415 resultados para teamwork


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Negotiation of complex collaboration and effective teamwork among health care providers is essential to patient safety and to quality of care. This study examined characteristics of nursing students and faculty influencing communication between them. Psychological type (Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) (Myers, McCaulley, Quenk, & Hammer, 1998) and explanatory style (Attributional Style Questionnaire) (ASQ) (Peterson et al., 1982) were compared for participating first year baccalaureate nursing students (N=286), and clinical nursing faculty (N=59) from both two- and four-year nursing programs. Modal student psychological type was ESFJ; modal faculty psychological type was ISTJ. The two groups demonstrated significant differences in processing information, and making decisions and judgments. Students were slightly more optimistic than faculty. Psychological type and level of optimism did not appear to correlate. Data from this pilot study provide an initial framework on which to base further research that could enhance the quality of teamwork among healthcare providers.


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The purpose of this study was to conduct a descriptive, exploratory analysis of the utilization of both traditional healing methods and western biomedical approaches to health care among members of the Vietnamese community in Houston, Texas. The first goal of the study was to identify the type(s) of health care that the Vietnamese use. The second goal was to highlight the numerous factors that may influence why certain health care choices are made. The third goal of this study was to examine the issue of preference to determine which practices would be used if limiting factors did not exist. ^ There were 81 participants, consisting of males and females who were 18 years or older. The core groups of participants were Vietnamese students from the University of Houston-Downtown and volunteer staff members from VN TeamWork. Asking the students and staff members to recommend others for the study used the snowball method of recruiting additional participants. ^ Surveys and informed consents were in English and Vietnamese. The participants were given the choice to take the surveys face-to-face or on their own. Surveys consisted of structured questions with predetermined choices, as well as, open-ended questions to allow more detailed information. The quantitative and qualitative data were coded and entered into a database, using SPSS software version 15.0. ^ Results indicated that participants used both traditional (38.3%) and biomedical (59.3%) healing, with 44.4% stating that it depended on the illness as to treatment. Coining was the most used traditional healing method, clearly still used by all ages. Coining was also the method most used when issues regarding fear and delayed western medical treatment were involved. It was determined that insurance status, more than household income, guided health care choices. A person's age, number of years spent in the United States, age at migration, and the use of certain traditional healing methods like coining all played a role in the importance of the health care practitioner speaking Vietnamese. The most important finding was that 64.2% of the participants preferred both traditional and western medicine because both methods work. ^


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The roles of the child welfare supervisor in guiding practice and in retaining child welfare workers are well established in the literature. In this article, we discuss a framework for child welfare supervision that was developed and implemented in the state of Iowa with support from the Children’s Bureau through a five-year grant to improve recruitment and retention in public child welfare. The framework supports family centered practice through a parallel process of supervision reflecting these guiding principles: strength-based, competency-based, culturally competent, reflective, individualized to workers’ learning styles and stages of development, and aimed at enhancing worker skill, autonomy, teamwork, and commitment to the organization. We present key elements of the framework, an overview of implementation, and evaluation results regarding knowledge gain, use of skills, and rates of worker retention.


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Ante un contexto signado por reformas educativas, demandas de pluralismo y atención a la diversidad, nos enfrentamos al cambio paradigmático de lo organizacional, lo que implica una revisión profunda del modo de gestión de las instituciones en los distintos niveles educativos. La escuela, inmersa en un contexto de cambios acelerados tanto científicos como tecnológicos, y continuamente demandada por una sociedad cada vez más heterogénea y pluralista, debe adaptarse a estos cambios y dar una respuesta efectiva. La escuela inclusiva es una alternativa válida tanto desde sus principios como en sus procedimientos, hacia la apertura a la diversidad de la población en edad escolar. En tal sentido, el desarrollo de una gestión educativa basada en la descentralización; la sustitución de la programación de detalle por la orientación estratégica; el “achatamiento" de la jerarquía; la desburocratización; el trabajo en equipo y la democratización en la toma de decisiones. Desde tal perspectiva, en este trabajo se plantean una serie de consideraciones a tener en cuenta en todo proyecto de inclusión escolar desde la gestión, que podrían contribuir al análisis de la capacidad de inclusión de la escuela actual, en sus diversas dimensiones: pedagógica, administrativa, organizativa y comunitaria, y para la puesta en práctica de un modelo Curricular, desde una gestión participativa.


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Este trabajo es parte de un seguimiento de la cultura y la actividad de la comunidad japonesa de Colonia Urquiza. Se han explorado temas relacionados con lo económico, cultural y social , y de estos últimos, haremos mención, de cómo el deporte tiene una importancia muy especial desde varios aspectos: como actividad física, sociabilidad, disciplina, solidaridad, trabajo en equipo, cooperación, etc. En la Argentina, el deporte más popular es el fútbol, practicado por todas las generaciones, en forma profesional o amateur, siendo común hacerlo como pasatiempo de una reunión o encuentro entre amigos. ;En Colonia Urquiza, los alumnos de la escuela japonesa, practican diversas actividades físicas como parte de la currícula y esparcimiento, lo que los lleva en algunos casos, a ver el deporte en forma profesional, como ocurre con el ping pong y el béisbol. El fútbol y el vóley, convocan a los adolescentes, mientras que el golf, park golf y pesca deportiva a los adultos. ;Focalizaremos nuestra atención en el béisbol (baseball), deporte que en esta comunidad, instalada en un mundo rural, a 20 km de la capital de la provincia de Bs. As., comenzó a tener impulso en la década del ´90, logrando conformar delegaciones nikkei de infantiles en Argentina, para medirse con sus pares en Japón. Cabe mencionar que en Argentina este deporte fue encausándose, logrando conformar la Liga Metropolitana de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, donde hay equipos formados solo por descendientes de japoneses y otros equipos mixtos, y se confrontan en torneos infantiles, prejunior, junior y adultos, con las ligas de las provincias a nivel nacional e internacional. Por lo tanto, pretendemos estudiar la relación de la comunidad con el ambiente y el deporte, los que consideramos vitales en el imaginario de la sociedad nipona


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Este trabajo es parte de un seguimiento de la cultura y la actividad de la comunidad japonesa de Colonia Urquiza. Se han explorado temas relacionados con lo económico, cultural y social , y de estos últimos, haremos mención, de cómo el deporte tiene una importancia muy especial desde varios aspectos: como actividad física, sociabilidad, disciplina, solidaridad, trabajo en equipo, cooperación, etc. En la Argentina, el deporte más popular es el fútbol, practicado por todas las generaciones, en forma profesional o amateur, siendo común hacerlo como pasatiempo de una reunión o encuentro entre amigos. ;En Colonia Urquiza, los alumnos de la escuela japonesa, practican diversas actividades físicas como parte de la currícula y esparcimiento, lo que los lleva en algunos casos, a ver el deporte en forma profesional, como ocurre con el ping pong y el béisbol. El fútbol y el vóley, convocan a los adolescentes, mientras que el golf, park golf y pesca deportiva a los adultos. ;Focalizaremos nuestra atención en el béisbol (baseball), deporte que en esta comunidad, instalada en un mundo rural, a 20 km de la capital de la provincia de Bs. As., comenzó a tener impulso en la década del ´90, logrando conformar delegaciones nikkei de infantiles en Argentina, para medirse con sus pares en Japón. Cabe mencionar que en Argentina este deporte fue encausándose, logrando conformar la Liga Metropolitana de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, donde hay equipos formados solo por descendientes de japoneses y otros equipos mixtos, y se confrontan en torneos infantiles, prejunior, junior y adultos, con las ligas de las provincias a nivel nacional e internacional. Por lo tanto, pretendemos estudiar la relación de la comunidad con el ambiente y el deporte, los que consideramos vitales en el imaginario de la sociedad nipona


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Este trabajo es parte de un seguimiento de la cultura y la actividad de la comunidad japonesa de Colonia Urquiza. Se han explorado temas relacionados con lo económico, cultural y social , y de estos últimos, haremos mención, de cómo el deporte tiene una importancia muy especial desde varios aspectos: como actividad física, sociabilidad, disciplina, solidaridad, trabajo en equipo, cooperación, etc. En la Argentina, el deporte más popular es el fútbol, practicado por todas las generaciones, en forma profesional o amateur, siendo común hacerlo como pasatiempo de una reunión o encuentro entre amigos. ;En Colonia Urquiza, los alumnos de la escuela japonesa, practican diversas actividades físicas como parte de la currícula y esparcimiento, lo que los lleva en algunos casos, a ver el deporte en forma profesional, como ocurre con el ping pong y el béisbol. El fútbol y el vóley, convocan a los adolescentes, mientras que el golf, park golf y pesca deportiva a los adultos. ;Focalizaremos nuestra atención en el béisbol (baseball), deporte que en esta comunidad, instalada en un mundo rural, a 20 km de la capital de la provincia de Bs. As., comenzó a tener impulso en la década del ´90, logrando conformar delegaciones nikkei de infantiles en Argentina, para medirse con sus pares en Japón. Cabe mencionar que en Argentina este deporte fue encausándose, logrando conformar la Liga Metropolitana de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, donde hay equipos formados solo por descendientes de japoneses y otros equipos mixtos, y se confrontan en torneos infantiles, prejunior, junior y adultos, con las ligas de las provincias a nivel nacional e internacional. Por lo tanto, pretendemos estudiar la relación de la comunidad con el ambiente y el deporte, los que consideramos vitales en el imaginario de la sociedad nipona


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This paper reports a learning experience related to the acquisition of project management competences. Students from three different universities and backgrounds, cooperate in a common project that drives the learning-teaching process. Previous related works on this initiative have already evaluated the goodness of this multidisciplinary, project-based learning approach in the context of a new educative paradigm. Yet the innovative experience has allowed the authors to define a rubric in order to measure specific competences in project management. The study shows the rubric’s main aspects as well as competence acquisition evaluation alternatives, based in the metrics defined. Key indicators and specific reports obtained from data base fields in the web tool will support this work. As a result, new competences can be assessed, such ones like teamwork, problem solving, communication and leadership. Final goal is to provide an overall competence map to the students at the same time they improve their skills.


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Teamwork” is one of the abilities most valued by employers. In [16] we describe the process of adapting to the ECTS methodologies (for ongoing assessment), a course in computer programming for students in a technical degree (Marine Engineering, UPM) not specifically dedicated to computing. As a further step in this process we have emphasized cooperative learning. For this, the students were paired and the work of each pair was evaluated via surprise tests taken and graded jointly, and constituting a substantial part of the final grade. Here we document this experience, discussing methodological aspects, describing indicators for measuring the impact of these methodologies on the educational experience, and reporting on the students’ opinion of it.


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Nowadays, PBL is considered a suitable methodology for engineering education. But making the most of this methodology requires some features, such as multidisciplinary, illstructured teamwork and autonomous research that sometimes are not easy to achieve. In fact, traditional university systems, including curricula, teaching methodologies, assessment and regulation, do not help the implementation of these features. Firstly, we look through the main differences found between a traditional system and the Aalborg model, considered a reference point in PBL. Then, this work is aimed at detecting the main obstacles that a standing traditional system presents to PBL implementation. A multifaceted PBL experience, covering three different disciplines, brings us to analyse these difficulties, order them according to its importance and decide which should be the first changes. Finally, we propose a straightforward introduction of generic competences in the curricula aimed at supporting the use of Problem-Based Project-Organized Learning


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Customer evolution and changes in consumers, determine the fact that the quality of the interface between marketing and sales may represent a true competitive advantage for the firm. Building on multidimensional theoretical and empirical models developed in Europe and on social network analysis, the organizational interface between the marketing and sales departments of a multinational high-growth company with operations in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay is studied. Both, attitudinal and social network measures of information exchange are used to make operational the nature and quality of the interface and its impact on performance. Results show the existence of a positive relationship of formalization, joint planning, teamwork, trust and information transfer on interface quality, as well as a positive relationship between interface quality and business performance. We conclude that efficient design and organizational management of the exchange network are essential for the successful performance of consumer goods companies that seek to develop distinctive capabilities to adapt to markets that experience vertiginous changes


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Systems integration is the origin of most major difficulties found in the engineering design of aeronautical vehicles. The whole design team must assure that each subsystem accomplishes its particular goals and that, together with the rest of the systems, they all meet the general aircraft requirements.Design and building of UAS is a field of actuation to which leading Universities, research Centers and Aeronautical designers have dedicated a lot of effort. In recent years, a team of students, lecturers and professors at the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Aeronáutica (EUITA) have been working on the design and building of a UAS for civil observation. The design of multi-mission Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has seen a rapid progress in the last years. A wide variety of designs and applications, some of them really ingenious, have been proposed. The project, which has been going on as a teamwork experience for the last ten years, consists of the design and building of a UAV, and its peculiarity is that it has been carried out entirely by undergraduate students, as part of their Final Research Project. The students face a challenge that includes all the features and stages of an authentic engineering project. We present the current moment of evolution in the process, together with a description of the main difficulties the project has undergone, as a global experience in engineering design and development.


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La investigación tiene como objetivo establecer los valores organizacionales que afectan la productividad. El trabajo empírico se desarrolló en una muestra intencional de 142 PYMES del sector metalmecánico de Venezuela. Se consultó a un panel de expertos a fin de determinar la importancia relativa de estos valores en la productividad. Fueron sometidos a evaluación 22 valores. Los valores que resultaron más importantes son: Recurso Humano, Calidad, Trabajo en equipo, Responsabilidad y Seguridad. Se recomienda a la PYME metalmecánica Venezolana, orientar esfuerzos hacia la promoción y puesta en práctica de este Sistema de Valores, pues tan sólo Recurso Humano y Calidad son los valores que tienen una mayor presencia en sus filosofías de gestión. The research aims to establish the organizational values that affect productivity. The empirical work was conducted in a purposive sample of 142 SMEs in the engineering sector in Venezuela. We consulted a panel of experts to determine the relative importance of these values on productivity. Were evaluated at 22 values. The values that were most important are: Human Resources, Quality, Teamwork, Responsibility and Safety. SMEs are encouraged to Venezuelan metalworking, focusing efforts towards the promotion and implementation of this system of values, as only Human Resources and Quality are the values that are more active in their management philosophies.


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Airbus designs and industrializes aircrafts using Concurrent Engineering techniques since decades. The introduction of new PLM methods, procedures and tools, and the need to reduce time-to-market, led Airbus Military to pursue new working methods. Traditional Engineering works sequentially. Concurrent Engineering basically overlaps tasks between teams. Collaborative Engineering promotes teamwork to develop product, processes and resources from the conceptual phase to the start of the serial production. The CALIPSO-neo pilot project was launched to support the industrialization process of a medium size aerostructure. The aim is to implement the industrial Digital Mock-Up (iDMU) concept and its exploitation to create shop floor documentation. In a framework of a collaborative engineering strategy, the project is part of the efforts to deploy Digital Manufacturing as a key technology for the industrialization of aircraft assembly lines. This paper presents the context, the conceptual approach and the methodology adopted.


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The Bologna Declaration and the implementation of the European Higher Education Area are promoting the use of active learning methodologies. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects obtained after applying active learning methodologies to the achievement of generic competences as well as to the academic performance. This study has been carried out at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, where these methodologies have been applied to the Operating Systems I subject of the degree in Technical Engineering in Computer Systems. The fundamental hypothesis tested was whether the implementation of active learning methodologies (cooperative learning and problem based learning) favours the achievement of certain generic competences (‘teamwork’ and ‘planning and time management’) and also whether this fact improved the academic performance of our students. The original approach of this work consists in using psychometric tests to measure the degree of acquired student’s generic competences instead of using opinion surveys, as usual. Results indicated that active learning methodologies improve the academic performance when compared to the traditional lecture/discussion method, according to the success rate obtained. These methods seem to have as well an effect on the teamwork competence (the perception of the behaviour of the other members in the group) but not on the perception of each students’ behaviour. Active learning does not produce any significant change in the generic competence ‘planning and time management'.