851 resultados para thermal impedance
This study aimed to compare the efficiency of the thermal blanket and thermal mattress in the prevention of hypothermia during surgery. Thirty-eight randomized patients were divided into two groups (G1 – thermal blanket and G2 - thermal mattress). The variables studied were: length of surgery, length of stay in the post-anesthetic care unit, period without using the device after thermal induction, transport time from the operating room to post-anesthetic care unit, intraoperative fluid infusion, surgery size, anesthetic technique, age, body mass index, esophageal, axillary and operating room temperature. In G2, length of surgery and starch infusion longer was higher (both p=0.03), but no hypothermia occurred. During the surgical anesthetic procedure, the axillary temperature was higher at 120 minutes (p=0.04), and esophageal temperature was higher at 120 (p=0.002) and 180 minutes (p=0.03) and at the end of the procedure (p=0.002). The thermal mattress was more effective in preventing hypothermia during surgery.
The thermal springs of Acquarossa and the nearby mineral springs of Soia have outlet temperatures of 12 degrees to 25 degrees C, TDS of 2290 to 3000 mg/kg and Ca-SO4 to Ca-SO4-HCO3 composition. Chemical geothermometers suggest reservoir temperatures close to 60 degrees C. P-CO2 values at depth are estimated to range from 0.3 to 2 bar. delta D and delta(18)O values indicate a meteoric origin and recharge elevations of 1600 +/- 150 m above sea level (a.s.l.) for these thermal and mineral waters. All these waters discharge from the overturned limb of the Simano nappe, probably dose to the contact between basement and underlying cover rocks. They therefore represent rain waters that descend slowly, heat at depth and locally rise relatively quickly to the surface, preserving part of their physical and chemical characteristics. (C) 1999 CNR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Thermal hygrometric requirements for the rearing and release of Tamarixia radiata (Waterston) (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae). Tamarixia radiata is the main agent for the biological control of Diaphorina citri in Brazil with a parasitism rate ranging from 20 to 80%. This study investigated the influence of temperature on the development, fecundity and longevity of adults of T. radiata and the effect of relative humidity (RH) on their parasitism capacity and survival rate in the pre-imaginal period. The effect of temperature was assessed in the range between 15 and 35 ± 1ºC, 70 ± 10% RH, and a 14-h photophase. The RH effect was evaluated in the range from 30 to 90 ± 10%, temperature at 25 ± 1ºC, and photophase of 14-h. At 25ºC, circa 166.7 nymphs were parasitized, the highest parasitism capacity observed compared to other treatments. The longest longevity of females was observed at 25ºC, although the rate did not differ in the 20-30ºC temperature range. The threshold temperature (TT) was 7.2ºC, and 188.7 degrees-day were required for the development (egg-to-adult period). The parasitism rate and longevity were higher at 50 and 70% of RH. This shows that temperature and RH may affect the parasitism capacity of T. radiata on nymphs of D. citri, which can explain the great parasitism variation for D. citri observed in citrus groves in São Paulo State, Brazil.
Mechanical impedance of clayey and gravelly soils is often needed to interpret experimental results from tillage and other field experiments. Its measurement is difficult with manual and hydraulic penetrometers, which often bend or break in such soils. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of a hand-operated "Stolf" impact penetrometer to measure mechanical impedance (soil resistance). The research was conducted in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA (35º 45'N, 78º 42'W, elevation 75 m). Corn was planted on April 19, 1991. Penetrometer measurements were taken on May 10, 1991, in 5 cm intervals to 60 cm at 33 locations on a transect perpendicular to the corn rows in each of four tillage treatments. The data permitted three-dimensional displays showing how mechanical impedance changed with depth and distance along the transect. The impact penetrometer proved to be a useful tool to collect quantitative mechanical impedance data on "hard" clayey and/or gravelly soils which previously were difficult to reliably quantify.
The calculation of elasticity parameters by sonic and ultra sonic wave propagation in saturated soils using Biot's theory needs the following variables : forpiation density and porosity (p, ø), compressional and shear wave velocities (Vp, Vs), fluid density, viscosity and compressibility (Pfi Ilfi Ki), matrix density and compressibility (p" K), The first four parameters can be determined in situ using logging probes. Because fluid and matrix characteristics are not modified during core extraction, they can be obtained through laboratory measurements. All parameters necessitate precise calibrations in various environments and for specific range of values encountered in soils. The slim diameter of boreholes in shallow geophysics and the high cost of petroleum equipment demand the use of specific probes, which usually only give qualitative results. The measurement 'of density is done with a gamma-gamma probe and the measurement of hydrogen index, in relation to porosity, by a neutron probe. The first step of this work has been carried out in synthetic formations in the laboratory using homogeneous media of known density and porosity. To establish borehole corrections different casings have been used. Finally a comparison between laboratory and in situ data in cored holes of known geometry and casing has been performed.
Context.LS 5039 has been observed with several X-ray instruments so far showing quite steady emission in the long term and no signatures of accretion disk. The source also presents X-ray variability at orbital timescales in flux and photon index. The system harbors an O-type main sequence star with moderate mass-loss. At present, the link between the X-rays and the stellar wind is unclear. Aims.We study the X-ray fluxes, spectra, and absorption properties of LS 5039 at apastron and periastron passages during an epoch of enhanced stellar mass-loss, and the long term evolution of the latter in connection with the X-ray fluxes. Methods.New XMM-Newton observations were performed around periastron and apastron passages in September 2005, when the stellar wind activity was apparently higher. April 2005 Chandra observations on LS 5039 were revisited. Moreover, a compilation of H EW data obtained since 1992, from which the stellar mass-loss evolution can be approximately inferred, was carried out. Results.XMM-Newton observations show higher and harder emission around apastron than around periastron. No signatures of thermal emission or a reflection iron line indicating the presence of an accretion disk are found in the spectrum, and the hydrogen column density () is compatible with being the same in both observations and consistent with the interstellar value. 2005 Chandra observations show a hard X-ray spectrum, and possibly high fluxes, although pileup effects preclude conclusive results from being obtained. The H EW shows yearly variations of 10%, and does not seem to be correlated with X-ray fluxes obtained at similar phases, unlike what is expected in the wind accretion scenario. Conclusions.2005 XMM-Newton and Chandra observations are consistent with 2003 RXTE/PCA results, namely moderate flux and spectral variability at different orbital phases. The constancy of the seems to imply that either the X-ray emitter is located at 1012 cm from the compact object, or the density in the system is 3 to 27 times smaller than that predicted by a spherical symmetric wind model. We suggest that the multiwavelength non-thermal emission of LS 5039 is related to the observed extended radio jets and is unlikely to be produced inside the binary system.
The aim of this work was to develop a low-cost circuit for real-time analog computation of the respiratory mechanical impedance in sleep studies. The practical performance of the circuit was tested in six patients with obstructive sleep apnea. The impedance signal provided by the analog circuit was compared with the impedance calculated simultaneously with a conventional computerized system. We concluded that the low-cost analog circuit developed could be a useful tool for facilitating the real-time assessment of airway obstruction in routine sleep studies.
The cytoskeleton (CSK) is a nonequilibrium polymer network that uses hydrolyzable sources of free energy such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to remodel its internal structure. As in inert nonequilibrium soft materials, CSK remodeling has been associated with structural rearrangements driven by energy-activated processes. We carry out particle tracking and traction microscopy measurements of alveolar epithelial cells at various temperatures and ATP concentrations. We provide the first experimental evidence that the remodeling dynamics of the CSK is driven by structural rearrangements over free-energy barriers induced by thermally activated forces mediated by ATP. The measured activation energy of these forces is ~40kBTr (kB being the Boltzmann constant and Tr being the room temperature). Our experiments provide clues to understand the analogy between the dynamics of the living CSK and that of inert nonequilibrium soft materials.
Large phasic variations of respiratory mechanical impedance (Zrs) have been observed during induced expiratory flow limitation (EFL) (M. Vassiliou, R. Peslin, C. Saunier, and C. Duvivier. Eur. Respir. J. 9: 779-786, 1996). To clarify the meaning of Zrs during EFL, we have measured from 5 to 30 Hz the input impedance (Zin) of mechanical analogues of the respiratory system, including flow-limiting elements (FLE) made of easily collapsible rubber tubing. The pressures upstream (Pus) and downstream (Pds) from the FLE were controlled and systematically varied. Maximal flow (Vmax) increased linearly with Pus, was close to the value predicted from wave-speed theory, and was obtained for Pus-Pds of 4-6 hPa. The real part of Zin started increasing abruptly with flow (V) >85%Vmax and either further increased or suddenly decreased in the vicinity of V¿max. The imaginary part of Zin decreased markedly and suddenly above 95%Vmax. Similar variations of Zin during EFL were seen with an analogue that mimicked the changes of airway transmural pressure during breathing. After pressure andV measurements upstream and downstream from the FLE were combined, the latter was analyzed in terms of a serial (Zs) and a shunt (Zp) compartment. Zs was consistent with a large resistance and inertance, and Zp with a mainly elastic element having an elastance close to that of the tube walls. We conclude that Zrs data during EFL mainly reflect the properties of the FLE.
This paper presents a new respiratory impedance estimator to minimize the error due to breathing. Its practical reliability was evaluated in a simulation using realistic signals. These signals were generated by superposing pressure and flow records obtained in two conditions: 1) when applying forced oscillation to a resistance- inertance- elastance (RIE) mechanical model; 2) when healthy subjects breathed through the unexcited forced oscillation generator. Impedances computed (4-32 Hz) from the simulated signals with the new estimator resulted in a mean value which was scarcely biased by the added breathing (errors less than 1 percent in the mean R, I , and E ) and had a small variability (coefficients of variation of R, I, and E of 1.3, 3.5, and 9.6 percent, respectively). Our results suggest that the proposed estimator reduces the error in measurement of respiratory impedance without appreciable extracomputational cost.
Thermal analysis, powder diffraction, and Raman scattering as a function of the temperature were carried out on K2BeF4. Moreover, the crystal structure was determined at 293 K from powder diffraction. The compound shows a transition from Pna21 to Pnam space group at 921 K with a transition enthalpy of 5 kJ/mol. The transition is assumed to be first order because the compound shows metastability. Structurally and spectroscopically the transition is similar to those observed in (NH4)2SO4, which suggests that the low-temperature phase is ferroelectric. In order to confirm it, the spontaneous polarization has been computed using an ionic model.
This paper presents a thermal modeling for power management of a new three-dimensional (3-D) thinned dies stacking process. Besides the high concentration of power dissipating sources, which is the direct consequence of the very interesting integration efficiency increase, this new ultra-compact packaging technology can suffer of the poor thermal conductivity (about 700 times smaller than silicon one) of the benzocyclobutene (BCB) used as both adhesive and planarization layers in each level of the stack. Thermal simulation was conducted using three-dimensional (3-D) FEM tool to analyze the specific behaviors in such stacked structure and to optimize the design rules. This study first describes the heat transfer limitation through the vertical path by examining particularly the case of the high dissipating sources under small area. First results of characterization in transient regime by means of dedicated test device mounted in single level structure are presented. For the design optimization, the thermal draining capabilities of a copper grid or full copper plate embedded in the intermediate layer of stacked structure are evaluated as a function of the technological parameters and the physical properties. It is shown an interest for the transverse heat extraction under the buffer devices dissipating most the power and generally localized in the peripheral zone, and for the temperature uniformization, by heat spreading mechanism, in the localized regions where the attachment of the thin die is altered. Finally, all conclusions of this analysis are used for the quantitative projections of the thermal performance of a first demonstrator based on a three-levels stacking structure for space application.
We predict the existence of an anomalous crossover between thermal and shot noise in macroscopic diffusive conductors. We first show that, besides thermal noise, these systems may also exhibit shot noise due to fluctuations of the total number of carriers in the system. Then we show that at increasing currents the crossover between the two noise behaviors is anomalous, in the sense that the low-frequency current spectral density displays a region with a superlinear dependence on the current up to a cubic law. The anomaly is due to the nontrivial coupling in the presence of the long-range Coulomb interaction among the three time scales relevant to the phenomenon, namely, diffusion, transit, and dielectric relaxation time.