948 resultados para wheat (Triticum aestivum. L.)


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硬粒小麦DR147授以超甜玉米(ss7700)的花粉后,83.4%的小麦柱头上的玉米花粉萌发,花粉管经由花柱抵达胚囊,受精率和成胚率分别为44.4%和42.6%。杂种合子核型高度不稳定,在细胞分裂过程中来自父本玉米的染色体逐渐被排除,最后形成硬粒小麦单倍体胚。尽管硬粒小麦×玉米存在较高频率的双受精(32.7%),同时形成胚和胚乳,但由于胚乳发育异常及败育,最后难以获得有生活力的种子。 硬粒小麦授以玉米的花粉后用100ppm 2,4-D进行处理(浸蘸穗子或向穗茎节间注射),可以延长杂种胚在植株上的存活时间。授粉9-13天后将颖果表面灭菌后在实体显微镜下剥取不同发育时期的幼胚,分别接种于含或不含2.0mg/l2,4-D,3%蔗糖,200mg/l解酪蛋白,146mgl氨酰氨,300mg/l冬氨酸的MS固体培养基上进行胚拯救或诱导愈伤组织。结果表明,发育程度较高的胚(具盾片的胚,长度大于0.5mm)容易通过胚拯救获得单倍体植株或诱导出愈伤组织,而发育程序较低的胚(琏形胚,梨形胚,鱼雷形胚,长度小于0.3mm)不易获得单倍体植株或诱导愈伤组织而常常变褐,最后死亡。如果将这些胚预先接种子含0.1mg/l BAP,3%蔗糖,200mg/l解酪蛋白,146mg/l氨酰胺,300mg/l冬氮酸的MS固体培养基上预培养20天,再转移至愈伤组织诱导培养基上则易于产生愈伤组织,通过选择和继代培养可以获得淡黄色,结构致密的胚性愈伤组织。将这种愈伤组织转移至含1.Omg/l BAP和0.1mg/l NAA的MS固体分化培养基上培养20天后即可分化出小植株和绿色芽点,将这些小植株和绿色芽点再在分化培养基上继代培养20天,形成大量根系发达的健壮植株及次生小植株。其中一个胚性愈伤组织系的分化频率高达70. 6%。从获得的100余棵植株中随机取6棵再生植株进行根尖细胞染色体计数发现它们均为单倍体。具发达根系的健壮植株移入实验田后成活率可达80%以上,并生长至成熟。 利用硬粒小麦×玉米建立的单倍性胚性愈伤组织系进行了原生质体培养的研究。胚性愈伤组织经液体悬浮培养4个月后形成了生长迅速的由大小不同(0.5mm至5mm)的愈伤组织块组成的混合悬浮愈伤组织系,酶解试验表明2.0%纤维素酶RS和0.5%离析酶Y-23组合效果最好,而液体悬浮培养物和固体培养的愈伤组织(在酶解时用锋利的解剖刀片切成1mm左右的块)都能释放出大量原生质体,但悬浮培养物释放出的原生质体状态较好,胞质更浓厚,用KM8p培养基以琼脂糖包埋培养方式培养时得到了较高的(5%左右)分裂频率。 原生质体再生的小愈伤组织经增殖、筛选后可获得胚性愈性组织,将其转移至分化培养基Ⅰ(0.2mg/l 2,4-D,1.0mg/l BAP,0.1mg/l NAA,3%蔗糖,200mg/l解酩蛋白,146mg/l氨酸胺,300m8/l冬氨酸的MS固体培养基)和Ⅱ(不含2,4-D,其它成份同I)上进行分步分化培养可再生出完整植株,分化频率约为20%。从获得的22棵原生质体再生植株中,随机取4株进行根尖细胞染色体计数表明,它们均为单倍体。


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Little is known about the diversity of wheat (Triticum spp.) in Oman. Results of a survey conducted in two remote mountain oases of northern Oman indicate that there exists considerable morphological variation within and among the five traditional landraces of wheat cultivated. Within two of the landraces grown on irrigated terraces, 2 sized between 2 and 100 m , two new botanical wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum var. baladseetense and var. maqtaense) were identified of which the agronomic properties, in particular tolerance to drought and heat, and the nutritional value require further investigation.


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The recent discovery of the monumental 5000 years old tower tombs on top of the up to 1850 m high Shir plateau has raised numerous questions about the economic and infrastructural basis of the agro-pastoral-piscicultural society which likely has constructed them. The scattered oasis settlement of Maqta, situated just below the towers in a rugged desert environment has therefore been studied from 2001 to 2003 to understand its prehistoric and present role along the ancient trade route which connected the inner-Omani Sharqiya across the southern Hajar mountains with the ocean port of Tiwi. Maqta consists of a central area with 59 buildings and 12 scattered temporary settlements comprising a total of about 200 semi-nomadic inhabitants and next to 900 sheep and goats. The 22 small springs with a flow rate between 5 and 1212-l h^-1 are watering 16 terrace systems totaling 4.5 ha of which 2.9 ha are planted to date palms (Phoenix dactylifera L.), 0.4 ha to wheat landraces (Triticum durum and Triticum aestivum) during the cooler winter months, 0.4 are left fallow and 0.8 h are abandoned. During a pronounced drought period from 2001 to 2003, the springs’ flow rate declined between 38% and 72%. Most of the recent buildings of the central housing area were found empty or used as temporary stores by the agro-pastoral population watching their flocks on the surrounding dry mountains. There is no indication that there ever was a settlement older than the present one. A number of Hafit (3100–2700 BC) and Umm an-Nar (2700–2000 BC) tombs just above the central housing area and further along one of the trade routes to the coast are the only indication of an old pastoral landuse in Maqta territory where oasis agriculture may have entered only well after 1000 AD. With this little evidence of existence during the 3rd millennium BC, Maqta is unlikely to have played any major role favouring the construction of the nearby monumental Shir tower tombs other than providing water for herders and their flocks, early migrant traders or tower tomb constructors.


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Little is known about the diversity of wheat (Triticum spp.) in Oman. Therefore, a survey was conducted in northern Oman to collect landraces of Triticum durum, T. aestivum and T. dicoccon for subsequent morphological characterization and investigations on stress adaptation. The results show that the cultivation of these landraces (the genetic composition of which remains to be studied in more detail) is done primarily by traditional farmers who preserve the inherited germplasm on often tiny plots in remote mountain oases. This type of traditional cultivation is under heavy economic pressure. An appendix of landraces of other crops collected in the Batinah region and in the mountain oases can be found online.


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Little is known about plant biodiversity, irrigation management and nutrient fluxes as criteria to assess the sustainability of traditional irrigation agriculture in eastern Arabia. Therefore interdisciplinary studies were conducted over 4 yrs on flood-irrigated fields dominated by wheat (Triticum spp.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in two mountain oases of northern Oman. In both oases wheat landraces consisted of varietal mixtures comprising T. aestivum and T. durum of which at least two botanical varieties were new to science. During irrigation cycles of 6-9 days on an alfalfa-planted soil, volumetric water contents ranged from 30-13%. For cropland, partial oasis balances (comprising inputs of manure, mineral fertilizers, N2-fixation and irrigation water, and outputs of harvested products) were similar for both oases, with per hectare annual surpluses of 131 kg N, 37 kg P and 84 kg K at Balad Seet and of 136 kg N, 16 kg P and 66 kg K at Maqta. Respective palm grove surpluses, in contrast were with 303 kg N, 38 kg P, and 173 kg K ha^-1 yr^-1 much higher at Balad Seet than with 84 kg N, 14 kg P and 91 kg K ha^-1 yr^-1 at Maqta. The results show that the sustainability of these irrigated landuse systems depends on a high quality of the irrigation water with low Na but high CaCO3, intensive recycling of manure and an elaborate terrace structure with a well tailored water management system that allows adequate drainage.


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Physiological and yield traits such as stomatal conductance (mmol m-2s-1), Leaf relative water content (RWC %) and grain yield per plant were studied in a separate experiment. Results revealed that five out of sixteen cultivars viz. Anmol, Moomal, Sarsabz, Bhitai and Pavan, appeared to be relatively more drought tolerant. Based on morphophysiological results, studies were continued to look at these cultivars for drought tolerance at molecular level. Initially, four well recognized primers for dehydrin genes (DHNs) responsible for drought induction in T. durum L., T. aestivum L. and O. sativa L. were used for profiling gene sequence of sixteen wheat cultivars. The primers amplified the DHN genes variably like Primer WDHN13 (T. aestivum L.) amplified the DHN gene in only seven cultivars whereas primer TdDHN15 (T. durum L.) amplified all the sixteen cultivars with even different DNA banding patterns some showing second weaker DNA bands. Third primer TdDHN16 (T. durum L.) has shown entirely different PCR amplification prototype, specially showing two strong DNA bands while fourth primer RAB16C (O. sativa L.) failed to amplify DHN gene in any of the cultivars. Examination of DNA sequences revealed several interesting features. First, it identified the two exon/one intron structure of this gene (complete sequences were not shown), a feature not previously described in the two database cDNA sequences available from T. aestivum L. (gi|21850). Secondly, the analysis identified several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), positions in gene sequence. Although complete gene sequence was not obtained for all the cultivars, yet there were a total of 38 variable positions in exonic (coding region) sequence, from a total gene length of 453 nucleotides. Matrix of SNP shows these 37 positions with individual sequence at positions given for each of the 14 cultivars (sequence of two cultivars was not obtained) included in this analysis. It demonstrated a considerable diversity for this gene with only three cultivars i.e. TJ-83, Marvi and TD-1 being similar to the consensus sequence. All other cultivars showed a unique combination of SNPs. In order to prove a functional link between these polymorphisms and drought tolerance in wheat, it would be necessary to conduct a more detailed study involving directed mutation of this gene and DHN gene expression.


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Six new sesquiterpene lactones, annuolide H ( 3), helivypolides F, H-J ( 4, 11-13), and helieudesmanolide A ( 6), together with known compounds, were isolated from polar bioactive fractions of Helianthus annuus cv. SH-222 and Stella fresh leaf water extracts. Spectroscopic analysis of the new data for 1,2-anhydroniveusin A and 1-methoxy-4,5-dihydroniveusin A corrects some previous assignments. The compounds were tested using the etiolated wheat coleoptile bioassay, and the most active compounds were assayed in standard target species ( STS) ( Lepidium sativum, Allium cepa, Lactuca sativa, Lycopersicon esculentum, and Triticum aestivum) from 5 x 10(-4) to 10(-5) M. The most phytotoxic compounds were helivypolide F and 15-hydroxy-3-dehydrodeoxyfruticin, both of which have a carbonyl group at C-3 conjugated with two double bonds.


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A determinação das relações competitivas entre espécies de plantas requer delineamentos experimentais e métodos de análise apropriados. A hipótese da pesquisa foi que duas espécies crescendo em convivência têm comportamento de crescimento e desenvolvimento distintos em função da sua competitividade relativa. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi quantificar a competitividade relativa da cultura do trigo com o capim-marmelada através da medida dos efeitos da densidade e da proporção de plantas, usando experimentos em série substitutiva. Monoculturas foram cultivadas em densidades de 1, 3, 5, 10 e 15 plantas por caixa e analisadas por regressão dos dados de massa seca, em 2006. Experimento em mistura foi cultivado nas proporções trigo:capim-marmelada de 0:6, 1:5, 2:4, 3:3, 4:2, 5:1 e 6:0 plantas por caixa e analisado através de interpretação gráfica de características de crescimento e produção, em 2007. Ambos os experimentos foram realizados em delineamento completamente casualizado com quatro repetições. Capim-marmelada foi mais sensível que trigo à competição intraespecífica. Capim-marmelada foi levemente mais competitivo que trigo. Número e massa de espigas e número de afilhos foram as características do trigo mais afetadas pela interferência do capim-marmelada.


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In Brazil, plant-available micronutrients in the soil can be determined by several chemical extractants, the most common of which are dilute acid and chelating solutions. The purpose of this study was to assess the extractants 0.1 mol L-1 HCl, Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and DTPA for analysis of the micronutrients Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in soils from the state of Parana. In samples from 12 soils (0-20 cm layer), wheat was planted (Triticum aestivum), grown for 42 days after emergence, and then bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) for 38 days. At the end of each planting period, the soil was sampled again. All extractants tested to assess the availability of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn correlated with each other. The efficiency of the extractants HCl, Mehlich-3 and DTPA in assessing plant-available Cu was similar, unlike Mehlich-1, which proved less efficient. The extractants HCl, Mehlich-1 and Mehlich-3 were less efficient in estimating plant-available Zn and Fe, and the most indicated extractant is DTPA. The efficiency of the extractants HCl, Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and DTPA in assessing plant-available Mn in soils from Parana was similar.


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Wheat is grown in Brazil, mostly in no-till, a system in which the zinc can become potentially deficient, due to excessive application of acidity corrective and phosphate fertilizers in surface and, or at shallow depths. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of foliar application of zinc in agronomic characteristics and yield of wheat. The experimental design was randomized blocks with five replications. Treatments consisted of four doses of zinc (0, 54, 108 and 216g ha(-1) Zn), divided into two foliar applications, the first at tillering (18 days after plant emergence) and the second at the boot stage (65 days after emergence). Foliar application of zinc increased the number of fertile tillers and yield of wheat, however, have little effect on the agronomic characteristics of no-tilled crop with high nutrient content in soil.


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A participação de perfilhos na produção de grãos é de grande importância para a cultura do trigo, sendo influenciável pelas características do genótipo e condições do ambiente. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de estudar o efeito de doses de fósforo (P) na emissão, sobrevivência e contribuição produtiva de perfilhos de duas cultivares de trigo. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo. Foi adotado um esquema fatorial 2 x 5 em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, sendo avaliadas duas cultivares de trigo (IAC 370 e IAC 375) e cinco doses de P (0, 150, 300, 450 e 600 mg dm-3). Quanto maior a dose de P, maior a emissão, a sobrevivência e a participação de perfilhos na produção total de grãos, em especial para perfilhos secundários. A cultivar IAC 370 apresentou altas taxas de abortamento de perfilhos, enquanto a IAC 375 manteve grande parte dos perfilhos emitidos.


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O uso de fontes não convencionais para fornecimento de K às plantas tem sido amplamente estudado, mas os efeitos de materiais alternativos na qualidade fisiolgica das sementes não são conhecidos. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade fisiolgica de sementes de soja e trigo em função da aplicação fontes de potássio em uma sucessão de culturas. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constaram de três fontes de K (KCl, rocha alcalina e fonolito moído, com 58%, 11% e 8.42% de K2O, respectivamente) aplicados em quatro doses (0, 25, 50 e 100 kg K2O ha-1). As doses de potássio foram aplicadas na soja e seu efeito residual foi avaliado na cultura do trigo, cultivado em sucessão. Logo após a colheita, as sementes de soja e trigo foram avaliadas pelos testes de teor de água, massa de sementes, germinação, primeira contagem, condutividade eltrica, comprimento de plntulas e massa da matéria seca de plntulas. Plantas de soja adubadas com fontes alternativas para fornecimento de K produzem sementes com maior massa e menor permeabilidade de membranas comparado às com KCl; maior qualidade fisiolgica de sementes de soja e massa de sementes de trigo são obtidas com maiores doses de K2O independente da fonte.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of foliar application of molybdenum on agronomic characteristics and yield of wheat in a no-till system. The experiment was carried out in a clayey Rhodic Hapludox, in Maripa, State of Parana, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks with five replications. Treatments consisted of four doses of molybdenum (0, 13.8, 27.6 and 55.2 g ha(-1) Mo), divided into two foliar applications, the first at tillering (18 days after plant emergence) and the second at the boot stage (65 days after emergence). The foliar application of Mo up to a dose of 35 g ha-1 increased the number of spikes per square meter and yield of wheat; however, it had no effect on the agronomic characteristics of the crop in a no-till system.