622 resultados para pleasure
The Kangaroo Program was implemented in Brazil in 2000 through the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS) sustained with a humanized rethoric of health care assistance. This program adopts the skin-to-skin contact contributing to the mother-infant bond, breastfeeding and promoting security in mother s care. The users of SUS are encouraged to live in the maternity ward to follow the baby health improvement. However, it was verified in previous observations that mothers participation in the Kangaroo Program has been done through an imposed practice. Therefore, this study intended to understand the texts that permeate the kangaroo practice. This research was developed through two studies: 1) an historic exploration of motherhood concept and an analysis of how the motherhood is presented in the official document that orients the program; 2) an analysis of institutional dynamic of Kangaroo Program, emphasizing the study about the health workers everyday practice, the mothers view about their life in the maternity wards, and the attendance practice. It is highlighted that the relation between this two studies allowed the comprehension abouthow the official discourses can influence the health workers behaviors and how their viewpoint and position can shape the everyday work in a public health program. This research, supported by Institutional Ethnography, considers that people s practices and experiences are socially organized and shaped by broad social forces. The discourse method was used in the documental analysis and in the analysis of qualitative data from empiric research. The research showed that the kangaroo program has been an excellent way to save resources and to improve some baby s biologic and psychological aspects. However, this program has failed to consider the social, economic and cultural complexity of mothers and the structural limitation of the health care system. The official document uses the economic and medical approach, following the hegemonic biomedical model and the life style of the people that don t use the public health system. Consequently, the program has not been successful because it is planned without people participation. On the other hand, it was verified that although some professionals are committed with their work, the mainly does not consider mothers participation as an active process, using the institutional power as a social control to keep mothers uninformed about the possibility to leave the maternity wards. As a result, the research also showed that mothers perceive the program as mandatory and not as option that can improve pleasure moments. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the complex social determinants of health that can increase mothers participation in the Kangaroo Program. Bringing these issues into debate can be a reflective exercise on citizenship and governance, allowing spaces for the improvement of public health programs
The city, with all its complexity, is marked by the different uses that emerge and give the current composition of its forms, functions, processes and structures (SANTOS, 2008). These uses are responsible for defining the territoriality that engender public squares, especially from the projection of the practices of sociability and pleasure experienced by social groups and urban households, giving rise to the emergence of agreements and conflicts, especially when the public sphere and negotiates a private residence in the same territory. Thus, from analyzes performed in the public squares of the city of Caico / RN in the current context, did a survey of territorialities undertaken by these groups and social aggregates. These squares were seized territories while public use, but marked by the presence of private, becoming as important elements of the urban space caicoense
O tabagismo está relacionado a 30% das mortes por câncer. É fator de risco para desenvolver carcinomas do aparelho respiratório, esôfago, estômago, pâncreas, cérvix uterina, rim e bexiga. A nicotina induz tolerância e dependência pela ação nas vias dopaminérgicas centrais, levando às sensações de prazer e recompensa mediadas pelo sistema límbico. É estimulante do sistema nervoso central (SNC), aumenta o estado de alerta e reduz o apetite. A diminuição de 50% no consumo da nicotina pode desencadear sintomas de abstinência nos indivíduos dependentes: ansiedade, irritabilidade, distúrbios do sono, aumento do apetite, alterações cognitivas e fissura pelo cigarro. O aconselhamento médico é fundamental para o sucesso no abandono do fumo. A farmacoterapia da dependência de nicotina divide-se em: primeira linha (bupropiona e terapia de reposição da nicotina), e segunda linha (clonidina e nortriptilina). A bupropiona é um antidepressivo não-tricíclico que age inibindo a recaptação de dopamina, cujas contra-indicações são: epilepsia, distúrbios alimentares, hipertensão arterial não-controlada, abstinência recente do álcool e uso de inibidores da monoaminoxidase (MAO). A terapia de reposição de nicotina pode ser feita com adesivos e gomas de mascar. Os efeitos da acupuntura no abandono do fumo ainda não estão completamente esclarecidos. As estratégias de interrupção abrupta ou redução gradual do fumo têm a mesma probabilidade de sucesso.
Preconditioning-induced ischemic tolerance has been documented in the newborn brain, however, the signaling mechanisms of this preconditioning require further elucidation. The aims of this study were to develop a hypoxic-preconditioning (PC) model of ischemic tolerance in the newborn piglet, which emulates important clinical similarities to human situation of birth asphyxia, and to characterize some of the molecular mechanisms shown to be implicated in PC-induced neuroprotection in rodent models. One day old piglets were subjected to PC (8% O(2)/92% N(2)) for 3 h and 24 h later were exposed to hypoxia-ischemia (HI) produced by a combination of hypoxia (5% FiO(2)) for a period of 30 min and ischemia induced by a period of hypotension (10 min of reduced mean arterial blood pressure; 70% of baseline). Neuropathologic analysis and unbiased stereology, conducted at 24 h, 3 and 7 days of recovery following HI, indicated a substantial reduction in the severity of brain damage in PC piglets compared to non-PC piglets (P<0.05). PC significantly increased the mRNA expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1 alpha) and its target gene, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) at 0 h, 6 h, 24 h, 3 and 7 days of recovery. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that PC resulted in HIF-1 alpha protein stabilization and accumulation in nuclear extracts of cerebral cortex of newborn piglet brain compared to normoxic controls. Protein levels of VEGF increased in a time-dependent manner in both cortex and hippocampus following PC. Double-immunolabeling indicated that VEGF is mainly expressed in neurons, endothelial cells and astroglia. Our study demonstrates for the first time the protective efficacy of PC against hypoxic-ischemic injury in newborn piglet model, which recapitulates many pathophysiological features of asphyxiated human neonates. Furthermore, as has been shown in rodent models of preconditioning, our results suggest that PC-induced protection in neonatal piglets may involve upregulation of VEGF. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the personal meaning of refereeing for Portuguese football referees. Participants were 47 football referees from the 1st Portuguese Professional Football League evaluated through an open question: "Write down what refereeing means to you". The analysis was made according to Miles & Huberman (1994) procedures. The 5 categories are: relation with the football; costs of the practice; emotion for the arbitration; social interaction and way of life. The results show that be connected to the world of the football, passion and the relationship with other referees are important motivational factors, with that the referees have a high grade of excitement and pleasure in his labor activity. on the other hand the task of refereeing is generating of stress and burnout.
In this article it is intended to discuss the issue of noise pollution from an unusual point of view: noise pollution is not only the result of sound increase worldwide, but, particularly, the poor quality of our listening habits in modern life as well. In contemporary society we are subject to a considerable amount of stimulus to all our senses: vision, scent, taste and hearing which are becoming more and more insensible due to over exposure in our environment. These increased stimuli make us look for alternatives to reduce our ability to perceive them and be protected from injuries. However, our sensitivity will also decrease. In the specific case of environment noise, over exposure has made us forget the enchantment of certain sounds that used to give us pleasure or evoke good feelings by many ways, making us recall certain good things, bringing particular moments of our lives to our memory or even filling us with strong emotion. The Canadian composer and music educator, R. Murray Schafer, believes that noise pollution is the result of a society who became deaf. Closing our ears to noise protect us from noise pollution but also prevent us from grasping subtleties of listening. Contemporary world does not help us to be aware of sound in the space around us; acquiring this hearing ability is a matter of focus, interest and practice. Sound education exercises are aimed at children, teenagers and adults who want to improve their listening ability to environmental sounds, perceive its proprieties and learn how sound affects us and touches our feelings. The results are easy to accomplish and contribute to our awareness of the sound environment around us and to the conception of the environmental sound as a composition made by everybody and everything through positive actions, strong will and high sensitivity. Copyright © (2011) by the International Institute of Acoustics & Vibration.
The literature has already demonstrated that auditory stimulation with music influences the cardiovascular system. In this study, we performed a literature review in order to investigate the relationship between auditory mechanisms and cardiac autonomic regulation. The selected studies indicated that there is a strong correlation between noise intensity and vagal-sympathetic balance. Also, it was reported that music therapy improved heart rate variability in anthracycline-treated breast cancer patients. It was hypothesized that dopamine release in the striatal system induced by pleasure songs are involved in the cardiac autonomic regulation. Further studies are necessary to add new elements in the literature to improve new therapies to treat cardiovascular disorders.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean embarked on a project "Development of a Subregional Marine-based Tourism Strategy" in 2001. The project, co-funded by the Government of the Netherlands, is aimed at the development of sustainable yachting tourism in the Eastern Caribbean and focuses on the island arc from the British Virgin Islands in the north to Trinidad and Tobago in the south. The project includes the conduct of national studies in the British Virgin Islands, St. Maarten, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago. In all countries the national studies were preceded by consultations with the private and public sector and, following completion of the national reports, the findings were similarly discussed through a private and public sector consultation. On 26 March 2003, as part of the project's activities, a national consultation on yachting in Grenada was convened by the Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Culture, Social Security, Gender and Family Affairs in collaboration with the Marine and Yachting Association of Grenada (MAYAG); and ECLAC. One of the objectives of the consultation was to review the report "Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique: The Yachting Sector" that was prepared by the ECLAC Subregional Headquarters of the Caribbean and co-sponsored by the Government of the Netherlands. A second objective included the provision of a forum for a private sector-government discussion on yachting and the pleasure boat industry and its contribution to Grenada. The final objective was the identification of ways and means to increase the contribution of yachting as a viable component of the tourism industry in Grenada.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)