907 resultados para lesion density


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Translesion replication is carried out in Escherichia coli by the SOS-inducible DNA polymerase V (UmuC), an error-prone polymerase, which is specialized for replicating through lesions in DNA, leading to the formation of mutations. Lesion bypass by pol V requires the SOS-regulated proteins UmuD' and RecA and the single-strand DNA-binding protein (SSB). Using an in vitro assay system for translesion replication based on a gapped plasmid carrying a site-specific synthetic abasic site, we show that the assembly of a RecA nucleoprotein filament is required for lesion bypass by pol V. This is based on the reaction requirements for stoichiometric amounts of RecA and for single-stranded gaps longer than 100 nucleotides and on direct visualization of RecA-DNA filaments by electron microscopy. SSB is likely to facilitate the assembly of the RecA nucleoprotein filament; however, it has at least one additional role in lesion bypass. ATPgammaS, which is known to strongly increase binding of RecA to DNA, caused a drastic inhibition of pol V activity. Lesion bypass does not require stoichiometric binding of UmuD' along RecA filaments. In summary, the RecA nucleoprotein filament, previously known to be required for SOS induction and homologous recombination, is also a critical intermediate in translesion replication.


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Introduction Lesion detection in multiple sclerosis (MS) is an essential part of its clinical diagnosis. In addition, radiological characterisation of MS lesions is an important research field that aims at distinguishing different MS types, monitoring drug response and prognosis. To date, various MR protocols have been proposed to obtain optimal lesion contrast for early and comprehensive diagnosis of the MS disease. In this study, we compare the sensitivity of five different MR contrasts for lesion detection: (i) the DIR sequence (Double Inversion Recovery, [4]), (ii) the Dark-fluid SPACE acquisition schemes, a 3D variant of a 2D FLAIR sequence [1], (iii) the MP2RAGE [2], an MP-RAGE variant that provides homogeneous T1 contrast and quantitative T1-values, and the sequences currently used for clinical MS diagnosis (2D FLAIR, MP-RAGE). Furthermore, we investigate the T1 relaxation times of cortical and sub-cortical regions in the brain hemispheres and the cerebellum at 3T. Methods 10 early-stage female MS patients (age: 31.64.7y; disease duration: 3.81.9y; disability score, EDSS: 1.80.4) and 10 healthy controls (age and gender-matched: 31.25.8y) were included in the study after obtaining informed written consent according to the local ethic protocol. All experiments were performed at 3T (Magnetom Trio a Tim System, Siemens, Germany) using a 32-channel head coil [5]. The imaging protocol included the following sequences, (all except for axial FLAIR 2D with 1x1x1.2 mm3 voxel and 256x256x160 matrix): DIR (TI1/TI2/TR XX/3652/10000 ms, iPAT=2, TA 12:02 min), MP-RAGE (TI/TR 900/2300 ms, iPAT=3, TA 3:47 min); MP2RAGE (TI1/TI2/TR 700/2500/5000 ms, iPAT=3, TA 8:22 min, cf. [2]); 3D FLAIR SPACE (only for patient 4-6, TI/TR 1800/5000 ms, iPAT=2, TA=5;52 min, cf. [1]); Axial FLAIR (0.9x0.9x2.5 mm3, 256x256x44 matrix, TI/TR 2500/9000 ms, iPAT=2, TA 4:05 min). Lesions were identified by two experienced neurologist and radiologist, manually contoured and assigned to regional locations (s. table 1). Regional lesion masks (RLM) from each contrast were compared for number and volumes of lesions. In addition, RLM were merged in a single "master" mask, which represented the sum of the lesions of all contrasts. T1 values were derived for each location from this mask for patients 5-10 (3D FLAIR contrast was missing for patient 1-4). Results & Discussion The DIR sequence appears the most sensitive for total lesions count, followed by the MP2RAGE (table 1). The 3D FLAIR SPACE sequence turns out to be more sensitive than the 2D FLAIR, presumably due to reduced partial volume effects. Looking for sub-cortical hemispheric lesions, the DIR contrast appears to be equally sensitive to the MP2RAGE and SPACE, but most sensitive for cerebellar MS plaques. The DIR sequence is also the one that reveals cortical hemispheric lesions best. T1 relaxation times at 3T in the WM and GM of the hemispheres and the cerebellum, as obtained with the MP2RAGE sequence, are shown in table 2. Extending previous studies, we confirm overall longer T1-values in lesion tissue and higher standard deviations compared to the non-lesion tissue and control tissue in healthy controls. We hypothesize a biological (different degree of axonal loss and demyelination) rather than technical origin. Conclusion In this study, we applied 5 MR contrasts including two novel sequences to investigate the contrast of highest sensitivity for early MS diagnosis. In addition, we characterized for the first time the T1 relaxation time in cortical and sub-cortical regions of the hemispheres and the cerebellum. Results are in agreement with previous publications and meaningful biological interpretation of the data.


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We have previously reported (Dobreva, I., Waeber, G., Mooser, V., James, R. W., and Widmann, C. (2003) J. Lipid Res. 44, 2382-2390) that low density lipoproteins (LDLs) induce activation of the p38 MAPK pathway, resulting in fibroblast spreading and lamellipodia formation. Here, we show that LDL-stimulated fibroblast spreading and wound sealing are due to secretion of a soluble factor. Using an antibody-based human protein array, interleukin-8 (IL-8) was identified as the main cytokine whose concentration was increased in supernatants from LDL-stimulated cells. Incubation of supernatants from LDL-treated cells with an anti-IL-8 blocking antibody completely abolished their ability to induce cell spreading and mediate wound closure. In addition, fibroblasts treated with recombinant IL-8 spread to the same extent as cells incubated with LDL or supernatants from LDL-treated cells. The ability of LDL and IL-8 to induce fibroblast spreading was mediated by the IL-8 receptor type II (CXCR-2). Furthermore, LDL-induced IL-8 production and subsequent wound closure required the activation of the p38 MAPK pathway, because both processes were abrogated by a specific p38 inhibitor. Therefore, the capacity of LDLs to induce fibroblast spreading and accelerate wound closure relies on their ability to stimulate IL-8 secretion in a p38 MAPK-dependent manner. Regulation of fibroblast shape and migration by lipoproteins may be relevant to atherosclerosis that is characterized by increased LDL cholesterol levels, IL-8 production, and extensive remodeling of the vessel wall.


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The quantity of interest for high-energy photon beam therapy recommended by most dosimetric protocols is the absorbed dose to water. Thus, ionization chambers are calibrated in absorbed dose to water, which is the same quantity as what is calculated by most treatment planning systems (TPS). However, when measurements are performed in a low-density medium, the presence of the ionization chamber generates a perturbation at the level of the secondary particle range. Therefore, the measured quantity is close to the absorbed dose to a volume of water equivalent to the chamber volume. This quantity is not equivalent to the dose calculated by a TPS, which is the absorbed dose to an infinitesimally small volume of water. This phenomenon can lead to an overestimation of the absorbed dose measured with an ionization chamber of up to 40% in extreme cases. In this paper, we propose a method to calculate correction factors based on the Monte Carlo simulations. These correction factors are obtained by the ratio of the absorbed dose to water in a low-density medium □D(w,Q,V1)(low) averaged over a scoring volume V₁ for a geometry where V₁ is filled with the low-density medium and the absorbed dose to water □D(w,QV2)(low) averaged over a volume V₂ for a geometry where V₂ is filled with water. In the Monte Carlo simulations, □D(w,QV2)(low) is obtained by replacing the volume of the ionization chamber by an equivalent volume of water, according to the definition of the absorbed dose to water. The method is validated in two different configurations which allowed us to study the behavior of this correction factor as a function of depth in phantom, photon beam energy, phantom density and field size.


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The objective of this work was to compare the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using lesion scrapping with other conventional techniques for the diagnosis of the American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL). For this, patients with cutaneous lesions suspected to be ATL were studied. The DNA was amplified with the MP1L/MP3H primers. From the 156 studied patients, 79 (50.6%) presented positive parasite direct search (PD), 81 (51.9%) had positive Montenegro skin test (MST), and 90 (57.7%) presented PD and/or MST positive. The PCR was positive in all of the positive-PD patients (100% sensitivity), in 91.1% of the positive PD and/or MST patients, and in 27.3% of the patients that presented negative PD and positive MST. The PCR positivity was similar to the PD (P = 0.2482) and inferior to the MST (P = 0.0455), and to the PD/MST association (P = 0.0133). The high PCR sensitivity, and positivity in those cases where the PD was negative, highlights the importance of this technique as an auxiliary tool for the diagnosis of ATL.


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Purpose: EEG is mandatory in the diagnosis of the epilepsy syndrome. However, its potential as imaging tool is still under estimated. In the present study, we aim to determine the prerequisites of maximal benefit of electric source imaging (ESI) to localize the irritative zone in patients with focal epilepsy. Methods: One hundred fifty patients suffering from focal epilepsy and with minimum 1 year postoperative follow-up were studied prospectively and blinded to the underlying diagnosis. We evaluated the influence of two important factors on sensitivity and specificity of ESI: the number of electrodes (low resolution, LR-ESI: <30 versus high resolution, HR-ESI: 128-256 electrodes), and the use of individual MRI (i-MRI) versus template MRI (t-MRI) as the head model. Findings: ESI had a sensitivity of 85% and a specificity of 87% when HR-ESI with i-MRI was used. Using LR-ESI, sensitivity decreased to 68%, or even 57% when only t-MRI was available. The sensitivity of HR-ESI/i-MRI compared favorably with those of MRI (76%), PET (69%) and ictal/interictal SPECT (64%). Interpretation: This study on a large patient group shows excellent sensitivity and specificity of ESI if 128 EEG channels or more are used for ESI and if the results are coregistered to the patient's individual MRI. Localization precision is as high as or even higher than established brain imagery techniques. HR-ESI appears to be a valuable additional imaging tool, given that larger electrode arrays are easily and rapidly applied with modern EEG equipment and that structural MRI is nearly always available for these patients.


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Pantomimes of object use require accurate representations of movements and a selection of the most task-relevant gestures. Prominent models of praxis, corroborated by functional neuroimaging studies, predict a critical role for left parietal cortices in pantomime and advance that these areas store representations of tool use. In contrast, lesion data points to the involvement of left inferior frontal areas, suggesting that defective selection of movement features is the cause of pantomime errors. We conducted a large-scale voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping analyses with configural/spatial (CS) and body-part-as-object (BPO) pantomime errors of 150 left and right brain-damaged patients. Our results confirm the left hemisphere dominance in pantomime. Both types of error were associated with damage to left inferior frontal regions in tumor and stroke patients. While CS pantomime errors were associated with left temporoparietal lesions in both stroke and tumor patients, these errors appeared less associated with parietal areas in stroke than in tumor patients and less associated with temporal in tumor than stroke patients. BPO errors were associated with left inferior frontal lesions in both tumor and stroke patients. Collectively, our results reveal a left intrahemispheric dissociation for various aspects of pantomime, but with an unspecific role for inferior frontal regions.


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Background: The prevalence of a low bone mineral density (T-score <-1 SD) in postmenopausal women with a fragility fracture may vary from 70% to less than 50%. In one study (Siris ES. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:1108-12), the prevalence of osteoporosis was very low at 6.4%. The corresponding values in men are rarely reported. Methods: In a nationwide Swiss survey, all consecutive patients aged 50+ presenting with one or more fractures to the emergency ward, were recruited by 8 participating hospitals (University Hospitals: Basel, Bern, and Lausanne; cantonal hospitals: Fribourg, Luzern, and St Gallen; regional hospitals: Estavayer and Riaz) between 2004 and 2006. Diagnostic workup was collected for descriptive analysis. Results: 3667 consecutive patients with a fragility fracture, 2797 women (73.8 ± 11.6 years) and 870 men (70.0 ± 12.1 years), were included. DXA measurement was performed in 1152 (44%) patients. The mean of the lowest T-score values was -2.34 SD in women and -2.16 SD in men. In the 908 women, the prevalence of osteoporosis and osteopenia according to the fracture type was: sacrum (100%, 0%), rib (100%, 0%), thoracic vertebral (78%, 22%), femur trochanter (67%, 26%), pelvis (66%, 32%), lumbar vertebral (63%, 28%), femoral neck (53%, 34%), femur shaft (50%, 50%), proximal humerus (50%, 34%), distal forearm (41%, 45%), tibia proximal (41%, 31%), malleolar lateral (28%, 46%), malleolar median (13%, 47%). The corresponding percentages in the 244 men were: distal forearm (70%, 19%), rib (63%, 11%), pelvis (60%, 20%), malleolar median (60%, 32%), femur trochanter (48%, 31%), thoracic vertebral (47%, 53%), lumbar vertebral (43%, 36%), proximal humerus (40%, 43%), femoral neck (28%, 55%), tibia proximal (26%, 36%), malleolar lateral (18%, 56%). Conclusion: The probability of underlying osteoporosis or osteopenia in men and women aged 50+ who experienced a fragility fracture was beyond 75% in fractures of the sacrum, pelvis, spine, femur, proximal humerus and distal forearm. The medial and lateral malleolar fractures had the lowest predictive value in women, not in men.


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The detection of Leishmania spp. in skin lesion aspirates, using a puncture technique, was evaluated in 76 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) who were referred to a Leishmaniasis Reference Centre in Brazil. CL was defined based on skin lesions suggestive of the disease and on a positive result of the Montenegro skin test or Giemsa-stained imprints of biopsy fragments. The aspirates were cultured using a vacuum tube device containing culture medium and evaluated for the presence of Leishmania spp. The biphasic medium culture was examined once a week for three weeks. Promastigotes were observed in 53/76 (69.7%) cultures. Stained smears from 60 of the 76 patients were evaluated using PCR-RFLP to detect the conserved minicircle region of Leishmania spp. and to classify the parasite. Of these patients, 45 (75%) showed positive results in aspirate culture and 15 presented negative results. The PCR was positive in 80% (53/60) samples. The PCR-RFLP profile was determined in 49 samples, of which 45 (92%) showed a pattern compatible with Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. The aspirate culture is a sensitive and feasible method for diagnosing CL and may be routinely adopted by health services for L. (V.) braziliensis isolation and identification.


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Functional Data Analysis (FDA) deals with samples where a whole function is observedfor each individual. A particular case of FDA is when the observed functions are densityfunctions, that are also an example of infinite dimensional compositional data. In thiswork we compare several methods for dimensionality reduction for this particular typeof data: functional principal components analysis (PCA) with or without a previousdata transformation and multidimensional scaling (MDS) for diferent inter-densitiesdistances, one of them taking into account the compositional nature of density functions. The difeerent methods are applied to both artificial and real data (householdsincome distributions)


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Bihar, India has been in the grip of kala-azar for many years. Its rampant and severe spread has made life miserable in most parts of the state. Such conditions require a comprehensive understanding of this affliction. The numbers coming out of the districts prone to the disease in the north and south Ganges have provided us with several startling revelations, as there are striking uniformities on both sides, including similar vegetation, water storage facilities, house construction and little change in risk factors. The northern areas have been regularly sprayed with DDT since 1977, but eradication of the disease appears to be a distant dream. In 2007 alone, there were as many as 37,738 cases in that region. In contrast, the southern districts of Patna and Nalanda have never had the disease in its epidemic form and endemic disease has been present in only some pockets of the two districts. In those cases, two rounds of spraying with DDT had very positive results, with successful control and no new established foci. In addition, an eleven-year longitudinal study of the man hour density and house index for the vector Phlebotomus argentipes demonstrated that they were quite high in Patna and Nalanda and quite low in north Bihar. Given these facts, an attempt has been made to unravel the role of P. argentipes saliva (salivary gland) in the epidemiology of kala-azar. It was determined that patchy DDT spraying should be avoided for effective control of kala-azar.


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In the present paper, we evaluate the relationship between climate variables and population density of Lutzomyia longipalpis in Montes Claros, an area of active transmission of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) in Brazil. Entomological captures were performed in 10 selected districts of the city, between September 2002-August 2003. A total of 773 specimens of L. longipalpiswere captured in the period and the population density could be associated with local climate variables (cumulative rainfall, average temperature and relative humidity) through a mathematical linear model with a determination coefficient (Rsqr) of 0.752. Although based on an oversimplified statistical analysis, as far as the vector is concerned, this approach showed to be potentially useful as a starting point to guide control measures for AVL in Montes Claros.


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Compositional data analysis motivated the introduction of a complete Euclidean structure in the simplex of D parts. This was based on the early work of J. Aitchison (1986) and completed recently when Aitchinson distance in the simplex was associated with an inner product and orthonormal bases were identified (Aitchison and others, 2002; Egozcue and others, 2003). A partition of the support of a random variable generates a composition by assigning the probability of each interval to a part of the composition. One can imagine that the partition can be refined and the probability density would represent a kind of continuous composition of probabilities in a simplex of infinitely many parts. This intuitive idea would lead to a Hilbert-space of probability densitiesby generalizing the Aitchison geometry for compositions in the simplex into the set probability densities