955 resultados para patent portfolio
Nel lavoro di tesi qui presentato si indaga l'applicazione di tecniche di apprendimento mirate ad una più efficiente esecuzione di un portfolio di risolutore di vincoli (constraint solver). Un constraint solver è un programma che dato in input un problema di vincoli, elabora una soluzione mediante l'utilizzo di svariate tecniche. I problemi di vincoli sono altamente presenti nella vita reale. Esempi come l'organizzazione dei viaggi dei treni oppure la programmazione degli equipaggi di una compagnia aerea, sono tutti problemi di vincoli. Un problema di vincoli è formalizzato da un problema di soddisfacimento di vincoli(CSP). Un CSP è descritto da un insieme di variabili che possono assumere valori appartenenti ad uno specico dominio ed un insieme di vincoli che mettono in relazione variabili e valori assumibili da esse. Una tecnica per ottimizzare la risoluzione di tali problemi è quella suggerita da un approccio a portfolio. Tale tecnica, usata anche in am- biti come quelli economici, prevede la combinazione di più solver i quali assieme possono generare risultati migliori di un approccio a singolo solver. In questo lavoro ci preoccupiamo di creare una nuova tecnica che combina un portfolio di constraint solver con tecniche di machine learning. Il machine learning è un campo di intelligenza articiale che si pone l'obiettivo di immettere nelle macchine una sorta di `intelligenza'. Un esempio applicativo potrebbe essere quello di valutare i casi passati di un problema ed usarli in futuro per fare scelte. Tale processo è riscontrato anche a livello cognitivo umano. Nello specico, vogliamo ragionare in termini di classicazione. Una classicazione corrisponde ad assegnare ad un insieme di caratteristiche in input, un valore discreto in output, come vero o falso se una mail è classicata come spam o meno. La fase di apprendimento sarà svolta utilizzando una parte di CPHydra, un portfolio di constraint solver sviluppato presso la University College of Cork (UCC). Di tale algoritmo a portfolio verranno utilizzate solamente le caratteristiche usate per descrivere determinati aspetti di un CSP rispetto ad un altro; queste caratteristiche vengono altresì dette features. Creeremo quindi una serie di classicatori basati sullo specifico comportamento dei solver. La combinazione di tali classicatori con l'approccio a portfolio sara nalizzata allo scopo di valutare che le feature di CPHydra siano buone e che i classicatori basati su tali feature siano affidabili. Per giusticare il primo risultato, eettueremo un confronto con uno dei migliori portfolio allo stato dell'arte, SATzilla. Una volta stabilita la bontà delle features utilizzate per le classicazioni, andremo a risolvere i problemi simulando uno scheduler. Tali simulazioni testeranno diverse regole costruite con classicatori precedentemente introdotti. Prima agiremo su uno scenario ad un processore e successivamente ci espanderemo ad uno scenario multi processore. In questi esperimenti andremo a vericare che, le prestazioni ottenute tramite l'applicazione delle regole create appositamente sui classicatori, abbiano risultati migliori rispetto ad un'esecuzione limitata all'utilizzo del migliore solver del portfolio. I lavoro di tesi è stato svolto in collaborazione con il centro di ricerca 4C presso University College Cork. Su questo lavoro è stato elaborato e sottomesso un articolo scientico alla International Joint Conference of Articial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2011. Al momento della consegna della tesi non siamo ancora stati informati dell'accettazione di tale articolo. Comunque, le risposte dei revisori hanno indicato che tale metodo presentato risulta interessante.
In this investigation I look at patents and software agents as a way to study broader relation between law and science (the latter term broadly understood as inclusive of science and technology). The overall premise framing the entire discussion, my basic thesis, is that this relation, between law and science, cannot be understood without taking into account a number of intervening factors identifying which makes it necessary to approach the question from the standpoint of fields and disciplines other than law and science themselves.
This doctoral thesis examines the use of liability rules to protect patent entitlements, focusing on a specific type of rule named ex-post since it is applied and designed ex-post by a court or an agency. The research starts from the premise that patents are defined by the legal and economic scholarship as exclusive rights but nevertheless, under certain circumstances there are economic as well as other compelling reasons to transform the exclusiveness of patent rights into a right to receive compensation.
The study aims at providing a framework conceptualizing patenting activities under the condition of intellectual property rights fragmentation. Such a framework has to deal with the interrelated problems of technological complexity in the modern patent landscape. In that respect, ex-post licensing agreements have been incorporated into the analysis. More precisely, by consolidating the right to use patents required for commercialization of a product, private market solutions, such as cross-licensing agreements and patent pools help firms to overcome problems triggered by the intellectual property rights fragmentation. Thereby, private bargaining between parties as such cannot be isolated from the legal framework. A result of this analysis is that policies ignoring market solutions and only focusing on static gains can mitigate the dynamic efficiency gains as induced by the patent system. The evidence found in this thesis supports the opinion that legal reforms that aim to decrease the degree of patent protection or to lift it all together can hamper the functioning of the current system.
This thesis aims to fill the gap in the literature by examining the relationship between technological trajectories and environmental policy in the automotive industry, focusing on the role of environmental policies in unlocking the industry from fossil fuel path-dependence. It first explores the inducement mechanism that underpins the interaction between environmental policy and green technological advances, investigating under what conditions the European environmental transport policy portfolio and the intrinsic characteristics of assignees' knowledge boost worldwide green patent production. Subsequently, the thesis empirically analyses the dynamics of technological knowledge involved in technological trajectories assessing evolution patterns such as variation, selection and retention, in order to study the impact of policy implementation on technological knowledge related to electric and hybrid vehicle technologies. Finally, the thesis sheds light on the drivers that encourage a shift from incumbent internal combustion engine technologies towards low-emission vehicle technologies. This analysis tests whether tax-inclusive fuel prices and technological proximity between technological fields induce a shift from non-environmental inventions to environmentally friendly inventive activities and if they impact the competition between alternative vehicle technologies. The findings provide insights into the effectiveness of environmental policy in triggering inventive activities related to the development of alternative vehicle technologies. In addition, there is evidence that environmental policy redirects technological efforts towards a sustainable path and impacts the competition between low-emission vehicles.
Recent research has shown that the performance of a single, arbitrarily efficient algorithm can be significantly outperformed by using a portfolio of —possibly on-average slower— algorithms. Within the Constraint Programming (CP) context, a portfolio solver can be seen as a particular constraint solver that exploits the synergy between the constituent solvers of its portfolio for predicting which is (or which are) the best solver(s) to run for solving a new, unseen instance. In this thesis we examine the benefits of portfolio solvers in CP. Despite portfolio approaches have been extensively studied for Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) problems, in the more general CP field these techniques have been only marginally studied and used. We conducted this work through the investigation, the analysis and the construction of several portfolio approaches for solving both satisfaction and optimization problems. We focused in particular on sequential approaches, i.e., single-threaded portfolio solvers always running on the same core. We started from a first empirical evaluation on portfolio approaches for solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs), and then we improved on it by introducing new data, solvers, features, algorithms, and tools. Afterwards, we addressed the more general Constraint Optimization Problems (COPs) by implementing and testing a number of models for dealing with COP portfolio solvers. Finally, we have come full circle by developing sunny-cp: a sequential CP portfolio solver that turned out to be competitive also in the MiniZinc Challenge, the reference competition for CP solvers.
Studies have depicted that the rate of unused patents comprises a high portion of patents in North America, Europe and Japan. Particularly, studies have identified a considerable share of strategic patents which are left unused due to pure strategic reasons. While such patents might generate strategic rents to their owner, they may have harmful consequences for the society if by blocking alternative solutions that other inventions provide they hamper the possibility of better solutions. Accordingly, the importance of the issue of nonuse is highlighted within the literature on strategic patenting, IPR policy and innovation economics. Moreover, the current literature has emphasized on the role of patent pools in dealing with potential issues such as excessive transaction cost caused by patent thickets and blocking patents. In fact, patent pools have emerged as policy tools facilitating technology commercialization and alleviating patent litigation among rivals holding overlapping IPRs. In this dissertation I provide a critical literature review on strategic patenting, identify present gaps and discuss some future research paths. Moreover, I investigate the drivers of strategic non-use of patents with particular focus on unused strategic play patents. Finally, I examine if participation intensity in patent pools by pool members explains their willingness to use their non-pooled patents. I also investigate which characteristics of the patent pools are associated to the willingness to use non-pooled patents through pool participation. I show that technological uncertainty and technological complexity are two technology environment factors that drive unused play patents. I also show that pool members participating more intensively in patent pools are more likely to be willing to use their non-pooled patents through pool participation. I further depict that pool licensors are more likely to be willing to use their non-pooled patents by participating in pools with higher level of technological complementarity to their own technology.
Die Kompetenzorientierung der Lehrerbildung bezieht sich nicht nur auf die universitären Ausbildungsabschnitte des Lehramtsstudiums, sondern auch auf die praktischen Phasen. Daher ist es von Interesse, diese praktischen Phasen genauer zu untersuchen. Bisherige Forschungsarbeiten konzentrierten sich dabei vor allem auf die Kompetenzentwicklung (Bach, 2013; Gröschner & Schmitt, 2012; Schubarth et al., 2012) und auf die Betreuung im Schulpraktikum (Bach, 2013; Hascher, 2012; Schubarth et al., 2011). Die Untersuchung dieser Arbeit stellt die Praktikumsdokumentation in den Fokus, da diese ebenfalls zur Kompetenzförderung im Schulpraktikum beitragen kann. Dazu werden zwei Formen von Praktikumsdokumentationen gegenübergestellt. Dies sind einerseits die Praktikumsaufgaben, die als offene Reflexionsaufgaben formuliert werden und andererseits ein strukturiertes Arbeitsheft mit dem Ziel, die Beobachtungskompetenz der Studierenden anzuleiten und die Dokumentation der Beobachtungen zu strukturieren. Diese beiden Formen der Praktikumsdokumentation werden hinsichtlich der Akzeptanz, der Entwicklung der Kompetenzen, der Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und des pädagogisch-psychologischen Wissens miteinander verglichen. Die Angaben von n = 66 Studierenden, die das Arbeitsheft im Orientierenden Praktikum nutzten, wurden in einem prä-post-follow-up-Design untersucht und zwei Referenzgruppen gegenübergestellt. Die erste Referenzgruppe (n = 64) hatte das Orientierende Schulpraktikum noch nicht absolviert. Die zweite Referenzgruppe (n = 105) hatte dieses beendet und mit den Praktikumsaufgaben gearbeitet. Mit Hilfe von Online-Fragebögen wurden Daten zu Rahmenbedingungen des Schulpraktikums, die selbsteingeschätzte Kompetenz der Studierenden, die Relevanz und Anwendungshäufigkeit der Kompetenzen (adaptierte Skala nach Gröschner, 2009), die allgemeine Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung (Jerusalem & Schwarzer, 1999), das pädagogisch-psychologische Wissen sowie die Akzeptanz erfasst. Die Ergebnisse zeigen keine Unterschiede in der Kompetenz- und Relevanzeinschätzung sowie bei der Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und dem Wissen zwischen den Gruppen. Signifikant besser schätzten die Studierenden mit dem Arbeitsheft die Anwendungshäufigkeit der Kompetenzen und die Akzeptanz der Praktikumsdokumentation ein. Das neu entwickelte Arbeitsheft und die Praktikumsaufgaben fördern die Kompetenzentwicklung wahrscheinlich in vergleichbarem Maß. Die Studierenden akzeptieren das Arbeitsheft jedoch mehr, was eine wichtige Implementationsbedingung ist. Das Design der Studie sowie die Selbstselektion der Gruppen schränken die Aussagekraft der Studie ein. Zu betonen ist jedoch, dass im Rahmen dieser Studie erstmalig versucht wurde, eine längsschnittliche Interventionsstudie mit Praktikumsdokumentationen umzusetzen sowie die Gelingensbedingungen von Schulpraktika und Kompetenzentwicklung im Lehramtsstudium zu untersuchen.
A patent arterial duct in pre-term neonates is frequent. Systemic complications consecutive to left-to-right shunting are well known but fatal myocardial ischaemia has not been described till now. The presented premature baby died from catecholamine refractory cardiogenic shock. Autoptic examination revealed acute ischaemic changes predominantly in the inner third of myocardium, speaking of coronary hypoperfusion due to a steal phenomenon secondary to the patent arterial duct.
Patent foramen ovale (PFO) has been linked to migraine, and an improvement in migraine prevalence or frequency has been reported after PFO closure for other reasons. We sought to identify whether there is a specific patient population of migraineurs which may be more susceptible to benefiting from PFO closure.
Patent foramen ovale is found in 24% of healthy adults and 38% of patients with cryptogenic stroke. This ratio and case reports indicate that patent foramen ovale and stroke are associated, probably because of paradoxical embolism. In healthy people with patent foramen ovale, embolic events are not more frequent than in controls, and therefore no primary prevention is needed. However, once ischaemic events occur, the risk of recurrence is substantial and prevention becomes an issue. Acetylsalicylic acid and warfarin reduce this risk to the same level as in patients without patent foramen ovale. Patent foramen ovale with a coinciding atrial septal aneurysm, spontaneous or large right-to-left shunt, or multiple ischaemic events potentiates the risk of recurrence. Transcatheter device closure has therefore become an intriguing addition to medical treatment, but its therapeutic value still needs to be confirmed by randomised-controlled trials.
Percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale (PFO) has been shown safe and feasible using several devices. The Occlutech Figulla single layer PFO Occluder (FPO) constitutes an alternative to the Amplatzer PFO Occluder (APFO).