930 resultados para storage losses
Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris) is an important crop of temperate climates which provides nearly 30% of the world's annual sugar production and is a source for bioethanol and animal feed. The species belongs to the order of Caryophylalles, is diploid with 2n = 18 chromosomes, has an estimated genome size of 714-758 megabases and shares an ancient genome triplication with other eudicot plants. Leafy beets have been cultivated since Roman times, but sugar beet is one of the most recently domesticated crops. It arose in the late eighteenth century when lines accumulating sugar in the storage root were selected from crosses made with chard and fodder beet. Here we present a reference genome sequence for sugar beet as the first non-rosid, non-asterid eudicot genome, advancing comparative genomics and phylogenetic reconstructions. The genome sequence comprises 567 megabases, of which 85% could be assigned to chromosomes. The assembly covers a large proportion of the repetitive sequence content that was estimated to be 63%. We predicted 27,421 protein-coding genes supported by transcript data and annotated them on the basis of sequence homology. Phylogenetic analyses provided evidence for the separation of Caryophyllales before the split of asterids and rosids, and revealed lineage-specific gene family expansions and losses. We sequenced spinach (Spinacia oleracea), another Caryophyllales species, and validated features that separate this clade from rosids and asterids. Intraspecific genomic variation was analysed based on the genome sequences of sea beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima; progenitor of all beet crops) and four additional sugar beet accessions. We identified seven million variant positions in the reference genome, and also large regions of low variability, indicating artificial selection. The sugar beet genome sequence enables the identification of genes affecting agronomically relevant traits, supports molecular breeding and maximizes the plant's potential in energy biotechnology.
Työssä kehitettin läpinäkyvä Internet Small Computer Systems Interface-verkkolevyä (iSCSI) käyttävä varmistusjärjestelmä. Verkkolevyn sisältö suojattiin asiakaspään salauskerroksella (dm-crypt). Järjestely mahdollisti sen, että verkkolevylle tallennetut varmuuskopiot pysyivät luottamuksellisina, vaikka levypalvelinta tarjoava taho oli joko epäluotettava tai suorastaan vihamielinen. Järjestelmän hyötykäyttöä varten kehitettiin helppokäyttöinen prototyyppisovellus. Järjestelmän riskit ja haavoittuvuudet käytiin läpi ja analysoitiin. Järjestelmälle tehtiin myös karkea kryptoanalyysi sen teknistenominaisuuksien pohjalta. Suorituskykymittaukset tehtiin sekä salatulle että salaamattomalle iSCSI-liikenteelle. Näistä todettiin, että salauksen vaikutus suorituskykyyn oli häviävän pieni jopa 100 megabittiä sekunnissa siirtävillä verkkonopeuksilla. Lisäksi pohdittiin teknologian muita sovelluskohteita ja tulevia tutkimusalueita.
L'objectiu del projecte és el disseny d'una unitat d'emmagatzematge d'energia térmica que optimitzi i millori l'eficiència del sistema de climatització. Aquesta unitat contindrà materials de canvi de fase (PCM) per emmagatzemar l'energia i estarà acoblada a un sistema de climatització format per una bomba de calor i una unitat de tractament de l'aire.
Thermal energy storage (TES) can increase the thermal energy effieresa, of a process by reusing the waste heat from industrial process, solar energy or other sources. There are different ways to store thermal energy: by sensible heat, by latest heat, by sorption process or by chemical reaction. This thesrs provides a-state-of-the-art review of the experimental performance of TES systems based on solid gas sorption process and chemical reactions. The importance of theses processes is that provides a heat loss free storage system with a high energy density.
Els materials de canvi de fase (PCM) han estat considerats per a l’emmagatzematge tèrmic en edificis des de 1980. Amb la inclusió dels PCM en plaques de guix, guix, formigó o altres materials que s’utilitzen per a cobrir les parets, l’emmagatzematge tèrmic pot ser part de les estructures fins i tot en edificis lleugers. Les noves tècniques de microencapsulació han obert moltes possibilitats en aplicacions per a edificis. El treball que es presenta és el desenvolupament d’un formigó innovador mesclat amb PCM microencapsulat, amb un punt de fusió de 26 oC i una entalpia de canvi de fase de 110 kJ/kg. El primer experiment va ser la inclusió del PCM microencapsulat dins del formigó i la construcció d’una caseta amb aquest nou formigó-PCM. Es va construir una segona caseta al costat de la primera amb les mateixes característiques i orientació però amb formigó convencional que serveix com a referència. Durant els anys 2005 i 2006 es va analitzar el comportament d’ambdues casetes i més tard es va edificar un mur Trombe a la paret sud de totes dues per investigar la seva influència durant la tardor i l’hivern.
The Tahiti acid lime in Brazil is mostly grown in the São Paulo State. The value of this crop production ranks among the ten most important fruits in the country. The Brazilian exports of Tahiti limes have increased in the last years with a corresponding increased demand for superior quality of fresh fruits, which is affected by mineral nutrients. Therefore, this study evaluated nutrient soil availability and its influence on nutritional status of trees based on the determination of leaf and fruit nutrient concentrations, fruit characteristics, and post harvest quality. Eleven commercial groves with trees older than 4-yr and differently managed were studied. Plots with six trees in each grove were sampled for soil (0-20 cm depth layer), leaf and fruit analyses with three replicates. Correlation coefficients were pair wised established for all variables. The results showed that N leaf concentration was well correlated with green color of fruit peel as measured by a color index (r = -0.71**), and which was optimum with Leaf-N around 22 g kg-1. Leaf-Ca was inversely correlated with fruit water loss after 14-day interval from harvest (r = -0.54*) demonstrating that Ca plays an important role in Tahiti fruit shelf-life. Data also suggested that increased fruit K concentration correlated with increased fruit water losses during storage (r >0.58*).
Orange fruits from two seasons, in April and August 2006 representing late 2005 and early 2006 harvests respectively were cured in hot air at 36-37(0)C to 1%, 3%, 5% and 7% weight loss before storage at 28(0)C and 86% relative humidity (RH). The fruits were observed for incidence of decay, further weight loss, juice content, firmness or softening of the peel, total soluble solids (TSS), pH, titratable acidity, and colour during storage. Curing reduced the incidence of decay. All control fruits were rotten by day 21 in August harvest while 22.5% of the control was rotten by day 56 in the April harvest. Storage life was extended beyond 56 days in fruits cured with 1, 3, 5 and 7% in April harvest as there was no decay throughout, while decay incidence in August harvest was 88.9, 61.1, 22.2 and 31.3% in 1, 3, 5 and 7% respectively. Penicillium digitatum, Phytophthora sp., Alternaria citri and Collectotrichum gloeosporioides were among decay causing moulds detected. Control fruits lost more weight during storage than cured fruits did. Fruit rind hardening was more noticed in the control and those cured to 1% weight loss, especially from the April harvest. It was insignificant in other treatments in both trials. Titratable acidity, pH, juice content and TSS were not affected by the treatment. Colour change to yellow was however retarded by curing. Curing to 5% weight loss was best for decay control and quality retention.
'Douradão' peach is a perishable product and when cold stored is subject to chilling injury. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and cold storage on quality and storage life of these peaches. Fruits were packed in polypropylene (PP) trays and placed inside low density polyethylene (LDPE) bags (30, 50, 60, 75 μm thickness) with active modified atmosphere (10 kPa CO2 + 1.5kPa O2, balance N2). The control was made with peaches held in nonwrapped PP trays. Fruits were kept at 1 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% relative humidity (RH) for 28 days and CO2 and O2 within packages was monitored every two days. After 14, 21 and 28 days, samples were withdrawn from MAP and kept in air at 25 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% RH for ripening. On the day of removal from the cold storage and after 4 days, peaches were evaluated for weight loss, decay incidence, flesh firmness, woolliness incidence, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and juice content. The results showed that MAP had influence on reducing weight loss and prevented postharvest decay. MAP of 1-2 kPa O2 and 3-6 kPa CO2 at 1 °C (from 50 and 60 μm LDPE films) were effective for keeping good quality of 'Douradão' peaches during 28 days of storage, the ripe fruits showed reduced incidence of woolliness, adequate juiciness and flesh firmness. Packages of 30 and 75 μm LDPE films were ineffective for reducing woolliness during cold storage. MAP fruits showed lower SSC and no relevant effect on TA. Control fruits did not present marketable conditions after 14 days of cold storage.
Electrically driven Er3+ doped Si slot waveguides emitting at 1530 nm are demonstrated. Two different Er3+ doped active layers were fabricated in the slot region: a pure SiO2 and a Si-rich oxide. Pulsed polarization driving of the waveguides was used to characterize the time response of the electroluminescence (EL) and of the signal probe transmission in 1 mm long waveguides. Injected carrier absorption losses modulate the EL signal and, since the carrier lifetime is much smaller than that of Er3+ ions, a sharp EL peak was observed when the polarization was switched off. A time-resolved electrical pump & probe measurement in combination with lock-in amplifier techniques allowed to quantify the injected carrier absorption losses. We found an extinction ratio of 6 dB, passive propagation losses of about 4 dB/mm, and a spectral bandwidth > 25 nm at an effective d.c. power consumption of 120 μW. All these performances suggest the usage of these devices as electro-optical modulators.
Tehokkaimpia keinoja vähentää rakennusten lämmitysenergian kulutusta ja lämmityksen aiheuttavia hiilidioksidi- ja happamoitavia päästöjä on tiukentaa rakentamismääräysten lämmöneristysvaatimuksia. Hyvin lämmöneristetyissä, tiiveissä ja ilmanvaihdoltaan optimoiduissa taloissa on pienet lämpöhäviöt. Näin ympäristöä kuormittava vaikutus saadaan paljon vähemmäksi kuin nykynormien mukaisissa asuinrakennuksissa. Johtumislämpöhäviö pienenee suoraan eristekerroksia paksuntamalla ja siihen on helpointa vaikuttaa. Mitä suurempiin eristepaksuuksiin mennään sen suuremmaksi tulee konvektion osuus kokonaislämpöhäviöstä. Tulevaisuudessa parempia ratkaisuja haetaan erityisesti konvektiosta ja säteilystä aiheutuvien lämpöhäviöiden pienentämiseksi. Eristeen osastointi ilmanpitävillä, vesihöyryä diffuusisesti läpäisevillä pystysuuntaisilla konvektiokatkoilla vähentää tehokkaasti paksun seinäeristeen kuljettumis-ilmavirtauksia. Katkoina käytetään erilaisia kalvoja ja rakennuspapereita, joilla on pieni emissiviteetti. Katkojen merkitys kasvaa, kun mennään uusien normien mukaisiin eristepaksuuksiin. Lämmöneriste voidaan toteuttaa myös kokoamalla ohuita kalvoja paketiksi, jotka jakavat ilmatilan ja siis eristeelle varatun paksuuden suljettuihin ilmaväleihin. Kun kalvoiksi valitaan pieniemissiviteettisiä pintoja, saadaan säteilylämmönsiirto lähes eliminoiduksi. Tällaisen ilmatilan lämmönjohtumisluku lähestyy paikallaan pysyvän ilman lämmönjohtumislukua, l = 0,025 W/Km, eli tällä rakennesysteemillä on mahdollista toteuttaa ohuempia rakenteita kuin perinteisillä eristeillä. Hygroskooppisen massan käyttö sisäilman kosteutta tasaavana rakenteena voi olla tulevaisuutta. Kehitystyö tuottaa uusia, kosteusteknisesti toimivia sovelluksia. Toisaalta palomääräykset tulevat kehitystyötä vastaan. Hygroskooppinen pintamateriaali on kevyt (pieni tiheys) ja paloteknisesti arka. Suoraa sähkölämmitystä ei voida pitää ympäristöystävällisenä. Sen jalostusketju on pitkä ja monivaiheinen. Millä peruspolttoaineella sähköä tuotetaan, vaikuttaa asiaan luonnollisestikin. Suoraa sähkölämmitystä voidaan suositella vain yksinäisen ihmisen taloudessa lämmitysmuotona taloudellisista syistä. Halvan polttoaineen säästöllä ei voida maksaa suuria laiteinvestointeja. Aurinkoenergian hyvä hyödyntäminen edellyttää hyvää säätöä, joka kytkee lämmityksen pois päältä silloin, kun aurinko lämmittää. Auringon hetkelliset säteilytehot ovat suuria verrattuna rakenteen lämpöhäviöihin ja huonetilojen lämmöntarpeeseen. Ratkaisu aurinkoenergian hetkellisyyteen ja paikallisuuteen on energian siirtäminen lämmöntarpeen mukaan rakennuksen eri osiin ja sen varastoiminen päivätasolla. Kun varastoivasta massasta ei ole suoraa yhteyttä ulos, voidaan kerääjäeristeeltä saatu lämpö käyttää häviöttömästi huonetilojen lämmittämiseen. Vaikka lämmitysenergian käytössä päästään 30 % vähennyksiin uudisrakennusten osalta, ei kokonaisenergian käyttö merkittävästi pienene, jos taloussähkön kulutus pysyy vakiona. Sama pätee myös CO2 -päästöihin. Saavutettava etu lämmitys-energian kulutuksessa voidaan hukata yhä suurenevaksi taloussähkön käytöksi, mikä olisi erityisen huono asia ympäristön kannalta.
Economic impacts from floods have been increasing over recent decades, a fact often attributed to a changing climate. On the other hand, there is now a significant body of scientific scholarship all pointing towards increasing concentrations and values of assets as the principle cause of the increasing cost of natural disasters. This holds true for a variety of perils and across different jurisdictions. With this in mind, this paper examines the time history of insured losses from floods in Spain between 1971 and 2008. It as- sesses whether any discernible residual signal remains after adjusting the data for the increase in the number and value of insured assets over this period of time. Data on insured losses from floods were sourced from Consorcio de Com- pensacíon de Seguros (CCS). Although a public institution, CCS compensates homeowners for the damage produced by floods, and thus plays a role similar to that of a private insurance company. Insured losses were adjusted using two proxy measures: first, changes in the total amount of annual surcharges (premiums) paid by customers to CCS, and secondly, changes in the total value of dwellings per year. The adjusted data reveals no significant trend over the period 1971-2008 and serves again to confirm that at this juncture, societal in- fluences remain the prime factors driving insured and economic losses from natural disasters.
The objective of the present study was to characterize the chemistry and the antioxidant capacity in 8 species of native fruits from Amazonia. All the fruits were collected at full physiological and commercial maturity from properties located at: Boa Vista / RR, São Luiz do Anauá / RR, Manaus / AM, and Belém / PA. At the end of the experiment, the functional pattern for the camu-camu fruits showed that the total phenolic and ascorbic acid content and antioxidant assays were superior compared to the other samples. Despite the functional losses detected for the freeze-dried samples of the camu-camu fruit, all the other freeze-dried samples kept under -20ºC showed appropriate stability for long-term storage. In addition, it was also observed that fruit peel showed higher antioxidant activity than pulp or samples containing peel and pulp tissues in the same extract. When the ratio between the ORAC and total phenolic assays were observed, the uxi fruit demonstrated the highest antioxidant power compared to the other fruits studied, despite its relatively low levels of phenolic compound content and ORAC values. This means that there is a relevant contribution of these phenolic compounds to the antioxidant activity of uxi fruit.
Recent theory predicts harsh and stochastic conditions to generally promote the evolution of cooperation. Here, we test experimentally whether stochasticity in economic losses also affects the value of reputation in indirect reciprocity, a type of cooperation that is very typical for humans. We used a repeated helping game with observers. One subject (the "Unlucky") lost some money, another one (the "Passer-by") could reduce this loss by accepting a cost to herself, thereby building up a reputation that could be used by others in later interactions. The losses were either stable or stochastic, but the average loss over time and the average efficiency gains of helping were kept constant in both treatments. We found that players with a reputation of being generous were generally more likely to receive help by others, such that investing into a good reputation generated long-term benefits that compensated for the immediate costs of helping. Helping frequencies were similar in both treatments, but players with a reputation to be selfish lost more resources under stochastic conditions. Hence, returns on investment were steeper when losses varied than when they did not. We conclude that this type of stochasticity increases the value of reputation in indirect reciprocity.