994 resultados para mutilación genital femenina
Genital bleeding may be a common symptom among women with cervical cancer. Cross-sectional study evaluating whether the prevalence of cervical smear results is different in women with and without clinical information about concurrent genital bleeding. The sample consisted of 2 324 836 smears; of these, 0.4% had clinical information on genital bleeding. When stratified by age group, women with genital bleeding had a higher chance of a cytological result of a high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion [30-49 years odds ratio (OR) 2.38; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.60-3.53 and ≥50 years OR 6.30; 95%CI 3.72-10.67), of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (30-49 years OR 24.70; 95%CI 11.96-51.03 and ≥50 years OR 48.91; 95%CI 31.28-76.47) and of atypical glandular cells (30-49 years OR 5.72; 95%CI 3.30-9.93 and ≥50 years OR 11.56; 95%CI 5.96-22.45); there was also a higher chance of adenocarcinoma for women ≥50 years (OR 53.13; 95%CI 28.08-100.51). The sensitivity of genital bleeding for women aged 18-29 years was 0.4% for high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL); for women 30-49 years old the rate was 0.9% for HSIL, 8.6% for SCC and 2.1% for atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance (AGUS), while for women aged from 50 years or more the rates were 2.0% for HSIL, 13.7% for SCC, 3.6% for AGUS and 14.7% for adenocarcinoma. Women ≥30 years old with genital bleeding should be referred for colposcopy to rule out the possibility of cervical cancer.
The present study aimed at analyzing the persistence/recurrence of genital infections and its associated factors in HIV-infected women. Fifty-eight women treated for chlamydial infection, trichomoniasis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, and/or bacterial vaginosis (BV) and who had specimens collected for cure control up to one year after treatment were studied. Diagnoses were performed by the Gram staining method for cases of BV and candidiasis and by T. vaginalis culture and qualitative PCR for C. trachomatis. Antiretroviral therapy was used by 79.3% of patients, and 62.1% showed an undetectable HIV plasma load. The most frequent infection was BV with persistence/recurrence of 52.4%, which was associated with a longer time period between treatment and cure control (P = 0.0455), postmenopausal period (P = 0.0451), and having a steady partner (P = 0.007). Persistence/recurrence of vulvovaginal candidiasis was observed in 25%, trichomoniasis in 23.1%, and chlamydial infection in 10.5%. The letter was associated with inadequate treatment of the partner (P = 0.073) among patients with low T CD4 lymphocyte counts. The majority of women in the present study showed good HIV-infection control and a vulnerable sexual behavior, which stress the importance of maintaining gynecological followup.
Male capacity for spreading genes to a great number of descendents and to determine population dynamics depend directly on the genital organs. Morphological studies in pinnipeds are scarce and the functional meaning of some characteristics has never been discussed. We hypothesized that Arctocephalus australis (A. australis) shows morphophysiological adaptations in order to guarantee the perpetuation of the species in the unique annual mating season. Seven males, dead from natural causes, had their genital organs collected and fixed for morphological description. Some features differ from other described mammalian males and are closely related to the biology and reproductive cycle of this species, as the scrotal epidermis, absence of glandular portion in the ductus deferens and spermatogenic epithelium suggest a recrudescent testis period. The corona glandis exhibits a singular arrangement: its erectile border looks like a formation of petals and its association with the os penis gives a "lily-flower" form to this region. We propose the name margo petaliformis to this particular erectile border of the corona glandis because of its similarity to a flower corola. The male genital organs of A. australis show morphological features compatible with adaptation to environment requirements and reproductive efficiency.
The spotted paca is the second largest rodent in Brazil, where it is of great economic interestin impoverished regions in view of its prominence as a low-cost source of protein. Littleis known about the morphology of the accessory genital glands of this species. Thus, westudied the position and morphology of the genitals in ten adult male spotted pacas. Theanimals were divided into two groups, five animals were used for fixing of samples in 10%aqueous formaldehyde for macroscopic studies and the other five animals were designatedfor microscopic analysis. These were arranged in pairs and had the vesicular, prostate,coagulating and bulbourethral glands identified, being structured as mucous glands, whichlead into the pelvic urethra. It was concluded that the accessory genital glands found in thepaca are the same as those found in most rodents, showing similar histological aspects
Mujer y amor constituyen un binomio inseparable en los textos romancísticos. Conforme gana modernidad el género romancístico, el amor se vuelve más vulnerable y, al menos, desde la perspectiva de mujer, se generan recursos para paliar la desazón amorosa.
[ES] La integración de la mujer en la vida pública no puede estudiarse a partir de ejemplos heroizados (historiografía tradicionalista). Por ello pretendemos abordar un análisis riguroso de los parámetros socioeconómicos que condicionaron la vida de las mujeres en la Antigüedad, para concluir que su acceso al ámbito público, se producía, con el Cristianismo primitivo, a través de un comportamiento y formas masculinas, o bien se les negaba la posibilidad de ejecutar las prácticas rituales que eran exclusivas de los varones.
[ES] En este trabajo se analiza el Otro femenino en el Surrealismo canario y francés vehiculado a través del cuerpo en diéresis o desmembrado. La alteridad que establece la identidad femenina en el surrealismo se afirma y patentiza en la presencia del cuerpo de la mujer. Su representación truncada, cuerpo siempre ajeno en Occidente, se desgarra en herida para la conciencia, se simplifica y condensa en receptáculo de deseo o frustración.
[ES] La «llamada de África» supuso para Sección Femenina una estrategia de expansión y, en buena medida, de empoderamiento. La misión franquista colonial de españolización influyó en la construcción local del género de «provincias españolas» como Guinea y Sahara. Esta investigación etnográfica e histórica se centra en dicha estrategia «desarrollista» y modernizadora en ambas regiones de África, desvelando entre otros, el significativo contraste entre la extraordinaria riqueza de fuentes de archivo sobre las regiones africanas y la limitada producción de estudios publicados sobre la temática, aunque el interés en la materia ha despertado recientemente, incluidas las propias autoras del texto.
L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è analizzare la figura femminile all’interno della società spagnola durante la dittatura franchista oltre a capire quale trattamento hanno subito i testi a lei rivolti da parte della censura attuata in quel periodo. Dal punto di vista letterario, ho cercato di comprendere come venivano viste le scrittrici dell’epoca, se fossero discriminate e in che modo. Nel primo capitolo ho trattato in generale il tema della censura in Spagna cercando di descriverne il funzionamento prendendo in considerazione sia la letteratura nazionale che quella proveniente dall’estero. Il secondo capitolo è dedicato a un’analisi dettagliata della condizione femminile; ho centrato il discorso, in particolare, sullo stereotipo della donna perfetta secondo la concezione della dittatura: madre di famiglia e educatrice dei suoi figli, idea diffusa attraverso la manipolazione di libri per bambine affinché, fin da piccole, sapessero quale fosse il loro futuro. Il terzo ed ultimo capitolo è un riassunto dei due precedenti prendendo come punto di riferimento due scrittrici di quel periodo, Elena Fortún e Borita Casas. I loro libri più conosciuti, “Celia” e “Antoñita la Fantástica”, sono stati parecchio criticati dai censori e, nel caso della Fortún, ne è stata anche vietata la circolazione. Attraverso i loro testi è possibile avere una visione completa della società spagnola dell’epoca, il tutto grazie alle due piccole protagoniste che guardano la società in cui vivono non come delle bambine ma come delle adulte.