960 resultados para pulsed flame photometric detector
Drosophila avoid food contaminated by pathogenic bacteria and fungi using an olfactory pathway that is exquisitely tuned to a single microbial odour.
Underbody plows and High Speed Ice Blades are an integral part of clearing Iowa roads of snow and ice during winter operations. Changing these blades requires crews to suspend plowing operations and return to the garage decreasing time spent clearing roads and increasing workplace hazards. A blade with a longer lifespan is desired. The Department is determining if using plow blades that have been flame hardened increase longevity of use over the Departments current underbody plow blades that are oven baked. This would reduce downtime and employee exposure to workplace hazards and increase productivity per dollar spent.
At subduction zones, oceanic lithosphere that has interacted with sea water is returned to the mantle, heats up during descent and releases fluids by devolatilization of hydrous minerals. Models for the formation of magmas feeding volcanoes above subduction zones require largescale transport of these fluids into overlying mantle wedges(1-3). Fluid flow also seems to be linked to seismicity in subducting slabs. However, the spatial and temporal scales of this fluid flow remain largely unknown, with suggested timescales ranging from tens to tens of thousands of years(3-5). Here we use the Li-Ca-Sr isotope systems to consider fluid sources and quantitatively constrain the duration of subduction-zone fluid release at similar to 70 km depth within subducting oceanic lithosphere, now exhumed in the Chinese Tianshan Mountains. Using lithium-diffusion modelling, we find that the wall-rock porosity adjacent to the flowpath of the fluids increased ten times above the background level. We show that fluids released by devolatilization travelled through the slab along major conduits in pulses with durations of about similar to 200 years. Thus, although the overall slab dehydration process is continuous over millions of years and over a wide range of pressures and temperatures, we conclude that the fluids produced by dehydration in subducting slabs are mobilized in short-lived, channelized fluid-flow events.
The aim of this study was to provide an insight into normative values of the ascending aorta in regards to novel endovascular procedures using ECG-gated multi-detector CT angiography. Seventy-seven adult patients without ascending aortic abnormalities were evaluated. Measurements at relevant levels of the aortic root and ascending aorta were obtained. Diameter variations of the ascending aorta during cardiac cycle were also considered. Mean diameters (mm) were as follows: LV outflow tract 20.3 +/- 3.4, coronary sinus 34.2 +/- 4.1, sino-tubular junction 29.7 +/- 3.4 and mid ascending aorta 32.7 +/- 3.8 with coefficients of variation (CV) ranging from 12 to 17%. Mean distances (mm) were: from the plane passing through the proximal insertions of the aortic valve cusps to the right brachio-cephalic artery (BCA) 92.6 +/- 11.8, from the plane passing through the proximal insertions of the aortic valve cusps to the proximal coronary ostium 12.1 +/- 3.7, and between both coronary ostia 7.2 +/- 3.1, minimal arc of the ascending aorta from left coronary ostium to right BCA 52.9 +/- 9.5, and the fibrous continuity between the aortic valve and the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve 14.6 +/- 3.3, CV 13-43%. Mean aortic valve area was 582.0 +/- 131.9 mm(2). The variation of the antero-posterior and transverse diameters of the ascending aorta during the cardiac cycle were 8.4% and 7.3%, respectively. Results showed large inter-individual variations in diameters and distances but with limited intra-individual variations during the cardiac cycle. A personalized approach for planning endovascular devices must be considered.
The Hi·Art II Helical TomoTherapy (HT) unit is equipped with a built-in onboard MVCT detector used for patient imaging and beam monitoring. Our aim was to study the detector stability for treatment beam measurements. We studied the MVCT detector response with the 6 MV photon beam over time, throughout short-term (during an irradiation) and long-term (two times 50 days) periods. Our results show a coefficient of variation ≤ 1% for detector chambers inside the beam (excluding beam gradients) for short- and long-term response of the MVCT detector. Larger variations were observed in beam gradients and an influence of the X-ray target where degradation was found. The results assume that an 'air scan' procedure is performed daily to recalibrate the detector with the imaging beam. On short term, the detector response stability is comparable to other devices. Long-term measure- ments during two 50-day periods show a good reproducibility.
Different vortex penetration regimes have been registered in the output voltage signal of a magnetometer when single microwave pulses are applied to an epitaxial overdoped La2− x Sr x CuO4 thin film in a perpendicular dc magnetic field. The onset of a significant variation in the sample magnetization which exists below threshold values of temperature, dc magnetic field, and pulse duration is interpreted as an avalanche-type flux penetration. The microwave contribution to the background electric field suggests that the nucleation of this fast vortex motion is of electric origin, which also guarantees the occurrence of vortex instabilities under adiabatic conditions via the enhancement of the flux flow resistivity. Flux creep phenomena and heat transfer effects act as stabilizing factors against the microwave-pulse-induced fast flux diffusion.
PURPOSE: To assess the technical feasibility of multi-detector row computed tomographic (CT) angiography in the assessment of peripheral arterial bypass grafts and to evaluate its accuracy and reliability in the detection of graft-related complications, including graft stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four-channel multi-detector row CT angiography was performed in 65 consecutive patients with 85 peripheral arterial bypass grafts. Each bypass graft was divided into three segments (proximal anastomosis, course of the graft body, and distal anastomosis), resulting in 255 segments. Two readers evaluated all CT angiograms with regard to image quality and the presence of bypass graft-related abnormalities, including graft stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas. The results were compared with McNemar test with Bonferroni correction. CT attenuation values were recorded at five different locations from the inflow artery to the outflow artery of the bypass graft. These findings were compared with the findings at duplex ultrasonography (US) in 65 patients and the findings at conventional digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in 27. RESULTS: Image quality was rated as good or excellent in 250 (98%) and in 252 (99%) of 255 bypass segments, respectively. There was excellent agreement both between readers and between CT angiography and duplex US in the detection of graft stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas (kappa = 0.86-0.99). CT angiography and duplex US were compared with conventional DSA, and there was no statistically significant difference (P >.25) in sensitivity or specificity between CT angiography and duplex US for both readers for detection of hemodynamically significant bypass stenosis or occlusion, aneurysmal changes, or arteriovenous fistulas. Mean CT attenuation values ranged from 232 HU in the inflow artery to 281 HU in the outflow artery of the bypass graft. CONCLUSION: Multi-detector row CT angiography may be an accurate and reliable technique after duplex US in the assessment of peripheral arterial bypass grafts and detection of graft-related complications, including stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas.
CERNin tutkimuskeskuksen rakenteilla olevan hadronikiihdyttimen eräs tarkoitus on todistaa Higgsin bosonin olemassaolo. Higgsin bosonin löytyminen yhtenäistäisi nykyisen hiukkasfysiikan teorian ja antaisi selityksen sille kuinka hiukkaset saavat massansa. Kiihdyttimen CMS koeasema on tarkoitettu erityisesti myonien ilmaisuun. Tämä työ liittyy CMS koeaseman RPC-ilmaisintyypin linkkijärjestelmään, jonka tarkoituksena on käsitellä ilmaisimelta tulevia myonien aiheuttamia signaaleja ja lähettää tiedot tärkeäksi katsotuista törmäystapahtumista tallennettavaksi analysointia varten. Työssä on toteutettu linkkijärjestelmän ohjaus- ja linkkikorteille testiympäristö, jolla voidaan todeta järjestelmän eri osien keskinäinen yhteensopivuus ja toimivuus. Työn alkuosassa esitellään ilmaisimen linkkijärjestelmän eri osat ja niiden merkitykset. Työn loppuosassa käydään läpi eri testimenetelmiä ja analysoidaan niiden antamia tuloksia.
Euroopan hiukkastutkimuslaitoksen CERNin rakenteilla olevan LHC-hiukkaskiihdyttimen CMS-koeasema on tarkoitettu erityisesti myonin ilmaisuun. Tässä työssä on esitelty CMS-koeaseman RPC-ilmaisintyypin linkkijärjestelmä ja sen testaamiseen tarkoitetut laitteet sekä laitteiden testaamiseen tarvittavat ohjelmistot. Työssä on selvitetty ohjelmien toimivuus ja keskinäinen yhteensopivuus.
In this paper, the sensor of an optical mouse is presented as a counterfeit coin detector applied to the two-Euro case. The detection process is based on the short distance image acquisition capabilities of the optical mouse sensor where partial images of the coin under analysis are compared with some partial reference coin images for matching. Results show that, using only the vision sense, the counterfeit acceptance and rejection rates are very similar to those of a trained user and better than those of an untrained user.
In this paper we design and develop several filtering strategies for the analysis of data generated by a resonant bar gravitational wave (GW) antenna, with the goal of assessing the presence (or absence) therein of long-duration monochromatic GW signals, as well as the eventual amplitude and frequency of the signals, within the sensitivity band of the detector. Such signals are most likely generated in the fast rotation of slightly asymmetric spinning stars. We develop practical procedures, together with a study of their statistical properties, which will provide us with useful information on the performance of each technique. The selection of candidate events will then be established according to threshold-crossing probabilities, based on the Neyman-Pearson criterion. In particular, it will be shown that our approach, based on phase estimation, presents a better signal-to-noise ratio than does pure spectral analysis, the most common approach.
In this paper we explore the use of non-linear transformations in order to improve the performance of an entropy based voice activity detector (VAD). The idea of using a non-linear transformation comes from some previous work done in speech linear prediction (LPC) field based in source separation techniques, where the score function was added into the classical equations in order to take into account the real distribution of the signal. We explore the possibility of estimating the entropy of frames after calculating its score function, instead of using original frames. We observe that if signal is clean, estimated entropy is essentially the same; but if signal is noisy transformed frames (with score function) are able to give different entropy if the frame is voiced against unvoiced ones. Experimental results show that this fact permits to detect voice activity under high noise, where simple entropy method fails.
Bi1.5Zn1Nb1.5O7 (BZN) epitaxial thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on Al2O3 with a double ZnO buffer layer through domain matching epitaxy (DME) mechanism. The pole figure analysis and reciprocal space mapping revealed the single crystalline nature of the thin film. The pole figure analysis also shows a 60º twinning for the (222) oriented crystals. Sharp intense spots in the SAED pattern also indicate the high crystalline nature of BZN thin film. The Fourier filtered HRTEM images of the BZN-ZnO interface confirms the domain matched epitaxy of BZN with ZnO buffer. An electric field dependent dielectric tunability of 68% was obtained for the BZN thin films with inter digital capacitors patterned over the film.
We present a detailed study on the morphology and magnetic properties of Co nanostructures deposited onto oxidized Si substrates by femtosecond pulsed laser deposition. Generally, Co disks of nanometric dimensions are obtained just above the ablation threshold, with a size distribution characterized by an increasingly larger number of disks as their size diminishes, and with a maximum disk size that depends on the laser power density. In Au/Co/Au structures, in-plane magnetic anisotropy is observed in all cases, with no indication of superparamagnetism regardless of the amount of material or the laser power density. Magnetic force microscopy observations show coexistence of single-domain and vortex states for the magnetic domain structure of the disks. Superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements point to saturation magnetization values lower than the bulk, probably due to partial oxidation of the Co resulting from incomplete coverage by the Au capping layer.
OBJECTIVES: To determine inter-session and intra/inter-individual variations of the attenuations of aortic blood/myocardium with MDCT in the context of calcium scoring. To evaluate whether these variations are dependent on patients' characteristics. METHODS: Fifty-four volunteers were evaluated with calcium scoring non-enhanced CT. We measured attenuations (inter-individual variation) and standard deviations (SD, intra-individual variation) of the blood in the ascending aorta and of the myocardium of left ventricle. Every volunteer was examined twice to study the inter-session variation. The fat pad thickness at the sternum and noise (SD of air) were measured too. These values were correlated with the measured aortic/ventricular attenuations and their SDs (Pearson). Historically fixed thresholds (90 and 130 HU) were tested against different models based on attenuations of blood/ventricle. RESULTS: The mean attenuation was 46 HU (range, 17-84 HU) with mean SD 23 HU for the blood, and 39 HU (10-82 HU) with mean SD 18 HU for the myocardium. The attenuation/SD of the blood were significantly higher than those of the myocardium (p < 0.01). The inter-session variation was not significant. There was a poor correlation between SD of aortic blood/ventricle with fat thickness/noise. Based on existing models, 90 HU threshold offers a confidence interval of approximately 95% and 130 HU more than 99%. CONCLUSIONS: Historical thresholds offer high confidence intervals for exclusion of aortic blood/myocardium and by the way for detecting calcifications. Nevertheless, considering the large variations of blood/myocardium CT values and the influence of patient's characteristics, a better approach might be an adaptive threshold.