911 resultados para sodium phenobarbital


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A influência de concentrações de bispyribac-sodium, aplicadas na parte aérea ou nas raízes das plantas de arroz, foi avaliada. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, usando bispyribac-sodium nas doses de 0, 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120 ppb, aplicadas na parte aérea ou nas raízes de plantas de arroz BRS Pelota e BRS Bojuru. As unidades experimentais constaram de copos plásticos perfurados na lateral próximo ao fundo, com areia lavada, onde foram colocadas cinco sementes de arroz, e mantidas dentro de bandejas contendo água em nível imediatamente inferior ao nível de areia. Quando as plantas se encontravam no estádio de duas a três folhas definitivas, as soluções foram pulverizadas diretamente sobre as folhas. Para aplicação nas raízes, o herbicida foi colocado na água de irrigação. Quarenta dias após emergência, foram avaliados comprimento de plantas, matéria fresca e seca de parte aérea e raízes e volume do sistema radical. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, com análise de regressão através de modelos polinomiais, quando significativos. O cultivar de arroz BRS Bojuru se mostrou mais sensível que o BRS Pelota ao incremento na dose de bispyribac-sodium, com efeito mais pronunciado quando aplicado diretamente às folhas. Em campo, devem-se evitar doses acima das recomendadas, principalmente quando do uso de cultivares japonica.


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Com objetivo de otimizar a utilização de trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametryne e hexazinone + diuron em função da adoção de diferentes pontas de pulverização e manejo mecânico da palha de cana-de-açúcar na linha de plantio, dois experimentos foram conduzidos na Destilaria Parálcool S/A, localizada em Paraguaçu Paulista/SP. No experimento 1, 12 tratamentos foram estudados em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 3, com quatro repetições, contrastando a presença e ausência de palha da cana na linha de plantio; dos herbicidas trifloxysulfuron sodium + ametryne (37 + 1.463 g i.a. ha-1 e 0,2% v/v de Aterbane®) e hexazinone + diuron (330 + 1.170 g i.a. ha-1 e 0,2% v/v de Aterbane®) e das pontas de pulverização XR11002-VS (128 L ha-1), AI11002-VS (200 L ha-1) e TF-VP5 (310 L ha-1). No experimento 2, a deposição da calda de pulverização nas plantas de cana-de-açúcar e Digitaria horizontalis, gerada pelas interações entre herbicidas e pontas, foi monitorada utilizando-se solução traçadora constituída por corante FDC-1 + herbicida. Os resultados sugerem que a presença da palhada da cultura proporcionou controle excelente das espécies infestantes mesmo na ausência do tratamento herbicida. O controle químico de D. horizontalis (6 folhas até 1-2 perfilhos) e Brachiaria decumbens (2 a 6 folhas) apresentou-se eficiente (> 91%) nas linhas sem palha a partir dos 14 DAA (dias após aplicação) para os herbicidas e pontas de pulverização estudados. D. horizontalis foi mais rapidamente controlada aos 7 DAA pelo trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametryne com a ponta AI11002-VS. Houve toxicidade até os 21 DAA, sendo esta mais intensa para os tratamentos com hexazinone + diuron associado com as pontas AI11002-VS e TF-VP5, em decorrência da maior deposição do herbicida nas folhas da cultura.


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No Brasil, a maior parte dos cultivos de algodão encontra-se em regiões de cerrado dos Estados do Mato Grosso e Bahia, em áreas que naturalmente são constituídas de solos ácidos. Objetivou-se neste trabalho estudar a influência da acidez do solo sobre a persistência dos herbicidas trifloxysulfuron-sodium e pyrithiobac-sodium, utilizando um bioindicador como técnica de detecção. Foram conduzidos simultaneamente quatro experimentos: dois com o herbicida trifloxysulfuron-sodium (7,5 e 15 g ha-1) e dois com o pyrithiobac-sodium (70 e 140 g ha-1). Em todos os tratamentos foi utilizado delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial (3x8+3). Os fatores estudados foram três tipos de solo (com níveis de pH 4,2, 4,9 e 5,5) e oito épocas de semeadura da espécie bioindicadora (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 e 210 DAA), além de três testemunhas sem aplicação do herbicida. A persistência do trifloxysulfuron-sodium na dose de 7,5 g ha-1 não foi influenciada pelos valores de pH. No entanto, na dose de 15 g ha-1 a maior persistência da atividade biológica foi verificada no solo com maior pH. Quando o pyrithiobac-sodium foi aplicado no solo com menor pH, nas doses de 70 e 140 g ha-1, o tempo necessário foi maior para que ocorresse redução da persistência. Contudo, aos 210 DAA não foram observadas diferenças na persistência do pyrithiobac-sodium (70 g ha-1) entre diversos valores de pH. Todavia, na dose de 140 g ha-1 do pyrithiobac-sodium, o solo com maior pH apresentou a maior persistência desse herbicida.


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Com a recente introdução no Brasil de variedades transgênicas de algodoeiro que apresentam resistência ao amonio-glufosinate (LL®), há escassez de informações tanto a respeito da seletividade de reaplicações desse herbicida, quanto no que se refere a misturas com outros herbicidas. Objetivou-se no presente trabalho avaliar a seletividade de aplicações sequenciais de amonio-glufosinate isolado e em associação com pyrithiobac-sodium em algodão transgênico LL®. Dessa forma, foi instalado um experimento em delineamento de blocos casualizados em arranjo fatorial (3x3)+1, empregando-se oito repetições. O primeiro fator correspondeu à aplicação dos tratamentos amonio-glufosinate (500 g ha-1) e amonio-glufosinate + pyrithiobac-sodium (500 + 42 g ha-1 e 500 + 56 g ha-1). O segundo fator foi o número de aplicações sequenciais em pós-emergência do algodoeiro (uma, duas ou três). O tratamento adicional foi composto por testemunha sem aplicação de herbicida. A associação do pyrithiobac-sodium ao amonio-glufosinate causou maiores níveis de fitointoxicação inicial, embora não tenham havido mais sintomas duas semanas após as aplicações. A qualidade de fibra do algodoeiro não foi influenciada por nenhum dos tratamentos herbicidas. O amonio-glufosinate isolado foi seletivo para o algodão LL® em até três aplicações em pós-emergência. O algodoeiro apresentou ainda tolerância a uma aplicação da mistura de amonio-glufosinate + pyrithiobac-sodium, e não se observou qualquer efeito negativo sobre a produtividade de algodão em caroço.


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The objectives of this research were to evaluate (1) weed species presented in rice fields in relation to the geographical zone and crop rotation and (2) the resistance level of Ischaemum rugosum to the herbicide bispyribac-sodium. For the first objective, were sampled 79 commercial fields of rice to establish weed density, coverage, and rotation system in the evaluated fields with record of bispyribac-sodium application of at least five years. To reach the second objective, the seeds were collected from plants in commercial fields with different control levels of bispyribac-sodium herbicide. Seeds were germinated in trays under controlled conditions. When plants presented three leaves these were treated with bispyribac-sodium at different doses. Percentages of control and dry weight of plants were evaluated 12 days after treatments (dat). Dominant species in evaluated fields was I. rugosum, with a frequency of 100%, presenting escapes to different chemical commercial treatments. No significant differences were recorded between rotation systems, nevertheless, the most of I. rugosum population was found in the system rice-fallow-rice. The response of applications at different concentrations allows concluding that 65% of samples had resistance at different degrees reported as indexes from 2 to 42 which are related to rotation systems.


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Populações de azevém resistente aos inibidores da enzima ALS têm aumentado rapidamente nos campos cultivados. Para o manejo da resistência, são necessários estudos de herança da resistência, os quais permitem entender a evolução da resistência, a estrutura genética da população e a dinâmica de adaptação dos biótipos resistentes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar o tipo de herança, o número de genes envolvidos e o grau de resistência dos biótipos de azevém, homozigotos e heterozigotos, resistentes ao iodosulfuron. A partir da seleção dos biótipos homozigoto resistente (R) e homozigoto suscetível (S), foram realizados cruzamentos (R x S) para obtenção de plantas F1, e estas, cruzadas para obtenção da F2, e realizaram-se retrocruzamentos entre plantas F1 e os respectivos genitores masculinos e femininos resistentes (RCr) e sensíveis (RCs). As sementes F1, F2, RCr, RCs e dos genitores foram semeadas em bandejas e avaliadas, com aplicação do iodosulfuron, quanto à sua suscetibilidade ou resistência. Plantas F1 e dos genitores foram tratadas com doses crescentes do herbicida. A avaliação de controle dessas plantas pelo iodosulfuron foi feito por meio de notas (0 a 100), referentes aos sintomas de intoxicação e pela massa da matéria seca da parte aérea acumulada. Os genitores masculino ou feminino transmitiram a característica para a prole, sendo esta 100% resistente, indicando gene de resistência dominante. A geração F2 apresentou segregação 3:1 resistente/suscetível, confirmando a característica de dominância. O teste de dominância das plantas F1 evidenciou que as plantas homozigotas resistentes e as heterozigotas apresentam grau de resistência semelhante. Conclui-se que a resistência do azevém ao iodosulfuron é codificada por gene dominante nuclear com dominância completa.


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We determined whether ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide) concentrations, measured by radioimmunoassay, in the ANPergic cerebral regions involved in regulation of sodium intake and excretion and pituitary gland correlated with differences in sodium preference among 40 Wistar male rats (180-220 g). Sodium preference was measured as mean spontaneous ingestion of 1.5% NaCl solution during a test period of 12 days. The relevant tissues included the olfactory bulb (OB), the posterior and anterior lobes of the pituitary gland (PP and AP, respectively), the median eminence (ME), the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH), and the region anteroventral to the third ventricle (AV3V). We also measured ANP content in the right (RA) and left atrium (LA) and plasma. The concentrations of ANP in the OB and the AP were correlated with sodium ingestion during the preceding 24 h, since an increase of ANP in these structures was associated with a reduced ingestion and vice-versa (OB: r = -0.3649, P<0.05; AP: r = -0.3291, P<0.05). Moreover, the AP exhibited a correlation between ANP concentration and mean NaCl intake (r = -0.4165, P<0.05), but this was not the case for the OB (r = 0.2422). This suggests that differences in sodium preference among individual male rats can be related to variations of AP ANP level. Earlier studies indicated that the OB is involved in the control of NaCl ingestion. Our data suggest that the OB ANP level may play a role mainly in day-to-day variations of sodium ingestion in the individual rat


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Erythrocytes may play a role in glucose homeostasis during the postprandial period. Erythrocytes from diabetic patients are defective in glucose transport and metabolism, functions that may affect glycogen storage. Phenobarbital, a hepatic enzyme inducer, has been used in the treatment of patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), increasing the insulin-mediated glucose disposal. We studied the effects of phenobarbital treatment in vivo on glycemia and erythrocyte glycogen content in control and alloxan-diabetic rats during the postprandial period. In control rats (blood glucose, 73 to 111 mg/dl in femoral and suprahepatic veins) the erythrocyte glycogen content was 45.4 ± 1.1 and 39.1 ± 0.8 µg/g Hb (mean ± SEM, N = 4-6) in the femoral artery and vein, respectively, and 37.9 ± 1.1 in the portal vein and 47.5 ± 0.9 in the suprahepatic vein. Diabetic rats (blood glucose, 300-350 mg/dl) presented low (P<0.05) erythrocyte glycogen content, i.e., 9.6 ± 0.1 and 7.1 ± 0.7 µg/g Hb in the femoral artery and vein, respectively, and 10.0 ± 0.7 and 10.7 ± 0.5 in the portal and suprahepatic veins, respectively. After 10 days of treatment, phenobarbital (0.5 mg/ml in the drinking water) did not change blood glucose or erythrocyte glycogen content in control rats. In diabetic rats, however, it lowered (P<0.05) blood glucose in the femoral artery (from 305 ± 18 to 204 ± 45 mg/dl) and femoral vein (from 300 ± 11 to 174 ± 48 mg/dl) and suprahepatic vein (from 350 ± 10 to 174 ± 42 mg/dl), but the reduction was not sufficient for complete recovery. Phenobarbital also stimulated the glycogen synthesis, leading to a partial recovery of glycogen stores in erythrocytes. In treated rats, erythrocyte glycogen content increased to 20.7 ± 3.8 µg/g Hb in the femoral artery and 30.9 ± 0.9 µg/g Hb in the suprahepatic vein (P<0.05). These data indicate that phenobarbital activated some of the insulin-stimulated glucose metabolism steps which were depressed in diabetic erythrocytes, supporting the view that erythrocytes participate in glucose homeostasis


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Systemic metabolic acidosis is known to cause a decrease in salt and water reabsorption by the kidney. We have used renal lithium clearance to investigate the effect of chronic, NH4Cl-induced metabolic acidosis on the renal handling of Na+ in male Wistar-Hannover rats (200-250 g). Chronic acidosis (pH 7.16 ± 0.13) caused a sustained increase in renal fractional Na+ excretion (267.9 ± 36.4%), accompanied by an increase in fractional proximal (113.3 ± 3.6%) and post-proximal (179.7 ± 20.2%) Na+ and urinary K+ (163.4 ± 5.6%) excretion when compared to control and pair-fed rats. These differences occurred in spite of an unchanged creatinine clearance and Na+ filtered load. A lower final body weight was observed in the acidotic (232 ± 4.6 g) and pair-fed (225 ± 3.6 g) rats compared to the controls (258 ± 3.7 g). In contrast, there was a significant increase in the kidney weights of acidotic rats (1.73 ± 0.05 g) compared to the other experimental groups (control, 1.46 ± 0.05 g; pair-fed, 1.4 ± 0.05 g). We suggest that altered renal Na+ and K+ handling in acidotic rats may result from a reciprocal relationship between the level of metabolism in renal tubules and ion transport.


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In this study we investigated the effects of the injection into the supraoptic nucleus (SON) of non-peptide AT1- and AT2-angiotensin II (ANG II) receptor antagonists, DuP753 and PD123319, as well as of the arginine-vasopressin (AVP) receptor antagonist d(CH2)5-Tyr(Me)-AVP, on water and 3% NaCl intake induced by the injection of ANG II into the medial septal area (MSA). The effects on water or 3% NaCl intake were assessed in 30-h water-deprived or in 20-h water-deprived furosemide-treated adult male rats, respectively. The drugs were injected in 0.5 µl over 30-60 s. Controls were injected with a similar volume of 0.15 M NaCl. Antagonists were injected at doses of 20, 80 and 180 nmol. Water and sodium intake was measured over a 2-h period. Previous administration of the AT1 receptor antagonist DuP753 into the SON decreased water (65%, N = 10, P<0.01) and sodium intake (81%, N = 8, P<0.01) induced by the injection of ANG II (10 nmol) into the MSA. Neither of these responses was significantly changed by injection of the AT2-receptor antagonist PD123319 into the SON. On the other hand, while there was a decrease in water intake (45%, N = 9, P<0.01), ANG II-induced sodium intake was significantly increased (70%, N = 8, P<0.01) following injection of the V1-type vasopressin antagonist d(CH2)5-Tyr(Me)-AVP into the SON. These results suggest that both AT1 and V1 receptors within the SON may be involved in water and sodium intake induced by the activation of ANG II receptors within the MSA. Furthermore, they do not support the involvement of MSA AT2 receptors in the mediation of these responses.


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In the course of studies on the effects of septal area lesions on neuroimmunomodulation and Walker 256 tumor development, it was observed that tumor-induced sodium and water retention was less marked in lesioned than in non-lesioned rats. In the present study possible mechanisms involved in this phenomenon were investigated. The experiments were performed in septal-lesioned (LW; N = 15) and sham-operated (SW; N = 7) 8-week-old male Wistar rats, which received multifocal simultaneous subcutaneous (sc) inoculations of Walker 256 tumor cells about 30 days after the stereotaxic surgery. Control groups (no tumor, sham-operated food-restricted (SFR), N = 7) and lesioned food-restricted (LFR, N = 10) were subjected to a feeding pattern similar to that observed in tumor-bearing animals. Multifocal inoculation of Walker 256 tumor rapidly induces anorexia, which is paradoxically accompanied by an increase in body weight, as a result of renal Na+ and fluid retention. These effects of the tumor were also seen in LW rats, although the rise in fractional sodium balance during the early clinical period was significantly smaller than in SW rats (day 4: SW = 47.6 ± 6.4% and LW = 13.8 ± 5.2%; day 5: SW = 57.5 ± 3.5% and LW = 25.7 ± 4.8%; day 6: SW = 54.4 ± 3.8% and LW = 32.1 ± 4.4%; P<0.05), suggesting a temporary reduction in tumor-induced sodium retention. In contrast, urine output was significantly reduced in SW rats and increased in LW rats (LW up to -0.85 and SW up to 4.5 ml/100 g body weight), with no change in osmolar excretion. These temporary changes in the tumor's effects on LW rats may reflect a "reversal" of the secondary central antidiuretic response induced by the tumor (from antidiuretic to diuretic).


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We have demonstrated that acute third ventricle injections of lead acetate (PbAc) exert a powerful antidipsogenic effect and induce a significant increase in renal sodium excretion. In the present study we confirm the antidipsogenic effect of lead and demonstrate that central administration of this metal, in minute amounts, significantly reduces salt intake both during dehydration and after central angiotensinergic stimulation. Adult male Wistar rats had the third ventricle cannulated seven days before the experiments. During this period they had free access to distilled water and hypertonic saline solution (1.5%). After a 24-h period of fluid deprivation, experimental animals received third ventricle injections of PbAc (0.3, N = 8 and 3.0 nmol/rat, N = 14) while controls received sodium acetate (NaAc; 3.0 nmol/rat, N = 10). Rats treated with PbAc at the highest dose showed a significant reduction (P<0.05) both in water and hypertonic saline intake when compared to controls. When the effect of lead administration on angiotensin II-induced water and salt intake was studied, normohydrated animals received third ventricle injections of angiotensin II (9.6 nmol/rat) after pretreatment with 3.0 nmol/rat of PbAc (experimental group, N = 10) or NaAc (controls, N = 8). The group pretreated with PbAc presented a significant reduction (P<0.05) in both water and salt intake compared to controls. Thus, this study confirms the antidipsogenic effect of central lead injections and demonstrates that the presence of lead in the brain exerts a significant inhibition of sodium appetite.


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Kuudenarvoista kromia käytetään natriumkloraatin valmistuksessa prosessin tuotantotehokkuuden ja turvallisuuden parantamiseksi. Kromia kuitenkin poistuu prosessista muutamaa reittiä pitkin. Koska kuuudenarvoisella kromilla on syöpää aiheuttavia, mutageenisiä sekä lisääntymiselle myrkyllisiä ominaisuuksia, olisi tärkeää ymmärtää, miten kromi kulkeutuu prosessin eri osiin, ja kuinka paljon sitä poistuu prosessista. Tämä on tärkeää, jotta osataan hallita kromin käytöstä aiheutuvat riskit, sekä toisaalta myös tehostaa kromin käyttöä prosessissa. Työn tarkoituksena oli tuottaa tietoa kromin käytöstä natriumkloraattiprosessissa. Työssä tutkittiin kromitasetta prosessin keskeisimmissä yksikköoperaatioissa. Myös kromin saostumista katodien pinnalle arvioitiin määrällisesti. Eri prosessinäytteistä tutkittiin lisäksi kromin hapetusasteita. Edellä mainittuja tutkimuskohteita varten määritettiin prosessinäytteiden kromipitoisuus. Eri prosessioperaatioille suoritettiin lisäksi taselaskelmat. Työn tuloksena esitettiin kromitase sekä yksikköoperaatioille että koko prosessille. Erinäisten epätarkkuustekijöiden vuoksi tasetta ei kuitenkaan pystytty määrittämään halutulla tarkkuudella, ja siksi työssä esitettyä tasetta voidaan pitää vain suuntaa antavana laskelmana. Katodien pinnalle saostunutta kromin määrää pidettiin kuitenkin oikean suuruusluokan tuloksena. Prosessinäytteiden hapetusasteita ei voitu arvioida, sillä saadut kokonaiskromitulokset eivät olleet täysin luotettavia. Huolimatta tulosten epätarkkuudesta, työ tuotti tärkeää tietoa prosessin toiminnasta kromin suhteen. Työtä voidaan hyödyntää jatkossa monin tavoin prosessin kromitaseen seurannassa.


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The role of sympathetic nerve activity in the changes in arterial blood pressure and renal function caused by the chronic administration of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), an inhibitor of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, was examined in sham and bilaterally renal denervated rats. Several studies have demonstrated that sympathetic nerve activity is elevated acutely after L-NAME administration. To evaluate the role of renal nerve activity in L-NAME-induced hypertension, we compared the blood pressure response in four groups (N = 10 each) of male Wistar-Hannover rats weighing 200 to 250 g: 1) sham-operated vehicle-treated, 2) sham-operated L-NAME-treated, 3) denervated vehicle-treated, and 4) denervated L-NAME-treated rats. After renal denervation or sham surgery, one control week was followed by three weeks of oral administration of L-NAME by gavage. Arterial pressure was measured weekly in conscious rats by a tail-cuff method and renal function tests were performed in individual metabolic cages 0, 7, 14 and 21 days after the beginning of L-NAME administration. L-NAME (60 mg kg-1 day-1) progressively increased arterial pressure from 108 ± 6.0 to 149 ± 12 mmHg (P<0.05) in the sham-operated group by the third week of treatment which was accompanied by a fall in creatinine clearance from 336 ± 18 to 222 ± 59 µl min-1 100 g body weight-1 (P<0.05) and a rise in fractional urinary sodium excretion from 0.2 ± 0.04 to 1.62 ± 0.35% (P<0.05) and in sodium post-proximal fractional excretion from 0.54 ± 0.09 to 4.7 ± 0.86% (P<0.05). The development of hypertension was significantly delayed and attenuated in denervated L-NAME-treated rats. This was accompanied by a striking additional increase in fractional renal sodium and potassium excretion from 0.2 ± 0.04 to 4.5 ± 1.6% and from 0.1 ± 0.015 to 1.21 ± 0.37%, respectively, and an enhanced post-proximal sodium excretion compared to the sham-operated group. These differences occurred despite an unchanged creatinine clearance and Na+ filtered load. These results suggest that bilateral renal denervation delayed and attenuated the L-NAME-induced hypertension by promoting an additional decrease in tubule sodium reabsorption in the post-proximal segments of nephrons. Much of the hypertension caused by chronic NO synthesis inhibition is thus dependent on renal nerve activity.


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The reasons for the inconsistent association between salt consumption and blood pressure levels observed in within-society surveys are not known. A total of 157 normotensive subjects aged 18 to 35 years, selected at random in a cross-sectional population-based survey, answered a structured questionnaire. They were classified as strongly predisposed to hypertension when two or more first-degree relatives had a diagnosis of hypertension. Anthropometric parameters were obtained and sitting blood pressure was determined with aneroid sphygmomanometers. Sodium and potassium excretion was measured by flame spectrophotometry in an overnight urine sample. A positive correlation between blood pressure and urinary sodium excretion was detected only in the group of individuals strongly predisposed to hypertension, both for systolic blood pressure (r = 0.51, P<0.01) and diastolic blood pressure (r = 0.50, P<0.01). In a covariance analysis, after controlling for age, skin color and body mass index, individuals strongly predisposed to hypertension who excreted amounts of sodium above the median of the entire sample had higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure than subjects classified into the remaining conditions. The influence of familial predisposition to hypertension on the association between salt intake and blood pressure may be an additional explanation for the weak association between urinary sodium excretion and blood pressure observed in within-population studies, since it can influence the association between salt consumption and blood pressure in some but not all inhabitants.