981 resultados para neutral herbicide


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We present the results of a search for the flavor-changing neutral current decay Bs 0 → μ+ μ-. using a data set with integrated luminosity of 240 pb-1 of pp̄ collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV collected with the D0 detector in run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We find the upper limit on the branching fraction to be B(Bs 0 → μ+ π-) ≤ 5.0 × 10-7 at the 95% C.L. assuming no contributions from the decay Bd 0 → μ+ μ- in the signal region. This limit is the most stringent upper bound on the branching fraction Bs 0 → μ+ μ- to date. © 2005 The American Physical Society.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Data recorded by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider are analyzed to search for neutral Higgs bosons produced in association with b quarks. This production mode can be enhanced in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). The search is performed in the three b quark channel using multijet triggered events corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1fb-1. No statistically significant excess of events with respect to the predicted background is observed and limits are set in the MSSM parameter space. © 2008 The American Physical Society.


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We report on a first search for resonant pair production of neutral long-lived particles (NLLP) which each decay to a bb̄ pair, using 3.6fb-1 of data recorded with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We search for pairs of displaced vertices in the tracking detector at radii in the range 1.6-20cm from the beam axis. No significant excess is observed above background, and upper limits are set on the production rate in a hidden-valley benchmark model for a range of Higgs boson masses and NLLP masses and lifetimes. © 2009 The American Physical Society.


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We report results from a search for neutral Higgs bosons produced in association with b quarks using data recorded by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 7.3fb-1. This production mode can be enhanced in several extensions of the standard model (SM) such as in its minimal supersymmetric extension (MSSM) at high tan β. We search for Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs with one tau decaying to a muon and neutrinos and the other to hadrons. The data are found to be consistent with SM expectations, and we set upper limits on the cross section times branching ratio in the Higgs boson mass range from 90 to 320GeV/c2. We interpret our result in the MSSM parameter space, excluding tan β values down to 25 for Higgs boson masses below 170GeV/c2. © 2011 American Physical Society.


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First measurements of the azimuthal anisotropy of neutral pions produced in Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy of √sNN=2.76 TeV are presented. The amplitudes of the second Fourier component (v2) of the π0 azimuthal distributions are extracted using an event-plane technique. The values of v2 are studied as a function of the neutral pion transverse momentum (pT) for different classes of collision centrality in the kinematic range 1.6neutral pion anisotropies are found to be smaller than those observed by CMS for inclusive charged particles. © 2013 CERN.


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The results of a search for flavor changing neutral currents in top quark decays t→Zq in events with a topology compatible with the decay chain tt̄→Wb+Zq→ℓνb+ℓℓq are presented. The search is performed with a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb-1 of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. The observed number of events agrees with the standard model prediction and no evidence for flavor changing neutral currents in top quark decays is found. A t→Zq branching fraction greater than 0.21% is excluded at the 95% confidence level. © 2012 CERN.


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The thermal denaturation and aggregation of the HbGp, in the oxy- and cyanomet-forms, was investigated by DSC, AUC, DLS, optical absorption and CD, in the pH range from 5.0 to 7.0. Oxy-HbGp has a denaturation process partially reversible and dependent on the temperature. DSC melting curve is characterized by a single peak with Tc value of 333.4±0.2K for oxy-HbGp, while two peaks with Tc values of 332.2±0.1 and 338.4±0.2K are observed for cyanomet-HbGp, at pH 7.0. In acidic pH oxy- and cyanomet-HbGp are more stable showing higher Tc values and aggregation. AUC data show that, HbGp, at pH 7.0, upon denaturation, remains undissociated at 323K, presenting oligomeric dissociation at 333 (12±3% of tetramer and 88±5% of whole HbGp) and 343K (70±5% of monomer and 30±2% of trimer). DLS data show that the lag period before aggregation is dependent on the temperature and HbGp concentration. Optical absorption and CD results show that the increase of temperature leads to the oxy-HbGp oxidation and aggregation, above 331K, in acidic pH. CD data, for HbGp, present a greater thermal stability in acid medium than at neutral pH, with similar Tc values for both oxidation forms. Our data are consistent with previous studies and represents an advance in understanding the thermal stability of oligomeric HbGp structure. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Reactive species generated by Fe0 oxidation promoted by O2 (catalyzed or not by ligands) are able to degrade contaminant compounds like the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The degradation of 2,4-D was influenced by the concentrations of zero valent iron (ZVI) and different ligands, as well as by pH. In the absence of ligands, the highest 2,4-D degradation rate was obtained at pH 3, while the highest percentage degradation (50%) was achieved at pH 5 after 120 min of reaction. Among the ligands studied (DTPA, EDTA, glycine, oxalate, and citrate), only ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) significantly enhanced oxidation of 2,4-D. This increase in oxidation was observed at all pH values tested (including neutral to alkaline conditions), indicating the feasibility of the technique for treatment of contaminated water. In the presence of EDTA, the oxidation rate was greater at pH 3 than at pH 5 or 7. Increasing the EDTA concentration increased the rate and percentage of 2,4-D degradation, however increasing the Fe0 concentration resulted in the opposite behavior. It was found that degradation of EDTA and 2,4-D occurred simultaneously, and that the new methodology avoided any 2,4-D removal by adsorption/coprecipitation. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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One of the major problems in landscaping in tropics is weed management. The herbaceous ornamental plant, Tagetes erecta L. (Asteraceae), is very popular for its beautiful flowers which can be used in landscape and also as cut flowers. The increase use of this plant and lack of selective herbicides led to the objective of this study to evaluate the herbicide metribuzin selectivity for this ornamental plant. The experimental design was completely randomized using four treatments (herbicide metribuzin doses: 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 L ha-1, equivalent to 0, 240, 480 and 720 g ha-1) and five replicates. The herbicide was applied over the seedling of T. erecta as pre-emergence of the weed seeds. Evaluations were performed at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application (DAA) by visual analysis of the toxicity symptoms over the ornamental, using the European Weed Research Council (EWRC) scale (1 to 9), where 1 is the total absence of symptoms and 9 to death plants. Polynomial regression statistical analysis was used. It was verified that, from the dose of 1.0 L ha-1, T. erecta plants died by 14 DAA, which the most of them had presented a very strong toxicity symptom; for the 0.5 L ha-1 treatment the plants had survived until 28 DAA. However, most of them already exhibited the high toxicity level, dying at 35 DAA. Thus, metribuzin was not suitable for T. erecta even at the lowest rate tested in this study.


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A search is performed for heavy resonances decaying to two long-lived massive neutral particles, each decaying to leptons. The experimental signature is a distinctive topology consisting of a pair of oppositely charged leptons originating at a separated secondary vertex. Events were collected by the CMS detector at the LHC during pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV, and selected from data samples corresponding to 4.1 (5.1) fb-1 of integrated luminosity in the electron (muon) channel. No significant excess is observed above standard model expectations, and an upper limit is set with 95% confidence level on the production cross section times the branching fraction to leptons, as a function of the long-lived massive neutral particle lifetime. Copyright CERN.


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Measurements are presented of the production of primary KS0 and Λ particles in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV in the region transverse to the leading charged-particle jet in each event. The average multiplicity and average scalar transverse momentum sum of KS0 and Λ particles measured at pseudorapidities |η|<2 rise with increasing charged-particle jet pT in the range 1-10 GeV/c and saturate in the region 10-50 GeV/c. The rise and saturation of the strange-particle yields and transverse momentum sums in the underlying event are similar to those observed for inclusive charged particles, which confirms the impact-parameter picture of multiple parton interactions. The results are compared to recent tunes of the pythia Monte Carlo event generator. The pythia simulations underestimate the data by 15%-30% for KS0 mesons and by about 50% for Λ baryons, a deficit similar to that observed for the inclusive strange-particle production in non-single-diffractive proton-proton collisions. The constant strange- to charged-particle activity ratios with respect to the leading jet pT and similar trends for mesons and baryons indicate that the multiparton-interaction dynamics is decoupled from parton hadronization, which occurs at a later stage. © 2013 CERN, for the CMS Collaboration Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.


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.--I. Introduction.--II. Methodology for estimating greenhouse gas emissions.--III. The carbon footprint of ECLAC- Port-of-Spain.--IV. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: next steps


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)