904 resultados para neo-liberal governmentality
ABSTRACT In this article I explore whether liberal retributive justice should be conceived of either individualistically or holistically. I critically examine the individualistic account of retributive justice and suggest that the question of retribution – i.e., whether and when punishment of an individual is compatible with just treatment of that individual – must be answered holistically. By resorting to the ideal of sensitive reasons, a model of legitimacy at the basis of our best normative models of democracy, the article argues that in modern liberal democracies, punishment of an offender A for f is compatible with just treatment of A only if punishment of an individual for f can be legitimate in A's and A's fellow citizens' eyes. Only once retributive justice is understood in this holistic fashion the imposition of punishment can be made compatible with just treatment of individuals.
Esitys Ajankohtaista julkaisuarkistoista -seminaarissa 14.6.2012
No presente artigo, o autor se propõe a estudar em grandes traços a lógica de construção das identidades coletivas que se desenvolvem dentro dos grupos evangélicos neo- pentecostais. Para isso analisa a síntese entre religião, psicanálise e auto-ajuda que expressa o discurso de "sanidade interior", desenvolvido no marco de uma igreja evangélica, localizada em um setor de altos ingressos na Cidade de Buenos Aires, Argentina. A teoria da hegemonia de Ernesto Laclau lhe permite analisar o lugar que os significantes flutuantes ocupam no trabalho religioso de construir uma identidade ampla que se nutre de diferentes universos simbólicos no momento de interpelar os sujeitos a partir da teologia da sanidade.
The thalamus is an important modulator of seizures and is severely affected in cholinergic models of epilepsy. In the present study, chronically epileptic rats had their brains processed for neo-Timm and acetylcholinesterase two months after the induction of status epilepticus with pilocarpine. Both controls and pilocarpine-treated animals presented neo-Timm staining in the anterodorsal nucleus, laterodorsal nucleus, reticular nucleus, most intralaminar nuclei, nucleus reuniens, and rhomboid nucleus of the thalamus, as well as in the zona incerta. The intensity of neo-Timm staining was similar in control and pilocarpine-treated rats, except for the nucleus reuniens and the rhomboid nucleus, which had a lower intensity of staining in the epileptic group. In animal models of temporal lobe epilepsy, zinc seems to modulate glutamate release and to decrease seizure activity. In this context, a reduction of neo-Timm-stained terminals in the midline thalamus could ultimately result in an increased excitatory activity, not only within its related nuclei, but also in anatomical structures that receive their efferent connections. This might contribute to the pathological substrate observed in chronic pilocarpine-treated epileptic animals.
Yhdysvaltapainotteisen psykologisen tutkimuksen takia psykologiset testit on useimmiten laadittu englanniksi ja amerikkalaiseen kohdekulttuuriin, ja tästä syystä ne pitää kääntää ja adaptoida eurooppalaiseen kohdekulttuuriimme. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitä käännösstrategioita Costan ja McCraen (1992) NEO-PI-3-persoonallisuusmittarin suomen-, ruotsin- ja ranskankielisissä käännöksissä on käytetty. Kvalitatiivisessa tarkastelussa eri kieliversioissa esiintyneitä käännösratkaisuja vertailtiin Jan Pedersenin (2007; 2005) käännösstrategialuokitukseen perustuvan luokittelun avulla, jossa strategiat on jaettu lähde- ja kohdetekstiorientoituneisiin ratkaisuihin. Oletin tutkimushypoteesissani, että NEO-PI-3-persoonallisuusmittarin käännöksissä on käytetty enemmän kotouttavia eli kohdetekstiorientoituneita kuin vieraannuttavia eli lähdetekstiorientoituneita strategioita. Oletuksen vastaisesti tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että yleisimmin käytetty strategia oli lähdetekstiuskollinen suora käännös. Suomen- ja ruotsinkielisissä versioissa vieraannuttavia käännösratkaisuja esiintyi myös yhteenlaskettuna kotouttavia ratkaisuja useammin. Hypoteesia tuki kuitenkin tutkimustulos, jonka mukaan persoonallisuusmittarin ranskannoksessa kotouttavia strategioita oli käytetty vieraannuttavia ahkerammin. Yhteenvetona voi sanoa, että käytettyjen strategioiden kirjo oli laaja ja vaihteli tarkasteluun valitsemieni teemojen sisällä sekä kieliversioittain. Monenlaisilla käännösratkaisuilla voidaan saavuttaa käännös, joka on ekvivalentti ja toimiva uudessa kohdekulttuuriympäristössään. Kääntäjät kohdekielen ja -kulttuurin tuntijoina voivat tuoda psykologisten testimetodien kehittelyyn arvokasta asiantuntijuutta tarvittavan psykologisen tietämyksen lisäksi.
This paper makes a critical survey of some recent evolutionary economic literature dealing with industrial dynamics. Although the evolutionary models of industrial dynamics has explored the relationships among market structure and the innovation process within an analytical context that emphasize non-linearity, behavioral asymmetries and the existence of selective process in the competitive dynamics of markets, have been capable of offering compatible results with industrial organization stylized facts, a lot of limitations in technical change description pointed out have able to alter in a crucial way the results attained.
Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar duas maneiras de compreender a liberdade: a liberdade negativa do liberalismo, definida como a esfera do livre agir do indivíduo pela ausência de impedimentos externos, e que se norteia pelo paradigma jurídico dos direitos individuais; e a liberdade política do republicanismo, que se define como não-dominação e se orienta pelo paradigma das virtudes cívicas da cidadania. Um outro propósito consiste em mostrar que a oposição entre o ponto de vista jurídico-liberal e o republicanismo não está na aceitação ou na recusa da liberdade e dos direitos individuais. A divergência repousa, antes, sobre a maneira pela qual essa liberdade e direitos podem ser fundamentados: se pela via do individualismo e subjetivismo, que subordina a sociedade e o direito como instrumentos para a realização e proteção dos direitos individuais, ou pela via comunitarista e cívica. Desse modo, o conceito republicanismo de liberdade, sem abandonar a conquista liberal do pluralismo e da liberdade negativa, pode contribuir para uma efetiva ampliação e garantia dos princípios democráticos de uma sociedade moderna.
The present dissertation examined why people adopt or endorse certain political ideologies (i.e., liberal or conservative). According to a motivated social cognition perspective (Jost, Glaser, Kruglanski, & Sulloway, 2003a; Kruglansl
and the Australian Country Party since 1918. 2. The thesis examines the proposition that the role of a minor party is determined, not by its total strength expressed as a percentage of the national vote, but by how its strength is concentrated. Australia and Britain were chosen for the comparison because of the many similarities in political culture and in the extent of class voting. Each country has a party - the Country Party in Australia and the Liberal Party in Britain - which has had a distinct impact on the political scene in their respective countries. In the period from 1918 to the present day neither party, at the national level, has ever held the largest number of seats in parliament let alone a majority of seats, and it is in this sense that they are herein defined as minor parties. In the thesis the constitutional background of and differences between Australia and Britain are reviewed, followed by a brief historical picture of each of the two parties being studied. The sources of supporc of the two parties are analysed and it is here that real differences emerge. The Country Party in Australia is a deliberately sectional party with a narrow rural base, whereas the British Liberal Party is more broadly based than either the Labour or Conservative Parties in Britain. 3. Party leadership and organisation are then discussed. Both parties have had outstanding leaders, Earle Page and McEwen for the Country Party; Asquith, Lloyd George and Grimond for the Liberal Party. Both parties have had relatively fewer leaders than their major party opponents. However, whereas the Country Party has been free of serious splits the Liberal Party was shattered on the leadership struggles of Asquith and Lloyd George. Both parties have been identified with decentralisation of state power, the Country Party through its support, albeit sometimes lukewarm of the New States Movement; the Liberal Party through its espousal of a federal system for Britain with separate Welsh, Scottish and regional assemblies. Unfortunately for the British Liberal Party the beneficiaries of their policies in this area have been relatively new nationalist parties in both Wales arid Scotland. The major part of the thesis is devoted to a study of how the electoral systems in the two countries have, in practice, worked to the advantage or disadvantage of the Country Party and the British Liberal Party. The Country Party has been as consistently over-represented in the House of Representatives as the Liberal Party has been under-represented in the British House of Commons. With the even distribution of its support the introduction of the single transferable vote, in itself, would bring little benefit to the British Liberal Party in terms of seats. Multimember urban constituencies combined with some type of list system are the only way the Liberals are likely to obtain House of Commons seats in proportion to their votes. 4. Finally, the relations of the two minor parties with their respective major parties are considered. In the conclusion the future of the two parties is reviewed. In general terms it appears that the Country Party is faced with a slow decline. Although the British Liberal Party made a major breakthrough, in terms of votes, in the February 1974 election, they were unable to maintain this momentum in the October election, even though they lost very little ground. In the long term they must make an inroad into Labour held seats if they are to progress further.