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Fluconazole, alpha-(2.4-diflurofenil)-alpha-(1H-triazol-1-methyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ethanol, is an antifungal of the triazoles class. It shows activity against species of Candida sp. and it is indicated in cases of oropharyngeal candidiasis, esophageal, vaginal, and deep infection. Fluconazole is a selective inhibitor of ergosterol, a steroid exclusive of the cell membrane of fungal cells. Fluconazole is highly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and spreads easily by body fluids. The main adverse reactions related to the use of fluconazole are nausea, vomiting, headache, rash, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and alopecia in patients undergoing prolonged treatment with a dose of 400 mg/day. In the form of raw material, pharmaceutical formulations, or biological material, fluconazole can be determined by methods such as titration, spectrophotometry, and thin-layer, gas, and liquid chromatography. This article discusses the pharmacological and physicochemical properties of fluconazole and also the methods of analysis applied to the determination of the drug.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In socio-environmental scenario increased the nature resources concern beyond products and subproducts reuse. Recycling is the approach for a material or energy reintroducing in productive system. This method allows the reduction of garbage volume dumped in environment, saving energy and decreasing the requirement of natural resources use. In general, the ending of expanded polystyrene is deposited sanitary landfills or garbage dumps without control that take large volume and spreads easily by aeolian action, with consequently environmental pollution, however, the recycling avoids their misuse and the obtainment from petroleum is reduced. This work recycled expanded polystyrene via merger and/or dissolution by solvents for the production of integrated circuits boards. The obtained material was characterized in flexural mode according to ASTM D 790 and results were compared with phenolite, traditionally used. Specimens fractures were observed by electronic microscopy scanning in order to establish patterns. Expanded Polyestirene recycled as well as phenolite were also thermo analyzed by TGA and DSC. The method using dissolution produced very brittle materials. The method using merger showed no voids formation nor increased the brittleness of the material. The recycled polystyrene presented a strength value significantly lower than that for the phenolite. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of ICM11


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In implant therapy, a peri-implant bone resorption has been noticed mainly in the first year after prosthesis insertion. This bone remodeling can sometimes jeopardize the outcome of the treatment, especially in areas in which short implants are used and also in aesthetic cases. To avoid this occurrence, the use of platform switching (PS) has been used. This study aimed to evaluate the biomechanical concept of PS with relation to stress distribution using two-dimensional finite element analysis. A regular matching diameter connection of abutment-implant (regular platform group [RPG]) and a PS connection (PS group [PSG]) were simulated by 2 two-dimensional finite element models that reproduced a 2-piece implant system with peri-implant bone tissue. A regular implant (prosthetic platform of 4.1 mm) and a wide implant (prosthetic platform of 5.0 mm) were used to represent the RPG and PSG, respectively, in which a regular prosthetic component of 4.1 mm was connected to represent the crown. A load of 100 N was applied on the models using ANSYS software. The RPG spreads the stress over a wider area in the peri-implant bone tissue (159 MPa) and the implant (1610 MPa), whereas the PSG seems to diminish the stress distribution on bone tissue (34 MPa) and implant (649 MPa). Within the limitation of the study, the PS presented better biomechanical behavior in relation to stress distribution on the implant but especially in the bone tissue (80% less). However, in the crown and retention screw, an increase in stress concentration was observed.


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Cross-species fluorescence in-situ hybridization (Zoo-FISH) was performed on cattle metaphase spreads using Homo sapiens X chromosome (HSAX) painting probes specific for the p- and q-arms to identify the cytogenetic location of a chromosome breakpoint between HSAX and the Bos taurus X chromosome (BTAX). The existence of a breakpoint is strongly suggested by recent radiation hybrid and FISH mapping results. Hybridization probes were generated by microdissection of HSAX p- and q-arms using the contact-free technology of Laser Microdissection and Pressure Catapulting (LMPC), amplification of the isolated chromosome material by DOP-PCR, and labelling of the PCR products with digoxigenin in a secondary PCR. Independent Zoo-FISH of the two painting probes on bovine metaphase chromosomes (detected by antidigoxigenin-fluorescein) resulted in clear hybridization signals on BTAX. A breakpoint was identified between HSAXp and HSAXq on BTAX, and narrowed down between the G-bands BTAXq25 and BTAXq26. The assumed centromere transposition between HSAX and BTAX associated with the rearranged chromosome segments is supported by cytogenetic assignments of the genes BGN and G6PD to BTAX.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Pantanal wetland is located in a tectonically active interior sedimentary basin in west-central Brazil. The south-flowing Paraguay River is the trunk-river of an alluvial constructional landform comprising several large alluvial fans, the largest one of which is the Taquari megafan. The Taquari River flows in two distinct geomorphologic zones within the megafan. Entrenched on sediments of Pleistocene fan lobes, the Taquari River flows in a 3 to 5 km wide meander belt in the upper fan, where avulsion is hindered by entrenchment. Downstream of the intersection point, stream discharge progressively decreases and the Taquari River becomes narrow and shallow toward the Paraguay River plain. Within the distributary fan lobe, the channel-levee sandy complex is topographically higher than the adjacent floodplains and avulsion is a natural consequence of crevasses in the natural levees. Many channel avulsions have occurred during the last decades and documented cases show that significant channel changes may take place in a few years. Beginning with crevassing in 1988 and ending with the abandonment of the former channel in 1998, the river completely changed course in the lower fan. Presently, a major avulsion is occurring in the upper portion of the growing fan lobe, where many crevasses have appeared in the natural levees with associated splays onto the floodbasin. New anastomosed channels have formed north of the Taquari River, but downstream of them the flow is unconfined and the water spreads into natural floodbasins. This avulsion is still in process and allows observation of channel evolution, the geomorphic features produced, the sedimentary processes involved, and resulting effects. If the new channels do not rejoin the main channel, the river mouth may abandon its present master channel and shift to a position a hundred kilometers north from its present position. A large volume of sediment has been transferred to the floodbasin, with progradation of crevasse splay deposits over fine overbank sediments. Many geomorphic features, recognizable in satellite and radar images, clearly show that avulsion has occurred many limes before in the Taquari River. Avulsion belt deposits and former diverted channels testify to ancient avulsion events within the fan lobe and show that progradation of splays onto the floodbasin is the most important infilling process within the Taquari distributary fan lobe. The avulsion process in the lower Taquari River has accelerated in the last 30 years, along with the magnitude of flooding. Pasture and intensive agriculture in the catchment area has increased the sediment supply to the wetland, but larger floods are also a consequence of higher rainfall since 1973. Avulsion and floods have been a cause of great concern among the local population and landowners. Before human intervention in attempting to control floods, however, a better understanding of the avulsive river system is needed, especially because a major navigation project including the channelization of the Paraguay River was recently proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Foram estudadas 18 progênies na geração F5 do híbrido H 419, provenientes do cruzamento entre o Híbrido de Timor (UFV 445-46) e o Catuaí Amarelo IAC 30 (UFV 2143), 5 progênies na geração F5 do híbrido H 516, proveniente do cruzamento entre o Híbrido de Timor (UFV 446-08) e o Catuaí Amarelo IAC 86 (UFV 2154) e como controle o Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44 ( UFV 2144 ) com e sem controle da ferrugem. em relação a produção de café cereja por planta e ao ataque da ferrugem as progênies H419-3-1-1-14 e a H516-2-1-1-18, foram as que apresentaram maiores produtividades e resistência a ferrugem ( nota 1 ), seguidas da H419-6-3-6-12, porém com resistência parcial à ferrugem. Essas progênies também foram as que apresentaram maior comprimento do ramo plagiotrópico, que influenciou em 37,73% (R²) na produção de café cereja por planta. O comprimento do ramo plagiotrópico, diâmetro do tronco e altura das plantas foram os atributos que mais correlacionaram r= 0.5977, r= 0.3316 e r= 0.2848, respectivamente p< 0.01, com as produtividades dessas progênies, concordando com resultados obtidos por Dhaliwal (1968). em relação a resistência ao fungo Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br.,as progênies apresentaram herdabilidade no sentido amplo elevada (h a² = 0,80 entre e h a² = 0,96 entre e dentro das progênies), mostrando variabilidade genética alta para seleção de material resistentes à ferrugem do cafeeiro.


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The karyotypes of 328 specimens of Zonotrichia capensis from four regions, three in the state of Parana and one in the state of São Paulo (Brazil), were studied. This species presents a chromosomal polymorphism due to pericentric inversion, involving the 3rd and 5th chromosome pairs. Chromosome 3 exists in the 3st and 3sm conditions and chromosome 5, in 5st and 5m conditions. Mitotic metaphase spreads were obtained from bone-marrow material of colchicine-treated animals.At all collection sites the frequency of chromosome 5m was considerably lower than that of the inverted chromosome 3sm.The present work tried to establish a correlation between the frequencies of the 3rd and 5th chromosome pairs with the climatical and geographical parameters at the collecting regions.Data show that the frequency of chromosome 5m is higher in regions with low temperature and high altitude.


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Fluconazole, -(2.4-diflurofenil)--(1H-triazol-1-methyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ethanol, is an antifungal of triazoles class. It shows activity against species of Candida sp., and it is indicated in cases of oropharyngeal candidiasis, esophageal, vaginal, and deep infection. Fluconazole is a selective inhibitor of ergosterol, a steroid exclusive of the cell membrane of fungal cells. Fluconazole is highly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, and it spreads easily by body fluids. The main adverse reactions related to the use of fluconazole are nausea, vomiting, headache, rash, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and alopecia in patients undergoing prolonged treatment with a dose of 400 mg/day. In the form of raw material, pharmaceutical formulations, or biological material, fluconazole can be determined by methods such as titration, spectrophotometry, and thin-layer, gas, and liquid chromatography. This article discusses the pharmacological and physical-chemical properties of fluconazole and also the methods of analysis applied to the determination of the drug.


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A study of the feeding habits of the neotropical river otter, Lontra longicaudis, based on focal analysis was carried out from July 1986 to July 1987. The study was conducted at a dam in the 'Duas Bocas' Biological Reserve near the town of Cariacica, Espirito Santo State, Brazil. This reserve spreads over an area of 2 910 ha, the surface being mainly covered by the Atlantic Rain Forest. In order to identify the fish and other animal remains found in otter fecal samples, these were compared to the homologous structures of identical species living in the dam. The results of 288 samples were expressed in numbers and frequency of occurrence. Fishes were the most important food item, being present in 281 samples (97.2 %). A species of the genus Geophagus was frequently found in spraints, eaten during all months studied and present in 88.9 % of the samples. Astyanax, Pimelodella, Hoplias, Leporinus, Rhamdia, Tilapia and two other unidentified genera were found less frequently. In decreasing order of occurrence, crustaceans, amphibia, mammals, insects and birds were also encountered. Seasonal variation was verified in the scats between the dry and rainy seasons, with a higher frequency of food items occurring in the latter. In agreement with other species of otters, fishes also are the most commonly ingested prey. Two characteristics of fishes, greater abundance and easier capture, make them the major prey of otters, implying that otters are opportunistic predators eating whatever is more available.


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In this study, we report the cloning and nucleotide sequence of PCR-generated 5S rDNA from the Tilapiine cichlid fish, Oreochromis niloticus. Two types of 5S rDNA were detected that differed by insertions and/or deletions and base substitutions within the non-transcribed spacer (NTS). Two 5S rDNA loci were observed by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in metaphase spreads of tilapia chromosomes. FISH using an 18S rDNA probe and silver nitrate sequential staining of 5S-FISH slides showed three 18S rDNA loci that are not syntenic to the 5S rDNA loci.


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This paper describes the karyotype of Odontesthes regia by means of Giemsa staining, C-banding, to reveal the distribution of the constitutive heterochromatin, and by Ag-staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), to locate ribosomal genes (rDNA). The chromosome diploid modal count in the species was 2n = 48. The karyotype is composed of one submetacentric pair (pair 1), 16 subtelocentric pairs (pairs 2 to 17), and 7 acrocentric pairs (pairs 18 to 24). With the exception of pair 1 it was not possible to classify the homologous chromosomes accurately because differences in chromosome size were too slight between adjacent pairs. The distribution of C-banded heterochromatin allowed for a more accurate matching of the majority of chromosomes of the subtelocentric series. Silver staining of metaphase spreads allowed for the identification of Nucleolus Organizer Regions (Ag-NOR) on pair 1. FISH experiments showed that 18S rDNA sequences were located, as expected, in the same chromosome pair identified as the Ag-NOR-bearing one.


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