well characterized. However, direct observation of rotation of the mitochondrial enzyme has not been reported yet. Here, we describe two methods to reconstitute mitochondrial F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase into lipid bilayers suitable for structure analysis by electron and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Proteoliposomes densely packed with bovine heart mitochondria F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase were obtained upon detergent removal from ternary mixtures (lipid, detergent and protein). Two-dimensional crystals of recombinant hexahistidine-tagged yeast F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase were grown using the supported monolayer technique. Because the hexahistidine-tag is located at the F(1) catalytic subcomplex, ATP synthases were oriented unidirectionally in such two-dimensional crystals, exposing F(1) to the lipid monolayer and the F(o) membrane region to the bulk solution. This configuration opens a new avenue for the determination of the c-ring stoichiometry of unknown hexahistidine-tagged ATP synthases and the organization of the membrane intrinsic subunits within F(o) by electron microscopy and AFM.