999 resultados para paper electrophoresis


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Biochemical techniques designed to compare species on the basis of protein differences were started by NUTTALL (1904) who used immunological methods to compare the serum of humans with that of other primates. Since then more refined techniques have led to better results at the protein level in taxonomy, The analyses of proteins are considered to be the simplest indirect approach to understanding the structure and function of the genetic material, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Interest in these analyses arises because of the close relationship between protein structure and gene structure. Thus by comparing the properties of homologous proteins from different taxa one is in essence comparins their genes (GORMAN er al., 1971). It is now an established fact that genetic information coded in molecules of DNA is translated through a series of reactions in the structure of proteins which form the principal morphological units of the animal body at the molecular level of organization (SIBLEY, 1952). A convenient method of comparing molecular differences between species is to measure the electrophoretic mobility of proteins in a starch gel medium (ASPINWALL and TSUYUKI, 1968) or acrylamide gel (RAYMOND and WEINTRAUB, 1959; BOUCK and BALL, 1968). Proteins with enzymatic properties can be compared on the basis of catalytic activity in the presence or absence of inhibitors (KAPLAN et al., 1959); BAILEY et al., t 1970). A combination of gel electrophoresis and histochemical enzyme detection techniques (HUNTER and MARKERT, 1957) makes it possible to combine electrophoretic mobility anti catalytic activity comparison, Enzyme patterns exhibited in starch gel or acrylamide gel have been used to classify different species. BOUCK and BALL (1968)working with lactate dehydrogenase in species of Trout found that each Trout species had LDH pattern characterbtic of that species. ASPINIWALL and TSUYUKI (1968) used muscle protein electrophoretic patterns to identify hybrid fishes. TSUYUKI and ROBERTS (1963) and TSUYUKI et al. (1964-65) found that myogen protein patterns in fishes were species specific. The myogen patterns within one family were remarkably parallel with the existing morphometric classification and these patterns constituted a single criterion by which the fishes could be identified. The fish used in these investigations were collected from shallow waters (10 metres) of Lake Victoria in two areas, Jinja and Kisumu, using gillnets and beach-seines. The study included ten specimens of each of the following specIes: (l) Haplochromis michaeli (2) Haploehromis obems (3) Astatoreochromis ulluaudi (4) Tilapia zillii and (5) Tilapia nilotica.


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This paper presents the results of a project aimed at minimising fuel usage while maximising steam availability in the power and steam plant of a large newsprint mill. The approach taken was to utilise the better regulation and plant wide optimisation capabilities of Advanced Process Control, especially Model Predictive Control (MPC) techniques. These have recently made their appearance in the pulp and paper industry but are better known in the oil and petrochemical industry where they have been used for nearly 30 years. The issue in the power and steam plant is to ensure that sufficient steam is available when the paper machines require it and yet not to have to waste too much steam when one or more of the machines suffers an outage. This is a problem for which MPC is well suited. It allows variables to be kept within declared constraint ranges, a feature which has been used, effectively, to increase the steam storage capacity of the existing plant. This has resulted in less steam being condensed when it is not required and in significant reductions in the need for supplementary firing. The incidence of steam being dump-condensed while also supplementary firing the Combined Heat & Power (CHP) plant has been reduced by 95% and the overall use of supplementary firing is less than 30% of what it was. In addition the plant runs more smoothly and requires less operator time. The yearly benefit provided by the control system is greater than £200,000, measured in terms of 2005 gas prices.


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In this paper, we present the results of purification and characterization of an arginine/lysine amidase from the venom of Ophiophagus hannah (OhS1). It was purified by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B. It is a protein of about 43,000, consisting of a single polypeptide chain. It is a minor component in the venom. The purified enzyme was capable of hydrolysing several tripeptidyl-p-nitroanilide substrates having either arginine or lysine as the C-terminal residue. We studied the kinetic parameters of OhS1 on six these chromogenic substrates. OhS1 did not clot fibrinogen. Electrophoresis of fibrinogen degraded with OhS1 revealed the disappearance of the alpha- and beta-chains and the appearance of lower mel. wt fragments. OhS1 had no hemorrhagic activity. It did not hydrolyse casein, nor did it act on blood coagulation factor X, prothrombin and plasminogen. The activity of OhS1 was completely inhibited by NPGB, PMSF, DFP, benzamidine and soybean trypsin inhibitor, suggesting it is a serine protease. Metal chelator (EDTA) had no effect on it.


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Over the last two or three years, the increasing costs of energy and worsening market conditions have focussed even greater attention within paper mills than before, on considering ways to improve efficiency and reduce the energy used in paper making. Arising from a multivariable understanding of paper machine operation, Advanced Process Control (APC) technology enables paper machine behaviour to be controlled in a more coherent way, using all the variables available for control. Furthermore, with the machine under better regulation and with more variables used in control, there is the opportunity to optimise machine operation, usually providing very striking multi-objective performance improvement benefits of a number of kinds. Traditional three term control technology does not offer this capability. The paper presents results from several different paper machine projects we have undertaken around the world. These projects have been aimed at improving machine stability, optimising chemicals usage and reducing energy use. On a brown paperboard machine in Australasia, APC has reduced specific steam usage by 10%, averaged across the grades; the controller has also provided a significant capacity to increase production. On a North American newsprint machine, the APC system has reduced steam usage by more than 10%, and it provides better control of colour and much improved wet end stability. The paper also outlines early results from two other performance improvement projects, each incorporating a different approach to reducing the energy used in paper making. The first of these two projects is focussed on optimising sheet drainage, aiming to present the dryer with a sheet having higher solids content than before. The second project aims to reduce specific steam usage by optimising the operation of the dryer hood.


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The 16S and 18S rRNA genes of planktonic organisms derived from five stations with nutrient gradients in Lake Donghu, China, were studied by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting, and the relationships between the genetic diversity of the plankton community and biotic/abiotic factors are discussed. The concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), NH4-N and As were found to be significantly related (P < 0.05) to morphological composition of the plankton community. Both chemical and morphological analyses suggested that temporal heterogeneity was comparatively higher than spatial heterogeneity in Lake Donghu. Although the morphological composition was not identical to the DGGE fingerprints in characterizing habitat similarity, the two strongest eutrophic stations (I and II) were always initially grouped into one cluster. Canonical correspondence analysis suggested that the factors strongly correlated with the first two ordination axes were seasonally different. The concentrations of TN and TP and the densities of rotifers and crustaceans were generally the main factors related to the DGGE patterns of the plankton communities. The study suggested that genetic diversity as depicted by metagenomic techniques (such as PCR-DGGE fingerprinting) is a promising tool for ecological study of plankton communities and that such techniques are likely to play an increasingly important role in assessing the environmental conditions of aquatic habitats.


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This paper describes a novel method that applies pressure-assisted field-amplified sample injection with reverse migrating micelles (PA-FASI-RMM) for the online concentration of neutral analytes in MEKC with a low-pH BGE. After injection of a plug of water into the separation capillary, negative voltage and positive pressure were simultaneously applied to initialize PA-FASI-RMM injection. The hydrodynamic flow generated by the positive pressure compensated the reverse EOF in the water plug and allowed the water plug to remain in the capillary during FASI with reverse migrating micelles (FASI-RMM) to obtain a much longer injection time than usual, which improved stacking efficiency greatly. Equations describing this injection mode were introduced and were supported by experimental results. For a 450-s online PA-FASI-RMM injection, three orders of magnitude sample enhancement in terms of peak area could be observed for the steroids and an achievement of detection limits was between 1 and 10 ng/mL.


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This paper presents a novel method for performing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification by using spiral channel fabricated on copper where a transparent polytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE) capillary tube was embedded. The channel with 25 PCR cycles was gradually developed in a spiral manner from inner to outer. The durations of PCR mixture at the denaturation, annealing and extension zones were gradually lengthened at a given flow rate, which may benefit continuous-flow PCR amplification as the synthesis ability of the Taq polymerase enzyme usually weakens with PCR time. Successful continuous-flow amplification of DNA fragments has been demonstrated. The PCR products of 249, 500 and 982 bp fragments could be obviously observed when the flow rates of PCR mixture were 7.5, 7.5 and 3.0 mm s(-1), respectively, and the required amplification times were about 25, 25, and 62 min, respectively. Besides, the successful segmented-flow PCR of three samples ( 249, 500 and 982 bp) has also been reported, which demonstrates the present continuous-flow PCR microfluidics can be developed for high-throughput genetic analysis.


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A capillary electrophoresis microchip coupled with a confocal laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detector was successfully constructed for the analysis of trace amounts of heavy metals in environmental sources. A new fluorescence dye, RBPhOH, synthesized from rhodamine B, was utilized in a glass microchip to selectively determine copper with high sensitivity. A series of factors including running buffer concentration, detection voltage, and sample loading time were optimized for maximum LIF detector response and, hence, method sensitivity.