901 resultados para (E-EPA)
Atmospheric pollution by motor vehicles is considered a relevant source of damage to architectural heritage. Thus the aim of this work was to assess the atmospheric depositions and patterns of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in façades of historical monuments. Eighteen PAHs (16 PAHs considered by US EPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) were determined in thin black layers collected from façades of two historical monuments: Hospital Santo António and Lapa Church (Oporto, Portugal). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used for morphological and elemental characterisation of thin black layers; PAHs were quantified by microwave-assisted extraction combined with liquid chromatography (MAE-LC). The thickness of thin black layers were 80–110 μm and they contained significant levels of iron, sulfur, calcium and phosphorus. Total concentrations of 18 PAHs ranged from 7.74 to 147.92 ng/g (mean of 45.52 ng/g) in thin black layers of Hospital Santo António, giving a range three times lower than at Lapa Church (5.44– 429.26 ng/g; mean of 110.25 ng/g); four to six rings compounds accounted at both monuments approximately for 80–85% of ΣPAHs. The diagnostic ratios showed that traffic emissions were significant source of PAHs in thin black layers. Composition profiles of PAHs in thin black layers of both monuments were similar to those of ambient air, thus showing that air pollution has a significant impact on the conditions and stone decay of historical building façades. The obtained results confirm that historical monuments in urban areas act as passive repositories for air pollutants present in the surrounding atmosphere.
Worldwide formaldehyde is manipulated with diverse usage properties, since industrial purposes to health laboratory objectives, representing the economic importance of this chemical agent. Therefore, many people are exposed to formaldehyde environmentally and/or occupationally. Considering the latter, there was recommended occupational exposure limits based on threshold mechanisms, limit values and indoor guidelines. Formaldehyde is classified by the International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC) as carcinogenic to humans (group 1), since a wide range of epidemiological studies in occupational exposure settings have suggested possible links between the concentration and duration of exposure and elevated risks of nasopharyngeal cancer, and others cancers, and more recently, with leukemia. Although there are different classifications, such as U.S. EPA that classified formaldehyde as a B1 compound, probable human carcinogen under the conditions of unusually high or prolonged exposure, on basis of limited evidence in humans but with sufficient evidence in animals. Formaldehyde genotoxicity is well-known, being a direct-acting genotoxic compound positively associated for almost all genetic endpoints evaluated in bacteria, yeast, fungi, plants, insects, nematodes, and cultured mammalian cells. There are many human biomonitoring studies that associate formaldehyde occupational exposure to genomic instability, and consequently possible health effects. Besides the link with cancer, also other pathologies and symptoms are associated with formaldehyde exposure, namely respiratory disorders such as asthma, and allergic contact dermatitis. Nowadays, there are efforts to reduce formaldehyde exposure, namely indoor. Europe and United States developed more strict regulation regarding formaldehyde emissions from materials containing this agent. Despite the regulations and restrictions, formaldehyde still continues to be difficult to eliminate or substitute, being biomonitoring an important tool to control possible future health effects.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química
In this study the inhalation doses and respective risk are calculated for the population living within a 20 km radius of a coal-fired power plant. The dispersion and deposition of natural radionuclides were simulated by a Gaussian dispersion model estimating the ground level activity concentration. The annual effective dose and total risk were 0.03205 mSv/y and 1.25 x 10-8, respectively. The effective dose is lower than the limit established by the ICRP and the risk is lower than the limit proposed by the U.S. EPA, which means that the considered exposure does not pose any risk for the public health.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática
The most consumed squid species worldwide were characterized regarding their concentrations of minerals, fatty acids, cholesterol and vitamin E. Interspecific comparisons were assessed among species and geographical origin. The health benefits derived from squid consumption were assessed based on daily minerals intake and on nutritional lipid quality indexes. Squids contribute significantly to daily intake of several macro (Na, K, Mg and P) and micronutrients (Cu, Zn and Ni). Despite their low fat concentration, they are rich in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentanoic (EPA) acids, with highly favorable ω-3/ω-6 ratios (from 5.7 to 17.7), reducing the significance of their high cholesterol concentration (140–549 mg/100 g ww). Assessment of potential health risks based on minerals intake, non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks indicated that Loligo gahi (from Atlantic Ocean), Loligo opalescens (from Pacific Ocean) and Loligo duvaucelii (from Indic Ocean) should be eaten with moderation due to the high concentrations of Cu and/or Cd. Canonical discriminant analysis identified the major fatty acids (C14:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:3ω-3, C20:4ω-6 and C22:5ω-6), P, K, Cu and vitamin E as chemical discriminators for the selected species. These elements and compounds exhibited the potential to prove authenticity of the commercially relevant squid species.
A presença de metais pesados no meio ambiente deve-se, principalmente, a actividades antropogénicas. Ao contrário do Cu e do Zn, que em baixas concentrações são essenciais para o normal funcionamento celular, não se conhece para o chumbo nenhuma função biológica. O chumbo apresenta efeitos tóxicos, e considerado possível agente carcinogéneo, sendo classificado como poluente prioritário pela Agencia de Protecção Ambiental dos EUA (US-EPA). O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o papel da glutationa e do vacúolo, como mecanismos de defesa, contra os efeitos tóxicos induzidos pelo chumbo, usando como modelo a levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A levedura S. cerevisiae quando exposta a varias concentrações de chumbo, durante 3h, perde a viabilidade e acumula espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS). O estudo comparativo da perda de viabilidade e acumulação de ROS em células de uma estirpe selvagem (WT) e de estirpes mutantes, incapazes de produzir glutationa devido a uma deficiência no gene GSH1 (gsh1) ou GSH2 (gsh2) mostrou que as estirpes gsh1 ou(gsh2 não apresentavam um aumento da sensibilidade ao efeito toxico do chumbo. No entanto, o tratamento de células da estirpe WT com iodoacetamida (um agente alquilante que induz a depleção de glutationa) aumentou a sensibilidade das células a presença de chumbo. Pelo contrário, o enriquecimento em GSH, através da incubação de células WT com glucose e uma mistura de aminoácidos que constituem a GSH (acido L-glutâmico, L-cisteína e glicina), reduziu o stress oxidativo e a perda de viabilidade induzida por chumbo. A importância do vacúolo, como mecanismo de defesa, foi avaliada através da utilização de um mutante sem qualquer estrutura vacuolar (vps16) ou de mutantes deficientes na subunidade catalítica A (vma1) ou B (vma2) ou no proteolítico - subunidade C (vma3) da V-ATPase. As células da estirpe ƒ´vps16 apresentaram uma elevada suscetibilidade a presença de chumbo. As células das estirpes deficientes na subunidade A, B ou c da V-ATPase, apresentaram uma maior perda de viabilidade, quando expostas a chumbo, do que as células da estirpe WT, mas menor do que a da estirpe vps16 Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos, no seu conjunto, sugerem que a glutationa esta envolvida na defesa contra a toxicidade provocada por chumbo; todavia, a glutationa, por si só, parece não ser suficiente para suster o stress oxidativo e a perda de viabilidade induzida por chumbo. O vacúolo parece constituir um importante mecanismo de defesa contra a toxicidade provocada por chumbo. A V-ATPase parece estar envolvida na compartimentação de chumbo no vacúolo.
Microalgae are promising microorganisms for the production of food and fine chemicals. Several species of microalgae are used in aquaculture with the purpose of transfer bioactive compounds up to the aquatic food chain. The main objective of this project was to develop a stress–inducement strategy in order to enhance the biochemical productivity of Nannochloropsis gaditana, Rhodomonas marina and Isochrysis sp. for aquaculture purposes having in account their growth and organizational differences. In this regard, two experiments were design: the first one consisted on the alteration of overall nutrient availabilities in growth medium; and the second one comprised changes in nitrogen and sulfur concentrations maintaining the concentrations of the other nutrients present in a commercial growth medium (Nutribloom plus), which is frequently used in aquaculture. Microalgae dried biomass was characterized biochemically and elemental analysis was also performed for all samples. In first experimental design: linear trends between nutrient availability in growth media and microalgae protein content were obtained; optimum productivities of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) were attained for both R. marina and N. gaditana in growth media enriched with 1000 L L-1 of nutrient solution whereas for Isochrysis sp. the double of Nutribloom plus was needed; the decrease of glucans and total monosaccharides with nutrient availability for R. marina and Isochrysis sp. showed the occurrence of a possible depletion of carbohydrates towards lipids and proteins biosynthesis. Second experimental desing: N. gaditana exhibited the highest variation in their biochemical composition against the applied perturbation; variations observed for microalgae in their biochemical composition were reflected in their elemental stoichiometry; in N. gaditana the highest nitrogen concentrations lead to overall maximum productivities of the biochemical parameters. The results of the present work show two stress-inducement strategies for microalgae that may constitute a base for further investigations on their biochemical enhancement.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Engenharia Sanitária
O comportamento das águas pluviais em meio urbano é muito diferente do que ocorre em ambientes naturais, principalmente devido à elevada percentagem de superfícies impermeáveis nas nossas cidades. Temos maiores volumes de escoamento gerados; maiores velocidades de escoamento; menor retenção de contaminantes difusos; e propagação rápida para jusante de problemas de cheias e de qualidade da água. Presentemente, a gestão de águas pluviais em meio urbano começa a ser encarada numa perspectiva de aproximação ao comportamento dos meios naturais. A Drenagem Urbana Sustentável está a assumir-se como um conceito de gestão que tem como objectivo gerir a água de uma forma “descentralizada”, promovendo localmente a sua infiltração e retenção distribuídas por toda a bacia. O objecto deste trabalho foi a avaliação do efeito da rugosidade dos sistemas de drenagem sobre os caudais de ponta de cheia. Para isso propôs-se uma solução de drenagem com escoamento superficial em paralelo com os colectores pluviais, dividindo a drenagem entre os dois meios. Baseado nas curvas de intensidade-duração-frequência para a maior parte do território nacional, bem como em eventos de precipitação registados, abordou-se o problema criando um modelo conceptual com o programa informático StormWater Management Model (SWMM 5) da Environment Protection Agency (EPA), para comparar os caudais de ponta de sistemas de drenagem pluvial com ou sem o apoio de estruturas de transporte de caudais com rugosidades aumentadas. Foram considerados diversos cenários, com diferentes rugosidades, inclinações do terreno e dimensão dos sistemas. Os resultados das simulações indicam reduções de caudais de ponta na ordem dos 30% resultantes do escoamento superficial de parte dos caudais, principalmente devido ao aumento de rugosidade que a drenagem à superficie pode proporcionar.
The recent proposals presented by EPA aimed to reduce the dependency of fossil fuels and to lower current emissions levels, hoping to gradually shift electric generation units to renewable energy sources. Actually, the Final Rule Proposal announcement day exhibited a negative Abnormal Return on Fossil Fuels but the following days had positive Abnormal Returns, mostly due to legislative change perceived by financial markets which eased up implementation periods of the proposed measures in the Final Rule when compared to the Draft Rule. Oppositely, Renewables and Solar Portfolios exhibited negative Cumulative Abnormal Returns over the period surrounding the Final Rule.
Dissertação de mestrado em Bioquímica Aplicada
El cáncer se origina por mutaciones, competición y selección natural en células somáticas de tejidos de diferentes órganos,siendo un proceso complejo y multifactorial que ocurre en una secuencia de etapas: iniciación, promoción y progresión (1). Factores hereditarios,genéticos y epigenéticos como los lípidos dietarios, estrés oxidativo, hormonas, pesticidas y otros, influyen tanto en el desarrollo como en la inhibición de esta enfermedad (2). Datos epidemiológicos y experimentales tanto nuestros como de otros laboratorios han demostrado que el consumo de dietas ricas en ácidos grasos de la familia n-3, n-6 o n-9 cambian la fluidez, la actividad de enzimas, el nivel de proteínas y favorecen la formación de moléculas bioactivas derivadas de los lípidos como los eicosanoides y endocanabinoides que modulan el proceso carcinogénico (3-15). Estos derivados lípídicos activan vias de señalización produciendo cambios especificos en la expresión génica, un proceso fundamental durante la transformación neoplásica (1-2).También ha sido demostrado que estos cambios en la expresión génica inducidos por derivados lipídicos modulan funciones en células cancerosas como proliferación y muerte celular, migración y producción de matriz extracelular (16-17). A pesar de estos conocimientos, la identidad de los derivados lipídicos implicados en la modulación de la expresión génica durante la transformación neoplásica asi como los mecanismos utilizados por estas moléculas permanecen aun poco conocidos. HIPOTESIS: En los modelos a utilizar en el presente proyecto, la variación lipídica de las membranas que se induzca por manipulación dietaria deberán generar también variaciones en los eicosanoides . endocanabinoides y otros peróxidos que afecten factores de transcripción nucleares como el p53 y GLI incidiendo en los mecanismos responsables de la muerte y proliferación de células cancerosas. OBJETIVOS: Nos proponemos establecer el impacto de dietas enriquecidas con ácidos grasos de las familias n-3, n-6 o n-9 sobre modelos experimentales in-vivo e in-vitro. Se estudiarán los ácidos grasos de membrana plasmática, la generación de eicosanoides y endocanabinoides derivados de las vias COX y LOX Además se determinará el efecto de los peróxidos en la expresión y actividad de los factores nucleares de transcripción p53 y GLI como mecanismos responsables de la muerte y proliferación celular. MATERIALES Y MÉTODO: Se utilizará un modelo in-vivo de cáncer de mama empleando ratones C57BL6J inducidos con DMBA que se alimentarán con una dieta base semi-sintética suplemetada con diferentes PUFAs (Chia: n-3, Maíz: n-6 y Oleico: n-9 , empleada en estudios previos (8).Modelos in vitro: se utilizarán lineas celulares cancerígenas humanas de mama MCF-7 y MDA, las cuales se tratarán exógenamente con diferentes PUFAS (GLA:n-6,EPA:n-3, Oleico n-9)(9). Se determinarán ácidos grasos de membranas por Cromatografía de gas (CG)(10-11). El análisis de eicosanoides en células tumorales se realizará por HPLC (9-11). Los endocanabinoides por GC-Espectometría de Masa (18).La formación de peróxidos intracelulares se determinará por análisis de Glutation reducido (GSH)(16).La apoptosis se medirá por actividad caspasas y por Citometria de flujo usando Annexina V FICT (19).La expresión celular de Tp53 y GLI se realizará por Western Blot, PCR e inmunohistoquímica (20-21).RESULTADOS ESPERADOS: Se espera que los lípidos añadidos en las dietas de ratones inyectados con DMBA o al medio de cultivo de células tumorales de mama o páncreas modifiquen los ácidos grasos de membrana y sus derivados lipídicos los eicosanoides y endocanabionoides que suponemos afectarán la activación y expresión de factores de transcripción regulando la carcinogénesis. IMPORTANCIA: Diseñar nuevos modelos experimentales para implementar en terapias génicas y aplicar los resultados sobre factores nutricionales que pudieran actuar como inhibidores o promotores del desarrollo del cáncer en humanos.
The vulnerability to pollution and hydrochemical variation of groundwater in the mid-west karstic lowlands of Ireland were investigated from October 1992 to September 1993, as part of an EU STRIDE project at Sligo Regional Technical College. Eleven springs were studied in the three local authority areas of Co. Galway, Co. Mayo, and Co. Roscommon. Nine of the springs drain locally or regionally important karstic aquifers and two drain locally important sand and gravel aquifers. The maximum average daily discharge of any of the springs was 16,000 m3/day. Determination of the vulnerability of groundwater to pollution relies heavily on an examination of subsoil deposits in an area since they can act as a protecting or filtering layer over groundwater. Within aquifers/spring catchments, chemical reactions such as adsorption, solution-precipitation or acid-base reactions occur and modify the hydrochemistry of groundwater (Lloyd and Heathcote, 1985). The hydrochemical processes) that predominate depend cm the mineralogy of the aquifer, the hydrogeological environment, the overlying subsoils, and the history of groundwater movement. The aim of this MSc research thesis was to investigate the hydrochemical variation of spring outflow and to assess the relationship between these variations and the intrinsic vulnerability of the springs and their catchments. If such a relationship can be quantified, then it is hoped that the hydrochemical variation of a spring may indicate the vulnerability of a spring catchment without the need for determining it by field mapping. Such a method would be invaluable to any of the three local authorities since they would be able to prioritise sources that are most at risk from pollution, using simple techniques of chemical sampling, and statistical analysis. For each spring a detailed geological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical study was carried out. Individual catchment areas were determined with a water balance/budget and groundwater tracing. The subsoils geology for each spring catchment were mapped at the 1:10,560 scale and digitised to the 1:25,000 scale with AutoCad™ and Arclnfo™. The vulnerability of each spring was determined using the Geological Survey's vulnerability guidelines. Field measurements and laboratory based chemistry analyses of the springs were undertaken by personnel from both the EPA Regional Laboratory in Castlebar, Co. Mayo, and the Environment Section of Roscommon Co. Council. Electrical conductivity and temperature (°C) were sampled fortnightly, in the field, using a WTW microprocessor conductivity meter. A percentage (%) vulnerability was applied to each spring in order to indicate the areal extent of the four main classes of vulnerability (Extreme, High, Moderate, and Low) which occurred within the confines of each spring catchment. Hydrochemical variation for the springs were presented as the coefficient of variation of electrical conductivity. The results of this study show that a clear relationship exists between the degree of vulnerability of each catchment area as defined by the subsoil cover and the coefficient of variation of EC, with the coefficient of variation increasing as the vulnerability increases. The coefficient of variation of electrical conductivity is considered to be a parameter that gives a good general reflection of the degree of vulnerability occurring in a spring catchment in Ireland's karstic lowlands.
This project focuses on the EU Landfill Directive targets for Biodegradable Municipal Waste (BMW) specifically focusing on how the targets will affect Ireland and its waste management infrastructure. Research will consist of reviewing relevant literature, legislation and policies that will provide a comparable between Ireland and other nations. Planning processes which govern both the building structure and running capacities of treatment facilities is also necessary in order to predict amounts of waste diverted from landfill. The efficiency of these treatment plants also requires investigation. Another objective is to research further information on Irelands organic ‘brown’ bin service, this will involve discovering the roll out of bins in the future over a defined time scale as well as the potential amounts of waste that will be collected. Figures received from waste management and waste treatment companies will be combined with figures from the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) annual reports. This will give an indication to past trends and shed light on possible future trends. With this information annul waste volumes consigned to landfill can be calculated and used to determine whether or not Ireland can achieve the EU Landfill Directive targets. Without significant investment in Irelands waste management infrastructure it is unlikely that the targets will be met. Existing waste treatment facilities need to be managed as efficiently as possible. Waste streams must also be managed so waste is shared appropriately between companies and not create a monopolising waste treatment facility. The driving forces behind an efficient waste management infrastructure are government policy and legislation. An overall and efficient waste management strategy must be in place, along with disincentives for landfilling of waste such as the landfill levy. Encouragement and education of the population is the fundamental and first step to achieving the landfill directive targets.