965 resultados para årskurs 2-5
Autopista de la información es el nombre largo e inadecuado por el que ya se conoce popularmente a la que aquí llamamos inforpista. Lo que quiera que sea o acabe siendo la inforpista, si hay por lo menos una cosa cierta es que representa el advenimiento de un universo de actividades desmaterializadas: la gasolina y los materiales desplazados por el espacio físico se sustituyen por la electricidad y la información instantánea a través de un ciberespacio sin distancias. Decir "autopista de la información" es casi como negar simbólicamente el tránsito a este espacio electrónico inmaterial. En muchos sitios ya se dice y escribe "infobahn", nueva voz alemana, adoptada por los anglosajones, que se contrapone precisamente a "autobahn" (autopista). Pero nosotros seguimos siendo un tanto paletos, además de poco prácticos, puesto que preferimos denotar una cosa ele una forma errónea, y encima empleando cuatro palabras, que ocupan 27 espacios de escritura, en lugar de hacerlo con una sola, de diez caracteres.
Gaines studied History and Education at Lincoln and was frequently seen in Memorial Hall chatting with his mentors in the History Department, Drs. W. Sherman Savage and Lorenzo Greene about his future after graduation.
On December 12, 1936, Charles Hamilton Houston was in Jefferson City, Missouri arguing Gaines’ appeal in front of the Missouri Supreme Court. Houston added some teeth to his argument by adding that neither “the slender hope” that Gaines may someday attend a new law program at Lincoln nor the provision of tuition scholarships to attend an out-of-state law school met the US Constitution’s requirement of equal treatment regardless of race.
Many theories, much speculation and a considerable amount of guessing can be attributed to the sudden and complete disappearance of Lloyd Gaines. Known as a loner and having a habit of taking off for days at a time, the whereabouts of Lloyd was not a concern to his family. In fact, Gaines wrote to his mother three weeks before he vanished that if she did not hear from him he would be okay. Local and federal authorities, including the FBI were not notified immediately of his disappearance. Houston and the NAACP lawyers had not been in contact with Gaines for several months.