999 resultados para Álcool desidrogenase
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar os padrões de consumo de bebida alcoólica e a prevalência de indicadores de ansiedade e depressão, em universitários. Foram investigados 200 alunos, em série consecutiva, oriundos dos cursos de Biologia, Ecologia, Educação Física e Pedagogia. Os métodos consistiram na aplicação de escalas especializadas para verificação de padrões de consumo de álcool e sintomas de ansiedade e depressão, respectivamente, o SADD (Short Alcohol Dependence Data) e a HAD (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). Os resultados mostraram que, dos 200 alunos, 17 (8,5%) apresentavam comportamento de uso abusivo de álcool, com riscos para a saúde física e mental. Ainda, 53 alunos (26,5%) revelaram indicadores positivos de ansiedade e 16 (8%), de depressão. Destes 53 alunos com indicadores positivos de ansiedade, 8 (15,1%) faziam uso abusivo de álcool e, dos 16 alunos com sintomas depressivos, 8 (50%) tinham comportamento de consumo abusivo de álcool, com riscos para a saúde física e mental. Os autores concluíram que o uso abusivo de álcool pode estar associado à presença de sofrimento psíquico, principalmente ansiedade e depressão. E propõem que se discuta a necessidade de criação de um Serviço de Saúde Mental para atendimento da comunidade universitária.
A síntese de glicerol-3-fosfato desidrogenase intracelular (EC foi investigada a partir de fermento de panificação em cultivos submersos, contendo glicose ou glicerol como únicas fontes de carbono. Agentes inibitórios da via glicolítica, do ciclo de Krebs e da Cadeia Respiratória inibiram a síntese da enzima quando adicionados em baixas concentrações até 7,5 x 10-4 mol/L. A repressão exercida pela glicose sobre a síntese da glicerol-3-fosfato desidrogenase em meio YP-glicose foi reduzida, com a adição de produtos de fermentação e de bissulfito de sódio. Observou-se aumentos de 22-110% na síntese da enzima. Entretanto, em meio YP-glicerol, a adição de bissulfito de sódio 0,06 % (p/v) reduziu a síntese da enzima em 29%, enquanto, o acetaldeído 0,012 % (v/v) estimulou a síntese de glicerol-3-fosfato desidrogenase em 12%. Palavras-chave: fermento de panificação; glicerol-3-fosfato desidrogenase; inibidores.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Na segunda metade do século passado iniciava-se um movimento revolucionário no cenário mundial da saúde mental: a Reforma Psiquiátrica. No mesmo momento nascia a proposta das Comunidades Terapêuticas, que mais tarde se tornaria um modelo consagrado de atendimento para a dependência do álcool e outras drogas. Por outro lado, com o alarmante crescimento deste problema no Brasil, assim como pela ausência de políticas públicas que dessem conta do problema, houve uma indiscriminada proliferação de locais de internação para dependentes químicos que, mesmo se autodenominando como Comunidades Terapêuticas, em nada se assemelham ao modelo inicial proposto. Estes locais apresentam práticas desumanas e iatrogênicas, muito semelhantes às criticadas pelo movimento da Reforma Psiquiátrica, o que tem provocado o descrédito para com o modelo das Comunidades Terapêuticas. Este artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar, através de pesquisa bibliográfica, como as bases conceituais e metodológicas da Reforma Psiquiátrica se assemelham profundamente as do movimento das Comunidades Terapêuticas, tendo surgido na mesma época e pelo mesmo motivo, e como a falta de regulamentação dos locais de internação para dependentes químicos no Brasil tem contribuído com o atual descrédito deste modelo.
OBJECTIVE: To assess whether the Brazilian Driving Dry Law reached its goal after the three years following its enactment. METHODS: We onnducted a retrospective study of patients with craniofacial fractures who underwent surgery at a university hospital in two periods: before the Law (2005 to 2008) and after the Law (2008 to 2011). RESULTS: 265 patients (220 men and 45 women) were operated on during this period, 149 (56%) before and 116 (44%) after the Law, which indicates a reduction in the number of traumatisms (p=0.04). The age range between 19 and 40 years predominated in both periods. The main causes of traumas were car accidents, physical aggression and falls. Alcohol abuse was identified in 15.4% patients before and 19% patients after the enactment. The jaw and the maxillo-zygomatic complex were the most affected bones. CONCLUSION: The drop in the number of polytraumatized patients operated on at this institution in the three years following the Driving Dry Law was 22%, which is below the expected and desired percentage. These results must be compared to those of different services offering the same attendance type in order to compile data and enlarge statistics. The low index of reduction in the number of traumatisms and the report of alcohol abuse by several patients at the moment of trauma, even after the law, evidence the need of adopting stricter measures to control and punish violators.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Química - IBILCE
Considering that alcohol has been identified, in the literature, as an evident risk factor for osteoporosis development, inducing loss of bone mass, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the alcohol on the femur of male and female rats. For this purpose, 35 male and 35 female rats, divided into seven groups of five animals per genera were included. The groups were: control group that received food and water as much as they wished; alcohol group in the concentrations of 10, 20 and 30% and the isocalorie: groups corresponding to the concentration of alcohol. After 8 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and evaluated regarding to the body weight and nutritional conditions. Unilateral femurs were removed and analyzed in relation to the length, width, and thickness of the bone cortical, trabeculae percentage and optical density. Data obtained were analyzed by ANOVA (Tukey; p<0.05). Regarding to the weight, loss of weight was observed in the animals of the group alcohol 20% among females and 30% among the males. In relation to the nutritional conditions, the females with the dosages of 10, 20 and 30% of alcohol swallowed a mean of 25, 39 and 53% of Kcall and the males 22, 36 and 45 Kcal Jday coming from the alcohol. Alcohol reduced the length of the femur only in the group MG6. Mesio-distal width was higher in the group FG6 although the antero-posterior width was not modified. The cortical thickness among males and females was not altered however the percentage of trabeculae bone was reduced among females alcohol 30% and among males with the three alcoholic concentrations. Optical density was reduced in the concentration of 30% among the males and females. Under the experimental conditions, it could be concluded that the effect of alcohol was more evident among the males and in the trabeculae bone, and that the alcoholic concentration of 30% was the most harmful for the bone tissue, ....
Alcoholic beverage and the factors associated with the consumption of this substance among teenagers worry authorities linked to education and health. This study aimed to investigate the use of risky alcohol among schoolchildren. The study was conducted in two cities in the countryside of São Paulo. Attended by 54 students of a city with 5,000 inhabitants (City A) and 53 students in a city of 35,000 inhabitants (City B). It was applied in the classroom a questionnaire for screening on the use of alcohol (AUDIT). In the results if notes that the percentage of participants who reached score above 7 points, was 25.9 % for the City A and 11.3 % for the city B. It was concluded that there was a greater frequency of students doing risky use of alcohol among students of the city with the lowest number of inhabitants, there are significant differences (p ≤ 0.001 ). Further studies are needed to identify possible variables involved in the results between the cities.
Abusive consumption of alcohol leads to several negative consequences to health and quality of life, as it increases the frequency of diseases that cause death or functional disabilities. The rates of patients admitted to hospital due to physical problems stemming from alcohol abuse are high. This study aimed at identifying patients according to variables age, gender and education level as well as at evaluating the prevalence of CAGE-positive patients and morbidity due to CID-10 (International Classification of Diseases) by the World Health Organization. It is a cross-sectional, observational, exploratory, descriptive and quantitative study. It was conducted at the Botucatu School of Medicine University Hospital (HC) from July to September 2010, at the Internal Medicine ward. This ward aggregates 5 specialties, namely, Cardiology, Hematology, General Medicine, Nephrology and Gastroclinic. Presently, it has 36 beds, of which four are for Intensive Care Therapy (ICT). Three hundred and ten medical charts were analyzed for identification of morbidities and of variables age, gender and schooling. A closed semistructured questionnaire including, among other questions, the CAGE test was applied to each individual. The CAGE test is a questionnaire that comprises four questions and considers that one who answers two or more of such questions affirmatively is a suspected case of alcoholism. The total population studied included 310 patients. Indexes of 60% (186) male and of 40% (124) female patients were found. As regards age range, a population with a higher prevalence of individuals from 51 to 70 years old (41%) was observed. The main education indexes were: incomplete Elementary School: 23.22% (72), complete Elementary School: 21.61% (67), incomplete Secondary School: 18.40% (57) and Illiteracy: 17.74% (55). As regards diseases, a higher proportion was observed for: ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Non-intrusive methods of diagnosis, such as spectral analysis of the radiation emitted by the system, have been used as a viable alternative for determining the temperature of combustion systems. Among them, the determination of temperature by natural emission spectroscopy has the advantage of requiring relatively simple experimental devices. Once Chemiluminescent species are formed directly in the excited state, the collection and recording of radiation emission spectrum is enough to determine the temperature (CARINHANA, 2008). In this study we used the process of making direct comparisons between the experimental spectra obtained in the laboratory from the plasma of alcohol, and the theoretical spectra plotted from a computer program developed at the IEAv. The objective was to establish a fast and reliable method to measure the rotational temperature of the radical C2*. The results showed that the temperature of the plasma, which in turn can be taken as the rotational temperature of the system, is proportional to the pressure. The temperature values ranged from ca. 2300 ~ 2500 K at a pressure of 19 mmHg to 3100 ~ 3500 K for the pressure of 46 mmHg. The temperature values are somewhat smaller when we consider the theoretical spectrum as a Lorentzian curve. The overlap of the spectra was better when using the profile curve, but still were not exactly superimposed. The solution to improve the overlap of the theoretical with the experimental spectra is the use of a curve that has the convolution of two profiles analyzed: Lorentzian and Gaussian. This curve is called the Voigt profile, which will also be implemented by programmers and studied in a next work
Nas últimas décadas tem ocorrido um aumento expressivo da incidência de doenças fúngicas. Porém, o tratamento destas infecções pode não ser efetivo, pois os fármacos antifúngicos disponíveis causam sérios efeitos adversos, recorrência ou resistência. Algumas doenças fúngicas causam lesões cutâneas e o medicamento, geralmente administrado por via oral, dificulta a chegada do fármaco no local de ação. Adicionalmente, muitos antifúngicos tópicos não são eficazes, pois o tempo de residência no local de ação é curto e a solubilidade do fármaco nos sistemas é baixa. Uma alternativa muito explorada nos anos recentes é o desenvolvimento de sistemas de liberação de fármacos, e as microemulsões (ME) e os cristais líquidos (CL) mostraram-se promissores, pois podem aumentar o tempo de residência no local de aplicação e a solubilidade de fármacos pouco solúveis em água, como ocorre com o fluconazol (F) e o itraconazol (I). Sistemas nanoestruturados foram desenvolvidos empregando o ácido oleico (AO), álcool cetílico etoxilado 20 OE e propoxilado 5 OP (PROC) e água. Estes sistemas foram caracterizados por microscopia de luz polarizada (MLP), comportamento reológico, análise do perfil de textura (TPA), bioadesão e capacidade de incorporação dos fármacos pelos sistemas. A MLP foi utilizada na caracterização dos sistemas quanto a isotropia e anisotropia, diferenciando as ME dos CL. O comportamento reológico das ME foi Newtoniano e viscoso, e dos CL foi pseudoplástico e elástico e a temperatura não influenciou o comportamento reológico dos sistemas. As propriedades mecânicas das formulações, como dureza, compressibilidade e adesividade, foram avaliadas utilizando um analisador de textura no modo TPA. Os CL de fase hexagonal são os mais bioadesivos. As quantidades incorporadas dos fármacos nos sistemas aumentaram, principalmente comparando-se com... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Geophysics studies in areas impacted by petroleum derivatives describe abnormalities of both low and high electrical resistivity (the opposite of electrical conductivity), confirmed as contaminant phase by chemical analysis: this contradiction can be explained by degrading processes that naturally occur and create sub products that can change the environment conductivity. Monitoring the variation of the parameters mentioned serves as a comparative basis to the variation in geoelectrical parameters, which identified the correlation between the same contaminant parameters and the difference between their behavior studied apart, as well as its relations with the biodegradation process. The results are applied to the fuel distribution and storage sectors, leading to the diagnosis and monitoring of possible groundwater contamination scenarios, and the knowledge of the area exposure time to the contaminant, besides the better remediation alternative and impacts control. Among some conclusions, the most significant are the decrease in conductivity over time, so as the increase in Eh value in the gasoline contaminated tank, as well as the decrease in the pH value in the second tank with ethanol, which can be attributed to its degradation. Comparing the variations in both tanks, it is evident that Eh, pH and electrical conductivity do not behave temporally in a similar way, although some correlations between Eh and pH can be related.