951 resultados para psychotic break
Nanocomposite membranes containing polysulfone (PSI) and sodium montmorillonite from Wyoming (MMT) were prepared by a combination of solution dispersion and the immersion step of the wet-phase inversion method. The purpose was to study the MMT addition with contents of 0.5 and 3.0 mass% MMT in the preparation of nanocomposite membranes by means of morphology, thermal, mechanical and hydrophilic properties of nanocomposite membranes and to compare these properties to the pure PSf membrane ones. Small-angle X-ray diffraction patterns revealed the formation of intercalated clay mineral layers in the PSf matrix and TEM images also presented an exfoliated structure. A good dispersion of the clay mineral particles was detected by SEM images. Tensile tests showed that both elongation at break and tensile strength of the nanocomposites were improved in comparison to the pristine PSf. The thermal stability of the nanocomposite membranes, evaluated by onset and final temperatures of degradation, was also enhanced. The hydrophilicity of the nanocomposite membranes, determined by water contact angle measurements, was higher; therefore, the MMT addition was useful to produce more hydrophilic membranes. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coaracy Nunes was the first hydroelectric power plant in the Amazon region, being located in Araguari River, Amapa State, Brazil. The plant operates since 1976, presenting now a nominal capacity of 78 MW. The shear pins, which are installed in the turbine hydraulic arms to control the wicket gate and regulate the water flow into the turbine blades, suffered several breakdowns since 2004. These shear pins are made of an ASTM 410 stainless steel and were designed to break by a shear overload of 120 kN. Fractographic investigation of the pins, however, revealed two types of fracture topographies: a region of stable crack propagation area, with non-pronounced striation and secondary cracks; and a region of unstable propagation, featuring elongated dimples. These results indicated that the stable crack propagation occurred by fatigue (bidirectional bending), which was nucleated at machining marks under high nominal load. Finite element analysis was carried out using two loading conditions (pure shear and a combination of shear and bending) and the results indicated that the presence of a bending stress strongly increased the stress concentration factor (85% rise in the shear stress and 130% rise in the Von Mises stress). Misalignment during shear pins assembly associated with vibration might have promoted the premature failure of the shear by bending fatigue. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of xanthan gum and glycerol to the starch of green pea with high content of AM (cv. Utrillo) in the preparation of films and their physical characteristics. Filmogenic solution (FS) with different levels of pea starch (3, 4, and 5%), xanthan gum (0, 0.05, and 0.1%), and glycerol (glycerol-starch ratio of 1: 5 w/w) were studied. The FS was obtained by boiling (5 min), followed by autoclaving for 1 h at 120 degrees C. The films were prepared by casting. Films prepared only with pea starch were mechanically resistant when compared to other films, prepared with corn, cassava, rice, and even other pea cultivars (yellow, commercial). The tensile strength of these films is comparable to synthetic films prepared with high-density polyethylene and linear low-density polyethylene. However, they are films of low elasticity when compared to other films, such as rice starch films, and especially when compared to polyethylene films. The increased concentration of starch in the solution increased the puncture force. The increased concentration of glycerol slightly decreased the film crystallinity and interfered in the mechanical properties of the films, causing reduction of the maximum values of tensile strength, strain at break, and puncture force. The plasticizer also caused an increase of elongation at break. Xanthan gum was important to formation of films; however, it did not affect their mechanical properties.
This study described the formulation and characterisation of the viscoelastic, mechanical and mucoadhesive properties of thermoresponsive, binary polymeric systems composed of poloxamer (P407) and poly(acrylic acid, C974P) that were designed for use as a drug delivery platform within the oral cavity. Monopolymeric and binary polymeric formulations were prepared containing 10, 15 and 20% (w/w) poloxamer (407) and 0.10-0.25% (w/w) poly(acrylic acid, 934P). The flow theological and viscoelastic properties of the formulations were determined using controlled stress and oscillatory rheometry, respectively, the latter as a function of temperature. The mechanical and mucoadhesive properties (namely the force required to break the bond between the formulation and a pre-hydrated mucin disc) were determined using compression and tensile analysis, respectively. Binary systems composed of 10% (w/w) P407 and C934P were elastoviscous, were easily deformed under stress and did not exhibit mucoadhesion. Formulations containing 15 or 20% (w/w) Pluronic P407 and C934P exhibited a sol-gel temperature T(sol/gel), were viscoelastic and offered high elasticity and resistance to deformation at 37 degrees C. Conversely these formulations were elastoviscous and easily deformed at temperatures below the sol-gel transition temperature. The sol-gel transition temperatures of systems containing 15% (w/w) P407 were unaffected by the presence of C934P; however, increasing the concentration of C934P decreased the T(sol/gel) in formulations containing 20%(w/w) P407. Rheological synergy between P407 and C934P at 37 degrees C was observed and was accredited to secondary interactions between these polymers, in addition to hydrophobic interactions between P407 micelles. Importantly, formulations composed of 20% (w/w) P407 and C934P exhibited pronounced mucoadhesive properties. The ease of administration (below the T(sol/gel)) in conjunction with the viscoelastic (notably high elasticity) and mucoadhesive properties (at body temperature) render the formulations composed of 20% (w/w) P407 and C934P as potentially useful platforms for mucoadhesive, controlled topical drug delivery within the oral cavity. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Comparisons across multiple taxa can often clarify the histories of biogeographic regions. In particular, historic barriers to movement should affect multiple species and, thus, result in a pattern of concordant intraspecific genetic divisions among species. A striking example of such comparative phylogeography is the recent observation that populations of many small mammals and reptiles living on the Baja, California peninsula have a large genetic break between northern and southern peninsular populations. In the present study, I demonstrate that five species of near-shore fishes living on the Baja coastline of the Gulf of California share this genetic pattern. The simplest explanation for this concordant genetic division within both terrestrial and marine vertebrates is that the Baja peninsula was fragmented by a Plio-Pleistocene marine seaway and that this seaway posed a substantial barrier to movement for near-shore fishes. The genetic divisions within Gulf of California fishes also coincide with recognized biogeographic regions based on fish community composition and several environmental factors. It is likely that adaptation to regional environments and present-day oceanographic circulation limits gene exchange between biogeographic regions and helps maintain evidence of past vicariance.
The relative importance of factors that may promote genetic differentiation in marine organisms is largely unknown. Here, contributions to population structure from biogeography, habitat distribution, and isolation by distance were investigated in Axoclinus nigricaudus, a small subtidal rock reef fish, throughout its range in the Gulf of California. A 408 basepair fragment of the mitochondrial control region was sequenced from 105 individuals. Variation was significantly partitioned between many pairs of populations. Phylogenetic analyses, hierarchical analyses of variance, and general linear models substantiated a major break between two putative biogeographic regions. This genetic discontinuity coincides with an abrupt change in ecological characteristics (including temperature and salinity) but does not coincide with known oceanographic circulation patterns. Geographic distance and the nature of habitat separating populations (continuous habitat along a shoreline, discontinuous habitat along a shoreline, and open water) also contributed to population structure in general linear model analyses. To verify that local populations are genetically stable over time, one population was resampled on four occasions over eighteen months; it showed no evidence of a temporal component to diversity. These results indicate that having a planktonic life stage does not preclude geographically partitioned genetic variation over relatively small geographic distances in marine environments. Moreover, levels of genetic differentiation among populations of Axoclinus nigricaudus cannot be explained by a single factor, but are due to the combined influences of a biogeographic boundary, habitat, and geographic distance.
The Indo-West Pacific is characterized by extraordinary marine species diversity. The evolutionary mechanisms responsible for generating this diversity remain puzzling, but are often linked to Pleistocene sea level fluctuations. The impact of these sea level changes on the population genetic architecture of the estuarine fish Lates calcarifer are investigated via a natural experiment in a region of the Indo-West Pacific known to have undergone considerable change during the Pleistocene. L. calcarifer, a coastline-restricted catadromous teleost, provides an excellent model for studying the effects of sea level change as its habitat requirements potentially make it sensitive to the region's physical history. Evidence was found for a large phylogenetic break (4% mtDNA control region; 0.47% ATPase 6 and 8) either side of the Torres Strait, which separates the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans, although some mixing of the clades was evident. This suggests clinal secondary introgression of the clades via contemporary gene flow. Further, populations on Australia's east coast appear to have passed through a bottleneck. This was linked to the historical drying of the Great Barrier Reef coastal lagoon, which resulted in a significant loss of habitat and forced retreat into isolated refugia. These results suggest that historical eustatic changes have left a significant imprint on the molecular diversity within marine species as well as among them in the Indo-West Pacific.
The tensions produced in the wall of a rigid, thin-walled, liquid-filled sphere as it moves with an axisymmetric straining flow are examined. This problem has not been previously addressed. A generalised correlation for the maximum wall tension, expressed in dimensionless form as a Weber number (We), is developed in terms of the acceleration number (Ac) and Reynolds number (Re) of the straining flow. At low Reynolds number We is dominated by viscous forces, while inertial forces due to internal pressure gradients caused by sphere acceleration dominate at higher Re. The generalised correlation has been used to examine the case of a typical yeast cell (a thin-walled, liquid-filled sphere) passing through a typical high-pressure homogeniser (a straining-flow device). At 56 MPa homogenising pressure, a 6 mu m yeast cell experiences tensions in the inertially dominated regime (Re = 100). The correlation gives We = 0.206, corresponding to a maximum wall tension of 8 Nm(-1). This is equivalent to an applied compressive force of 150 mu N and compares favourably with the force required to break yeast cells under compressive micromanipulation (40-90 mu N). Inertial forces may therefore be an important and previously unrecognised. mechanism of microbial cell disruption during high-pressure homogenisation. Further work is required to examine the likelihood of cell deformation in the high-strain-rate short-residence-time environment of the homogeniser, and the effect that such deformation may have on the contribution of inertial forces to disruption. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Age of onset is an important variable when considering the cause and course of mental illnesses. Given the debate about the relationship between psychotic disorders it would be useful to compare age-at-first-admission for ICD schizophrenia and for affective psychoses when the latter is differentiated into 'major depression' and 'bipolar disorder'. Data on age-at-first-admission for Australian-born individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia (ICD 295) or affective psychosis (ICD 296) were extracted from the Queensland Mental Health Statistics System -- a comprehensive, namelinked mental health register. Because the ICD 9 category 296.1 was used to code what is now called "major depressive episode', this group was differentiated from other 296 categorieswhich were considered bipolar disorders. Those receiving more than one diagnoses within these categories were excluded. All distributions show a wide age range of onset from early adolescence into the seventies and eighties. However the modal age-group for major depression ('60-69' for both sexes) is clearly different from bipolar disorder ('20-29' for males; '30- 39' for females), the latter distribution being more similar to the SCZ distribution (which had a model age-group of '20-29' for both sexes). While these distributions were similar for males and females, there were sex differences in the proportions within each diagnostic group: more males with schizophrenia, and more females with bipolar disorder and with major depression. Our results suggest heterogeneity within the affective psychoses as categorised by ICD 9, with bipolar disorder having an age-at-first-admission distribution more similar to schizophrenia than major depression. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
Objective: This paper evaluates evidence for two hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis: (i) that heavy cannabis use causes a 'cannabis psychosis', i.e, a psychotic disorder that would not have occurred in the absence of cannabis use and which can be recognised by its pattern of symptoms and their relationship to cannabis use; and (ii) that cannabis use may precipitate schizophrenia, or exacerbate its symptoms. Method: Literature relevant to drug use and schizophrenia is reviewed. Results: There is limited clinical evidence for the first hypothesis. If 'cannabis psychoses' exist, they seem to be rare, because they require very high doses of tetrahydrocannabinol, the prolonged use of highly potent forms of cannabis, or a preexisting (but as yet unspecified) vulnerability, or both. There is more support for the second hypothesis in that a large prospective study has shown a linear relationship between the frequency with which cannabis had been used by age 18 and the risk over the subsequent 15 years of receiving a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Conclusions: It is still unclear whether this means that cannabis use precipitates schizophrenia, whether cannabis use is a form of 'self-medication', or whether the association is due to the use of other drugs, such as amphetamines, which heavy cannabis users are more likely to use. There is better clinical and epidemiological evidence that cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia.
In the preceding paper (Part I) force-deformation data were measured with the compression experiment in conjunction with the initial radial stretch ratio and the initial wall-thickness to cell-radius ratio for baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). In this paper, these data have been analysed with the mechanical model of Smith et al. (Smith, Moxham & Middelberg (1998) Chemical Engineering Science, 53, 3913-3922) with the wall constitutive behaviour defined a priori as incompressible and linear-elastic. This analysis determined the mean Young's modulus ((E) over bar), mean maximum von Mises stress-at-failure (<(sigma)over bar>(VM,f)) and mean maximum von Mises strain-at failure (<(epsilon)over bar>(VM,f)) to be (E) over bar = 150 +/- 15 MPa, <(sigma)over bar>(VM,f) = 70 +/- 4 MPa and <(epsilon)over bar>(VM,f) = 0.75 +/- 0.08, respectively. The mean Young's modulus was not dependent (P greater than or equal to 0.05) on external osmotic pressure (0-0.8 MPa) nor compression rate (1.03-7.68 mu m/s) suggesting the incompressible linear-elastic relationship is representative of the actual cell-wall constitutive behaviour. Hydraulic conductivities were also determined and were comparable to other similar cell types (0-2.5 mu m/MPa s). The hydraulic conductivity distribution was not dependent on external osmotic pressure (0-0.8 MPa) nor compression rate (1.03-7.68 mu m/s) suggesting inclusion of cell-wall permeability in the mechanical model is justified. <(epsilon)over bar>(VM,f) was independent of cell diameter and to a first-approximation unaffected (P greater than or equal to 0.01) by external osmotic pressure and compression rate, thus providing a reasonable failure criterion. This criterion states that the cell-wall material will break when the strain exceeds <(epsilon)over bar>(VM,f) = 0.75 +/- 0.08. Variability in overall cell strength during compression was shown to be primarily due to biological variability in the maximum von Mises strain-at-failure. These data represent the first estimates of cell-wall material properties for yeast and the first fundamental analysis of cell-compression data. They are essential for describing cell-disruption at the fundamental level of fluid-cell interactions in general bioprocesses. They also provide valuable new measurements for yeast-cell physiologists. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We have previously found an association between variations in schizophrenia birth rates and varyinglevels of perinatal sunshine duration. This study examines whether such an association can also be found for Ža. affective psychosis, and Žb. broadly defined nonaffective psychoses. Data for individuals born between 1931 and 1970 in Australia with ICD9 Other PsychosisŽ295–299.were obtained from the Queensland Mental Health Statistical System. ‘Affective psychosis’ included affective psychosis, schizo-affective psychosis, and depressive and excitative non-organic psychoses. ‘Non-affective psychosis’ included chizophrenia, paranoid disorders and other non-organic psychoses. Those receiving both affective and non-affective psychotic diagnoses were excluded. Rates per 10,000 live monthly general population births were calculated. For each month, we assessed the agreementŽusing the kappa statistic. between trends in Ža. birth rates and Žb. long-term trends in seasonally adjusted perinatal sunshine duration. The analyses were performed separately for males and females. There were 6265 with non-affective psychosis ŽMs3964 rate 66r10,000; Fs2299 44r10,000. and 2858 with affective psychosisŽMs1392 24r10,000; Fs1466 28r10,000.. There were no significant associations between Ža. affective psychosis birth rates for either males or females and Žb. sunshine duration. There was a significant association between nonaffective psychosis birth rates for males only and Žb. sunshine duration Žkappas0.15 p-0.001.. This suggests that, as a risk factor, the effect of reduced perinatal sunshine is specifically associated with males who develop non-affective psychosis. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
Dermatoglyphic measures are of interest to schizophrenia research because they serve as persistent markers of deviant development in foetal life. Several studies have reported alterations in A–B ridge counts, total finger ridge counts and measures related to asymmetry in schizophrenia. The aim of this study was to assess these measures in an Australian catchment area, case-control study. Individuals with psychosisŽns246.were drawn from a catchment-area prevalence study, and well controlsŽns229. were recruited from the same area. Finger and palm prints were taken usingan inkless technique and all dermatoglyphic measures were assessed by a trained rater blind to case status. The dermatoglyphic measures Žfinger ridge count, A–B ridge count, and their derived asymmetry measures. were divided into quartiles based on the distribution of these variables in controls. The main analysis Žlogistic regression controlled for age and sex.examined all psychotic disorders, with planned subgroup analyses comparing controls with Ž1. nonaffective psychosis Žschizophrenia, delusional disorder, schizophreniform psychosis, atypical psychosis.andŽ2. affective psychosis Ždepression with psychosis, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective psychosis.. There were no statistically significant alterations in the odds of havinga psychotic disorder for any of the dermatoglyphic measures. The results did not change when we examined affective and nonaffective psychosis separately. The dermatoglyphic features that distinguish schizophreniar psychosis in other studies were not identified in this Australian study. Regional variations in these findings may provide clues to differential ethnicrgenetic and environmental factors that are associated with schizophrenia. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
Polydnaviruses are associated with certain parasitoid wasps and are introduced into the body cavity of the host caterpillar during oviposition. Some of the viral genes are expressed in host tissues and corresponding proteins are secreted into the hemocoel causing suppression of the host immune system. The Cotesia rubecula polydnavirus gene product, CrV1, effectively inactivates hemocytes by mediating cytoskeleton break-down. A precondition for the CrV1 function is the incorporation of the extracellular protein by hemocytes. Here, we show that a coiled-coil domain containing a putative leucine zipper is required for CrV1 function, since removal of this domain abolishes binding and uptake of the CrV1 protein by hemocytes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.