938 resultados para post mortem interval


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Brachyspira pilosicoli is a potentially zoonotic anaerobic intestinal spirochaete that is one of several species causing avian intestinal spirochaetosis. The aim of this study was to develop a reproducible model of infection in point-of-lay chickens and compare the virulence of two strains of B. pilosicoli in a model using experimentally challenged laying chickens. Seventeen-week-old commercial laying chickens were experimentally challenged by oral gavage with either B. pilosicoli strain B2904 or CPSp1, following an oral dose of 10 % sodium bicarbonate to neutralize acidity in the crop. Approximately 80 % of the chickens became colonized and exhibited increased faecal moisture content, reduced weight gain and delayed onset of lay. Tissues sampled at post-mortem examination were analysed to produce a quantitative output on the number of spirochaetes present and hence, the extent of colonization. The liver and spleen were colonized, and novel histopathology was observed in these tissues. The infection model we report here has potential use in studies to improve our understanding of the mechanisms by which Brachyspira elicit disease in poultry and in testing novel intervention strategies.


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Avian intestinal spirochaetosis (AIS) results from the colonization of the caeca and colon of poultry by pathogenic Brachyspira, notably Brachyspira pilosicoli. Following the ban on the use of antibiotic growth promoters in the European Union in 2006, the number of cases of AIS has increased, which, alongside emerging antimicrobial resistance in Brachyspira, has driven renewed interest in alternative intervention strategies. Lactobacillus-based probiotics have been shown to protect against infection with common enteric pathogens in livestock. Our previous studies have shown that Lactobacillus reuteri LM1 antagonizes aspects of the pathobiology of Brachyspira in vitro. Here, we showed that L. reuteri LM1 mitigates the clinical symptoms of AIS in chickens experimentally challenged with B. pilosicoli. Two groups of 15 commercial laying hens were challenged experimentally by oral gavage with B. pilosicoli B2904 at 18 weeks of age; one group received unsupplemented drinking water and the other received L. reuteri LM1 in drinking water from 1 week prior to challenge with Brachyspira and thereafter for the duration of the study. This treatment regime was protective. Specifically, B. pilosicoli was detected by culture in fewer birds, bird weights were higher, faecal moisture contents were significantly lower (P<0.05) and egg production as assessed by egg weight and faecal staining score was improved (P<0.05). Also, at post-mortem examination, significantly fewer B. pilosicoli were recovered from treated birds (P<0.05), with only mild–moderate histopathological changes observed. These data suggest that L. reuteri LM1 may be a useful tool in the control of AIS.


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Background: We and others have described the neurodegenerative disorder caused by G51D SNCA mutation which shares characteristics of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and multiple system atrophy (MSA). The objective of this investigation was to extend the description of the clinical and neuropathological hallmarks of G51D mutant SNCA-associated disease by the study of two additional cases from a further G51D SNCA kindred and to compare the features of this group with a SNCA duplication case and a H50Q SNCA mutation case. Results: All three G51D patients were clinically characterised by parkinsonism, dementia, visual hallucinations, autonomic dysfunction and pyramidal signs with variable age at disease onset and levodopa response. The H50Q SNCA mutation case had a clinical picture that mimicked late-onset idiopathic PD with a good and sustained levodopa response. The SNCA duplication case presented with a clinical phenotype of frontotemporal dementia with marked behavioural changes, pyramidal signs, postural hypotension and transiently levodopa responsive parkinsonism. Detailed post-mortem neuropathological analysis was performed in all cases. All three G51D cases had abundant α-synuclein pathology with characteristics of both PD and MSA. These included widespread cortical and subcortical neuronal α-synuclein inclusions together with small numbers of inclusions resembling glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCIs) in oligodendrocytes. In contrast the H50Q and SNCA duplication cases, had α-synuclein pathology resembling idiopathic PD without GCIs. Phosphorylated α-synuclein was present in all inclusions types in G51D cases but was more restricted in SNCA duplication and H50Q mutation. Inclusions were also immunoreactive for the 5G4 antibody indicating their highly aggregated and likely fibrillar state. Conclusions: Our characterisation of the clinical and neuropathological features of the present small series of G51D SNCA mutation cases should aid the recognition of this clinico-pathological entity. The neuropathological features of these cases consistently share characteristics of PD and MSA and are distinct from PD patients carrying the H50Q or SNCA duplication.


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The use of ceramic material as refractories in the manufacturing industry is a common practice worldwide. During usage, for example in the production of steel, these materials do experience severe working conditions including high temperatures, low pressures and corrosive environments. This results in lowered service lives and high consumptions of these materials. This, in turn, affects the productivity of the whole steel plant and thereby the cost. In order to investigate how the service life can be improved, studies have been carried out for refractories used in the inner lining of the steel ladles. More specifically, from the slag zone, where the corrosion is most severe. By combining thermodynamic simulations, plant trails and post-mortem studies of the refractories after service, vital information about the behaviour of the slagline refractories during steel refining and the causes of the accelerated wear in this ladle area has been achieved. The results from these studies show that the wear of the slagline refractories of the ladle is initiated at the preheating station, through reduction-oxidation reactions. The degree of the decarburization process is mostly dependent on the preheating fuel or the environment. For refractories without antioxidants, refractory decarburization is slower when coal gas is used in ladle preheating than when a mixture of oil and air is used. In addition, ladle preheating of the refractories without antioxidants leads to direct wear of the slagline refractories. This is due to the total loss of the matrix strength, which results in a sand-like product. Thermal chemical changes that take place in the slagline refractories are due to the MgO-C reaction as well as the formation of liquid phases from impurity oxides. In addition, the decrease in the system pressure during steel refining makes the MgO-C reaction take place at the steel refining temperatures. This reduces the refractory’s resistance to corrosion. This is a serious problem for both the magnesia-carbon and dolomite-carbon refractories. The studies of the reactions between the slagline refractories and the different slag compositions showed that slags rich in iron oxide lead mostly to the oxidation of carbon/graphite in the carbon-containing refractories. This leads to an increased porosity and wettability and therefore an enhanced penetration of slag into the refractory structure. If the slag contains high contents of alumina and or silica (such as the steel refining slag), reactions between the slag components and the dolomite-carbon refractory are promoted. This leads to the formation of low-temperature melting phases such as calcium-aluminates and silicates. The state of these reaction products during steel refining leads to an accelerated wear of the dolomite-carbon refractory. The main products of the reactions between the magnesia-carbon refractory and the steel refining slag are MgAl2O4 spinels, and calcium-aluminates, and silicates. Due to the good refractory properties of MgAl2O4 spinels, the slag corrosion resistance of the magnesiacarbon refractory is promoted.


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The submerged entry nozzle (SEN) is used to transport the molten steel from a tundish to a mould. The main purpose of its usage is to prevent oxygen and nitrogen pick-up by molten steel from the gas. Furthermore, to achieve the desired flow conditions in the mould. Therefore, the SEN can be considered as a vital factor for a stable casting process and the steel quality. In addition, the steelmaking processes occur at high temperatures around 1873 K, so the interaction between the refractory materials of the SEN and molten steel is unavoidable. Therefore, the knowledge of the SEN behaviors during preheating and casting processes is necessary for the design of the steelmaking processes  The internal surfaces of modern SENs are coated with a glass/silicon powder layer to prevent the SEN graphite oxidation during preheating. The effects of the interaction between the coating layer and the SEN base refractory materials on clogging were studied. A large number of accretion samples formed inside alumina-graphite clogged SENs were examined using FEG-SEM-EDS and Feature analysis. The internal coated SENs were used for continuous casting of stainless steel grades alloyed with Rare Earth Metals (REM). The post-mortem study results clearly revealed the formation of a multi-layer accretion. A harmful effect of the SENs decarburization on the accretion thickness was also indicated. In addition, the results indicated a penetration of the formed alkaline-rich glaze into the alumina-graphite base refractory. More specifically, the alkaline-rich glaze reacts with graphite to form a carbon monoxide gas. Thereafter, dissociation of CO at the interface between SEN and molten metal takes place. This leads to reoxidation of dissolved alloying elements such as REM (Rare Earth Metal). This reoxidation forms the “In Situ” REM oxides at the interface between the SEN and the REM alloyed molten steel. Also, the interaction of the penetrated glaze with alumina in the SEN base refractory materials leads to the formation of a high-viscous alumina-rich glaze during the SEN preheating process. This, in turn, creates a very uneven surface at the SEN internal surface. Furthermore, these uneven areas react with dissolved REM in molten steel to form REM aluminates, REM silicates and REM alumina-silicates. The formation of the large “in-situ” REM oxides and the reaction of the REM alloying elements with the previously mentioned SEN´s uneven areas may provide a large REM-rich surface in contact with the primary inclusions in molten steel. This may facilitate the attraction and agglomeration of the primary REM oxide inclusions on the SEN internal surface and thereafter the clogging. The study revealed the disadvantages of the glass/silicon powder coating applications and the SEN decarburization. The decarburization behaviors of Al2O3-C, ZrO2-C and MgO-C refractory materials from a commercial Submerged Entry Nozzle (SEN), were also investigated for different gas atmospheres consisting of CO2, O2 and Ar. The gas ratio values were kept the same as it is in a propane combustion flue gas at different Air-Fuel-Ratio (AFR) values for both Air-Fuel and Oxygen-Fuel combustion systems. Laboratory experiments were carried out under nonisothermal conditions followed by isothermal heating. The decarburization ratio (α) values of all three refractory types were determined by measuring the real time weight losses of the samples. The results showed the higher decarburization ratio (α) values increasing for MgO-C refractory when changing the Air-Fuel combustion to Oxygen-Fuel combustion at the same AFR value. It substantiates the SEN preheating advantage at higher temperatures for shorter holding times compared to heating at lower temperatures during longer holding times for Al2O3-C samples. Diffusion models were proposed for estimation of the decarburization rate of an Al2O3-C refractory in the SEN. Two different methods were studied to prevent the SEN decarburization during preheating: The effect of an ZrSi2 antioxidant and the coexistence of an antioxidant additive and a (4B2O3 ·BaO) glass powder on carbon oxidation for non-isothermal and isothermal heating conditions in a controlled atmosphere. The coexistence of 8 wt% ZrSi2 and 15 wt% (4B2O3 ·BaO) glass powder of the total alumina-graphite refractory base materials, presented the most effective resistance to carbon oxidation. The 121% volume expansion due to the Zircon formation during heating and filling up the open pores by a (4B2O3 ·BaO) glaze during the green body sintering led to an excellent carbon oxidation resistance. The effects of the plasma spray-PVD coating of the Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) powder on the carbon oxidation of the Al2O3-C coated samples were investigated. Trials were performed at non-isothermal heating conditions in a controlled atmosphere. Also, the applied temperature profile for the laboratory trials were defined based on the industrial preheating trials. The controlled atmospheres consisted of CO2, O2 and Ar. The thicknesses of the decarburized layers were measured and examined using light optic microscopy, FEG-SEM and EDS. A 250-290 μm YSZ coating is suggested to be an appropriate coating, as it provides both an even surface as well as prevention of the decarburization even during heating in air. In addition, the interactions between the YSZ coated alumina-graphite refractory base materials in contact with a cerium alloyed molten stainless steel were surveyed. The YSZ coating provided a total prevention of the alumina reduction by cerium. Therefore, the prevention of the first clogging product formed on the surface of the SEN refractory base materials. Therefore, the YSZ plasma-PVD coating can be recommended for coating of the hot surface of the commercial SENs.


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The littoral environments present in Shoal Bay, Northern Territory (Australia) show a high diversity of ostracods cytheráceos (51 genera and 97 species). Probably this diversity is due to three factors: (1) marine environments warm and well oxygenated leading to a high level of biological productivity, (2) shallow marine environments favorable for the accumulation of material conchífero post mortem, and (3) a location central in the way of dispersal on the continental shelf between the regions of the Pacific and Southeast Asia. A particular feature of this fauna Cytherscea is that some genres, such as Alocopocythere, can be traced back to the Cretaceous when it first appeared in the shallow waters of the Tethys. In this overlay component of the ancient ostracods are the dominant fauna in partnerships of the modern Indo / Pacific, such as gender Keiji. While the Cytheracea ostracods are the dominant groups, especially the Cypridacea marine Bairdiacea and Plstycopina, are well represented and are quite different (fide Whatley et al., 1995, 1996). We describe here a new genre, Paraxestoleberis, and 15 new species: Dentibyíhere multituberosa, Dampiercythere papillolineata, Neocyíheromorpha papilloporosa, Loxoconcha catasíeros, Semicyrherura gamma, Callistocyíhere cookei, Loxocorniculum koolpionyahensis, Keúia interim, K. profundosculpia, K. parademissa, Quasibradleya leepoiníensis, Actinocyíhereis gippsi, Henryhowella sinespinosa, Poníicocyíhereis spatulospinosa and Paraxestoleberis posteroacuminata. Due to the limited material obtained, 16 species are kept in open nomenclature: Bythoceratina sp. Corallicyíhere sp. Venericythere sp. Tanella sp. Loxocorniculum sp. 1 L. sp. 2, Gambiella sp. Javanella sp. Paradoxostoma sp. Neomonoceratina sp., Bradley (sl) sp. Echinocytbereis (sl) sp. Plaíycyíhereis? sp. Alocopocyíhere sp. Xestoleberis sp. and Paraxestoleberis sp. The remaining 66 species have been described previously in other areas.


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A two-factor experiment was performed to evaluate the effects of cage colour (black or white 0.5 m3 experiment cages) and light environment (natural sunlight or reduced level of natural sunlight) on the skin colour of darkened Australian snapper. Each treatment was replicated four times and each replicate cage was stocked with five snapper (mean weight=351 g). Snapper exposed to natural sunlight were held in experimental cages located in outdoor tanks. An approximately 70% reduction in natural sunlight (measured as PAR) was established by holding snapper in experimental cages that were housed inside a 'shade-house' enclosure. The skin colour of anaesthetized fish was measured at stocking and after a 2-, 7- and 14-day exposure using a digital chroma-meter (Minolta CR-10) that quantified skin colour according to the L*a*b* colour space. At the conclusion of the experiment, fish were killed in salt water ice slurry and post-mortem skin colour was quantified after 0.75, 6 and 22 h respectively. In addition to these trials, an ad hoc market appraisal of chilled snapper (mean weight=409 g) that had been held in either white or in black cages was conducted at two local fish markets. Irrespective of the sampling time, skin lightness (L*) was significantly affected by cage colour (P<0.05), with fish in white cages having much higher L* values (L*≈64) than fish held in black cages (L*≈49). However, the value of L* was not significantly affected by the light environment or the interaction between cage colour and the light environment. In general, the L* values of anaesthetized snapper were sustained post mortem, but there were linear reductions in the a* (red) and b* (yellow) skin colour values of chilled snapper over time. According to the commercial buyers interviewed, chilled snapper that had been reared for a short period of time in white cages could demand a premium of 10–50% above the prices paid for similar-sized snapper reared in black cages. Our results demonstrate that short-term use of white cages can reduce the dark skin colour of farmed snapper, potentially improving the profitability of snapper farming.


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The effects of dietary manipulation of muscle long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (FA) on sensory properties of cooked meat in second cross ([Merino×Border Leicester]×Poll Dorset) wether lambs were evaluated. Lambs fed dietary supplements of fish meal (FM, Exp. 1) and fish oil (FO, Exp. 2) showed moderately (P<0.01) and markedly (P<0.001) increased muscle long-chain omega-3 FA content compared with those fed the basal diet of lucerne chaff and oat chaff. Protected canola seed (PCS, Exp. 1) significantly (P<0.001) increased omega-6 FA content of the longissimus muscle. In each of the 2 experiments (1 and 2), after being fed experimental diets for 6 weeks lambs were slaughtered at a commercial abattoir. At 24 h post-mortem (PM) the semitendinosus and biceps femoris muscles were removed from animals and stored at −20°C until evaluation of sensory properties using experienced panel members. The muscle samples were stored for 3 (Exp. 1) and 12 (Exp. 2) months then removed, thawed and cooked for sensory evaluation. The meat samples were cooked under standardized conditions in a convection microwave at 180°C (20–25 min) to an internal temperature of 75°C. Cooked samples were tested for flavour, aroma, juiciness and overall palatability. The significant increase in muscle long-chain omega-3 with FM (Exp. 1 and 2) and FO (Exp. 2) or omega-6 FA with PCS (Exp. 1) were not detrimental to sensory panel evaluations of flavour or aroma of cooked meat when compared with the basal diet. However, meat from FM (Exp. 1) had lower juiciness and FO (Exp. 2) had lower overall palatability. Protected sunflower meal protein with FO (Exp. 2) significantly lowered ratings for flavour, juiciness and overall palatability. Lamb meat with increased levels of long-chain omega-3 FA can be produced without altering the sensory quality (flavour or aroma) of the cooked meat.


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A series of three experiments were conducted with second cross ([Merino×Border Leicester]×Poll Dorset) wether lambs to evaluate the effects of dietary treatments on manipulation of muscle long-chain (LC) omega-3 fatty acids (FA) on the color stability and oxidative stability of fresh and vacuum packaged lamb. At the end of 7-, 6- and 6-week experimental periods for experiments (Exp.) 1–3 respectively, lambs were slaughtered at a commercial abattoir. At 24 h post-mortem, muscle longissimus lumborum (LL) and longissimus thoracis (LT) were removed and evaluated for color and lipid oxidative stability under specified commercial storage and display condition. Of the dietary supplements used, fish meal and fish oil moderately (P<0.01) and markedly (P<0.001) increased muscle omega-3 FA content, while both protected canola seed (P<0.001) and protected sunflower meal protein significantly (P<0.02) increased muscle omega-6 FA content or ratio of omega-6/omega-3 of the longissimus muscle. In all experiments, the substantial increase (P<0.001) in muscle LC omega-3 and omega-6 FA had no consistent significant effect on color values (redness (a*), yellowness (b*) and lightness (L*)) for fresh and vacuum packaged lamb over a 6-day display period. Lipid oxidation, determined by the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) indicated the enrichment of muscle polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) levels in lambs did not produce significant differences resulting either from main treatment effects or for treatment×day×type interactions (where type was fresh and vacuum packaged). Present results demonstrated the color and lipid oxidative stability of lamb longissimus muscle during refrigerated display was not affected by enhanced levels of omega-3 and omega-6 FA due to dietary treatments.


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A series of three experiments were conducted with second cross ([Merino×Border Leicester]×Poll Dorset) wether lambs to evaluate the effects of dietary treatments on manipulation of muscle long-chain (LC) omega-3 fatty acids (FA) on the color stability and oxidative stability of fresh and vacuum packaged lamb. At the end of 7-, 6- and 6-week experimental periods for experiments (Exp.) 1–3 respectively, lambs were slaughtered at a commercial abattoir. At 24 h post-mortem, muscle longissimus lumborum (LL) and longissimus thoracis (LT) were removed and evaluated for color and lipid oxidative stability under specified commercial storage and display condition. Of the dietary supplements used, fish meal and fish oil moderately (P<0.01) and markedly (P<0.001) increased muscle omega-3 FA content, while both protected canola seed (P<0.001) and protected sunflower meal protein significantly (P<0.02) increased muscle omega-6 FA content or ratio of omega-6/omega-3 of the longissimus muscle. In all experiments, the substantial increase (P<0.001) in muscle LC omega-3 and omega-6 FA had no consistent significant effect on color values (redness (a*), yellowness (b*) and lightness (L*)) for fresh and vacuum packaged lamb over a 6-day display period. Lipid oxidation, determined by the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) indicated the enrichment of muscle polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) levels in lambs did not produce significant differences resulting either from main treatment effects or for treatment×day×type interactions (where type was fresh and vacuum packaged). Present results demonstrated the color and lipid oxidative stability of lamb longissimus muscle during refrigerated display was not affected by enhanced levels of omega-3 and omega-6 FA due to dietary treatments.


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A series of three experiments were conducted with second cross ([Merino×Border Leicester]×Poll Dorset) wether lambs to evaluate the effects of dietary treatments on manipulation of muscle long-chain (LC) omega-3 fatty acids (FA) on the color stability and oxidative stability of fresh and vacuum packaged lamb. At the end of 7-, 6- and 6-week experimental periods for experiments (Exp.) 1–3 respectively, lambs were slaughtered at a commercial abattoir. At 24 h post-mortem, muscle longissimus lumborum (LL) and longissimus thoracis (LT) were removed and evaluated for color and lipid oxidative stability under specified commercial storage and display condition. Of the dietary supplements used, fish meal and fish oil moderately (P<0.01) and markedly (P<0.001) increased muscle omega-3 FA content, while both protected canola seed (P<0.001) and protected sunflower meal protein significantly (P<0.02) increased muscle omega-6 FA content or ratio of omega-6/omega-3 of the longissimus muscle. In all experiments, the substantial increase (P<0.001) in muscle LC omega-3 and omega-6 FA had no consistent significant effect on color values (redness (a*), yellowness (b*) and lightness (L*)) for fresh and vacuum packaged lamb over a 6-day display period. Lipid oxidation, determined by the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) indicated the enrichment of muscle polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) levels in lambs did not produce significant differences resulting either from main treatment effects or for treatment×day×type interactions (where type was fresh and vacuum packaged). Present results demonstrated the color and lipid oxidative stability of lamb longissimus muscle during refrigerated display was not affected by enhanced levels of omega-3 and omega-6 FA due to dietary treatments.


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UK statistics show that whilst waiting lists for transplantation surgery continue to increase, donor numbers are static. This paper describes the hermeneutic phase of a mixed method study and puts forward the concept of protection behaviour as one explanation for nurses’ reticence to discuss post-mortem donation wishes with patients’ relatives. The desire to protect appears to influence attitudes, confidence levels and perceived ability to become involved in donor identification and donation discussion, consequently affecting the availability of transplantable organs and tissue. By understanding more fully why protective behaviours are employed, it increases the likelihood of a solution being found.


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The purpose of this study was to examine whether a single biopsy sample of vastus lateralis could provide an accurate estimate of capillary density (CD) which is indicative of the entire muscle, or whether capillary density is distributed unevenly and varies with muscle depth. Whole muscle cross sections of vastus lateralis were excised post mortem (n=11) for analysis of capillary density at three muscle depths, (superficial, mid and deep regions). Muscle thickness varied widely (17–79mm) across subjects. The distribution of CD throughout the depth of the muscle was homogeneous in 8 subjects, but in 3 subjects it was heterogeneous (p<0.05). In 3 of these subjects there was a significant (p<0.05) effect of sample depth on CD. These data indicate that tissue from a single biopsy will not adequately represent the CD of the entire vastus lateralis in some individuals. Single biopsies from unspecified muscle depth, have routinely been used to estimate CD and fibre type in vastus lateralis. The present study indicates that a more reliable method of analysis would be to use the tissue from two needle biopsies taken at the superficial and deep portions of the muscle from a group of at least 10 subjects. Sampling theory analysis supported this conclusion.


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Phospholipase C-β1 (PLC-β1) is a critical component of multiple signalling pathways downstream of neurotransmitter receptors. Mice lacking this enzyme display a striking behavioural phenotype with relevance to human psychiatric disease. Glutamatergic dysfunction is strongly associated with several abnormal behavioural states and may underlie part of the phenotype of the phospholipase C-β1 knockout (KO) mouse. A heightened response to glutamatergic psychotomimetic drugs is a critical psychosis-related endophenotype, and in this study it was employed as a correlate of glutamatergic dysfunction. Control (n=8) and PLC-β1 KO mice (n=6) were treated with MK-801, a NMDA receptor (NMDAR) antagonist, following either standard housing or environmental enrichment, and the motor function and locomotor activity thus evoked was assessed. In addition, MK-801 binding to the NMDAR was evaluated through radioligand autoradiography in post-mortem tissue (on a drug-naive cohort). We have demonstrated a significantly increased sensitivity to the effects of the NMDA antagonist MK-801 in the PLC-β1 KO mouse. In addition, we found that this mouse line displays reduced hippocampal NMDAR expression, as measured by radioligand binding. We previously documented a reversal of specific phenotypes in this mouse line following housing in an enriched environment. Enrichment did not alter this heightened MK-801 response, nor NMDAR expression, indicating that this therapeutic intervention works on specific pathways only. These findings demonstrate the critical role of the glutamatergic system in the phenotype of the PLC-β1 KO mouse and highlight the role of these interconnected signalling pathways in schizophrenia-like behavioural disruption. These results also shed further light on the capacity of environmental factors to modulate subsets of these phenotypes.


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The stability of encapsulated planar-structured CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI3) perovskite solar cells (PSCs) was investigated under various simulated environmental conditions. The tests were performed under approximately one sun (100 mW cm-2) illumination, varying temperature (up to 85 °C cell temperature) and humidity (up to 80%). The application of advanced sealing techniques improved the device stability, but all devices showed significant degradation after prolonged aging at high temperature and humidity. The degradation mechanism was studied by post-mortem analysis of the disassembled cells using SEM and XRD. This revealed that the degradation was mainly due to the decomposition of MAPbI3, as a result of reaction with H2O, and the subsequent reaction of hydroiodic acid, formed during MAPbI3 decomposition, with the silver back contact electrode layer.