969 resultados para nonlinear I-V
Chloramphenicol, an in vitro inhibitor of the glucuronidation of morphine to its putative antianalgesic metabolite, morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G), was coadministered with morphine in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats to determine whether it inhibited the in vivo metabolism of morphine to M3G, thereby enhancing morphine antinociception and/or delaying the development of antinociceptive tolerance. Parenteral chloramphenicol was given acutely (3-h studies) or chronically (48-h studies). Morphine was administered by the i.v. or i.c.v. route. Control rats received chloramphenicol and/or vehicle. Antinociception was quantified using the hotplate latency test. Coadministration of chloramphenicol with i.v. but not i.cv. morphine increased the extent and duration of morphine antinociception by approximate to 5.5-fold relative to rats that received i.v. morphine alone. Thus, the mechanism through which chloramphenicol enhances i.v. morphine antinociception in the rat does not directly involve supraspinal opioid receptors. Acutely, parenteral coadministration of chloramphenicol and morphine resulted in an approximate to 75% increase in the mean area under the serum morphine concentration-time curve but for chronic dosing there was no significant change in this curve, indicating that factors other than morphine concentrations contribute significantly to antinociception. Antinociceptive tolerance to morphine developed more slowly in rats coadministered chloramphenicol, consistent with our proposal that in vivo inhibition of M3G formation would result in increased antinociception and delayed development of tolerance. However, our data also indicate that chloramphenicol inhibited the biliary secretion of M3G. Whether chloramphenicol altered the passage of M3G and morphine across the blood-brain barrier remains to be investigated.
C5a is implicated as a pathogenic factor in a wide range of immunoinflammatory diseases, including sepsis and immune complex disease, Agents that antagonize the effects of C5a could be useful in these diseases. We have developed some novel C5a antagonists and have determined the acute anti-inflammatory properties of a new small molecule C5a receptor antagonist against C5a- and LPS-induced neutrophil adhesion and cytokine expression, as well as against some hallmarks of the reverse Arthus reaction in rats. We found that a single i.v. dose (1 mg/kg) of this antagonist inhibited both C5a- and LPS-induced neutropenia and elevated levels of circulating TNF-alpha, as well as polymorphonuclear leukocyte migration, increased TNF-alpha levels and vascular leakage at the site of immune complex deposition. These results indicate potent anti-inflammatory activities of a new C5a receptor antagonist and provide more evidence for a key early role for C5a in sepsis and the reverse Arthus reaction. The results support a role for antagonists of C5a receptors in the therapeutic intervention of immunoinflammatory disease states such as sepsis and immune complex disease.
Our previous studies indicate that oxycodone is a putative kappa-opioid agonist, whereas morphine is a well documented mu-opioid agonist. Because there is limited information regarding the development of tolerance to oxycodone, this study was designed to 1) document the development of tolerance to the antinociceptive effects of chronically infused i.v. oxycodone relative to that for i.v. morphine and 2) quantify the degree of antinociceptive cross-tolerance between morphine and oxycodone in adult male Dark Agouti (DA) rats. Antinociceptive testing was performed using the tail-flick latency test. Complete antinociceptive tolerance was achieved in 48 to 84 h after chronic infusion of equi-antinociceptive doses of i.v. oxycodone (2.5 mg/24 h and 5 mg/24 h) and i.v. morphine (10 mg/24 h and 20 mg/24 h, respectively). Dose-response curves for bolus doses of i.v. and i.c.v. morphine and oxycodone were produced in naive, morphine-tolerant, and oxycodone-tolerant rats. Consistent with our previous findings that oxycodone and morphine produce their intrinsic antinociceptive effects through distinctly different opioid receptor populations, there was no discernible cross-tolerance when i.c.v. oxycodone was given to morphine-tolerant rats. Similarly, only a low degree of cross-tolerance (approximate to 24%) was observed after i.v. oxycodone administration to morphine-tolerant rats. By contrast, both i.v. and i.c.v. morphine showed a high degree of cross-tolerance (approximate to 71% and approximate to 54%, respectively) in rats rendered tolerant to oxycodone. Taken together, these findings suggest that, after parenteral but not supraspinal administration, oxycodone is metabolized to a mu-opioid agonist metabolite, thereby explaining asymmetric and incomplete cross-tolerance between oxycodone and morphine.
Thirst was induced by rapid i.v. infusion of hypertonic saline (0.51 M at 13.4 ml/min). Ten humans were neuroimaged by positron-emission tomography (PET) and four by functional MRI (fMRI). PET images were made 25 min after beginning infusion, when the sensation of thirst began to enter the stream of consciousness. The fMRI images were made when the maximum rate of increase of thirst occurred. The PET results showed regional cerebral blood flow changes similar to those delineated when thirst was maximal. These loci involved the phylogenetically ancient areas of the brain. fMRI showed activation in the anterior wall of the third ventricle, an area that is key in the genesis of thirst but is not an area revealed by PET imaging. Thus, this region plays as major a role in thirst for humans as for animals. Strong activations in the brain with fMRI included the anterior cingulate, parahippocampal gyrus, inferior and middle frontal gyri, insula, and cerebellum. When the subjects drank water to satiation, thirst declined immediately to baseline. A precipitate decline in intensity of activation signal occurred in the anterior cingulate area (Brodmann area 32) putatively related to consciousness of thirst. The intensity of activation in the anterior wall of the third ventricle was essentially unchanged, which is consistent with the fact that a significant time (15-20 min) would be needed before plasma Na concentration changed as a result of water absorption from the gut.
Objective: To target antigen-loaded liposomes to myeloid APC in vivo for immunotherapy and to manipulate immune function through liposome composition. Method: Liposomes were loaded with ovalbumin, the lipophilic red fluorescent marker, DiI, with or without QuilA adjuvant then injected either i.v. or s.c. to naı¨ ve C57Bl/6 mice. Spleen, liver and draining LN were stained with MHC class II and various myeloid markers to determine the uptake of liposomes. Frozen sections of spleen and draining LN were stained with FITC-labeled mAb to determine which cells take up the liposomes. To determine the effect on OVA-specific T cell responses, liposomes were administered to Balb/c mice which received DO11.10 OVAspecific TCR transgenic T cells labelled with CFSE. Results: The DiI fluorescence was visualized in MHC class II+ macrophages and DC in draining lymph nodes after s.c. injection and in spleen and liver after i.v injection. Immunofluorescence microscopy shows liposome uptake in marginal zone macrophages and some DC in the T cell areas of the spleen after i.v. injection. Administration of ova-liposomes with or without QuilA stimulated a specific T cell response as measured by CFSE dilution. Conclusion: APC of liver, spleen and LN, and subsequent antigen presentation to T cells can be targeted for immunotherapy by the administration of liposomes encapsulating antigen and adjuvant. Varying the composition and routes of liposome administration is expected to alter the function of the targeted APC and the T cell response.
This report considers the rare situation in which primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS) is linked with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). It describes the case of a young lady with PAPS, characterized by recurring cerebro-vascular abnormalities and marked livedo reticularis, combined with circulating anticardiolipin and lupus anticoagulant antibodies. On follow-up, while on oral anticoagulation, she developed severe thrombocytopenia associated with hematuria, microangiophatic anaemia and neurological manifestations consistent with a diagnosis of TTP. The patient was treated with pulses of methylprednisolone and plasmapheresis with plasma exchange. The result was a favourable outcome. To our knowledge, this is the seventh report on this rare association in the English-language literature of this field. Lupus (2009) 18, 841-844.
P>We recently demonstrated that hypertonic saline reduces inflammation and mortality in acute pancreatitis. The present study investigated the effects of hypertonic saline in metalloproteinase (MMP) regulation and pancreatitis-associated hepatic injury. Wistar rats were divided into four groups: (i) control, not subjected to insult or treatment; (ii) no treatment (NT), induction of pancreatitis (retrograde infusion of 2.5% sodium taurocholate (1.0 mL/kg)), but no further treatment; (iii) normal saline (NS), induction of pancreatitis and treatment with normal saline (0.9% NaCl, 34 mL/kg, i.v. bolus, 1 h after the induction of pancreatitis); and (iv) hypertonic saline (HS), induction of pancreatitis and treatment with hypertonic saline (7.5% NaCl, 4 mL/kg administered over a period of 5 min, 1 h after the induction of pancreatitis). In all four groups, 4, 12 and 24 h after the induction of pancreatitis, liver tissue samples were assayed to determine levels of MMP-2, MMP-9, 47 kDa heat shock protein (HSP47) and collagen (Type I and III). Compared with the control group, MMP-9 expression and activity was increased twofold in the NS and NT groups 4 and 12 h after the induction of pancreatitis, but remained at basal levels in the HS group. In contrast, MMP-2 expression was increased twofold 12 h after the induction of pancreatitis only in the NS group, whereas the expression of HSP47 was increased 4 h after the induction of pancreatitis in the NS and NT groups. Greater extracellular matrix remodelling occurred in the NS and NT groups compared with the HS group, probably as a result of the hepatic wound-healing response to repeated injury. However, the collagen content in hepatic tissue remained at basal levels in the HS group. In conclusion, the results of the present study indicate that hypertonic saline is hepatoprotective and reduces hepatic remodelling, maintaining the integrity of the hepatic extracellular matrix during pancreatitis. Hypertonic saline-mediated regulation of MMP expression may have clinical relevance in pancreatitis-associated liver injury.
Background: Physical activity (PA) has proven benefits in the primary prevention of heart diseases such as heart failure (HF). Although it is well known, HF PA habits and physicians` advice have been poorly described. The aim of this study was to investigate if physicians were advising HF patients to exercise and to quantify patients` exercise profiles in a complex cardiology hospital. Methods: All 131 HF patients (80 male, average age 53 +/- 10 years, NYHA class I-V, left ventricular ejection fraction 35 +/- 11%, 35 ischemic, 35 idiopatic , 32 hypertensive and 29 with Chagas disease) went to the hospital for a HF routine check-up. On this occasion, after seeing the physician, we asked the patients if the physician had advised them about PA. Then, we asked them to fill in the international physical activity questionnaire (IPQA) Short Form to classify their PA level. Results: Our data showed a significant difference between patients who had received any kind of PA advice from physicians (36%) and those who had not (64%, p<0.0001). Using the IPAQ criteria, of the 36% of patients who had received advice, 12.4% were classified as low and 23.6% as moderate. Of the 64% of patients who did not receive advice, 26.8% were classified as lowand 37.2% as moderate. Etiology (except Chagas), functional class, ejection fraction, sex and age did not influence the PA profile. Conclusions: Physicians at a tertiary cardiology hospital were not giving patients satisfactory advice as to PA. Our data supports the need to strengthen exercise encouragement by physicians and for complementary studies on this area. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 2: 143-148)
Elevated concentrations of plasma tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6 have been detected in patients with alcoholic hepatitis and have been implicated in the pathogenesis of hepatocyte necrosis. The present study used a rat model to conduct a detailed histological and biochemical examination of the expression of various pro-inflammatory cytokines and associated liver pathology in ethanol-potentiated lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced liver injury. Male Wistar rats were pair-fed either the control or ethanol-containing (36% of caloric intake as ethanol) form of the Lieber-DeCarli liquid diet for 6 weeks. Liver injury was induced by the i.v. injection of LPS (1 mu g/g bodyweight), with animals being killed at O, 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h after injection. At the later time points, plasma transaminase and transpeptidase activities were significantly elevated in ethanol-fed LPS-treated rats compared with control-fed LPS-treated animals. At these times after LPS treatment, hepatocytes in ethanol-fed animals displayed fatty change and necrosis with an associated neutrophil polymorph infiltrate. Time course analysis revealed that plasma TNF-alpha (1-3 h post-LPS) and IL-6 (3 h post-LPS) bioactivity was significantly elevated in ethanol-fed compared with control-fed animals. No difference was seen in plasma IL-1 alpha concentration (maximal in both groups 6 h post-LPS). The expression of TNF-alpha, IL-1 alpha, IL-1 beta and IL-6 mRNA were elevated between 1 and 6 h post-LPS in the livers of both control and ethanol-fed rats. However, ethanol-fed LPS-treated animals exhibited significantly higher maximal expression of IL-1 and IL-6 mRNA. Comparison of the appearance of cytokine mRNA and plasma bioactivity indicated an effect of ethanol feeding on post-transcriptional processing and/or the kinetics of the circulating cytokines. Elevated levels of both hepatic cytokine mRNA expression and the preceding plasma cytokines are presumably a necessary prerequisite for hepatic injury seen in this model and, therefore, possibly for the damage seen in human alcoholics. Further studies using this model may lead to significant advances in our understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms of alcoholic liver disease in humans.
The present study compared the effects of early short-term with prolonged low-dose corticosteroid therapy in acute lung injury (ALI). In total, 120 BALB/c mice were randomly divided into five groups. In the control group, saline was intratracheally (i.t.) instilled. In the ALI group, mice received Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (10 mu g i.t.). ALI animals were further randomised into four subgroups to receive saline (0.1 mL i.v.) or methylprednisolone (2 mg center dot kg(-1) i.v.) at 6 h, 24 h or daily (for 7 days, beginning at day 1). At 1, 3 and 8 weeks, in vivo and in vitro lung mechanics and histology (light and electron microscopy), collagen and elastic fibre content, cytokines in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and the expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 and -2 were measured. In vivo (static elastance and viscoelastic pressure) and in vitro (tissue elastance and resistance) lung mechanics, alveolar collapse, cell infiltration, collagen and elastic fibre content and the expression of MMP-9 and MMP-2 were increased in ALI at 1 week. Methylprednisolone led to a complete resolution of lung mechanics, avoided fibroelastogenesis and the increase in the expression of MMP-9 and MMP-2 independent of steroid treatment design. Thus, early short-term, low-dose methylprednisolone is as effective as prolonged therapy in acute lung injury.
Background: The swine is an essential model for carrying out preclinical research and for teaching complex surgical procedures. There is a lack of experimental models describing anatomical and surgical aspects of total pancreatectomy in the pig. Materials and Methods: The experiments were performed on 10 white male swine weighing 27-33 kg. The animals were premedicated with midazolam (0.4 mg/kg, i.m.) and ketamine (4 mg/kg, i.m.). Anesthesia was induced with propofol (1-2 mg/kg, i.v.) and was maintained with propofol and fentanyl (0.3 mg and 0.1 mu g/kg/min, respectively, i.v.). The surgical period ranged from 44 to 77 min. The pancreas anatomy, and the main arterial, venous and pancreatic duct anatomy were assessed. Results: The pancreas anatomy was composed of 3 lobes, the `splenic`, `duodenal` and `connecting` lobe which is attached to the anterior portion of the portal vein. The splenic artery and the junction of the splenic vein and portal vein were divided. The left gastric artery was dissected and separated from its origin at the splenic artery. The head of the pancreas is disposed in a C shape. The pancreas was dissected and liberated from the right portion of the portal vein and the infrahepatic vena cava. The pancreas was separated from the duodenum preserving the pancreaticoduodenal artery, then we performed the total pancreatectomy preserving the duodenum, common bile duct and spleen. Conclusion: Total pancreatectomy with duodenum, bile duct and spleen preservation in the pig is feasible and an important instrument for research purposes and teaching surgical technique. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
The aim of the study was to characterize clinically and biochemically mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) heterozygotes. Fifty-two women at risk to be a carrier, with a mean age of 34.1 years (range 16-57 years), were evaluated through pedigree analysis, medical history, physical examination, measurement of iduronate sulfatase (IDS) activities in plasma and in leukocytes, quantification of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in urine, and analysis of the IDS gene. Eligibility criteria for the study also included being 16 years of age or older and being enrolled in a genetic counselling programme. The pedigree and DNA analyses allowed the identification of 40/52 carriers and 12/52 non-carriers. All women evaluated were clinically healthy, and their levels of urinary GAGs were within normal limits. Median plasma and leukocyte IDS activities found among carriers were significantly lower than the values found for non-carriers; there was, however, an overlap between carriers` and non-carriers` values. Our data suggests that MPS II carriers show lower plasma and leukocyte IDS activities but that this reduction is generally associated neither with changes in levels of urinary GAGs nor with the occurrence of clinical manifestations.
We report on the cardiovascular effects of L-glutamate (L-glu) microinjection into the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) as well as the mechanisms involved in their mediation. L-glu microinjection into the PVN caused dose-related pressor and tachycardiac responses in unanesthetized rats. These responses were blocked by intravenous (i.v.) pretreatment with the ganglion blocker pentolinium (PE; 5 mg/kg), suggesting sympathetic mediation. Responses to L-glu were not affected by local microinjection of the selective non-NMDA receptor antagonist NBQX (2 nmol) or by local microinjection of the selective NMDA receptor antagonist LY235959 (LY; 2 nmol). However, the tachycardiac response was changed to a bradycardiac response after treatment with LY235959, suggesting that NMDA receptors are involved in the L-glu heart rate response. Local pretreatment with LY235959 associated with systemic PE or dTyr(CH(2))(5)(Me)AVP (50 mu g/kg) respectively potentiated or blocked the response to L-glu, suggesting that L-glu responses observed after LY235959 are vasopressin mediated. The increased pressor and bradycardiac responses observed after LY + PE was blocked by subsequent i.v. treatment with the V(1)-vasopressin receptor antagonist dTyr(CH(2))(5)(Me)AVP, suggesting vasopressin mediation. The pressor and bradycardiac response to L-glu microinjection into the PVN observed in animals pretreated with LY + PE was progressively inhibited and even blocked by additional pretreatment with increasing doses of NBQX (2, 10, and 20 nmol) microinjected into the PVN, suggesting its mediation by local non-NMDA receptors. In conclusion, results suggest the existence of two glutamatergic pressor pathways in the PVN: one sympathetic pathway that is mediated by NMDA receptors and a vasopressinergic pathway that is mediated by non-NMDA receptors. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The diagonal band of Broca (DBB) is involved in cardiovascular control in rats, In the present Study, we report the effect of acute and reversible neurotransmission inhibition in the DBB by bilateral microinjection of the nonselective neurotransmission blocker CoCl(2) (1 mM, 100 nL) on the cardiac baroreflex response in unanesthetized rats. Local DBB neurotransmission inhibition did not affect baseline values of either blood pressure or heart rate, Suggesting no tonic DBB influence oil cardiovascular system activity. However, CoCl(2) microinjections enhanced both the reflex bradycardia associated with blood pressure increases caused by i.v. infusion of phenylephrine and tachycardiac response evoked by blood pressure decreases caused by i.v. infusion of sodium nitroprusside. An increase in baroreflex gain was also observed. Baroreflex returned to control values 60 min after CoCl(2) microinjections, confirming its reversible effect. In conclusion, our data suggest that synapses within DBB have a tonic inhibitory influence on both the cardiac parasympathetic and sympathetic components of the baroreflex. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BST) has a tonic modulating role on the baroreflex parasympathetic component. In the present study, we verified that local BST-adrenoceptors modulate baroreflex-evoked bradycardiac responses in unanesthetized rats. Bilateral microinjection of the selective alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist WB4101 (15 nmol/100 nL) into the BST increased the gain of reflex bradycardia in response to mean arterial pressure increases caused by intravenous (i.v.) infusion of phenylephrine, suggesting that BST alpha(1)-adrenoceptors modulate baroreflex bradycardiac response. Bilateral microinjection of either the selective alpha(2)-adrenoceptor antagonist RX821002 (15 nmol/100 nL) or the non-selective beta-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol (15 nmol/100 nL) into the BST had not affected baroreflex bradycardia. Animals were pretreated intravenously with the cholinergic muscarinic receptor antagonist homatropine methyl bromide (HMB, 1.5 mg/Kg) to test the hypothesis that activation of alpha(1)-adrenoceptors in the BST would modulate the baroreflex parasympathetic component. Baroreflex bradycardiac responses evoked before and after BST treatment with WB4101 were no longer different when rats were pretreated with HMB. These results suggest that parasympathetic activation accounts for the effects saw after BST pharmacological manipulation and ruling out the possibility of a sympathetic withdraw. In conclusion, our data point out that local alpha(1)-adrenoceptors mediate the BST tonic influence on the baroreflex bradycardiac response modulating parasympathetic cardiac activity. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.