769 resultados para south-eastern Brazilian coast


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Biodiversity can be useful as an ecosystem indicator for conservation and monitoring, through continuous assessment of its main properties including stability, primary productivity, exploitation tolerance and even global environmental changes. The main purpose of this study was to provide a checklist of the crabs associated with subtidal rocky bottoms at the Vitoria Archipelago, southeastern Brazilian coast. Monthly collections were carried out from February 2004 through January 2006 on three islands at the Vitoria Archipelago (23[degree]44'S-45[degree]01'W). The crabs were hand-caught by SCUBA divers during the daytime, in rock subtidal. A total of 3084 individuals were caught, belonging to 42 species, 28 genera, and 12 families, highlighting Mithraculus forceps (1528) and Stenorhynchus seticornis (407) representing more than 60% of the sample. on the other hand, Dromia erythropus, Moreiradromia antilensis, Ebalia stimpsoni, Garthiope spinipes and Tumidotheres maculatus had only one individual sampled.


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A review is presented concerning Archaean granulites occurring in some old domains of the South American Platform, which was consolidated at the end of the Brazilian Cycle (900-500 Ma). The rocks occur in different geotectonic environments and show variable ages, structures and lithological associations. The most important complexes are the Atlantic Granulite Belt in the São Francisco Craton and the Goias Granulite Belt in the Central Goias Massif, both several hundred kilometres long. The former is composed of the Caraibas Complex, the Jequié Complex, the Salvador Complex and several minor granulite occurrences along the Brazilian coast in the States of Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro. The latter includes the large basic-ultrabasic complexes of Barro Alto, Tocantins and Canabrava. Both belts consist of massive or foliated rocks, banded or homogeneous and varying from acidic to ultrabasic in composition. They are the result of metamorphism affecting diversified supra- and infracrustal material. The Atlantic Granulite Belt lies between greenstone/granite terrains which show ovoid and boomerang-type dome structures. The contacts between both are either tectonic or transitional. Another occurrence of Archaean granulites comprises intercalations of palaeosomes and melanosomes within migmatites and anatectic rocks. These vary in size from small lenses to irregular complexes which may attain sizes of several hundred square kilometres. Apart from migmatites, they are associated with gneisses, schists and granitoid bodies. They are located in regions which underwent remobilization of varying intensity during the Middle and Late Precambrian. The rocks show polymetamorphism, K-feldspar blastesis, tectonic overprinting and isotopic rejuvenation. These granulites are in some cases very similar to those formed during the Middle Precambrian. In some places it is therefore quite difficult to distinguish between Early and Middle Precambrian granulites - the more so, since interpretations of radiometric age values are largely controversial. At present there is no evidence of granulitic rocks related to the Late Precambrian geotectonic cycles of Brazil. © 1979.


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Population structure and reproductive season of the portunid crab Callinectes ornatus were studied in animals collected from the Ubatuba bays, Sao Paulo, Brazil (23°20' to 23°35' S and 44°50' to 45°14' W). The samples were taken in three trawls performed every other month from January 1991 to May 1993. A total of 3,829 specimens of C. ornatus were obtained. Their size ranged from 9.3 to 84.6 mm (carapace width). Their median size based on their cephalothoracic width and their size frequency were determined as well. Their reproduction was continuous, with variable proportions of ovigerous females. The highest incidence of ovigerous females occurred in January 1991, 1992 and 1993 and March and November 1992. The oscillations of the environmental factors between the seasons are not so intense in subtropical regions, therefore allowing the continuity of the physiological process of growth and reproduction throughout the year.


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The Fernando Henrique Cardoso administration attempted to replace a reactive foreign policy agenda dominated by a logic of autonomy through distance with a proactive international agenda guided by a logic of autonomy through integration. In adopting this agenda, the administration maintained that Brazil would be able to confront its problems and secure more control over its future if it actively contributed to elaborating the norms and guidelines of the administration of the global order. Because of structural weaknesses, however, this policy of integration, adherence, and participation was not adequately accompanied by positions entailing practical responsibilities - responsibilities that would have prepared both government and civil society for a higher profile in the post - cold-war era. In the end, the gains achieved during Cardoso's tenure failed to alter Brazil's international standing in any significant way. © 2007 Latin American Perspectives.


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Steep slopes in subtropical zones are always at risk from landslides. The risk greatly increases when there is rapid, unplanned urban growth. This has happened at Ubatuba on the Brazilian coast - tourism-related development has forced local people into narrow valleys with steep slopes. In this article the authors describe how the hazard risk can be mapped, helping the local authorities to control the problem.


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Faunal impoverishment and distorted species compositions are common phenomena in oceanic islands; however, many land-bridge islands are poorly inventoried, especially in the Neotropics. We sampled a small mammal community on a land-bridge island (Anchieta Island) along the Brazilian coast. We found only one marsupial Didelphis aurita (Wied-Neuwied, 1826) and two rodent species Oligoryzomys nigripes (Olfers, 1818) and Trinomys iheringi (Thomas, 1911) during 12 months of live trapping and 9195 trap-nights. The diversity of rodents and marsupials was not explained by species-area relations, indicating possible past extinctions. The abundance of D. aurita and O. nigripes was approximately three times higher, while the abundance of T. iheringi was approximately four times lower than abundances reported from other Brazilian Atlantic Forest sites. The population of D. aurita exhibited many phenotypic changes; males were on average 8 % smaller and females produced 30 % less litters than those from the mainland and other land-bridge islands. The long history of forest disturbance, habitat loss, reduction in forest productivity, and the recent introduction of mesopredators may be the major drivers that explain the small mammal community composition on this island. © 2013 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston.


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Fiddler crabs are deposit feeders, and use the setae on their mouth appendages to manipulate sediment particles to extract food. The number of spoon-tipped setae on the second maxilliped is frequently related to the distribution of fiddler crabs on estuarine sediments, but no study has compared the morphological diversity of these setae among multiple fiddler crab species. Here, we describe and classify the setae of the second maxillipeds of the nine Uca spp. known from the Brazilian coast. The second maxilliped of each species was examined by scanning electron microscopy. Six types of setae (five papposerrate, and one pappose) were described on the meropodite of the second maxilliped. Among the papposerrate setae, one type had a spoon-like tip, and the morphology of this type, especially the degree of curvature, differed between species. Members of Uca leptodactylus, U. uruguayensis, and U. maracoani had highly concave spoon-tipped setae. In U. rapax and U. cumulanta, the setal tip was moderately curved, while in U. thayeri, U. burgersi, and U. mordax, this curvature was slight. At the other extreme, the meropodite of the second maxilliped of U. vocator lacked setae altogether. This is the first study that describes differences in the degree of curvature of spoon-tipped setae in fiddler crabs. This trait may be strongly related to the distribution of these fiddler crabs on different estuarine substrates. © 2012, The American Microscopical Society, Inc.


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Similar to many small, range-restricted elasmobranchs, the Brazilian sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon lalandii) is listed as 'data deficient' by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Data on stock assessment and sustainability are scarce, and there is no information on population structure. This constitutes a management problem because this shark comprises approximately 50% of the catch of small coastal sharks in Brazil. In this study, populations of R. lalandii distributed from the Caribbean to southern Brazil were investigated using sequences from the mitochondrial DNA control region. Analysis of molecular variance revealed strong structuring between population samples from the Caribbean and those from the Brazilian coast (F{cyrillic}ST=0.254, P<0.0001). Significant differences in the rates of genetic diversity between these major areas were also detected. The observed levels of population structuring are likely to be driven by female phylopatry. Therefore, the identification of both mating and nursery areas with parallel ban/restriction of fishing in these areas may be critical for the long-term sustainability of these populations. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Oysters (Ostreidae) manifest a high degree of phenotypic plasticity, whereby morphology is of limited value for species identification and taxonomy. By using molecular data, the aim was to genetically characterize the species of Crassostrea occurring along the Brazilian coast, and phylogenetically relate these to other Crassostrea from different parts of the world. Sequencing of the partial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I gene (COI), revealed a total of three species of Crassostrea at 16 locations along the Brazilian coast. C. gasar was found from Curuçá (Pará state) to Santos (São Paulo state), and C. rhizophorae from Fortim (Ceará state) to Florianópolis (Santa Catarina state), although small individuals of the latter species were also found at Ajuruteua beach (municipality of Bragança, Pará state). An unidentified Crassostrea species was found only on Canela Island, Bragança. Crassostrea gasar and C. rhizophorae grouped with C. virginica, thereby forming a monophyletic Atlantic group, whereas Crassostrea sp. from Canela Island was shown to be more similar to Indo-Pacific oysters, and either arrived in the Atlantic Ocean before the convergence of the Isthmus of Panama or was accidentally brought to Brazil by ship.


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Neste estudo, compara-se a composição de isótopos de oxigênio de dois gêneros de foraminíferos bentônicos (Uvigerina e Cibicidoides) de amostras de topo de testemunho com a composição isotópica moderna da água do mar (d18O). Baseados em uma nova relação entre d18O e salinidade para a latitude média do Atlântico Sul ocidental, estimou-se a composição isotópica da calcita em equilíbrio (d18Oeq) a partir de duas equações diferentes: (1) O'Neil et al. (1969), modificada por McCorkle et al. (1997) e (2) Kim & O'Neil (1997). Utilizando (1), a pequena diferença entre d18Oeq e d18O de Uvigerina sugere que este gênero precipita as suas testas próximo ao equilíbrio com a água. Já os dados de d18O de Cibicidoides são 0,82 ‰ menores que a composição isotópica prevista. Ao contrário, utilizando (2) os dados de d18O de Cibicidoides mostram uma concordância excelente com a composição isotópica esperada, enquanto que os dados de d18O de Uvigerina são 0,69 ‰ maiores que os valores de equilíbrio previstos. A partir das evidências apresentadas neste trabalho e em estudos prévios sugerimos a utilização do gênero Cibicidoides e a aplicação da equação de Kim & O'Neil (1997) para pesquisas de paleotemperatura. Na ausência de suficientes espécimens de Cibicidoides sugerimos a utilização de d18O deUvigerina aplicando um fator de correção de -0,69 ‰.


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Os roedores arborícolas do gênero Oecomys possuem distribuição reconhecida para áreas de floresta tropical e subtropical da América Central e do Sul, e compreendem 17 espécies atualmente reconhecidas, além de duas descritas, mas não nomeadas, reconhecidas em estudos prévios. Destas, apenas seis têm ocorrência esperada para a Amazônia oriental brasileira. A delimitação das espécies com base apenas em caracteres morfológicos é complicada, de forma que diversos táxons nominais já foram associados ao gênero e diversos arranjos taxonômicos foram propostos. Na única revisão taxonômica para o gênero, realizada há 50 anos, foram reconhecidas apenas duas espécies politípicas. Desde então, vários trabalhos envolvendo análises morfológicas, moleculares e cariotípicas têm demonstrado que há uma maior diversidade de espécies em Oecomys, resultando em descrições de espécies novas e revalidações de espécies anteriormente sinonimizadas. Este trabalho buscou caracterizar a variação morfológica e a diversidade molecular das espécies com ocorrência na Amazônia oriental brasileira. Para isto, empregamos análises filogenéticas com base no gene mitocondrial citocromo-b a fim de definir clados que representassem espécies, para as quais descrevemos a morfologia externa e craniana. Como resultado, reconhecemos 11 espécies com ocorrência para o leste da Amazônia brasileira, das quais cinco são esperadas para a região (Oecomys auyantepui, O. bicolor, O. paricola, O. rex e O. rutilus), duas são registradas pela primeira vez para o bioma Amazônia (Oecomys catherinae e O. cleberi) e quatro espécies são novas ou não reconhecidas como válidas atualmente, aqui denominadas Oecomys sp. A, Oecomys sp. B, Oecomys sp. C e Oecomys sp. D. Além disso, corroboramos estudos moleculares prévios em que Oecomys bicolor é um complexo de espécies, com base na alta taxa de divergência nucleotídica apresentada (7,5 %). Observamos dimorfismo sexual e variação ontogenética na morfometria craniana da espécie Oecomys paricola, e para efeito de comparação extrapolamos estas variações para as demais espécies tratadas aqui. Sugerimos também uma hipótese filogenética entre as espécies do gênero a partir de 653 pb do gene citocromo-b, sendo esta a filogenia mais abrangente para Oecomys publicada até o momento, devido ao elevado número de espécies incluídas (11 das 16 espécies atualmente reconhecidas e sete prováveis novas espécies) e a amplitude geográfica das amostras aqui utilizadas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The carbonatic rocks have great importance in petroleum geology, since most hydrocarbons reservoirs in the world are associated to this kind of rock. The new giant petroleum fields discovered in the Brazilian southeast Atlantic margin are directly connected to calcareous rocks, which are subjacent to the Aptian evaporite pack. This demand an increase in the number of geologists able to study such deposits. The Aptian carbonatic platform is completely exposed only in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. Therefore, it works as a natural laboratory to the study and understanding of this kind of rock. The Sergipe Basin is situated in the east Brazilian coast, and has its evolutional history is intimately related to the formation of the South Atlantic Ocean, through the break-up of the Gondwana supercontinent. The marine sequence of the Brazilian marginal basins is of Albian age and is marked by the development of carbonatic platforms. In doing so, this paper aims to analyze the Albian limestones from Riachuelo Formation of the Sergipe Basin. The project gave to the student the opportunity to increase his knowledge in carbonates, due to the laboratory and outdoor activities. The studied deposits, within a regional outline, were petrografically described, allowing interpretations about the evolution of the former South Atlantic Ocean. Ten points were visited where samples were collected for making of thin sheets. In this work several carbonatic facies were identified totaling 116 laminates described.