995 resultados para off-bottom swimming


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1. We investigated the morphological responses of larval Rana lessonae to the presence of two predators with substantially different prey-detection and capture techniques; larval dragonflies (Aeshna cyanea) and the Pumpkinseed Sunfish (Lepomis gibossus). 2. We also examined the functional implications of any predator-induced morphological variation on their swimming ability by assessing performance during the initial stages of a startle response. 3. We found the morphological responses of larval R. lessonae were dependent on the specific predator present. Tadpoles raised in the presence of dragonfly larvae preying upon conspecific tadpoles developed total tail heights 5.4% deeper and tail muscles 4.7% shallower than tadpoles raised in a non-predator environment, while tadpoles raised with sunfish possessed tails 2% shallower and tail muscles 2.5% higher than non-predator-exposed tadpoles. 4. Predator-induced morphological variation also significantly influenced swimming performance. Tadpoles raised with sunfish possessed swimming speeds 9.5 and 14.6% higher than non- and dragonfly predator groups, respectively. 5. Thus, the expression of these alternative predator-morphs leads to a functional trade-off in performance between the different environments.


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The physical habitat used during spawning may potentially be an important factor affecting reproductive output of broadcast spawning marine fishes, particularly for species with complex, substrate-oriented mating systems and behaviors, such as Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. We characterized the habitat use and behavior of spawning Atlantic cod at two locations off the coast of southwestern Iceland during a 2-d research cruise (15–16 April 2009). We simultaneously operated two different active hydroacoustic gear types, a split beam echosounder and a dual frequency imaging sonar (DIDSON), as well as a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV). A total of five fish species were identified through ROV surveys: including cusk Brosme brosme, Atlantic cod, haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus, lemon sole Microstomus kitt, and Atlantic redfish Sebastes spp. Of the three habitats identified in the acoustic surveys, the transitional habitat between boulder/lava field and sand habitats was characterized by greater fish density and acoustic target strength compared to that of sand or boulder/lava field habitats independently. Atlantic cod were observed behaving in a manner consistent with published descriptions of spawning. Individuals were observed ascending 1–5 m into the water column from the bottom at an average vertical swimming speed of 0.20–0.25 m s−1 and maintained an average spacing of 1.0–1.4 m between individuals. Our results suggest that cod do not choose spawning locations indiscriminately despite the fact that it is a broadcast spawning fish with planktonic eggs that are released well above the seafloor.


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.


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Radiocarbon stratigraphy is an essential tool for high resolution paleoceanographic studies. Age models based on radiocarbon ages of foraminifera are commonly applied to a wide range of geochemical studies, including the investigation of temporal leads and lags. The critical assumption is that temporal coupling between foraminifera and other sediment constituents, including specific molecular organic compounds (biomarkers) of marine phytoplankton, e.g. alkenones, is maintained in the sediments. To test this critical assumption in the Benguela upwelling area, we have determined radiocarbon ages of total C37-C39 alkenones in 20 samples from two gravity cores and three multicorer cores. The cores were retrieved from the continental shelf and slope off Namibia, and samples were taken from Holocene, deglacial and Last Glacial Maximum core sections. The alkenone radiocarbon ages were compared to those of planktic foraminifera, total organic carbon, fatty acids and fine grained carbonates from the same samples. Interestingly, the ages of alkenones were 1000 to 4500 yr older than those of foraminifera in all samples. Such age differences may be the result of different processes: Bioturbation associated with grain size effects, lateral advection of (recycled) material and redeposition of sediment on upper continental slopes due to currents or tidal movement are examples for such processes. Based on the results of this study, the age offsets between foraminifera and alkenones in sediments from the upper continental slope off Namibia most probably do not result from particle-selective bioturbation processes. Resuspension of organic particles in response to tidal movement of bottom waters with velocities up to 25 cm/s recorded near the core sites is the more likely explanation. Our results imply that age control established using radiocarbon measurements of foraminifera may be inadequate for the interpretation of alkenone-based proxy data. Observed temporal leads and lags between foraminifera based data and data derived from alkenone measurements may therefore be secondary signals, i.e. the result of processes associated with particle settling and biological activity.


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Late Quaternary sediment yields from the Isfjorden drainage area (7327 km**2), a high arctic region on Svalbard characterized by an alpine landscape, have been reconstructed by using seismic stratigraphy supported by sediment core analysis. The sediments that accumulated in the fjord during and since deglaciation can be divided into three stratigraphic units. The volumes of these units were determined and converted into sediment yield rates averaged over the drainage basin. During deglaciation, 13 to 10 ka, the sediment yield was ~860 tons(t)/km**2/yr. In the early Holocene it decreased to 190 t/km**2/yr, and then increased to 390t/km**2/yr during the late Holocene Little Ice Age. When normalized to the approximate glacierized area, these rates correspond to a sediment yield of ~800 t/km**2/yr . Sediment yield from non-glacierized parts of the drainage is estimated to be 35 t/km**2/yr. At times when ice advanced to the shelf edge, sediment was scoured from the fjord and deposited on the outer shelf and in a well-defined deep sea fan. Between 200 ka and 13 ka, 328 km**3 of sediment accumulated here, corresponding to a mean sediment yield rate of 335 t/km**2/yr. This is broadly consistent with calculations based on the above rates of sediment yield in glacierized and non-glacierized areas, and on estimates, based on glacial geology, of the temporal variation in degree of glacierization over the past 200 kyr. These figures indicate that much of the glacigenic sediment on the shelf and slope was eroded from the uplands of Svalbard by small glaciers during interstadials and interglacials. The sediments were temporarily stored in the fjord prior to redeposition on the shelf and slope during ice sheet advance. Taken into consideration, such redisposition of pre-eroded material will reduce estimates of primary ice sheet erosion rate.


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Assessing frequency and extent of mass movement at continental margins is crucial to evaluate risks for offshore constructions and coastal areas. A multidisciplinary approach including geophysical, sedimentological, geotechnical, and geochemical methods was applied to investigate multistage mass transport deposits (MTDs) off Uruguay, on top of which no surficial hemipelagic drape was detected based on echosounder data. Nonsteady state pore water conditions are evidenced by a distinct gradient change in the sulfate (SO4**2-) profile at 2.8 m depth. A sharp sedimentological contact at 2.43 m coincides with an abrupt downward increase in shear strength from approx. 10 to >20 kPa. This boundary is interpreted as a paleosurface (and top of an older MTD) that has recently been covered by a sediment package during a younger landslide event. This youngest MTD supposedly originated from an upslope position and carried its initial pore water signature downward. The kink in the SO4**2- profile approx. 35 cm below the sedimentological and geotechnical contact indicates that bioirrigation affected the paleosurface before deposition of the youngest MTD. Based on modeling of the diffusive re-equilibration of SO4**2- the age of the most recent MTD is estimated to be <30 years. The mass movement was possibly related to an earthquake in 1988 (approx. 70 km southwest of the core location). Probabilistic slope stability back analysis of general landslide structures in the study area reveals that slope failure initiation requires additional ground accelerations. Therefore, we consider the earthquake as a reasonable trigger if additional weakening processes (e.g., erosion by previous retrogressive failure events or excess pore pressures) preconditioned the slope for failure. Our study reveals the necessity of multidisciplinary approaches to accurately recognize and date recent slope failures in complex settings such as the investigated area.


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The sediments of 14 box cores and 7 gravity cores, mainly taken directly in front of the Filchner(-Ronne) ice shelf northwest of Berkner Island (Weddell Sea), allowed to distinguish six sediment types. On the one hand,the retreat of the at first grounded and then floated ice from the last glacial maximum is documented. On the other hand,the sediments give an insight into extensive Holocene sediment deposition and remobilization northwest of Berkner Island. The ortho till was deposited directly by the grounded ice sheet and is lacking any marine influence. After floating of the ice shelf, partly very weIl stratified, partly unstratified, non-bioturbated paratill is deposited beneath the ice shelf. Lack of IRD-content in the paratill immediately above the orthotill indicates freezing at the bottom of the ice, at least for a short period after the ice became afloat. The orthotill and paratill contain small amounts of fragmented Tertiary diatoms, which allow the conclusion, that glacial-marine sediments in the accumulation area of the Ronne ice shelf will be eroded and later deposited by ice in the investigation area. Starting of bioturbation and therefore change in sedimentation from paratill to bioturbated paratill,is caused by the retreat of the ice shelf to its actual position. Isostatic uplift of the sea-bed after the Ice Age causes minor water depths with higher current velocities. The fine-fraction is eroding and mean particle-size will increase. Maybe, also isostatic uplift is responsible for repeated great advances of the floated ice shelf as shown in an erosional horizon in some cores containing bioturbated paratill. Postglacial sediment-thicknesses exceed 3 m. Assuming floating of the ice 15.000 YBP, accumulation rates reach nearly 20cm/lOOO years. Following the theories about sediment input in front of wide ice shelves, this was not expected. In the shallower water depths of Berkner Bank, the oscillations of the ice shelf are recorded in the sediments. Sorting and redistribution by high current velocities from beneath the ice up to the calving line, lead to the deposition of the weIl to very weIl sorted sandy till. In front of the calving line the finer fraction will settle down. Remobilization is possible by bioturbation and increasing current-velocity. According to the intensity of mixing of the sandy till with the fine fraction, modified till or muddy till results.


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Changes in concentration levels and speciation of heavy metals during sedimentation on example of a typical semi-closed bay, where bottom sediments have formed due to river run-off, are under consideration. It is shown that due to desorption of mobile manganese, zinc and copper entered the bay with river suspended matter, their total contents in bottom sediments decrease and percentages of lithogenic forms increase. Contents and speciation of iron in bottom sediments are determined by its participation in coagulation of river colloids in the mixing zone and by mechanical differentiation of sedimentary material.


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Thin layers of indium tin oxide are widely used as transparent coatings and electrodes in solar energy cells, flat-panel displays, antireflection coatings, radiation protection and lithium-ion battery materials, because they have the characteristics of low resistivity, strong absorption at ultraviolet wavelengths, high transmission in the visible, high reflectivity in the far-infrared and strong attenuation in the microwave region. However, there is often a trade-off between electrical conductivity and transparency at visible wavelengths for indium tin oxide and other transparent conducting oxides. Here, we report the growth of layers of indium tin oxide nanowires that show optimum electronic and photonic properties and demonstrate their use as fully transparent top contacts in the visible to near-infrared region for light-emitting devices.


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This is the second part of the assessment of primary energy conversions of oscillating water columns (OWCs) wave energy converters. In the first part of the research work, the hydrodynamic performance of OWC wave energy converter has been extensively examined, targeting on a reliable numerical assessment method. In this part of the research work, the application of the air turbine power take-off (PTO) to the OWC device leads to a coupled model of the hydrodynamics and thermodynamics of the OWC wave energy converters, in a manner that under the wave excitation, the varying air volume due to the internal water surface motion creates a reciprocating chamber pressure (alternative positive and negative chamber pressure), whilst the chamber pressure, in turn, modifies the motions of the device and the internal water surface. To do this, the thermodynamics of the air chamber is first examined and applied by including the air compressibility in the oscillating water columns for different types of the air turbine PTOs. The developed thermodynamics is then coupled with the hydrodynamics of the OWC wave energy converters. This proposed assessment method is then applied to two generic OWC wave energy converters (one bottom fixed and another floating), and the numerical results are compared to the experimental results. From the comparison to the model test data, it can be seen that this numerical method is capable of assessing the primary energy conversion for the oscillating water column wave energy converters.


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The oxygen isotopes ratios of benthic foraminifera and detailed radiocarbon ages of the organic matter of an over 15 m long sediment core from the outer Niger delta allow us to date the oxygen isotope stage boundaries 1/2 to 11500 (+/- 650) years BP, 2/3 to approximately 23000 (+/- 2000) years BP. The composition of the predominantly terrigenous clays and accessory pelagic fossils reflects the evolution of the climate over the southwestern Sahel zone and the response of the Eastern Tropical Atlantic to these climatic fluctuations during the Late Quaternary. The dilution of the pelagic fossil concentrations by the terrigenous material and the oxygen isotopes ratios of planktonic foraminifera indicate large fluctuations in the freshwater discharge from the Niger, with high precipitations over the drainage area of this river from 4500 (+/- 300) to 11500 (+/- 650) years BP and from 11800 (+(- 600) to 13000 (+/- 600) years BP while the time intervals in between were as dry as today. Relative increase of kaolinite during wet phases and the association of smectite, chlorite and attapulgite during dry ones characterize the response of the weathering in the Niger drainage basins to the climatic fluctuations. The occurrence of 10-14 A mixed-layers prior to 26000 years BP is correlated with moderate alteration of the crystalline substratum outcrops from the middle-lower part of the Niger Basin. High quartz concentrations are particularly typical for the transition between oxygen isotope stages 1 and 2 at the inception of heavy precipitations in the southern Sahel zone. Sedimentation rates were quite constant, 30-35 cm/1000 years; they became unusually large at the beginning of the Holocene from 10900 (+/- 650) to 11500 (+/- 650) years BP where they reached more than 600 cm/1000 years. Bottom waters around 1100 m depth in the Gulf of Guinea responded to changes in paleo-oceanography of the entire Atlantic Ocean as well as to local influences. Abnormal carbon isotopes ratios and the drastic changes from a highly diversified fauna (during stages 2 and 3. and during the last part of stage 1 after approx. 7000 years BP) to a poorly diversified fauna in the intervenin time span point to the development of a local benthic environment which cannot easily be compared with the corresponding continental and slope environments of the entire Atlantic Ocean.


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Four years of observations (1988-1991) of downward fluxes of diatoms and silicoflagellates at a trap site off Cape Blanc (ca. 20°N, 20°W), northwest Africa, are presented. Significant variations in flux and species composition were observed as well as a marked drop in the export of biogenic opal (and diatoms) from 1988 to 1989; fluxes remained low thereafter. We hypothesize that this diminution might be related to decreased coastal upwelling intensity and offshore spreading of the typical chlorophyll filament, and/or a lesser silicate content of upwelling waters off Cape Blanc. In addition, the more seaward positioning of the mooring may have influenced the fluxes. At all times, diatoms were the most prominent contributors to the biogenic opal flux, and diatom fluxes closely paralleled total mass flux fluctuations. Although species composition varied seasonally, no significant qualitative variations were observed from year to year. In general, the dominance of neritic diatoms, such as Thalassionema nitzschioides var. nitzschioides, resting spores of Chaetoceros and Cyclotella litoralis, reflected the continuous offshore influence of coastal upwelling at the Cape Blanc trap site, with stronger intensity in spring/summer. In contrast, the occurrence of pelagic diatoms (e.g. Nitzschia bicapitata, N. interruptestriata, T. nitzschioides var. parva and Fragilariopsis doliolus), and high silicoflagellate fluxes (mainly Dictyocha messanensis) were linked to inshore transport of oceanic waters, generally in winter. With the exception of some fragile, pelagic diatoms, dominant species found in the settled material also occurred in the underlying sediments, suggesting that diatom thanatocoenosis downcore (Organisms preserved from the top to the bottom in sediment core) can be used as a reliable indicator of the intensity and persistence of the offshore spreading of coastal upwelling.


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Ocean acidification is receiving increasing attention because of its potential to affect marine ecosystems. Rare CO2 vents offer a unique opportunity to investigate the response of benthic ecosystems to acidification. However, the benthic habitats investigated so far are mainly found at very shallow water (less than or equal to 5 m depth) and therefore are not representative of the broad range of continental shelf habitats. Here, we show that a decrease from pH 8.1 to 7.9 observed in a CO2 vent system at 40 m depth leads to a dramatic shift in highly diverse and structurally complex habitats. Forests of the kelp Laminaria rodriguezii usually found at larger depths (greater than 65 m) replace the otherwise dominant habitats (i.e. coralligenous outcrops and rhodolith beds), which are mainly characterized by calcifying organisms. Only the aragonite-calcifying algae are able to survive in acidified waters, while high-magnesium-calcite organisms are almost completely absent. Although a long-term survey of the venting area would be necessary to fully understand the effects of the variability of pH and other carbonate parameters over the structure and functioning of the investigated mesophotic habitats, our results suggest that in addition of significant changes at species level, moderate ocean acidification may entail major shifts in the distribution and dominance of key benthic ecosystems at regional scale, which could have broad ecological and socio-economic implications.


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A transect of marine surface sediment samples from 1° N to 28° S off southwest Africa was analysed to verify the application of hydrogen isotope compositions of terrestrial plant-wax n-alkanes preserved in ocean sediments as a proxy for continental hydrological conditions. Conditions on the adjacent continent range from humid evergreen forests to deciduous forests, wood- and shrub land and further to arid grasslands and deserts. The hydrogen isotope values for the dominant n-alkane homologues (C29, C31 and C33) vary from -123 per mil to -141 per mil VSMOW and correlate with the modelled hydrogen isotope composition of mean annual and growing season precipitation of postulated continental source areas (r up to 0.8, p < 0.01). The apparent hydrogen isotope fractionation between alkanes and mean annual precipitation is remarkably uniform (-109 per mil on average, Sigma <= 5 per mil, n = 27). Potentially, effects of aridity on the apparent hydrogen isotope fractionation are concealed by the contribution of different plants (C3 dicotyledons vs C4 grasses). Thus, isotope ratios of leaf wax n-alkanes preserved in ocean margin sediments in these and similar tropical regions may be directly converted to dD ratios of ancient precipitation by employing a constant hydrogen isotope fractionation.