682 resultados para timed automata
We solve the Dynamic Ehrenfeucht-Fra\"iss\'e Game on linear orders for both players, yielding a normal form for quantifier-rank equivalence classes of linear orders in first-order logic, infinitary logic, and generalized-infinitary logics with linearly ordered clocks. We show that Scott Sentences can be manipulated quickly, classified into local information, and consistency can be decided effectively in the length of the Scott Sentence. We describe a finite set of linked automata moving continuously on a linear order. Running them on ordinals, we compute the ordinal truth predicate and compute truth in the constructible universe of set-theory. Among the corollaries are a study of semi-models as efficient database of both model-theoretic and formulaic information, and a new proof of the atomicity of the Boolean algebra of sentences consistent with the theory of linear order -- i.e., that the finitely axiomatized theories of linear order are dense.
This study provides a detailed insight into the changing writing demands from the last year of university study to the first year in the workforce of engineering and accounting professionals. The study relates these to the demands of the writing component of IELTS, which is increasingly used for exit testing. The number of international and local students whose first language is not English and who are studying in English-medium universities has increased significantly in the past decade. Many of these students aim to start working in the country they studied in; however, some employers have suggested that graduates seeking employment have insufficient language skills. This study provides a detailed insight into the changing writing demands from the last year of university study to the first year in the workforce of engineering and accounting professionals (our two case study professions). It relates these to the demands of the writing component of IELTS, which is increasingly used for exit or professional entry testing, although not expressly designed for this purpose. Data include interviews with final year students, lecturers, employers and new graduates in their first few years in the workforce, as well as professional board members. Employers also reviewed both final year assignments, as well as IELTS writing samples at different levels. Most stakeholders agreed that graduates entering the workforce are underprepared for the writing demands in their professions. When compared with the university writing tasks, the workplace writing expected of new graduates was perceived as different in terms of genre, the tailoring of a text for a specific audience, and processes of review and editing involved. Stakeholders expressed a range of views on the suitability of the use of academic proficiency tests (such as IELTS) as university exit tests and for entry into the professions. With regard to IELTS, while some saw the relevance of the two writing tasks, particularly in relation to academic writing, others questioned the extent to which two timed tasks representing limited genres could elicit a representative sample of the professional writing required, particularly in the context of engineering. The findings are discussed in relation to different test purposes, the intersection between academic and specific purpose testing and the role of domain experts in test validation.
Behavioral profiles have been proposed as a behavioral abstraction of dynamic systems, specifically in the context of business process modeling. A behavioral profile can be seen as a complete graph over a set of task labels, where each edge is annotated with one relation from a given set of binary behavioral relations. Since their introduction, behavioral profiles were argued to provide a convenient way for comparing pairs of process models with respect to their behavior or computing behavioral similarity between process models. Still, as of today, there is little understanding of the expressive power of behavioral profiles. Via counter-examples, several authors have shown that behavioral profiles over various sets of behavioral relations cannot distinguish certain systems up to trace equivalence, even for restricted classes of systems represented as safe workflow nets. This paper studies the expressive power of behavioral profiles from two angles. Firstly, the paper investigates the expressive power of behavioral profiles and systems captured as acyclic workflow nets. It is shown that for unlabeled acyclic workflow net systems, behavioral profiles over a simple set of behavioral relations are expressive up to configuration equivalence. When systems are labeled, this result does not hold for any of several previously proposed sets of behavioral relations. Secondly, the paper compares the expressive power of behavioral profiles and regular languages. It is shown that for any set of behavioral relations, behavioral profiles are strictly less expressive than regular languages, entailing that behavioral profiles cannot be used to decide trace equivalence of finite automata and thus Petri nets.
Background Diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) are a leading cause of diabetes-related hospitalisation and can be costly to manage without access to appropriate expert care. Within Queensland and indeed across many parts of Australia, there is an inequality in accessing specialist services for individuals with DFU. Recent National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) diabetic foot guidelines recommend remote expert consultation with digital imaging should be made available to people with DFU to improve their clinical outcomes. Telemedicine appears to show promise in improving access to diabetic foot specialist services; however diabetic foot telemedicine models to date have relied upon videoconferencing, store and forward technology and/or customised appliances to obtain digital imagery which all require either expensive infrastructure or a timed reply to the request for advice. Whilst mobile phone advice services have been used with success in general diabetes management and telehealth services have improved diabetic foot outcomes, the rapid emergence in the use of mobile phones has established a need to review the role that various forms of telemedicine play in the management of DFU. The aim of this paper is to review traditional telemedicine modalities that have been used in the management of DFU and to compare that to new and innovative technology that are emerging. Process Studies investigating the management of DFU using various forms of telemedicine interventions will be included in this review. They include the use of videoconferencing technology, hand held digital still photography purpose built imaging devices and mobile phone imagery. Electronic databases (Pubmed, Medline and CINAHL) will be searched using broad MeSH terms and keywords that cover the intended area of interest. Findings It is anticipated that the results of this narrative review will provide delegates of the 2015 Australasian Podiatry Conference an insight into the types of emerging innovative diagnostic telemedicine technologies in the management of DFU against the backdrop of traditional and evidence based modalities. It is anticipated that the findings will drive further research in the area of mobile phone imagery and innovation in the management of DFU.
Study of the evolution of species or organisms is essential for various biological applications. Evolution is typically studied at the molecular level by analyzing the mutations of DNA sequences of organisms. Techniques have been developed for building phylogenetic or evolutionary trees for a set of sequences. Though phylogenetic trees capture the overall evolutionary relationships among the sequences, they do not reveal fine-level details of the evolution. In this work, we attempt to resolve various fine-level sequence transformation details associated with a phylogenetic tree using cellular automata. In particular, our work tries to determine the cellular automata rules for neighbor-dependent mutations of segments of DNA sequences. We also determine the number of time steps needed for evolution of a progeny from an ancestor and the unknown segments of the intermediate sequences in the phylogenetic tree. Due to the existence of vast number of cellular automata rules, we have developed a grid system that performs parallel guided explorations of the rules on grid resources. We demonstrate our techniques by conducting experiments on a grid comprising machines in three countries and obtaining potentially useful statistics regarding evolutions in three HIV sequences. In particular, our work is able to verify the phenomenon of neighbor-dependent mutations and find that certain combinations of neighbor-dependent mutations, defined by a cellular automata rule, occur with greater than 90% probability. We also find the average number of time steps for mutations for some branches of phylogenetic tree over a large number of possible transformations with standard deviations less than 2.
A large fraction of an XML document typically consists of text data. The XPath query language allows text search via the equal, contains, and starts-with predicates. Such predicates can be efficiently implemented using a compressed self-index of the document's text nodes. Most queries, however, contain some parts querying the text of the document, plus some parts querying the tree structure. It is therefore a challenge to choose an appropriate evaluation order for a given query, which optimally leverages the execution speeds of the text and tree indexes. Here the SXSI system is introduced. It stores the tree structure of an XML document using a bit array of opening and closing brackets plus a sequence of labels, and stores the text nodes of the document using a global compressed self-index. On top of these indexes sits an XPath query engine that is based on tree automata. The engine uses fast counting queries of the text index in order to dynamically determine whether to evaluate top-down or bottom-up with respect to the tree structure. The resulting system has several advantages over existing systems: (1) on pure tree queries (without text search) such as the XPathMark queries, the SXSI system performs on par or better than the fastest known systems MonetDB and Qizx, (2) on queries that use text search, SXSI outperforms the existing systems by 1-3 orders of magnitude (depending on the size of the result set), and (3) with respect to memory consumption, SXSI outperforms all other systems for counting-only queries.
According to certain arguments, computation is observer-relative either in the sense that many physical systems implement many computations (Hilary Putnam), or in the sense that almost all physical systems implement all computations (John Searle). If sound, these arguments have a potentially devastating consequence for the computational theory of mind: if arbitrary physical systems can be seen to implement arbitrary computations, the notion of computation seems to lose all explanatory power as far as brains and minds are concerned. David Chalmers and B. Jack Copeland have attempted to counter these relativist arguments by placing certain constraints on the definition of implementation. In this thesis, I examine their proposals and find both wanting in some respects. During the course of this examination, I give a formal definition of the class of combinatorial-state automata , upon which Chalmers s account of implementation is based. I show that this definition implies two theorems (one an observation due to Curtis Brown) concerning the computational power of combinatorial-state automata, theorems which speak against founding the theory of implementation upon this formalism. Toward the end of the thesis, I sketch a definition of the implementation of Turing machines in dynamical systems, and offer this as an alternative to Chalmers s and Copeland s accounts of implementation. I demonstrate that the definition does not imply Searle s claim for the universal implementation of computations. However, the definition may support claims that are weaker than Searle s, yet still troubling to the computationalist. There remains a kernel of relativity in implementation at any rate, since the interpretation of physical systems seems itself to be an observer-relative matter, to some degree at least. This observation helps clarify the role the notion of computation can play in cognitive science. Specifically, I will argue that the notion should be conceived as an instrumental rather than as a fundamental or foundational one.
This paper considers a multi-person discrete game with random payoffs. The distribution of the random payoff is unknown to the players and further none of the players know the strategies or the actual moves of other players. A class of absolutely expedient learning algorithms for the game based on a decentralised team of Learning Automata is presented. These algorithms correspond, in some sense, to rational behaviour on the part of the players. All stable stationary points of the algorithm are shown to be Nash equilibria for the game. It is also shown that under some additional constraints on the game, the team will always converge to a Nash equilibrium.
A new class of nets, called S-nets, is introduced for the performance analysis of scheduling algorithms used in real-time systems Deterministic timed Petri nets do not adequately model the scheduling of resources encountered in real-time systems, and need to be augmented with resource places and signal places, and a scheduler block, to facilitate the modeling of scheduling algorithms. The tokens are colored, and the transition firing rules are suitably modified. Further, the concept of transition folding is used, to get intuitively simple models of multiframe real-time systems. Two generic performance measures, called �load index� and �balance index,� which characterize the resource utilization and the uniformity of workload distribution, respectively, are defined. The utility of S-nets for evaluating heuristic-based scheduling schemes is illustrated by considering three heuristics for real-time scheduling. S-nets are useful in tuning the hardware configuration and the underlying scheduling policy, so that the system utilization is maximized, and the workload distribution among the computing resources is balanced.
Simulation is an important means of evaluating new microarchitectures. With the invention of multi-core (CMP) platforms, simulators are becoming larger and more complex. However, with the availability of CMPs with larger caches and higher operating frequency, the wall clock time required for simulating an application has become comparatively shorter. Reducing this simulation time further is a great challenge, especially in the case of multi-threaded workload due to indeterminacy introduced due to simultaneously executing various threads. In this paper, we propose a technique for speeding multi-core simulation. The model of the processor core and cache are replaced with functional models, to achieve speedup. A timed Petri net model is used to estimate the execution time of the processor and the memory access latencies are estimated using hit/miss information obtained from the functional model of the cache. This model can be used to predict performance of data parallel applications or multiprogramming workload on CMP platform with various cache hierarchies and shared bus interconnect. The error in estimation of the execution time of an application is within 6%. The speedup achieved ranges between an average of 2x--4x over the cycle accurate simulator.
A framework based on the notion of "conflict-tolerance" was proposed in as a compositional methodology for developing and reasoning about systems that comprise multiple independent controllers. A central notion in this framework is that of a "conflict-tolerant" specification for a controller. In this work we propose a way of defining conflict-tolerant real-time specifications in Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL). We call our logic CT-MITL for Conflict-Tolerant MITL. We then give a clock optimal "delay-then-extend" construction for building a timed transition system for monitoring past-MITL formulas. We show how this monitoring transition system can be used to solve the associated verification and synthesis problems for CT-MITL.
Instruction scheduling with an automaton-based resource conflict model is well-established for normal scheduling. Such models have been generalized to software pipelining in the modulo-scheduling framework. One weakness with existing methods is that a distinct automaton must be constructed for each combination of a reservation table and initiation interval. In this work, we present a different approach to model conflicts. We construct one automaton for each reservation table which acts as a compact encoding of all the conflict automata for this table, which can be recovered for use in modulo-scheduling. The basic premise of the construction is to move away from the Proebsting-Fraser model of conflict automaton to the Muller model of automaton modelling issue sequences. The latter turns out to be useful and efficient in this situation. Having constructed this automaton, we show how to improve the estimate of resource constrained initiation interval. Such a bound is always better than the average-use estimate. We show that our bound is safe: it is always lower than the true initiation interval. This use of the automaton is orthogonal to its use in modulo-scheduling. Once we generate the required information during pre-processing, we can compute the lower bound for a program without any further reference to the automaton.
Regular Expressions are generic representations for a string or a collection of strings. This paper focuses on implementation of a regular expression matching architecture on reconfigurable fabric like FPGA. We present a Nondeterministic Finite Automata based implementation with extended regular expression syntax set compared to previous approaches. We also describe a dynamically reconfigurable generic block that implements the supported regular expression syntax. This enables formation of the regular expression hardware by a simple cascade of generic blocks as well as a possibility for reconfiguring the generic blocks to change the regular expression being matched. Further,we have developed an HDL code generator to obtain the VHDL description of the hardware for any regular expression set. Our optimized regular expression engine achieves a throughput of 2.45 Gbps. Our dynamically reconfigurable regular expression engine achieves a throughput of 0.8 Gbps using 12 FPGA slices per generic block on Xilinx Virtex2Pro FPGA.
We present two online algorithms for maintaining a topological order of a directed acyclic graph as arcs are added, and detecting a cycle when one is created. Our first algorithm takes O(m 1/2) amortized time per arc and our second algorithm takes O(n 2.5/m) amortized time per arc, where n is the number of vertices and m is the total number of arcs. For sparse graphs, our O(m 1/2) bound improves the best previous bound by a factor of logn and is tight to within a constant factor for a natural class of algorithms that includes all the existing ones. Our main insight is that the two-way search method of previous algorithms does not require an ordered search, but can be more general, allowing us to avoid the use of heaps (priority queues). Instead, the deterministic version of our algorithm uses (approximate) median-finding; the randomized version of our algorithm uses uniform random sampling. For dense graphs, our O(n 2.5/m) bound improves the best previously published bound by a factor of n 1/4 and a recent bound obtained independently of our work by a factor of logn. Our main insight is that graph search is wasteful when the graph is dense and can be avoided by searching the topological order space instead. Our algorithms extend to the maintenance of strong components, in the same asymptotic time bounds.