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The most recently discovered PTEN tumor suppressor gene has been found to be defective in a large number of human cancers. In addition, germ-line mutations in PTEN result in the dominantly inherited disease Cowden syndrome, which is characterized by multiple hamartomas and a high proclivity for developing cancer. A series of publications over the past year now suggest a mechanism by which PTEN loss of function results in tumors. PTEN appears to negatively control the phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling pathway for regulation of cell growth and survival by dephosphorylating the 3 position of phosphoinositides.


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Salicylic acid (SA) plays a critical signaling role in the activation of plant defense responses after pathogen attack. We have identified several potential components of the SA signaling pathway, including (i) the H2O2-scavenging enzymes catalase and ascorbate peroxidase, (ii) a high affinity SA-binding protein (SABP2), (iii) a SA-inducible protein kinase (SIPK), (iv) NPR1, an ankyrin repeat-containing protein that exhibits limited homology to IκBα and is required for SA signaling, and (v) members of the TGA/OBF family of bZIP transcription factors. These bZIP factors physically interact with NPR1 and bind the SA-responsive element in promoters of several defense genes, such as the pathogenesis-related 1 gene (PR-1). Recent studies have demonstrated that nitric oxide (NO) is another signal that activates defense responses after pathogen attack. NO has been shown to play a critical role in the activation of innate immune and inflammatory responses in animals. Increases in NO synthase (NOS)-like activity occurred in resistant but not susceptible tobacco after infection with tobacco mosaic virus. Here we demonstrate that this increase in activity participates in PR-1 gene induction. Two signaling molecules, cGMP and cyclic ADP ribose (cADPR), which function downstream of NO in animals, also appear to mediate plant defense gene activation (e.g., PR-1). Additionally, NO may activate PR-1 expression via an NO-dependent, cADPR-independent pathway. Several targets of NO in animals, including guanylate cyclase, aconitase, and mitogen-activated protein kinases (e.g., SIPK), are also modulated by NO in plants. Thus, at least portions of NO signaling pathways appear to be shared between plants and animals.


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The sensory patches in the ear of a vertebrate can be compared with the mechanosensory bristles of a fly. This comparison has led to the discovery that lateral inhibition mediated by the Notch cell–cell signaling pathway, first characterized in Drosophila and crucial for bristle development, also has a key role in controlling the pattern of sensory hair cells and supporting cells in the ear. We review the arguments for considering the sensory patches of the vertebrate ear and bristles of the insect to be homologous structures, evolved from a common ancestral mechanosensory organ, and we examine more closely the role of Notch signaling in each system. Using viral vectors to misexpress components of the Notch pathway in the chick ear, we show that a simple lateral-inhibition model based on feedback regulation of the Notch ligand Delta is inadequate for the ear just as it is for the fly bristle. The Notch ligand Serrate1, expressed in supporting cells in the ear, is regulated by lateral induction, not lateral inhibition; commitment to become a hair cell is not simply controlled by levels of expression of the Notch ligands Delta1, Serrate1, and Serrate2 in the neighbors of the nascent hair cell; and at least one factor, Numb, capable of blocking reception of lateral inhibition is concentrated in hair cells. These findings reinforce the parallels between the vertebrate ear and the fly bristle and show how study of the insect system can help us understand the vertebrate.


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The activation of plant defensive genes in leaves of tomato plants in response to herbivore damage or mechanical wounding is mediated by a mobile 18-amino acid polypeptide signal called systemin. Systemin is derived from a larger, 200-amino acid precursor called prosystemin, similar to polypeptide hormones and soluble growth factors in animals. Systemin activates a lipid-based signaling cascade, also analogous to signaling systems found in animals. In plants, linolenic acid is released from membranes and is converted to the oxylipins phytodienoic acid and jasmonic acid through the octadecanoid pathway. Plant oxylipins are structural analogs of animal prostaglandins which are derived from arachidonic acid in response to various signals, including polypeptide factors. Constitutive overexpression of the prosystemin gene in transgenic tomato plants resulted in the overproduction of prosystemin and the abnormal release of systemin, conferring a constitutive overproduction of several systemic wound-response proteins (SWRPs). The data indicate that systemin is a master signal for defense against attacking herbivores. The same defensive proteins induced by wounding are synthesized in response to oligosaccharide elicitors that are generated in leaf cells in response to pathogen attacks. Inhibitors of the octadecanoid pathway, and a mutation that interrupts this pathway, block the induction of SWRPs by wounding, systemin, and oligosaccharide elicitors, indicating that the octadecanoid pathway is essential for the activation of defense genes by all of these signals. The tomato mutant line that is functionally deficient in the octadecanoid pathway is highly susceptible to attacks by Manduca sexta larvae. The similarities between the defense signaling pathway in tomato leaves and those of the defense signaling pathways of macrophages and mast cells of animals suggests that both the plant and animal pathways may have evolved from a common ancestral origin.


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An important component of cytokine regulation of cell growth and differentiation is rapid transcriptional activation of genes by the JAK-STAT (signal transducer and activator of transcription) signaling pathway. Ligation of cytokine receptors results in tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of receptor-associated Jak protein tyrosine kinases and cytoplasmic STAT transcription factors, which then translocate to the nucleus. We describe the interruption of cytokine triggered JAK-STAT signals by cAMP, the calcium ionophore ionomycin, and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Jak1 kinase activity, interleukin 6-induced gene activation, Stat3 tyrosine phosphorylation, and DNA-binding were inhibited, as was activation of Jak1 and Stat1 by interferon gamma. The kinetics and requirement for new RNA and protein synthesis for inhibition of interleukin 6 by ionomycin and GM-CSF differed, but both agents increased the association of Jak1 with protein tyrosine phosphatase ID (SH2-containing phosphatase 2). Our results demonstrate that crosstalk with distinct signaling pathways can inhibit JAK-STAT signal transduction, and suggest approaches for modulating cytokine activity during immune responses and inflammatory processes.


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To isolate and characterize effector molecules of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) signaling pathway we have used a genetic approach involving the generation of stable recessive mutants, defective in their TGFbeta signaling, which can subsequently be functionally complemented to clone the affected genes. We have generated a cell line derived from a hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase negative (HPRT-) HT1080 clone that contains the selectable marker Escherichia coli guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (gpt) linked to a TGFbeta-responsive promoter. This cell line proliferates or dies in the appropriate selection medium in response to TGFbeta. We have isolated three distinct TGFbeta-unresponsive mutants following chemical mutagenesis. Somatic cell hybrids between pairs of individual TGFbeta-unresponsive clones reveal that each is in a distinct complementation group. Each mutant clone retains all three TGFbeta receptors yet fails to induce a TGFbeta-inducible luciferase reporter construct or TGFbeta-mediated plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) expression. Two of the three have an attenuated TGFbeta-induced fibronectin response, whereas in the other mutant the fibronectin response is intact. These TGFbeta-unresponsive cells should allow selection and identification of signaling molecules through functional complementation.


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The hedgehog gene (hh) of Drosophila melanogaster exerts both short- and long-range effects on cell patterning during development. The product of hedgehog is a secreted protein that apparently acts by triggering an intra-cellular signaling pathway, but little is known about the details of that pathway. The Drosophila gene fused (fu) encodes a serine/threonine-protein kinase that genetic experiments have implicated in signaling initiated by hedgehog. Here we report that the fused protein is phosphorylated during the course of Drosophila embryogenesis, as a result of hedgehog activity. In cell culture, phosphorylation of fused protein occurs in response to the biologically active form of hedgehog and cannot be blocked by activation of protein kinase A, which is thought to be an antagonist of signaling from hedgehog. These results suggest that fused and protein kinase A function downstream of hedgehog but in parallel pathways that eventually converge distal to fused. The reconstruction of signaling from hedgehog in cell culture should provide further access to the mechanisms by which hedgehog acts.


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Previously, we elucidated the role of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP-4) in the dorsal-ventral patterning of the Xenopus embryo by using a dominant negative mutant of the BMP-4 receptor (DN-BR). The present paper describes the involvement of Ras, Raf, and activator protein 1 (AP-1) in BMP-4 signaling during Xenopus embryonic development. The AP-1 activity was determined by injecting an AP-1-dependent luciferase reporter gene into two-cell-stage Xenopus embryos and measuring the luciferase activity at various developmental stages. We found that injection of BMP-4 mRNA increased AP-1 activity, whereas injection of DN-BR mRNA inhibited AP-1 activity. Similar inhibitory effects were seen with injection of mRNAs encoding dominant negative mutants of c-Ha-Ras, c-Raf, or c-Jun. These results suggest that the endogenous AP-1 activity is regulated by BMP-4/Ras/Raf/Jun signals. We next investigated the effects of Ras/Raf/AP-1 signals on the biological functions of BMP-4. DN-BR-induced dorsalization of the embryo, revealed by the formation of a secondary body axis or dorsalization of the ventral mesoderm explant analyzed by histological and molecular criteria, was significantly reversed by coinjection of [Val12]Ha-Ras, c-Raf, or c-Jun mRNA. Furthermore, the BMP-4-stimulated erythroid differentiation in the ventral mesoderm was substantially inhibited by coinjection with the dominant negative c-Ha-Ras, c-Raf, or c-Jun mutant. Our results suggest the involvement of Ras/Raf/AP-1 in the BMP-4 signaling pathway.


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Chemotactic responses in Escherichia coli are typically mediated by transmembrane receptors that monitor chemoeffector levels with periplasmic binding domains and communicate with the flagellar motors through two cytoplasmic proteins, CheA and CheY. CheA autophosphorylates and then donates its phosphate to CheY, which in turn controls flagellar rotation. E. coli also exhibits chemotactic responses to substrates that are transported by the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS). Unlike conventional chemoreception, PTS substrates are sensed during their uptake and concomitant phosphorylation by the cell. The phosphoryl groups are transferred from PEP to the carbohydrates through two common intermediates, enzyme I (EI) and phosphohistidine carrier protein (HPr), and then to sugar-specific enzymes II. We found that in mutant strains HPr-like proteins could substitute for HPr in transport but did not mediate chemotactic signaling. In in vitro assays, these proteins exhibited reduced phosphotransfer rates from EI, indicating that the phosphorylation state of EI might link the PTS phospho-relay to the flagellar signaling pathway. Tests with purified proteins revealed that unphosphorylated EI inhibited CheA autophosphorylation, whereas phosphorylated EI did not. These findings suggest the following model for signal transduction in PTS-dependent chemotaxis. During uptake of a PTS carbohydrate, EI is dephosphorylated more rapidly by HPr than it is phosphorylated at the expense of PEP. Consequently, unphosphorylated EI builds up and inhibits CheA autophosphorylation. This slows the flow of phosphates to CheY, eliciting an up-gradient swimming response by the cell.


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Recent experimental evidence has focused attention to the role of two molecules, insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase), in linking the insulin receptor to glucose uptake; IRS-1 knockout mice are insulin resistant, and pharmacological inhibitors of PI3-kinase block insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. To investigate the role of PI3-kinase and IRS-1 in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake we examined whether stimulation of insulin-sensitive cells with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) or with interleukin 4 (IL-4) stimulates glucose uptake; the activated PDGF receptor (PDGFR) directly binds and activates PI3-kinase, whereas the IL-4 receptor (IL-4R) activates PI3-kinase via IRS-1 or the IRS-1-related molecule 4PS. We found that stimulation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes with PDGF resulted in tyrosine phosphorylation of the PDGFR and activation of PI3-kinase in these cells. To examine whether IL-4 stimulates glucose uptake, L6 myoblasts were engineered to overexpress GLUT4 as well as both chains of the IL-4R (L6/IL-4R/GLUT4); when these L6/IL-4R/GLUT4 myoblasts were stimulated with IL-4, IRS-1 became tyrosine phosphorylated and associated with PI3-kinase. Although PDGF and IL-4 can activate PI3-kinase in the respective cell lines, they do not possess insulin's ability to stimulate glucose uptake and GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane. These findings indicate that activation of PI3-kinase is not sufficient to stimulate GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane. We postulate that activation of a second signaling pathway by insulin, distinct from PI3-kinase, is necessary for the stimulation of glucose uptake in insulin-sensitive cells.


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Using a reverse transcription-coupled PCR, we demonstrated that both brain and spleen type cannabinoid receptor (CB1-R and CB2-R, respectively) mRNAs are expressed in the preimplantation mouse embryo. The CB1-R mRNA expression was coincident with the activation of the embryonic genome late in the two-cell stage, whereas the CB2-R mRNA was present from the one-cell through the blastocyst stages. The major psychoactive component of marijuana (-)-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol [(-)-THC] inhibited forskolin-stimulated cAMP generation in the blastocyst, and this inhibition was prevented by pertussis toxin. However, the inactive cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) failed to influence this response. These results suggest that cannabinoid receptors in the embryo are coupled to inhibitory guanine nucleotide binding proteins. Further, the oviduct and uterus exhibited the enzymatic capacity to synthesize the putative endogenous cannabinoid ligand arachidonylethanolamide (anandamide). Synthetic and natural cannabinoid agonists [WIN 55,212-2, CP 55,940, (-)-THC, and anandamide], but not CBD or arachidonic acid, arrested the development of two-cell embryos primarily between the four-cell and eight-cell stages in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. Anandamide also interfered with the development of eight-cell embryos to blastocysts in culture. The autoradiographic studies readily detected binding of [3H]anandamide in embryos at all stages of development. Positive signals were present in one-cell embryos and all blastomeres of two-cell through four-cell embryos. However, most of the binding sites in eight-cell embryos and morulae were present in the outer cells. In the blastocyst, these signals were primarily localized in the mural trophectoderm with low levels of signals in the polar trophectoderm, while little or no signals were noted in inner cell mass cells.These results establish that the preimplantation mouse embryo is a target for cannabinoid ligands. Consequently, many of the adverse effects of cannabinoids observed during pregnancy could be mediated via these cannabinoid receptors. Although the physiological significance of the cannabinoid ligand-receptor signaling in normal preimplantation embryo development is not yet clear, the regulation of embryonic cAMP and/or Ca2+ levels via this signaling pathway may be important for normal embryonic development and/or implantation.


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One of the most important cytokines involved in immune response regulation is interleukin 2 (IL-2), a potent activator of the proliferation and function of T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. The mechanisms by which the effects of IL-2 are propagated within cells are not understood. While the binding of IL-2 to its receptor was recently shown to lead to the activation of two kinases, Jak-1 and Jak-3, subsequent steps in the signaling pathway to the nucleus that lead to the activation of specific genes had not been characterized. Since many cytokines that activate Jak kinases also lead to the tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of members of the Stat family of transcription factors, the ability of IL-2 to trigger Stat phosphorylation was examined. Exposure of activated human T lymphocytes or of a natural killer cell line (NKL) to IL-2 leads to the phosphorylation of Stat1 alpha, Stat1 beta, and Stat3, as well as of two Stat-related proteins, p94 and p95. p94 and p95 share homology with Stat1 at the phosphorylation site and in the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain, but otherwise are immunologically distinct from Stat1. These Stat proteins were found to translocate to the nucleus and to bind to a specific DNA sequence. These findings suggest a mechanism by which IL-2 binding to its receptor may activate specific genes involved in immune cell function.


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Classic cadherins are adhesion-activated cell signaling receptors. In particular, homophilic cadherin ligation can directly activate Rho family GTPases and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase), signaling molecules with the capacity to support the morphogenetic effects of these adhesion molecules during development and disease. However, the molecular basis for cadherin signaling has not been elucidated, nor is its precise contribution to cadherin function yet understood. One attractive hypothesis is that cadherin-activated signaling participates in stabilizing adhesive contacts ( Yap, A. S., and Kovacs, E. M. ( 2003) J. Cell Biol. 160, 11-16). We now report that minimal mutation of the cadherin cytoplasmic tail to uncouple binding of p120-ctn ablated the ability of E-cadherin to activate Rac. This was accompanied by profound defects in the capacity of cells to establish stable adhesive contacts, defects that were rescued by sustained Rac signaling. These data provide direct evidence for a role of cadherin-activated Rac signaling in contact formation and adhesive stabilization. In contrast, cadherin-activated PI3-kinase signaling was not affected by loss of p120-ctn binding. The molecular requirements for E-cadherin to activate Rac signaling thus appear distinct from those that stimulate PI3-kinase, and we postulate that p120-ctn may play a central role in the E-cadherin-Rac signaling pathway.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The role of p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) in mediating cell death is now well charaterized, however, it is only recently that details of the death signaling pathway have become clearer. This review focuses on the importance of the juxtamembrane Chopper domain region of p75(NTR) in this process. Evidence supporting the involvement of K+ efflux, the apoptosome (caspase-9, apoptosis activating factor-1, APAF-1, and Bcl-(xL)), caspase-3, c-jun kinase, and p53 in the p75(NTR) cell death pathway is discussed and regulatory roles for the p75(NTR) ectodomain and death domain are proposed. The role of synaptic activity is also discussed, in particular the importance of neutrotransmitter-activated K+ channels acting as the gatekeepers of cell survival decisions during development and in neurodegenerative conditions.