960 resultados para overlapping generations


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IEEE 802.15.4 standard is a relatively new standard designed for low power low data rate wireless sensor networks (WSN), which has a wide range of applications, e.g., environment monitoring, e-health, home and industry automation. In this paper, we investigate the problems of hidden devices in coverage overlapped IEEE 802.15.4 WSNs, which is likely to arise when multiple 802.15.4 WSNs are deployed closely and independently. We consider a typical scenario of two 802.15.4 WSNs with partial coverage overlapping and propose a Markov-chain based analytical model to reveal the performance degradation due to the hidden devices from the coverage overlapping. Impacts of the hidden devices and network sleeping modes on saturated throughput and energy consumption are modeled. The analytic model is verified by simulations, which can provide the insights to network design and planning when multiple 802.15.4 WSNs are deployed closely. © 2013 IEEE.


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The purpose of this piece is to explain how the trust concept fits the overlapping analysis, presenting an example of why discrete categorisation is often unhelpful in understanding the operation of legal concepts.


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We have examined the statistics of simulated bit-error rates in optical transmission systems with strong patterning effects and have found strong correlation between the probability of marks in a pseudorandom pattern and the error-free transmission distance. We discuss how a reduced density of marks can be achieved by preencoding optical data.


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The thesis presented an overlapping analysis of private law institutions, in response to the arguments that law must be separated into discrete categories. The basis of this overlapping approach was the realist perspective, which emphasises the role of facts and outcomes as the starting point for legal analysis as opposed to legal principle or doctrine.


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We propose a novel architecture for all-optical add-drop multiplexing of OFDM signals. Sub-channel extraction is achieved by means of waveform replication and coherent subtraction from the OFDM super-channel. Numerical simulations have been carried out to benchmark the performance of the architecture against critical design parameters.


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Recent modelling studies (Hadjipapas et al. [2009]: Neuroimage 44:1290-1303) have shown that it may be possible to distinguish between different neuronal populations on the basis of their macroscopically measured (EEG/MEG) mean field. We set out to test whether the different orientation columns contributing to a signal at a specific cortical location could be identified based on the measured MEG signal. We used 1.5deg square, static, obliquely oriented grating stimuli to generate sustained gamma oscillations in a focal region of primary visual cortex. We then used multivariate classifier methods to predict the orientation (left or right oblique) of the stimuli based purely on the time-series data from this one location. Both the single trial evoked response (0-300 ms) and induced post-transient power spectra (300-2,300 ms, 20-70 Hz band) due to the different stimuli were classifiable significantly above chance in 11/12 and 10/12 datasets respectively. Interestingly, stimulus-specific information is preserved in the sustained part of the gamma oscillation, long after perception has occurred and all neuronal transients have decayed. Importantly, the classification of this induced oscillation was still possible even when the power spectra were rank-transformed showing that the different underlying networks give rise to different characteristic temporal signatures. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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A szerző a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Nemzetközi Tanulmányok Intézetének tanársegéde. Tanulmánya a regionalizmus jelenségét vizsgálja Latin-Amerikában, célja az egyes generációk létrejöttének és legfőbb jellemzőinek felvázolása, illetve a jelenleg működő latin-amerikai integrációs tömörülések eredményeinek és legfontosabb kihívásainak vizsgálata. A cikk rávilágít a latin-amerikai alrégiók mentén megalakult csoportok belső integrációja, illetve a más régiókkal való interregionális törekvések közötti szoros összefüggésre, azok kölcsönhatására. A szerző éppen ezért a regionális tömörülések eredményei mellett kitér az egyes latin-amerikai alrégiók más – fejlett és fejlődő világbeli – régiókkal kiépített kapcsolataira is. ______ The paper examines initiatives aimed at regional integration in Latin-America in order to identify the main characteristics of the three generations of regionalism on the continent, as well as show what the main results and challenges are of today's regional organizations. The paper demonstrates that there is an interesting link between the level of integration within the various regional groupings and their interregional contacts with other regions. The author also examines the relations of Latin-American sub-regions with other regions of the world, both developed and developing.


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This flyer promotes the event "Three Generations of Cuban Authors: The 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s : Lecture by Reina María Rodríguez" and was cosponsored by the Cuban Research Institute and the Department of Modern Languages at Florida International University.


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In this thesis, we introduce DeReEs-4v, an algorithm for unsupervised and automatic registration of two video frames captured depth-sensing cameras. DeReEs-4V receives two RGBD video streams from two depth-sensing cameras arbitrary located in an indoor space that share a minimum amount of 25% overlap between their captured scenes. The motivation of this research is to employ multiple depth-sensing cameras to enlarge the field of view and acquire a more complete and accurate 3D information of the environment. A typical way to combine multiple views from different cameras is through manual calibration. However, this process is time-consuming and may require some technical knowledge. Moreover, calibration has to be repeated when the location or position of the cameras change. In this research, we demonstrate how DeReEs-4V registration can be used to find the transformation of the view of one camera with respect to the other at interactive rates. Our algorithm automatically finds the 3D transformation to match the views from two cameras, requires no human interference, and is robust to camera movements while capturing. To validate this approach, a thorough examination of the system performance under different scenarios is presented. The system presented here supports any application that might benefit from the wider field-of-view provided by the combined scene from both cameras, including applications in 3D telepresence, gaming, people tracking, videoconferencing and computer vision.


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Ocean acidification (OA), induced by rapid anthropogenic CO2 rise and its dissolution in seawater, is known to have consequences for marine organisms. However, knowledge on the evolutionary responses of phytoplankton to OA has been poorly studied. Here we examined the coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa oceanica, while growing it for 2000 generations under ambient and elevated CO2 levels. While OA stimulated growth in the earlier selection period (from generations 700 to 1550), it reduced it in the later selection period up to 2000 generations. Similarly, stimulated production of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen reduced with increasing selection period and decreased under OA up to 2000 generations. The specific adaptation of growth to OA disappeared in generations 1700 to 2000 when compared with that at 1000 generations. Both phenotypic plasticity and fitness decreased within selection time, suggesting that the species' resilience to OA decreased after 2000 generations under high CO2 selection.


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This paper examines the complex interrelations between notions of ͚“elf͛ and ͚Otheƌ͛ with regards to human bodies, taking as a case study the bodily experiences of Anabaptist Christians, both historically and in the present day. It first examines body practices and discourses through the lens of Anabaptist approaches to baptism and conscience and it relates these to the Foucauldian notion of care of the Self. It then looks at biopolitical relations between individuals and the state through an examination of oath-taking and anti-war protests. Finally, it discusses the roles of bodies and bodiliness in contemporary Anabaptist commemorative practices.